SUPERBOWL - How Will You Get Through It?

Hi everyone. I was listening to the radio and they were saying that for new dieters that started for the New Year, the Superbowl is the biggest challenge they have. They said that during the Superbowl alone, the average person consumes more than 2100 calories! My family is big into the Superbowl and having the pizza, wings, queso & guac, along with any other junk snacks. I'm already try to plan for how I will eat (or not). Are any of you also planning ahead on how to handle Superbowl parties and snacks? What are your plans to try to stay on top of your calories and goals?


  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    It's disgusting... Call me a jerk but I take great pleasure in snacking on my healthy options while others scarf down endless amounts of fried wings, buffalo dip, pizza, chips, garbage! Ugh! I don't want nor do I crave that kind of stuff any longer. And the physical pain of eating it is not even worth a bite! I think about where I used to be... along side them eating and drinking excessive calories... and I think about how I used to feel. Fat, tired, bloated, run down, sore, low energy, little motivation. Then I think about how I feel now which is miles away from and a thousand times better. My friends are big into the Superbowl as well, I personally couldn't care less but... I go with the flow. For the last game we had friends over to my place and I told them to bring whatever snacks they liked. I made a big veggie platter with healthy dip and a big fruit bowl. I also made a healthy Paleo chili that they loved! I didn't touch anything they brought. This time we are going to their house. Again I plan to bring a bunch of healthy snacks. I actually don't go anywhere without my own healthy snacks and/or meals. Anyway, it's not really so much of a challenge for me any longer so this maybe didn't help much. BTW, I do live in New England so yeah... Go Pats (I guess). I'd rather be boxing :smiley:
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    The same things I do every other day.

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    How will I get through it? By going into work and picking up the dumbass drinks who can't navigate their way home and dropping them off in the ER. By breaking up family fueds, watching morons get stitches after fighting and banging my head against the wall because of all the dumb people that call 911 for chest pain after downing several dozen spicy wings.
  • rides4sanity
    rides4sanity Posts: 1,269 Member
    Run/Exercise in the morning and enjoy smaller portions of your favorite foods. I also tend to use maintenance calories that day... No loss, but no gain. Well the next few days there may be a gain, but once your food ummm, processes through you should be good to go.
  • hilaria81
    hilaria81 Posts: 84 Member
    I'll try to eat lighter and work out elsewhere in the day, indulge a bit for Superbowl, and get back on track the next day! Shouldn't be a big deal. I was so nervous about getting way out of control during it last year, but it turned out to be fine.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Probably with the grill and copious amounts of beer.

    Pretty normal.
  • zombiemusicgirl
    zombiemusicgirl Posts: 98 Member
    There's a couple of things I am having, a few beers, chicharron and korean chicken. Other than that it's all fruit and veggies for me!
    I think this is one of those times when you've been going hard all month (I've been doing whole30 and my last day is Saturday lol) and you want a break. It's the first opportunity to dip the toe in the proverbial waters of "small indulgences in moderation." A scary concept for me no doubt. But I know what I really want, and I will keep it to that.
    For me, the hardest thing is my friends. I never realized how wholly pushy they can be when it comes to going out drinking and eating junk food. But I've made it a whole month without any intentional slip ups - so as long as I make a plan, I think I will be ok.
    - Good luck, and go whatever team people want to win!
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    It's disgusting... Call me a jerk but I take great pleasure in snacking on my healthy options while others scarf down endless amounts of fried wings, buffalo dip, pizza, chips, garbage! Ugh! I don't want nor do I crave that kind of stuff any longer. And the physical pain of eating it is not even worth a bite! I think about where I used to be... along side them eating and drinking excessive calories... and I think about how I used to feel. Fat, tired, bloated, run down, sore, low energy, little motivation. Then I think about how I feel now which is miles away from and a thousand times better. My friends are big into the Superbowl as well, I personally couldn't care less but... I go with the flow. For the last game we had friends over to my place and I told them to bring whatever snacks they liked. I made a big veggie platter with healthy dip and a big fruit bowl. I also made a healthy Paleo chili that they loved! I didn't touch anything they brought. This time we are going to their house. Again I plan to bring a bunch of healthy snacks. I actually don't go anywhere without my own healthy snacks and/or meals. Anyway, it's not really so much of a challenge for me any longer so this maybe didn't help much. BTW, I do live in New England so yeah... Go Pats (I guess). I'd rather be boxing :smiley:

    I don't think I've actually ate garbage before. You've actually seen it?
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    With lots of yelling, screaming, lots of chips, dip and buffalo wings...

