

  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Confession: We are taking my son in law out for his birthday dinner tonight, he wants seafood. We will go to Joe's Crab Shack at his request. I do not like most seafood but Crab legs! Yes! I do not care what the calories add up to, I will have the fries and hushpuppies and maybe even some dessert.

    OMG - are you in the Portland/Vancouver area? Cuz that is fabulous! I've never been to Joe's Crabshack, but have always wanted to try it.

    Oh wait... that restaurant is a chain, isn't it? And here I was thinking the only one anywhere is in Vancouver, WA. HA! /embarrassed grin

    I'm in Pullman, no one else confessed to being northwesterners, so I might be the closest to you.

    Well hi!! I passed through Pullman last weekend for a family wedding in Colton. Pretty area!!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    lxsaps wrote: »
    I just had about 5 bites of Carrot Cake and I feel terrible about it.
    I almost doubled my calorie goal yesterday (but still at a deficit for the last 7 days.) Don't beat yourself up, log it and move on. At least you didn't eat the whole cake!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Confession: We are taking my son in law out for his birthday dinner tonight, he wants seafood. We will go to Joe's Crab Shack at his request. I do not like most seafood but Crab legs! Yes! I do not care what the calories add up to, I will have the fries and hushpuppies and maybe even some dessert.

    OMG - are you in the Portland/Vancouver area? Cuz that is fabulous! I've never been to Joe's Crabshack, but have always wanted to try it.

    Oh wait... that restaurant is a chain, isn't it? And here I was thinking the only one anywhere is in Vancouver, WA. HA! /embarrassed grin

    I'm in Pullman, no one else confessed to being northwesterners, so I might be the closest to you.

    Well hi!! I passed through Pullman last weekend for a family wedding in Colton. Pretty area!!

    I do love the Palouse! Colton, huh? Are you a Druffel? I'm sometimes sad about the small size of Pullman, then I'm glad that I'm not in Colton, or Uniontown, or Garfield or any of the other assorted 500-person towns around here.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    edited June 2015
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I need someone to talk me out of going to Dairy Queen to use my B1G1F Blizzard!! My husband won't be home until late so if I go, I will end up eating probably 1.75 of the 2 because my son won't eat much of his. And no, I can't throw it away or save until tomorrow or any of that nonsense...

    Nooooo! Don't do it! I won't if you won't! HONOR SYSTEM!!! lol
    Thanks to all who talked me off the ledge!
    I didn't do it! Instead, I had 2 Betty Crocker Warm Delights Minis Molten Chocolate cakes! 300 calories for both...way better than the almost 2000 that I would have eaten if I'd gone to DQ!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    peleroja wrote: »
    Second day in a row we've had a reception with fancy apps and desserts at work. I had to escape this one early because I didn't think I had the willpower in me after yesterday's successful resistance.

    Everything was all goat-cheese and stuff-with-fancy-sauce-pipettes and triple-layer-cake. Cruel, really. I love hors d'oeurves a lot.

    I hightailed it out of there on the heels of the resident vegan and hoped no one noticed.

    Very strong-willed of you! I would have eaten ALL the foods... sigh.

    I wanted to. And it got worse when the events team called me after I posted that and asked if I had a second to come help them pack up the leftovers...

    But I was tough and I wrapped some up for my husband but didn't eat any. I'm really sick of the little fat roll that's been at the top of my waistband since my wedding and getting rid of that is more important than goat-cheesy-almondy-balsamicy-sundriedtomatoey goodness. Just barely.

    Sometimes I really can't decide if I prefer fitting into my clothes or eating, though.

    I really need to start strength training so the answer can be a bit more of both, but I haaaaaaate it. Alas.

  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Confession: We are taking my son in law out for his birthday dinner tonight, he wants seafood. We will go to Joe's Crab Shack at his request. I do not like most seafood but Crab legs! Yes! I do not care what the calories add up to, I will have the fries and hushpuppies and maybe even some dessert.

    OMG - are you in the Portland/Vancouver area? Cuz that is fabulous! I've never been to Joe's Crabshack, but have always wanted to try it.

    Oh wait... that restaurant is a chain, isn't it? And here I was thinking the only one anywhere is in Vancouver, WA. HA! /embarrassed grin

    I'm in Pullman, no one else confessed to being northwesterners, so I might be the closest to you.

    Well hi!! I passed through Pullman last weekend for a family wedding in Colton. Pretty area!!

    I do love the Palouse! Colton, huh? Are you a Druffel? I'm sometimes sad about the small size of Pullman, then I'm glad that I'm not in Colton, or Uniontown, or Garfield or any of the other assorted 500-person towns around here.

