Anyone Trying Whey Protein For Weight Loss?



  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Let me help you out with that.
    Just pretend I have a mangina. It puts the scoop in the bottle !
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    edited January 2015
    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.

    Okay, I am a woman who uses whey protein to get my protein numbers up. I do not find it any more satiating than eating eggs or chicken and don't find I lose more weight when I take it as opposed to eating something else.

    Veteran MFPers are arguing with you because there are too many people out there chasing magic pills and miracle foods and getting discouraged. Your post made it sound like whey protein is "a magic pill", and they want to make sure newbies reading the post didn't take that as fact.

    I'm glad whey protein helps you lose weight, but that's not how it works for me.
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    If it keeps you from getting hungry or overeating then it's great. Everyone responds differently to it though. Whey protein didn't do much for me, because I was still hungry after drinking it, so I gave it up.

    Weight loss is simply calories in, versus calories out. Everyone needs to find the foods that satisfy the hunger without adding a lot of unnecessary calories. Mine was Peanut Butter, it helped me get to my goal because it calmed the hunger pangs.
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    chrisdavey wrote: »
    In the hypothetically dumb situation that someone wanted to live off whey protein, the body would convert some protein to glucose to MAKE THE BRAIN FUNCTION (as well as other organs). CBF finding the article but it's on Lyle McDonald's site. Approximately 100g of glucose required for the average person to function. If your carbs are lower than this, your body will convert other macros to glucose.

    This doesn't account for the minimum amount of fat required for hormonal health, cell membrane health etc.

    As others have said, whey protein is a supplement. Seeing as how many people use it to bulk up (as well as cut) it seems pretty clear to me that there is nothing magical about it for weight loss.

    And no body is arguing that TEF is not higher with protein. That is simply part of the calories "out" equation.

    Some whey protein comes with carbs and fats (it isn't all isolate), but just eating whey protein is a pretty bad idea.

    Actually, you only need about 30 g carbs to run the brain (it can run mostly on ketones, or other energy sources), and the body can convert glycerol (byproduct of ketosis, among other things) into about 20 grams of glucose a day. So, going under 10 grams of carbs a day pretty much guarrantees the body will convert some protein into carbs to meet the brain's requirements. If the protein doesn't come from food intake, the body will attack the muscles to meet the need. Malnutrition/starvation regardless of how many calories are consumed.

    There is a minimum amount of fat required for the body, especially the essential fatty acids that the body is not able to synthesize from it's own stores. Not meeting that requirement results in malnutrition, regardless of how many calories are consumed. And of course, anyone not eating enough quality protein is starving themselves, even in a calorie surplus. What you eat matters.

    Part of the reason one's TDEE is so hard to determine precisely is reactions like TEF. TEF is not consistent across entire macro categories, or between processed and unprocessed foods, and is probably impacted by the combination of food that has been eaten. Some foods, like dairy and fiber, can bind to other foods, causing them to go throught the digestive system without being metabolized by the body, with unpredictable results. Eaten calories may be significantly higher than bio-available calories (as much as 10% of calories eaten). Figuring out what to eat to lose "x" amount of weight while meeting fitness goals and not going crazy with hunger, can take a bit of experimenting.
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
  • zipa78
    zipa78 Posts: 354 Member
    Whey Protein actually will help you loose weight because it's turns off your hunger and cravings and revs up your metabolism and there is research that backs that up. I understand calories have to be accounted for but since I started drinking Whey Protein in the morning I am no longer hungry throughout the day and have lost all my cravings for junk food and sugar. I've only joined MFP for a little over a week but my next weigh in that I use for this app is tomorrow and I already know I've lost at least 5 lbs this week with minimal effort. So my interest is in others that are using it first thing in the morning before they eat and how it is working for them.

    Yes Moderator, this can be true. Excessive protein intake will lead you to feeling fuller longer. Therefore, the only conclusion is one would not eat in excess of anything else due to the protein excessive intake.

    The real contributor to calories against BMR is net carbs + fat. If you add up your net carbs + fat and it's below BMR on a consistent basis, then you have found your magic bullet. That's true CICO - but the peeps on here that say otherwise don't get it.

    I will flat out tell ya that I ingested in total calories much more than BMR plus activity in losing 50#. However, if you add up my net carb + fat, then work against BMR + activity (TDEE in essence), then you would find I was ingesting less "calories" as energy that potentially can be converted to fat. Hence the weight loss - and 100% of the weight loss was fat. Eating excessive protein was part of that dynamic.

