Anyone Trying Whey Protein For Weight Loss?



  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    edited January 2015
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    Whey Protein actually will help you loose weight because it's turns off your hunger and cravings and revs up your metabolism and there is research that backs that up. I understand calories have to be accounted for but since I started drinking Whey Protein in the morning I am no longer hungry throughout the day and have lost all my cravings for junk food and sugar. I've only joined MFP for a little over a week but my next weigh in that I use for this app is tomorrow and I already know I've lost at least 5 lbs this week with minimal effort. So my interest is in others that are using it first thing in the morning before they eat and how it is working for them.

    Yes Moderator, this can be true. Excessive protein intake will lead you to feeling fuller longer. Therefore, the only conclusion is one would not eat in excess of anything else due to the protein excessive intake.

    The real contributor to calories against BMR is net carbs + fat. If you add up your net carbs + fat and it's below BMR on a consistent basis, then you have found your magic bullet. That's true CICO - but the peeps on here that say otherwise don't get it.

    I will flat out tell ya that I ingested in total calories much more than BMR plus activity in losing 50#. However, if you add up my net carb + fat, then work against BMR + activity (TDEE in essence), then you would find I was ingesting less "calories" as energy that potentially can be converted to fat. Hence the weight loss - and 100% of the weight loss was fat. Eating excessive protein was part of that dynamic.

    You made a great point and contribution to the forum. It is conceivable that you can ingest more protein over the long run and lose weight. It's about figuring out the dynamic on it.

    I find it humorous to the point of comical that people think it's so simple to just say CICO and that's all you need to do. Not true - not all calories are made the same. Unfortunately, MFP is a CICO-based site. They can't think otherwise.



    But really, no.

    Yep that's true. The only form of storable energy in your body comes from two sources - carbs and fat. Protein doesn't store. The body processes what it needs and then discards the rest as waste. That happens through your kidneys and inevitably your colon.

    That's it. There's no other way to look at it. Please find for me an article stating that pure protein stores as fat. I would love to read it.

    Do me a favor. Google "gluconeogenesis." Read what it is. Quite simply, if your body is just eliminating protein, you have a pretty serious medical condition going on and should probably get to an emergency room. It's called kidney failure, because one of the jobs of your kidneys is to make sure that protein is recycled back into the body for use and storage, and not eliminated as waste.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    I don't really know why, but this seems fitting here. Booyah?

    I like mine better...except I wish it could be edited to be holding some protein powder...

  • SoThisIsthe40s
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    edited January 2015
    You need to read the article I just posted. Funny, that's not how it works. Your body utilizes energy to process protein - so not all protein can be stored nor is it ever stored. If you ingest more of carbs/fat over the long run - and past BRM +activity = TDEE - then it's possible it will. But it can't if you are below it on net carbs + fat. Period.
    It takes a whole 0.23 calories to process 1 calorie of protein. Compared to 0.15 calories to process 1 calorie of carbohydrates. Yeah, that 0.08 calorie difference is a whole lot of energy, let me tell you. :huh: for every 100 grams of carbohydrates you replace with 100 grams of protein, you burn a whole extra 32 calories. Man, the weight should fall right off! Its a whole 0.06 pounds per week in weight loss!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.


    I lol'd
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    They need to sticky these kinds of threads, to avoid the same crap being posted every day/week/month.
  • SoThisIsthe40s
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.

    You might consider searching women only groups or creating one yourself. This is a public forum and consuming whey protein in terms that you are asking about isn't any different between the sexes.
  • SoThisIsthe40s

    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.

    You might consider searching women only groups or creating one yourself. This is a public forum and consuming whey protein in terms that you are asking about isn't any different between the sexes.

    Thanks, I already asked in a womens group and it wasn't very active so I thought I would ask in a larger group so more people would see it.... Lucky me!
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.

    You might consider searching women only groups or creating one yourself. This is a public forum and consuming whey protein in terms that you are asking about isn't any different between the sexes.

    Thanks, I already asked in a womens group and it wasn't very active so I thought I would ask in a larger group so more people would see it.... Lucky me!

    You should ask in the female section of
  • SoThisIsthe40s
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    Study showing better fat loss and lbm protection with whey powder against control, with similar amount of weight lost, confirmed by DEXA scan. RMR determined by indirect caliometry. 500 calorie deficit for both groups, so the calories in the diet resulted in a defacto higher deficit, even though the same amount of calories vis-a-vis TDEE was consumed - not all calories were equally processed by the body.
    Weight, waist, and composition matched subjects ate freely, supplemented by either whey, soy, or carb twice a day. Whey subjects lost .9 kgs and weighed 1.8kg less, (and 2.3 kg fat mass less) than carb group after 6 mths, and had smaller waist measurements. Soy subjects maintained weight, and carb group gained .9 kgs. Subjects on soy protein ate about 90 more calories a day than those on carb. Subjects on whey ate 10 more calories a day than those on carb. Study indicates that different types of protein may have different impacts on hunger and energy balance.

    Whey has an established advantage in preserving lean mass and enhancing fat loss during weight loss. Other proteins may be as effective, but that has yet to be shown in empirical research. Whether or not using whey, having enough high-quality protein can improve saiety/decrease hunger, and protect lean mass during calorie restriction.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    In the hypothetically dumb situation that someone wanted to live off whey protein, the body would convert some protein to glucose to MAKE THE BRAIN FUNCTION (as well as other organs). CBF finding the article but it's on Lyle McDonald's site. Approximately 100g of glucose required for the average person to function. If your carbs are lower than this, your body will convert other macros to glucose.

    This doesn't account for the minimum amount of fat required for hormonal health, cell membrane health etc.

    As others have said, whey protein is a supplement. Seeing as how many people use it to bulk up (as well as cut) it seems pretty clear to me that there is nothing magical about it for weight loss.

    And no body is arguing that TEF is not higher with protein. That is simply part of the calories "out" equation.