

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok guys I am not going to lie. I just stripped myself naked in the very busy Target parking lot so I could go grocery shopping after running. I was in my car. And I did do it in stages. But still.

    hahaha. First read of that I read that you stripped yourself naked to go shopping. Whooohoo shopping in the nude! :D

    Oh I I guess I forgot to add the 'in order change into dry clothes to go shopping' part!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    We watched the movie Foxcatcher last week (slow, moody, good - Steve Carrel and Channing Tatum both excellent) and it made me wonder how true it is to the sport of wrestling. It's based on a true story. At one point he loses a bout/round/match (?) and has a giant binge in his hotel room. He's like 10 pounds above his weight class! (Oh no!) He manages to vomit about 2lbs then goes on the exercise bike for 90 mins and sweats off he rest to make the weigh in. I looked it up and apparently that part is true!
    (This isn't a spoiler, by the way!)

    I really enjoyed that movie. Totally creepy that it was a true story.
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    So, I made the peanut butter cookies that we talked about earlier. I used Stevia like I planned to. They were my dinner. The entire batch...830 calories. Not bad. I still have 500ish calories left too! :)

    Thanks for letting is know Stevia works. I feel a baking spree coming on...

    I want to clarify that I have no problem with the taste/aftertaste of Stevia...I use it in everything! I may not be the best judge on whether that are good/yummy/delicious for everyone. That being said...I will definitely be making them again because I thought they were great! :)

    And I'm a bit behind this morning...but I saw @Tubbs216 's status and it looks like she made pb cookies too! :)
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    I confess, I am a bit of a cranky pants since I haven't seen Captain Tightpants/Sgt. Sexy Pants in a week. I finally saw him tonight but it was just for about an hour. :tired_face:

    Oh and I've decided his new nickname is Captain Tightpants since he was a captain in the fire department in Houston. :sunglasses:

    I'm also a HUGE Firefly fan so yeah... :naughty:

    If he didn't like sergeant sexy pants I doubt he is going to like captain tight pants. Just sayin'

    But he's ALSO a Firefly fan.....he should feel honored. :angry:
    Oh well. He likes it when I call him Sunshine. :smiley:

    Sunshine is nice. I have a friend who calls me sunshine. I always think she is being ironic. I am far from sunshiny.

    That is EXACTLY why I call him Sunshine. He is not the most sunshiny either but he brightens my days! :star:
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    I'm so desperate to stop feeling so awful about myself, my health and my weight that I've started seeing a naturopath. As someone who prides herself on evidence based practice, this feels like a betrayal to my beliefs, but I also feel like it's going to be worth the money just to feel like I'm DOING something, even if it's something I don't necessarily believe in. Years and years of doctors telling me nothing's wrong (even when I started gaining weight whilst eating 1300 calories + 1/2 of my exercise calories) have made me feel so helpless I've turned to someone who is willing to tell me "we might be able to fix this".

    Disclaimer - I'm not a big believer in them either.

    That being said, not all naturopaths follow the science of woo and I've seen a few on TV that do tests and things to see if there are root causes for issues.

    I hope they are able to help you.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    I had a body comp scan done yesterday in conjunction with a research study at the Univ of Arkansas. I'm still processing the results, but in a nutshell- My bone density is good (she said at expected degeneration rate I could make it to 100 without getting osteoporosis.) My body fat % is higher than I would like (32.8%), but not bad for my age. I'm debating on whether I should try to drop another few lbs. At my lowest weight (which I haven't seen in a few months- I'm hovering about 5 lbs over that), I'm at the high end of healthy for my height (5'2.25")

    I love that you include that oh-so-important quarter inch. When you're 5'2", that quarter inch matters!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    Confession: I don't *get* engagement photos. Wedding photos & baby/family photos - absolutely, but why does anyone need a hundred engagement photos? More specifically, why do people get engagement photos done that don't reflect them as a couple? My cousin & her fiancé just got engagement photos done, and sure, they look nice, but it's not "them". They would never go for a walk in the river valley (or anywhere lol). Some of them look very forced and awkward, which is too bad since they are both fun people.