    You made a great point and contribution to the forum. It is conceivable that you can ingest more protein over the long run and lose weight. It's about figuring out the dynamic on it.

    I find it humorous to the point of comical that people think it's so simple to just say CICO and that's all you need to do. Not true - not all calories are made the same. Unfortunately, MFP is a CICO-based site. They can't think otherwise.



  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Hey, I'm a woman.
    I use Whey protein powder.
    Whey does not makes me lose weight.
    A calorie deficit does.
    /end thread.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Hey, I'm a woman.
    I use Whey protein powder.
    Whey does not makes me lose weight.
    A calorie deficit does.
    /end thread.

    People use protein powder while they are bulking, maintaining or losing.

  • SoThisIsthe40s
    kyta32 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
    Thank you and exactly... I was asking if anyone uses Whey Protein just like I would say does anybody eat Healthy Choice. I'm not saying it's a cure all I'm saying I'm finding when I drink one protein shake a day of Isopure first thing when I wake up that I am finding I am less hungry and my cravings have stopped and I am able to take in less calories and still feel good because of that. I don't eat protein shakes all day I'm simply drinking one and adding it to my daily calorie count. I know everybody is not the same so that is why I was asking for people who were doing the same thing as I was just simply interested in their results and wanted to follow them on here and be supportive and see if it was working for them. I also just weighed myself for the week and I lost yet again another 5 lbs using whey protein in my diet so I'm really not here to argue if it will help you with weight loss because I am doing it and it's working. It works for me and I am happy and I am sorry that these people that have started a huge argument over it can't just be happy that something is working for someone else.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    kyta32 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
    Thank you and exactly... I was asking if anyone uses Whey Protein just like I would say does anybody eat Healthy Choice. I'm not saying it's a cure all I'm saying I'm finding when I drink one protein shake a day of Isopure first thing when I wake up that I am finding I am less hungry and my cravings have stopped and I am able to take in less calories and still feel good because of that. I don't eat protein shakes all day I'm simply drinking one and adding it to my daily calorie count. I know everybody is not the same so that is why I was asking for people who were doing the same thing as I was just simply interested in their results and wanted to follow them on here and be supportive and see if it was working for them. I also just weighed myself for the week and I lost yet again another 5 lbs using whey protein in my diet so I'm really not here to argue if it will help you with weight loss because I am doing it and it's working. It works for me and I am happy and I am sorry that these people that have started a huge argument over it can't just be happy that something is working for someone else.

    If you are consistently losing 5lbs a week you are either extremely overweight or severely restricting your calories which isn't healthy.

    Whey doesn't help you magically lose extra weight. As has been reiterated it's just a useful way to increase your protein intake which may make you feel less hungers.

    You still need to eat a healthy amount of food.

    Someone link the sexypants thread please. I can't I'm on my phone.
  • SoThisIsthe40s
    kyta32 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
    Thank you and exactly... I was asking if anyone uses Whey Protein just like I would say does anybody eat Healthy Choice. I'm not saying it's a cure all I'm saying I'm finding when I drink one protein shake a day of Isopure first thing when I wake up that I am finding I am less hungry and my cravings have stopped and I am able to take in less calories and still feel good because of that. I don't eat protein shakes all day I'm simply drinking one and adding it to my daily calorie count. I know everybody is not the same so that is why I was asking for people who were doing the same thing as I was just simply interested in their results and wanted to follow them on here and be supportive and see if it was working for them. I also just weighed myself for the week and I lost yet again another 5 lbs using whey protein in my diet so I'm really not here to argue if it will help you with weight loss because I am doing it and it's working. It works for me and I am happy and I am sorry that these people that have started a huge argument over it can't just be happy that something is working for someone else.

    If you are consistently losing 5lbs a week you are either extremely overweight or severely restricting your calories which isn't healthy.

    Whey doesn't help you magically lose extra weight. As has been reiterated it's just a useful way to increase your protein intake which may make you feel less hungers.

    You still need to eat a healthy amount of food.

