

  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I have such a hangry right now. I am struggling lol... I think it's a sign I need to up my calories a bit anyway- kind of a slower slide into maintenance, right? (lol really I just want to EATALLTHETHINGS! lol)
    I think you and I are at similar stages in our 'journey' (apologies to all who hate that). I have 6lbs to go to my first goal, which would put me where I was about 18 years ago. I'm finding it really hard to get motivated to finish the job, and feel like you about slowly switching to maintenance. I'm a chronic yo-yo'er and I'm so scared of gaining it alllll back again.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Ah, a few more sticky notes I forgot:

    - You are stronger than you think. BELIEVE IT. <-- Kitchen entrance
    - Food does not control you. Don't let it. <-- Kitchen wall

    A lot of my "weaknesses" tend to happen in the kitchen, so I did put a lot of focus there. I feel a bit silly with them all around, but I'm hoping that they'll help!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I'm going on the Fitbit adding spree lol. I'm Heather and my user pic is a pic of my youngest DS lol

    I just checked my Fitbit friends and I don't have a Heather. Did you post your email or username in the Batcave?

    ETA: Ignore this...I just stopped by the Batcave and added you!

    What is this batcave?

    If you head on over to the groups section, we have one 'Confession is good for the soul'. Join up!

    OK, I have never been the groups before, and just popped over to join up and cannot find that one and do not have a search feature, as I supposed to have a search feature there? there are 1400+ pages of groups in there.
    Sent you an invite :)

    Could someone pretty please send me an invite for the group as well?

    Invite sent. :)
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I need someone to talk me out of going to Dairy Queen to use my B1G1F Blizzard!! My husband won't be home until late so if I go, I will end up eating probably 1.75 of the 2 because my son won't eat much of his. And no, I can't throw it away or save until tomorrow or any of that nonsense...

    Oh man... that would be a dilemma for me, too!! Ack! I LOVE the turtle pecan cluster blizzards way more than I should. Eeeeeeeee! Good luck!!

    @crosbylee - good idea with the mini sized ones!
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Second day in a row we've had a reception with fancy apps and desserts at work. I had to escape this one early because I didn't think I had the willpower in me after yesterday's successful resistance.

    Everything was all goat-cheese and stuff-with-fancy-sauce-pipettes and triple-layer-cake. Cruel, really. I love hors d'oeurves a lot.

    I hightailed it out of there on the heels of the resident vegan and hoped no one noticed.
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I need someone to talk me out of going to Dairy Queen to use my B1G1F Blizzard!! My husband won't be home until late so if I go, I will end up eating probably 1.75 of the 2 because my son won't eat much of his. And no, I can't throw it away or save until tomorrow or any of that nonsense...

    Nooooo! Don't do it! I won't if you won't! HONOR SYSTEM!!! lol
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Just about to head out from work and need to go grocery shopping before home. Just ate a quest bar to stop the hungries while I am shopping. Here's hoping it can keep me away from the Talenti!! BTW, where is Francl today??
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Ah, a few more sticky notes I forgot:

    - You are stronger than you think. BELIEVE IT. <-- Kitchen entrance
    - Food does not control you. Don't let it. <-- Kitchen wall

    A lot of my "weaknesses" tend to happen in the kitchen, so I did put a lot of focus there. I feel a bit silly with them all around, but I'm hoping that they'll help!

    I can't wait until I live on my own and can post things like this for myself. I could do it now, but I don't want my brother (also my roommate) to see them.
  • xLoveLikeWinterx
    xLoveLikeWinterx Posts: 408 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I have such a hangry right now. I am struggling lol... I think it's a sign I need to up my calories a bit anyway- kind of a slower slide into maintenance, right? (lol really I just want to EATALLTHETHINGS! lol)
    I think you and I are at similar stages in our 'journey' (apologies to all who hate that). I have 6lbs to go to my first goal, which would put me where I was about 18 years ago. I'm finding it really hard to get motivated to finish the job, and feel like you about slowly switching to maintenance. I'm a chronic yo-yo'er and I'm so scared of gaining it alllll back again.