    I don't mean to insult anyone who's had them done, I'm just not understanding why it seems like everyone is getting them done now.

    The extent of our engagement photos were a selfie of us on a cliff top where he had just popped the question. Selfies weren't a 'thing' back then (ack I feel old!), but we were the only ones on this cliff top, and it was beautiful, so we wanted pictures.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Zia209 wrote: »
    I have to eat in while driving. I do not know when this started, but I feel like I need a cookie in my hand as soon as I get in the car. I no longer allow food in the car and everything goes into the trunk.

    That is how you stop yourself from eating there. I usually have to have something to drink while I am in the car. The only time I really feel like I need food too is if it is a long road trip.

    I have to have something to drink everywhere *waves her hands around wildly*. I feel like I'm the Queen of Dehydration.

  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    pootle1972 wrote: »
    I totally wee in the shower.

    I am sure we have all done that a time or two... :D

    I can honestly say I have never peed in a shower/pool/ocean. I will admit that I've tried, but my body just won't let it happen lol.

    Same! Even in a boat on the lake with no head. I have to hold it until we get on land. This can be painful.

    It took me way too long to figure out what you were talking about because I momentarily forgot that head means bathroom on a boat. :#
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    lxsaps wrote: »
    I just had about 5 bites of Carrot Cake and I feel terrible about it.

    Don't beat yourself up. If it fits in your calories then enjoy your carrot cake if it didn't fit in your calories still enjoy your carrot cake.

    The only time you should get mad about eating something is if you're allergic or the food is awful! Now I could understand if it were Kale :p.

    Agreed! All the kale can burn in the fiery pits of hell. It is NOT food and should not pretend it is.

    It really should! The first time I ate Kale I tried it in a salad with dressing & had to force myself to finish it. The second time I made Kale chips & they were so disgusting! I thought I got food poisoning from the Kale & it turned out to be the stomach bug. The last time I tried it in a store bought Kale chip package & still tasted like crap. I have finally learned my lesson to never eat them again.

    Now Baby Spinach is yummy & I have been eating it as part of my lunch for weeks.

    I keep doing that with tofu! I will see a recipe or hear someone waxing on about how fantastic it is with x, get a bee in my bonnet and try it. I am always disappointed. One time I found a recipe that boasted it would taste just like fried chicken! I was excited! They took my excitement and dashed its head on the rocks. That time I was disappointed and sick to my stomach though, so they at least added something to the situation. ;)

  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    Everyone was chatty last night while Iwas dropping half a plate of Greek food down my jeans leg and thinking at least it was Greek dressing and neither peanut butter not chocolate that went down my left thigh. LOL. I was seriously pissed that I dropped half of a $13 plate of food though.

    Today, I am tempting fate. I ordered a chili-cheese baked potato for lunch even though I am wearing white pants and a black and white top.

    Hehehe! Good luck tempting fate :)

    I win!!! No chili or.cheese on my clothes!!!

    You realize, of course, that you'll now spill something like.... coffee/tea/water on your pants juuuuust as you're thinking the threat has passed.... :wink:
    My husband once spilled half of his tea all down his white shirt on the way to work, and then when he got there, realised he'd put on non-matching shoes - it was dark when he was going out the door, and he just grabbed two black shoes, not checking to see if they were a pair. He said people looked at him strangely all day. You think?!

    I remember when I was in Elementary school I had to wear my babysitter's shoes to school since I somehow forgot to put some on before leaving the house. She was probably 50-60 at the time & maybe a size 9-10 & I am sure it looked like I was wearing clown shoes.

    I've been nearly leaving the house in my slippers most days for the past few weeks. So far I've only ever gotten as far as the car before I realise (I usually only take one step out the front door) so it's not too bad. It feels as though it's only a matter of time before I drive to work in my slippers though.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I am so sad at what happened in Chattanooga today. Four Marines dead. Unnecessarily so, I think, because for all of childhood my dad could carry his side arm on post as a soldier and now regulations prevent it. Stupid..and four families paid the price for it today. Please pray for Chattanooga if you're the praying kind.