    Someone link the sexypants thread please. I can't I'm on my phone.
    I absolutely understand what you are saying and my calorie intake is around 900-1000 a day. I eat the shake for breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and a snack and I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day oh yeah and my coffee :). I understand that is low for calories but right now I feel perfectly fine there because I am just not hungry because of the Whey (which I was always hungry before the whey) and if I start to not feel fine with those calories I will take in more calories for sure. I'm not afraid of calories I am just not hungry now. My goal of loosing weight isn't that far away but I will continue even after that with the whey because it does help me balance my eating and my cravings. I feel 100% better since I started using it.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    kyta32 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
    Thank you and exactly... I was asking if anyone uses Whey Protein just like I would say does anybody eat Healthy Choice. I'm not saying it's a cure all I'm saying I'm finding when I drink one protein shake a day of Isopure first thing when I wake up that I am finding I am less hungry and my cravings have stopped and I am able to take in less calories and still feel good because of that. I don't eat protein shakes all day I'm simply drinking one and adding it to my daily calorie count. I know everybody is not the same so that is why I was asking for people who were doing the same thing as I was just simply interested in their results and wanted to follow them on here and be supportive and see if it was working for them. I also just weighed myself for the week and I lost yet again another 5 lbs using whey protein in my diet so I'm really not here to argue if it will help you with weight loss because I am doing it and it's working. It works for me and I am happy and I am sorry that these people that have started a huge argument over it can't just be happy that something is working for someone else.

    If you are consistently losing 5lbs a week you are either extremely overweight or severely restricting your calories which isn't healthy.

    Whey doesn't help you magically lose extra weight. As has been reiterated it's just a useful way to increase your protein intake which may make you feel less hungers.

    You still need to eat a healthy amount of food.

    Someone link the sexypants thread please. I can't I'm on my phone.
    I absolutely understand what you are saying and my calorie intake is around 900-1000 a day. I eat the shake for breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and a snack and I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day oh yeah and my coffee :). I understand that is low for calories but right now I feel perfectly fine there because I am just not hungry because of the Whey (which I was always hungry before the whey) and if I start to not feel fine with those calories I will take in more calories for sure. I'm not afraid of calories I am just not hungry now. My goal of loosing weight isn't that far away but I will continue even after that with the whey because it does help me balance my eating and my cravings. I feel 100% better since I started using it.

    I guess if the end goal is to watch your hair fall out, this plan will work?

  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    kyta32 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
    Thank you and exactly... I was asking if anyone uses Whey Protein just like I would say does anybody eat Healthy Choice. I'm not saying it's a cure all I'm saying I'm finding when I drink one protein shake a day of Isopure first thing when I wake up that I am finding I am less hungry and my cravings have stopped and I am able to take in less calories and still feel good because of that. I don't eat protein shakes all day I'm simply drinking one and adding it to my daily calorie count. I know everybody is not the same so that is why I was asking for people who were doing the same thing as I was just simply interested in their results and wanted to follow them on here and be supportive and see if it was working for them. I also just weighed myself for the week and I lost yet again another 5 lbs using whey protein in my diet so I'm really not here to argue if it will help you with weight loss because I am doing it and it's working. It works for me and I am happy and I am sorry that these people that have started a huge argument over it can't just be happy that something is working for someone else.

    If you are consistently losing 5lbs a week you are either extremely overweight or severely restricting your calories which isn't healthy.

    Whey doesn't help you magically lose extra weight. As has been reiterated it's just a useful way to increase your protein intake which may make you feel less hungers.

    You still need to eat a healthy amount of food.

    Someone link the sexypants thread please. I can't I'm on my phone.
    I absolutely understand what you are saying and my calorie intake is around 900-1000 a day. I eat the shake for breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and a snack and I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day oh yeah and my coffee :). I understand that is low for calories but right now I feel perfectly fine there because I am just not hungry because of the Whey (which I was always hungry before the whey) and if I start to not feel fine with those calories I will take in more calories for sure. I'm not afraid of calories I am just not hungry now. My goal of loosing weight isn't that far away but I will continue even after that with the whey because it does help me balance my eating and my cravings. I feel 100% better since I started using it.


    This is a terrible plan calorie wise, hunger doesn't mean you are eating enough or getting enough nutrients in. If you're not afraid of calories eat more. You'll be losing a crapton of muscle at this rate. Whey or not.