    Nope, not a Druffel. The wedding was for my husband's cousin and it was outside. AND SO HOT. OMG. But it was a good time!

    I grew up in a small farming town in Oregon, so I tend to prefer being in the country. But after living in the city for so many years now, I would have a very hard time giving up all the conveniences I've grown accustomed to here and the more socially liberal attitude of the city.
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    Confession: When I started gaining weight a little over a year ago, I still insisted on cramming myself into pants that were quickly becoming too small. The fact of the "too smallness" of the pants was confirmed when the button closing the top shot off them when I tried to refasten them after using the restroom. On the bright side, I was alone in the bathroom, so there were no witnesses. On the down side, well... my button had /rage quit my pants.

    Confession #2: I don't know how to sew a button.

    Confession #3: I kept the defective pants.

    Confession #4: I am now able to wear these pants comfortably again (heck they are EVEN MORE COMFY without the button... ha!), but they are loose. They need a fastener.

    Confession #5: I "borrowed" a binder clip from the office supply cabinet at work to fasten my pants. :wink:
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Confession: We are taking my son in law out for his birthday dinner tonight, he wants seafood. We will go to Joe's Crab Shack at his request. I do not like most seafood but Crab legs! Yes! I do not care what the calories add up to, I will have the fries and hushpuppies and maybe even some dessert.

    OMG - are you in the Portland/Vancouver area? Cuz that is fabulous! I've never been to Joe's Crabshack, but have always wanted to try it.

    Oh wait... that restaurant is a chain, isn't it? And here I was thinking the only one anywhere is in Vancouver, WA. HA! /embarrassed grin

    I'm in Pullman, no one else confessed to being northwesterners, so I might be the closest to you.

    Well hi!! I passed through Pullman last weekend for a family wedding in Colton. Pretty area!!

    I do love the Palouse! Colton, huh? Are you a Druffel? I'm sometimes sad about the small size of Pullman, then I'm glad that I'm not in Colton, or Uniontown, or Garfield or any of the other assorted 500-person towns around here.

    Nope, not a Druffel. The wedding was for my husband's cousin and it was outside. AND SO HOT. OMG. But it was a good time!

    I grew up in a small farming town in Oregon, so I tend to prefer being in the country. But after living in the city for so many years now, I would have a very hard time giving up all the conveniences I've grown accustomed to here and the more socially liberal attitude of the city.

    It's been crazy hot for us here - but I assume the same is true for Portland, our definitions of summer heat are just a little different. I'm definitely not a big city girl - I can't handle the traffic. I did grad school at Ohio State and Columbus metro is surprisingly large - almost 2 million. I lived close to campus so I didn't have to deal with traffic, but I think my love of the city would have been reduced if I had to drive in from one of the suburbs. I'd prefer a middle ground size-wise, but at least with Pullman I do get some of the socially liberal benefits.
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Well, I skimmed most of the pages I missed, I'm back now. Lots of work travel the past few weeks.

    I'm a little freaked out this week, I'm going in for a colonoscopy on Thursday. Fun prep day tomorrow.
    No, I'm not old enough for it to be needed, but there is a TON of colon cancer in my family, so I'm being safe.

    I missed commenting on a ton of things, but just know that I care deeply and I'm going to try to do a better job of keeping up even when I'm on the road.

    I am way behind on all my checkups. I put myself on the back burner while my kid got treatment, so now I get to play catch up on all those check ups which probably needs to include a colonoscopy too. Lots of fun the rest of the year for me!

    Oh yeah, fun times. Next up is a mammogram. And then, I get to start with the dentist. Ugh.

    I'm behind on my dentist appointments (about a year and half since I last went). I actually don't mind going, I've never had a cavity so it's usually an OK experience, but for some reason I dread making the appointment. I think it's fear that at some point I'm likely to have a cavity and drills and needles in my mouth freak me out.

    I just had my first cavity ever :( Going to have it filled on July scared.

    Bummer.... might I suggest laying off the Half Baked? :wink: *runs & hides*

    Haha not my precious ice cream!! But you're probably correct :(
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Just sharing today's shoes for my fellow shoe freaks.1eug3u31mhhs.jpg

    ETA the cuts on my feet are from another pair of shoes I wore the other day!!!

    They're beautiful!
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Confession: We are taking my son in law out for his birthday dinner tonight, he wants seafood. We will go to Joe's Crab Shack at his request. I do not like most seafood but Crab legs! Yes! I do not care what the calories add up to, I will have the fries and hushpuppies and maybe even some dessert.