    Not the praying kind but I do hope with great fortitude! :smiley:

    I hope that the families have the strength and support to get through this.

    We'll appreciate that too. Tennesseans are the resilient type. I have friends who work near the recruiting center and were locked down in their office all day. I'm ticked at CNN. They showed photos of the Marines' bodies before their families were notified. That's totally uncalled for.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    @SusiQ - I got and accepted my invitation. Which thread has the pie photos? I could get lost in there and I have things to do today.
  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @SusiQ - I got and accepted my invitation. Which thread has the pie photos? I could get lost in there and I have things to do today.

    The random pictures thread.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I'd like to strangle my husband for eating my Graze flapjacks (by far the best of all the Graze snacks) without asking...especially when I buy him an entire box (or 2) of granola bars each week. :(
    While muttering under my breath about how irritated I was by this, my sweet son reminded me that we're supposed to share. Lesson learned.

    I also confess that I'm starting to freak out a bit because preschool starts in exactly two months from today! What???? Where has my little baby gone?

    I misread that as grape chapstick at first. I have to confess I was totally judging your husband. I also felt bad for you because I thought you had a husband who would eat your lip products. :D
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Glinda1971 wrote: »
    @SusiQ - I got and accepted my invitation. Which thread has the pie photos? I could get lost in there and I have things to do today.

    The random pictures thread.

    Thank you, Glinda, I have 10 minutes before I cam start mowing; I'll go check it out.. (Noise ordinances, which didn't apply to the trash truck yesterday, but that's another complaint.)
  • kelly_c_77
    kelly_c_77 Posts: 5,658 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I'd like to strangle my husband for eating my Graze flapjacks (by far the best of all the Graze snacks) without asking...especially when I buy him an entire box (or 2) of granola bars each week. :(
    While muttering under my breath about how irritated I was by this, my sweet son reminded me that we're supposed to share. Lesson learned.

    I also confess that I'm starting to freak out a bit because preschool starts in exactly two months from today! What???? Where has my little baby gone?

    I misread that as grape chapstick at first. I have to confess I was totally judging your husband. I also felt bad for you because I thought you had a husband who would eat your lip products. :D
    Haha! Nope...nobody here eats chapstick. :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    @SusiQ - I got and accepted my invitation. Which thread has the pie photos? I could get lost in there and I have things to do today.

    As Glinda said, the random picture thread! I hope you enjoy the pictures. :)
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Kalici wrote: »
    kelly_c_77 wrote: »
    I confess I'd like to strangle my husband for eating my Graze flapjacks (by far the best of all the Graze snacks) without asking...especially when I buy him an entire box (or 2) of granola bars each week. :(
    While muttering under my breath about how irritated I was by this, my sweet son reminded me that we're supposed to share. Lesson learned.

    I also confess that I'm starting to freak out a bit because preschool starts in exactly two months from today! What???? Where has my little baby gone?

    I misread that as grape chapstick at first. I have to confess I was totally judging your husband. I also felt bad for you because I thought you had a husband who would eat your lip products. :D

    Bahahaha! :joy:
  • kellypence
    kellypence Posts: 123 Member
    One thing I wish I had done more is family photos as the kids were growing up. I only had them done twice during their childhoods. [/quote]
    Yes, me too. We only have one of us all together and that was a Walmart Portrait Studio special.

    We only had a couple of my parents, my sister, and myself growing up, and as an adult I really wish we had more. So I made my husband promise me that we would make family portraits a part of our anniversary every year. We found a fantastic photographer at our local Target (that we followed through her transfer to 2 different stores) and now she does our annual portraits every year wherever we want. My favorite so far was last years'...My husband and I standing leaning on each other (it was really cold in the park that day) watching my son run in front of us. He's a bit blurry in motion, so it's a great juxtaposition. When we get our pictures printed each year my favorite part is putting the new one in the frame, because we take time together to look at all the old pictures stored in the back of the frame.