    Please read this.
  • SoThisIsthe40s
    MrM27 wrote: »
    kyta32 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
    Thank you and exactly... I was asking if anyone uses Whey Protein just like I would say does anybody eat Healthy Choice. I'm not saying it's a cure all I'm saying I'm finding when I drink one protein shake a day of Isopure first thing when I wake up that I am finding I am less hungry and my cravings have stopped and I am able to take in less calories and still feel good because of that. I don't eat protein shakes all day I'm simply drinking one and adding it to my daily calorie count. I know everybody is not the same so that is why I was asking for people who were doing the same thing as I was just simply interested in their results and wanted to follow them on here and be supportive and see if it was working for them. I also just weighed myself for the week and I lost yet again another 5 lbs using whey protein in my diet so I'm really not here to argue if it will help you with weight loss because I am doing it and it's working. It works for me and I am happy and I am sorry that these people that have started a huge argument over it can't just be happy that something is working for someone else.

    If you are consistently losing 5lbs a week you are either extremely overweight or severely restricting your calories which isn't healthy.

    Whey doesn't help you magically lose extra weight. As has been reiterated it's just a useful way to increase your protein intake which may make you feel less hungers.

    You still need to eat a healthy amount of food.

    Someone link the sexypants thread please. I can't I'm on my phone.
    I absolutely understand what you are saying and my calorie intake is around 900-1000 a day. I eat the shake for breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and a snack and I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day oh yeah and my coffee :). I understand that is low for calories but right now I feel perfectly fine there because I am just not hungry because of the Whey (which I was always hungry before the whey) and if I start to not feel fine with those calories I will take in more calories for sure. I'm not afraid of calories I am just not hungry now. My goal of loosing weight isn't that far away but I will continue even after that with the whey because it does help me balance my eating and my cravings. I feel 100% better since I started using it.

    Now Iunderstand why you are getting so upset with me for stating facts when you insist on wearing blinders about how things work, you're hungry. 900-1000 calories a day is a terrible idea. There is no way you are getting proper nutrition. Feeling fine is not a good indicator you you are doing things right. 1 moment you feel fine then next you're not. And then you have problems on your hands you could have avoided.

    Feel free to get made at me for chiming in again because I'm a man. Like it or not, I'm Right.

    Lol ok then.... I'm not hungry as I just stated. I'm a female and I don't need as many calories as you so especially if you lift weights. But I'm done arguing with you. You can feel anyway you want about it. it doesn't change the fact that it is helping me. I don't recommend that people use the same calorie intake as I do. I eat that now because that's what I feel good eating right now and I am sure it will go up eventually but stay maintained. My daily diet includes egg white, grilled chicken, bread, veggies, turkey meat, nuts and fruits etc. I'm not starving and I feel good. I'm so over this whey argument so you have a good day.
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    Whey is useful to folks who are cutting because it helps them increase their protein intake without adding too many calories from other stuff. It is particularly useful to women, as they generally have far fewer daily calories to work with. Additionally some people are better able to stick with their diet with these shake, for a variety of reasons.

    Beyond that, whey is no different than other protein sources.

    Meet your calorie goals
    Get enough protein
    Get enough fat
    Get enough carbs to fuel your daily activities
    Satisfy your micronutrient requirements

    All successful diet protocols fit into the above, whether it's directly addressing or improving your adherance to those items.
  • Iron_Feline
    Iron_Feline Posts: 10,750 Member
    edited January 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    kyta32 wrote: »
    PikaKnight wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    You people that are arguing over my post on Whey Protein are a new kind of ridiculous if you read my actual post I wasn't asking for advice I stated "I am interested in following other women who are using it and seeing how the results are working for them" so unless you are a woman and using Whey Protein then your comments are totally irrelevant to this post and just for the record I may be new to MFP but I am in no way new to fitness. I never said there was a magic weight loss pill although Whey isn't a pill and in all regards there are lots of magic weight loss pills they just aren't good for your health. I also stated Whey helps me feel full and I don't have craving anymore so I was looking for WOMEN who have the same result or to see if their result was different after trying it. I'm very sorry I hurt all you men's feelings who take Whey and think your now going to lose weight and have to become defensive. I wasnt talking to you to begin with. Thanks for the support of those who get what I am saying.

    Lol. Awwwww, she thinks she sets the rules around here.

    You may have stated what you did in your OP but that doesn't negate that you made some pretty frivolous claims.

    Also, in for magic weight loss pills.