    OMG - are you in the Portland/Vancouver area? Cuz that is fabulous! I've never been to Joe's Crabshack, but have always wanted to try it.

    Oh wait... that restaurant is a chain, isn't it? And here I was thinking the only one anywhere is in Vancouver, WA. HA! /embarrassed grin

    I'm in Pullman, no one else confessed to being northwesterners, so I might be the closest to you.

    Well hi!! I passed through Pullman last weekend for a family wedding in Colton. Pretty area!!

    I do love the Palouse! Colton, huh? Are you a Druffel? I'm sometimes sad about the small size of Pullman, then I'm glad that I'm not in Colton, or Uniontown, or Garfield or any of the other assorted 500-person towns around here.

    Nope, not a Druffel. The wedding was for my husband's cousin and it was outside. AND SO HOT. OMG. But it was a good time!

    I grew up in a small farming town in Oregon, so I tend to prefer being in the country. But after living in the city for so many years now, I would have a very hard time giving up all the conveniences I've grown accustomed to here and the more socially liberal attitude of the city.

    It's been crazy hot for us here - but I assume the same is true for Portland, our definitions of summer heat are just a little different. I'm definitely not a big city girl - I can't handle the traffic. I did grad school at Ohio State and Columbus metro is surprisingly large - almost 2 million. I lived close to campus so I didn't have to deal with traffic, but I think my love of the city would have been reduced if I had to drive in from one of the suburbs. I'd prefer a middle ground size-wise, but at least with Pullman I do get some of the socially liberal benefits.

  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member

    A little OHIO pride for y'all <3:*
  • LBuehrle8
    LBuehrle8 Posts: 4,044 Member
    Will someone come to Ohio to chain my cabinets and refrigerator shut? Oh and I need my mouth sewn shut too, thanks!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »

    A little OHIO pride for y'all <3:*

    That is fabulous!!
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Will someone come to Ohio to chain my cabinets and refrigerator shut? Oh and I need my mouth sewn shut too, thanks!

  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    TigerNY128 wrote: »
    @TigerNY128 is the tiger in your name a clemson thing then?

    @girldownsouth Yep! I graduated from Clemson!

    That's very observant of you, @girldownsouth, especially since you live in another country! USC graduate here, @TigerNY128. :* That would be awesome if you, @raelynnsmama52512, and I could get together. Although almost every weekend is booked up for us until school starts back in late August.

    My favourite American (who I seem to keep talking about in this tread lately even though I've not even spoken to him in ages) went there. When he was over here for work I knew when they were playing from when he wore orange and got 'shown around' the campus on google maps. I should drop him an email and say hi. Hopefully @TigerNY128 you are not his wife!!
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Will someone come to Ohio to chain my cabinets and refrigerator shut? Oh and I need my mouth sewn shut too, thanks!
    On my way. It will keep me from opening mine and eating everything inside.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    At one of our local grocery stores they have a cow on the front of the milk display and the cow moos at you every time you walk by it. I hate that cow. I turned around the other day and said to it.
    " I know right!! But I am working on it so back off!!
    There were 2 elderly ladies standing they and I am sure they were ready to call someone to take me away!

    Ha! That's awesome :)

    @riderfangal I've been reading your username as riderangle since the beginning of the thread...until I've been replying to you :blush:

    LOL the riders are my favourite football team. I am actually somewhat obsessed lol. Truth be told I wanted to name my son Ryder but my ex was having no part of that

    I probably missed it in previous pages, but @riderfangal you had a date on Saturday, right? How did it go?

    He was very nice but no spark. On the surface we should have meshed completely but nothing. I was thinking maybe its just me in my heart I am not sure I am ready or wiling to enter into any relationship. Still it was nice to enjoy some adult conversation. :)

    It happens. But at least you got a nice evening out!

    I dated a guy that, "on paper", should've been a perfect match for me, but there was no spark with him either. I've also wondered if it's me not being willing to be in a relationship, but I want a spark, darn it!

    (psssst... I'm post-stalking you :p )

    In my experience, do not settle for anything less than "the spark". That's what will carry you through the rough patches, and keep you working out stuff when you'd really much rather throttle him.

    I stayed in a relationship for much too long because he was the "good on paper" guy who should have been my match made in heaven. Nah. Now I'm with the guy who would seem to be the "least likely prospect" (until you realize we are actually two peas in a pod, beneath the demographics) and we've got all the spark.
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Ohh yes I definitely am a spark fanatic :) I love thinking about the person and getting butterflies!

    Exactly! I've had "the spark" with a couple guys and while they didn't work out, I'm not willing to settle for less than that.