    But it fits into my calories though! Bummer..
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    by enjoying all sorts of good food! I am in the camp of enjoy the moment and the party. i dont eat like that everyday and once in a blue moon isnt going to hurt anything! we are having a taco bar, chips and salsa, booze and desserts.

    GO HAWKS !!!!!!!!!!!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    It's disgusting... Call me a jerk but I take great pleasure in snacking on my healthy options while others scarf down endless amounts of fried wings, buffalo dip, pizza, chips, garbage! Ugh! I don't want nor do I crave that kind of stuff any longer. And the physical pain of eating it is not even worth a bite! I think about where I used to be... along side them eating and drinking excessive calories... and I think about how I used to feel. Fat, tired, bloated, run down, sore, low energy, little motivation. Then I think about how I feel now which is miles away from and a thousand times better. My friends are big into the Superbowl as well, I personally couldn't care less but... I go with the flow. For the last game we had friends over to my place and I told them to bring whatever snacks they liked. I made a big veggie platter with healthy dip and a big fruit bowl. I also made a healthy Paleo chili that they loved! I didn't touch anything they brought. This time we are going to their house. Again I plan to bring a bunch of healthy snacks. I actually don't go anywhere without my own healthy snacks and/or meals. Anyway, it's not really so much of a challenge for me any longer so this maybe didn't help much. BTW, I do live in New England so yeah... Go Pats (I guess). I'd rather be boxing :smiley:

    Bad relationship with food.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm failing to see the significant difference between this and any other daily temptation one may or may not have.

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It's not a big food day for me. I'll probably have some pizza and a Coke and that's it.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    Drink so much you forget to log? Monday morning you can pretend it never happened and get back on the wagon. :)
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Well, my team didn't make it in, so I'm a little sad about that :( . But other than that, I will still enjoy the commercials, the half-time show, and put my support for "whoever" can beat the Pats (I don't care for "that" other team, so I shall not utter their name, but alas, I hate them less than NE).

    Oh, and food? I will be eating all the buffalo wings and onion rings, and maybe a couple beers. I "saved" up a 100 calories/day this week (ate slightly under each day)--I will have 600 extra calories in "play" to indulge in all the yummy stuff with ZERO guilt.

    Same game plan I had for Memorial Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. I eat responsibly under goal so I can have "extra" whatever I want for special days--and it has worked brilliantly for me.
  • mygnsac
    mygnsac Posts: 13,413 Member
    I don't care about football, but with other events that involve food I usually just go with the flow and watch my portion sizes. A single day/event should not affect the overall trend. I do well with 80/20.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    By having the same nachos I always have. I have to remember to pick up the cheese beforehand. I can fit them into my day, so why change anything other than the portion size?
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    If you are afraid of mindlessly nibbling on calorie-dense foods during the game, make sure there is a veggie platter on hand for the kind of snacking that you don't notice is happening....and, periodically, fix yourself a plate with the foods that you truly enjoy...just make sure you are eating it mindfully. A delicious plate of hot wings is only "bad food" if you don't take the time to enjoy it!

    If I'm paying attention to the game, I like to knit or spindle spin or do something else to keep my fingers busy. During breaks or social eating times, I join in, but try to fill my plate with lower-calorie options like veggies or chili. I don't deny myself food I actually like, I just make sure I extract the maximum amount of eating pleasure per calorie. If the wings go cold or the hot dogs are limp, I pass and save room for other goodies.