    I didn't know there were rules to even be set around here. I thought I could ask to talk to women about whey without you getting all up in my business. Sad that you can't go on social media without people wanting to argue for no reason and over things that don't affect them at all. Truth be told you're not concerned about this post you simply like to argue as it must make you feel superior in some way. Here's some facts for you and why I am interested in the results of other WOMEN who are trying it.
    The first study funded by the company promoting the product. Seems impartial. Also weight loss was basically the same while muscle "retention" wasn't even 1 lb. More protein helps preserve lbm? Revolutionary. You read all 150 pages?

    The second study funded by the diary industry. Once again, very impartial I see. Same results as the first. And if you didn't notice there were men in that study. I thought you only were talking about women?

    Don't play the "trying to be superior because I'm a woman" card. Gender does not apply when corrected false claims.

    It's obvious to me that you will argue about anything so I am done. The facts are there and thats why I am interested. I am interested on the effects in women because I am a woman although I don't have to explain myself to you. I am not interested however in your nonsense any longer. I have better things to do. Go "try" to pick on someone else I see you do a lot of that in this group by your other post to other people. Get over yourself and move along and get a real life outside of MFP.

    This isn't a group, though. It's a public forum. Not sure what you mean you see him do that a lot in the group.

    Also, I don't think the insult was necessary, especially as what he's saying in regards to protein is still valid.

    I think some great advice for you in this regard, is to stop trying to restrict what information you take away by gender and instead really see what is being said.

    I think she was asking for female friends to add who are using the same weight loss technique as she is, so they can compare notes. Kinda like a "anyone else doing keto?" post. Lots of people have gender preferences in friends, it is more about focusing than restricting information. There's just some things that women experience that men don't (and vice versa).
    Thank you and exactly... I was asking if anyone uses Whey Protein just like I would say does anybody eat Healthy Choice. I'm not saying it's a cure all I'm saying I'm finding when I drink one protein shake a day of Isopure first thing when I wake up that I am finding I am less hungry and my cravings have stopped and I am able to take in less calories and still feel good because of that. I don't eat protein shakes all day I'm simply drinking one and adding it to my daily calorie count. I know everybody is not the same so that is why I was asking for people who were doing the same thing as I was just simply interested in their results and wanted to follow them on here and be supportive and see if it was working for them. I also just weighed myself for the week and I lost yet again another 5 lbs using whey protein in my diet so I'm really not here to argue if it will help you with weight loss because I am doing it and it's working. It works for me and I am happy and I am sorry that these people that have started a huge argument over it can't just be happy that something is working for someone else.

    If you are consistently losing 5lbs a week you are either extremely overweight or severely restricting your calories which isn't healthy.

    Whey doesn't help you magically lose extra weight. As has been reiterated it's just a useful way to increase your protein intake which may make you feel less hungers.

    You still need to eat a healthy amount of food.

    Someone link the sexypants thread please. I can't I'm on my phone.
    I absolutely understand what you are saying and my calorie intake is around 900-1000 a day. I eat the shake for breakfast, a snack, lunch, a snack, dinner and a snack and I drink 8-10 glasses of water a day oh yeah and my coffee :). I understand that is low for calories but right now I feel perfectly fine there because I am just not hungry because of the Whey (which I was always hungry before the whey) and if I start to not feel fine with those calories I will take in more calories for sure. I'm not afraid of calories I am just not hungry now. My goal of loosing weight isn't that far away but I will continue even after that with the whey because it does help me balance my eating and my cravings. I feel 100% better since I started using it.

    Now Iunderstand why you are getting so upset with me for stating facts when you insist on wearing blinders about how things work, you're hungry. 900-1000 calories a day is a terrible idea. There is no way you are getting proper nutrition. Feeling fine is not a good indicator you you are doing things right. 1 moment you feel fine then next you're not. And then you have problems on your hands you could have avoided.

    Feel free to get made at me for chiming in again because I'm a man. Like it or not, I'm Right.

    Lol ok then.... I'm not hungry as I just stated. I'm a female and I don't need as many calories as you so especially if you lift weights. But I'm done arguing with you. You can feel anyway you want about it. it doesn't change the fact that it is helping me. I don't recommend that people use the same calorie intake as I do. I eat that now because that's what I feel good eating right now and I am sure it will go up eventually but stay maintained. My daily diet includes egg white, grilled chicken, bread, veggies, turkey meat, nuts and fruits etc. I'm not starving and I feel good. I'm so over this whey argument so you have a good day.

    Unless you're 4'2 you need more than 900-1000 calories a day.

    Since I'm a woman maybe you'll listen to me?