
  • peleroja
    peleroja Posts: 3,979 Member
    Welcome back and congrats on the NSV @riderfangal
    Welcome back @quiksylver296 and nice ring
    And congrats on the promotion
    Awesome update @KylerJaye ! He sounds great
    Congrats on both NSVs @Glinda1971
    Nice ring @raelynnsmama52512 ! I hope everything with Oakwood Homes goes well.
    Hope you have fun running @xLoveLikeWinterx ! I'm on week 2 of c25k myself and have been feeling great.
    Welcome back @MissKhaan
    Glad you had a good weekend @MoHousdon

    Can I just echo all this? Haha. Seriously though, @spacequiztime just managed to cover everything I wanted to say!

  • Glinda1971
    Glinda1971 Posts: 2,328 Member
    @quiksylver296 great on the promotion!!

    @riderfangal - Welcome to onederland!!

    @MoHousdon - Glad you had a great weekend!!

    Nice bling everyone!!

  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Thanks everyone. Its been probably 15 years since I weighed under 200. Feels pretty darn good!!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I am so glad you all understand my frustration. The thing about K is that she renewed her FMLA the first of this month and I am thinking, here we go again. She used 4-6 days of FMLA a month from July through mid-December. When she was in a serious car accident and had to come back before she should have and has now permanently damaged her left hand.

    She's used 3 days (all Fridays or Mondays) since she renewed her leave for this circulatory thing that leaves her short of breath, with swollen legs that make pregnancy look easy, and shoot her BP sky high. But it's really hard for me to feel sorry for her when a) she doesn't do her work when she is here and b) she hasn't changed any of her behavior risk factors for anything that can be causing this. I get mad at myself for being judgmental, but I get mad at her for leaving her work for me.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    bkhamill wrote: »
    crosbylee wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    @MoHousdon Congrats on your accomplishment in catching up on the thread! That took dedication! :smile: You deserve a Major Award! (<---- This is a reference to the holiday movie A Christmas Story, which happens to be one of my favorite movies... the dad describes the "leg lamp" he wins in a contest as a "major award." Ha!! )

    You mean this lamp?! In case you didn't know, I'm fluent in movie quotes, song lyrics, and sarcasm.


    +1 for the movie. A Christmas Story is my alltime favorite. Luckily I work at a children's hospital so I can get away with playing it at Christmastime!!! I am also fluent in the above list!!

    Which children's hospital do you work at?

    Finally getting close to being caught up. I work at Texas Children's Hospital.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    spamarie wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »
    That sewing machine! I want!

    Mine is just a basic little Brother but it is pale pink - I can't claim responsibility for that though as it was my mother's before she decided she needed a fancier one.

    I'm glad you all understand my feelings about frying food in the house. Soooo stinky. We don't have an exhaust fan over our stove either (or anywhere in the kitchen), so everything I cook lingers unless I open the windows. Not too practical in our minus 40 degree winters either as it's a recipe for a burst water pipe.

    The smell of Saturday morning bacon haunts me all weekend, too, it's terrible.

    So this doesn't help in the winter, but fry outside! I used to have a fry daddy that I could plug in, so I would plug it into the outdoor outlet and fry away. I'm debating setting up my camping stove outside the next time I do fried chicken to keep the fry smell outside, and I feel like that should work as well.

    Re gross girls: I was an odd combination of total tomboy that loved to get dirty and rough house, but I would do it while wearing the most frilly dresses possible. My face and hair was always a super-mess though.

    My daughters hair!.... I brush it constantly. Knotted up. I keep pushing her to be more SELF AWARE and start doing things for herself and without prompts. The struggle is real.

    I will say I am quite proficient at simple braids though. I need to learn to french braid.

    Yeah, I'm sure my hair embarrassed my parents. I would brush it sometimes, but it just would get crazy tangled anyway.

    Mastering the braid will do wonders for you - I'm 33 and until I chopped all my hair off (pixie cut for the win!), my hair lived in a messy bun. I never really figured the hair thing out.

    BTW - awesome on the amusement park NSV! I LOVE roller coasters.

    Thanks! Worst times are after swimming or after waking up. I've made it a habit to braid her hair after her shower or before bedtime and that helps a LOT the next day.

    I love coasters, too! The BEST part is Kings Dominion is a mere <15 minutes from home. We get season passes every year and we burn em up! It also has a water park inside so we often go swim then dry off by riding coasters before we leave. We also have a Busch Gardens-Water Country less than an hour away as well. Blessed!

    Coaster fiend here. We have been known to book holidays based on what coasters were nearby. We were lucky enough to visit Ceder Point in Ohio a few years ago which I loved. I'd love to go back but it's a bit of a trek from the UK! Our most local proper coaster park is Alton Towers. Unfortunately there was a crash there on the Smiler last month and two teenagers had to have legs amputated! Hasn't put me off since I believe it to be a one-off and I'm sorry for those teens, but I'm sad the coaster will inevitably go - I've ridden it and it was a fun one!