    Yep, lost 30, 10 more to go until goal (I'll probably adjust it another 3-5 after that but who knows. Strict has been working for me up until now. I mean, I still do it, and I'm still losing, but... the motivation is starting to slide away.

    My other option is eat a couple hundred more cals than usual today and just avoid the scale for a couple days, too.
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    I have such a hangry right now. I am struggling lol... I think it's a sign I need to up my calories a bit anyway- kind of a slower slide into maintenance, right? (lol really I just want to EATALLTHETHINGS! lol)

    This week has been an adventure in hangry for me!! Good luck today. I wanted to eat all the things hubby and I went to a buffet. ACK. The food wasn't that great, but I did eat tacos AND mashed potatoes with gravy AND pie. Yep. The salad bar was not even on my radar. Cuz yuck.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I have a Garmin, I think I may be the special snowflake on here haha

    My tri watch is a garmin. Too bulky and ugly for every day.

    I left my Garmie in a hotel last month. When I replaced it, I wanted the HRM on my wrist and couldn't wait for Garmin to release theirs, so I now use a Tomtom Multisport. It does the job and was cheaper than my beloved Garmie.

    Didn't bother to call the hotel to retrieve it? The same happened with my Kindle and I called them, they got it and overnighted it to me for free. La Quinta, too so def not a high end hotel.

    They didn't find it. :(
    And it WAS a higher end hotel. It was the Wit in Chicago! Dang!
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    Thanks, and I am in Texas, so others here, we might need to do a meetup.

    I live in southeast Texas, near Houston, but I am always up for a road trip!!!

    Next time I am heading to visit my family in Southeast Texas, I'll let you know!

    That will be great Ceci!!

    Well, dang. I'm not in South Carolina or Texas.

    Anybody near Nashville, TN?

    No but I really want to do the country music marathon. Interested?

    Sweet! We did the Half this year.

    I ran the full in 2006 and planning to run it again next year!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Just sharing today's shoes for my fellow shoe freaks.

    ETA the cuts on my feet are from another pair of shoes I wore the other day!!!

    No judgement, but YIKES. My wedding heels were less than half of that and I STILL nearly killed myself... I would break my neck with the first step!

    Editing to add: I also hate heels. And make up. I'm probably the furthest thing from a girly-girl anyone could ever meet. Did anyone here know that? :D

    I might have guessed. I am totally a girly girl and a Tom Boy. :)

    I'm neither... I hate girly stuff like shopping, shoes, and make up, but I'm also not one who would like to "hang with the guys" or something like that. I would love to do stuff like horseback riding, running, climbing mountains, etc., but I think those are gender neutral things (except in Saudi Arabia. -_-)

    I confess that I'm rather jealous that everyone's making plans to meet up at some future point and I'm over here with "NEVER GONNA HAPPEN" stamped all over my host country's forehead. *sigh* Although I'm such an anxious chicken that I'd probably never make it to a meet-up anyway...

    Onto some positive things! My goals for today were to:
    - Do 30-60 minutes of exercise (Did sixty!)
    - Drink a minimum of 2 liters of water (Drank nearly THREE!)
    - Do the stair thing (Did TWENTY EIGHT FLIGHTS! That's counting up AND down. Up was 18!)
    - Finish the housework (Meh. Lazy won today.)
    - Steal my husband's sticky notes and post them all over the house (DONE)
    - Stay within my calories (Totally accomplished! With room to spare!)