    I thought the spark would grow with my ex. It didn't. He was nice. All the issues came out after we married although I was very naive and missed some red flags. He stopped being nice. But I think sparks would have helped. I "never" liked to be touched while sleeping, not even breathed on by my ex, I just thought I liked my space while actually sleeping. Turns out that is not the case, SO can wrap his arms and legs all around me and I sleep just fine. He can breathe on me, he can snore, he can pull me closer in his sleep. I adore sleeping wrapped up in him. Spark does matter to me! Whenever I see SO he greets me with a KISS and a tight hug, every time. Spark matters. SO travels about 1/2 the time and we do not live together. He calls virtually every night he is away (very few exceptions and he lets me know in advance that due to time zone difference etc. he will be asleep by the time I have time to talk.) In the 1.5 years of dating I think there are less than five nights that he has not called me.

    The spark matters. Sometimes it DOES grow and it happened out of the blue with my current Sergeant Sexy Pants.

    We see each other outside of work and ALWAYS greet with a kiss and a hug. Holding hands in the car. *sigh* I miss him, he's out of town now for work stuff. :disappointed:
    But he comes back tomorrow! :smiley:

    Bad dating story: Met this guy, Brandon, on Plenty of Fish. We decided to meet at the lake for some fishing, I enjoy fishing, and I had a couple of the beers he brought. Well, he had MORE than a couple, got drunk and after some conversation decided he was in love with me and wanted to go to San Antonio and get married. I said no, he then wanted to go to San Antonio to go "do some 'shrooms." Yeah, HELL NO! Then he tried to feel me up and kiss me, drunk off his *kitten*, in BROAD DAYLIGHT, and when I pushed him away he sat there dejected for a while and said he 'didn't feel comfortable' around me anymore.

    Cut to the entire rest of the week where he is texting me and calling me and leaving me messages about how he is SO sorry and wants to make it up to me and to come over to his place and we can talk it out and cuddle and watch a movie. No.

    My response: You made your first impression and while the date started out well, I will have you arrested for harassment if you ever contact me again.

    So, he had his DAD call me to tell me he voluntarily had himself put in a mental hospital because he was so devastated that I broke his heart.

    I am glad I missed that train into Crazy Town.

    ETA: Fixed quotes.

    Dad sounds like he's a wee bit crazy too. I wonder if Brandon actually checked in to a mental hospital or just wanted to try to manipulate you. Either way you are certainly better off with your SGT SP

    I so AM!

    Not sure if I told this thread the story but the nightshift thread definitely heard about it.

    In the middle of last week I mentioned to him that I was craving Funyuns but I couldn't eat them because if I bought a big bag I would eat the whole thing in one sitting. Well, he came into to pick up the paperwork on Saturday night while I was out doing my rounds. I come back to a small 100 calorie serving size bag of Funyuns on my keyboard. I cried stupid happy tears because it was such a sweet thing for him to do AND he considered my calorie intake. He still thinks he's an *kitten*. Poor guy doesn't know how sweet he is.

    Oh and how I did on my goals:

    - At least 30 minutes of exercise COMPLETE
    - Stay withing 100 calories of my calorie goal before exercise COMPLETE
    - Drink 5 oz of red wine sadly, I did not
    - Do some food prep Totally went grocery shopping and went to town in the kitchen for 3 hours!

    Now for Today:
    - At least 45 Minutes of exercise
    - Stay within 100 calories of my goal before exercise
    - Actually buy a bottle of red wine and drink 5 oz of it :laugh:
    - Get 10,000+ steps in by midnight

    ETA: spelling

    Aww that's so stinking sweet:).

    Awesome job on hitting most of your goals! Did your dad eat any of your food after you food prepped it? :p
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    @kelly_c_77 I might be late but why don't you get your son one and you split it with him?

    Well, that's what I would have done..except he wouldn't have eaten much...maybe only 1/4 of it which would have left me eating nearly TWO medium sized blizzards! And while I could have just gotten a smaller size, my coupon is good for a medium...and well, I could never pass it up for a smaller one. Anyhow, I didn't give in...I ate two Betty Crocker Warm Delights Mini Molten Chocolate cakes instead...300 calories for both! WIN!!!!
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Thanks, and I am in Texas, so others here, we might need to do a meetup.

    I live in southeast Texas, near Houston, but I am always up for a road trip!!!

    Next time I am heading to visit my family in Southeast Texas, I'll let you know!

    That will be great Ceci!!

    Well, dang. I'm not in South Carolina or Texas.

    Anybody near Nashville, TN?

    I wish I was. My life would be awesome, hanging out in the bluebird cafe every night, enjoying the sunshine in the daytime...