    Today was a pretty big win overall! :) In case anyone is wondering, the sticky notes say:
    - What do you want more: To eat that bread, or your HEALTH and HAPPINESS? <-- Posted in my most common secret-eating spot.
    - You can do this! <-- On the refrigerator.
    - Stairs are FUN! *drawing of stairs* <-- Next to the front door.
    - Every meal can either bring you closer to your goal or take it further away. <-- In front of my dining chair, on the wall where I can see it as I'm eating.
    - Are those extra calories worth the EXTRA GUILT? <-- On the kitchen entrance.
    - Getting closer every day! <-- On a kitchen cabinet
    - Every kilo lost brings you closer to a FITBIT! <-- In front of my scale

    And, just for fun: "Your wife is SUPER GREAT! *drawing of shark*" <-- On my husband's computer screen. ;)

    LOVE the last one! I like the others too.
  • CooCooPuff
    CooCooPuff Posts: 4,374 Member
    Mini Blizzards are pretty great. Even the highest calorie treats are usually only 100 more calories than my usual daily sweet.

    I really want to try one of the hot desserts, apple tart specifically, but they aren't sold in Texas.
  • jthurman3
    jthurman3 Posts: 2,121 Member
    @pofoster21 - Maybe I missed this in the middle hundreds of pages, but may I ask what you are studying for your doctoral program?
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I need someone to talk me out of going to Dairy Queen to use my B1G1F Blizzard!! My husband won't be home until late so if I go, I will end up eating probably 1.75 of the 2 because my son won't eat much of his. And no, I can't throw it away or save until tomorrow or any of that nonsense...

    Oh man... that would be a dilemma for me, too!! Ack! I LOVE the turtle pecan cluster blizzards way more than I should. Eeeeeeeee! Good luck!!

    @crosbylee - good idea with the mini sized ones!

    That is my favorite one too!
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    Ok. I ate cherry cheesecake. But I had strawberries and blackberries with it, so that's good, right?

    Also, date night tonight for early anniversary dinner. I will be way over calories today. Back to it tomorrow.

    Happy anniversary! Also, glad to hear that all went smoothly for your husband. I was sitting here scratching my head over "V-Day" and thinking... "Veteran's Day"? But that's already over... Then it hit me later. :D
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I have a Garmin, I think I may be the special snowflake on here haha

    My tri watch is a garmin. Too bulky and ugly for every day.

    I left my Garmie in a hotel last month. When I replaced it, I wanted the HRM on my wrist and couldn't wait for Garmin to release theirs, so I now use a Tomtom Multisport. It does the job and was cheaper than my beloved Garmie.

    I read good reviews on that one. Do you do tris?

    One day. I mostly just run. I need some serious coaching on my swimming. LOL

    My co-worker is doing 4 Iron Man Tris per year, and it's making me want to do them, too. (even though her life revolves around training).

    I have done 3. My 4th is this year. I only trained for the 1st. I am notorious for doing races without training. Stupid. I have a half in 2 weeks. Haven't trained.

    Sweet! Marathons are tough, the thought of swimming and biking 114.4 miles and THEN running a marathon. Wow. You rock!

    You and me both. Sometimes, I do a half hearted job of training for a race (edited my verbiage for Susie). I'm not running any marathons this year just to try to get my head on straight. My intent is to do ALL the training for my next marathon and see what happens.

    I keep signing up for races thinking they will motivate me to train. Yeah not so much. Then I have to go. I mean I paid for this right? And I wouldn't have won anyway. ..

    Yep! And, a lot of times, I have friends going. I have to be there for the social part.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I need someone to talk me out of going to Dairy Queen to use my B1G1F Blizzard!! My husband won't be home until late so if I go, I will end up eating probably 1.75 of the 2 because my son won't eat much of his. And no, I can't throw it away or save until tomorrow or any of that nonsense...

    I'd try, but I think I'd be running in there with you to get one myself... Stay strong, you can do it! Think of your goal and why you want to reach that goal, and your motivation for reaching it. :)
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,369 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »

    Hugs to those who are struggling at the moment, cheers for those who are having successes. Actually, hugs for everyone. Please send me one back - I'm feeling sad about all the stuff that seems to be happening in the world right now.