    That reminds me. Does anyone ever go to that site It has stories like that on there. They are scary.

    However, I love going to the amusement park as well and LOVE coasters. I haven't been in a long time.

    When I was a kid, I watched a girl freak out on top of a ride, it was like one of those rides with several arms and a few carts on each arm that went up and down and spin. Anyway, she stood up, and fell out of the ride while she was in the up position.....I swear the whole park gasped. She broke her forearm, and the body was sticking straight out of it, like literally broken in half, directly out the top of her arm, through the skin.

    She must have been in shock, because she stood up and walked calmly with an employee to the medical center. She is lucky she did not crack her head open!

    Wow, that is scary! I actually know the exact ride you are talking about because my best friend, sister and I rode that one and my best friend freaked out. I'm so glad we were there because she probably would have done the same thing.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    Here are a few pictures from my anniversary trip.

    This is my view of the coastline from first class. It was absolutely beautiful.

    This is me and Mr. Mo. He is my everything.
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »

    I just got the sweetest surprise from my husband. Sorry had to share!! And sorry its so big!!!

    @crosbylee I just got to the roses! So gorgeous! Well done, Mr. Lee (or is it Mr. Crosby ;) )

    Thanks and congrats on the promotion!!! Sounds like the vacation was awesome too!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    So great, Mo!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    peleroja wrote: »

    I spent the whole morning researching and talked to my husband and I think we might get to go to Peru after all in September!

    There are several alternative treks to Machu Picchu other than the classic "Inca Trail" with the crowds and the permits and stuff, and after reading a ton about all of them I decided that the Salkantay trek would probably be an even better option for us. It's quieter, you don't need a permit, it is BEAUTIFUL, and it's higher-altitude (up to 15,900 ft) and more challenging than the usual trail (but they are able to use pack animals so we'd have llamas to carry our backpacks). I've emailed the linked tour company to see if they have space available and I hope so, because we'd still get to trek and see Machu Picchu but would get to do it in a totally different way. I'm so freaking excited and I am hoping so much that we can get on a tour!

    Look at this! I think we have to do it this way even if we have to put it off until May because it looks amazing and so much better than the beaten path....


    I want to live in this photo forever.

    I kept looking at it and looking at it and looking at it. It is so beautiful. @peleroja please tell us what it is like in person. SO and I have a bunch of trips planned soon i.e.Tokyo then Italy (or vice versa) but I have a bunch of places I'm determined to go with or without anyone and Peru is one of them. (Although my daughter would be a willing travel partner to almost anywhere.) It looks lovely.

    Those are the two places I want to go most: Tokyo and Italy. I can't wait until I can go. It may be a while though. Too much debt.
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I wanted to share a small victory too. I ate A LOT last weekend (each day had to have been thousands over with the bbq, cake, smores, Old Chicagos, alcohol etc). I figured I'd weigh in today and be about 10 lbs heavier like I did when I overate during Memorial day weekend. Today though, I had a 1 lb loss! No idea how that happened. I was good the rest of the week. I figured it was maybe the swimming on Friday and Saturday helped (or maybe just stress haha). That made my morning.

    I'm now .6 lbs from having lost 60. I still have a ways to go though.

    I did compare my pictures from my birthday this year to in years past and I can see a difference. Maybe I'll get brave and share something if I can figure out how. :)

    Good Stuff!

    Thanks. I am actually at 61 lbs lost now. Yay. :) I'm getting's been REALLY slow but I'll make it someday.

    I finally had a coworker last Friday tell me that she noticed I had lost weight. Good sign!
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    FroggyBug wrote: »
    I wanted to share a small victory too. I ate A LOT last weekend (each day had to have been thousands over with the bbq, cake, smores, Old Chicagos, alcohol etc). I figured I'd weigh in today and be about 10 lbs heavier like I did when I overate during Memorial day weekend. Today though, I had a 1 lb loss! No idea how that happened. I was good the rest of the week. I figured it was maybe the swimming on Friday and Saturday helped (or maybe just stress haha). That made my morning.

    I'm now .6 lbs from having lost 60. I still have a ways to go though.

    I did compare my pictures from my birthday this year to in years past and I can see a difference. Maybe I'll get brave and share something if I can figure out how. :)

    Good Stuff!

    Thanks. I am actually at 61 lbs lost now. Yay. :) I'm getting's been REALLY slow but I'll make it someday.

    I finally had a coworker last Friday tell me that she noticed I had lost weight. Good sign!

    61pounds is something to be super proud of. Congrats!!!
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    Some of my relatives and friends of those relatives keep asking me how I'm losing weight. The same people will ask me multiple times. At first I thought it was because they just weren't remembering the information, now I'm starting to think it is because some of them don't believe me. I overheard one of them saying that it isn't that I've finally been correctly diagnosed and medicated no, it is because I've had the surgery. How I've managed to have that surgery and see them once a week without recovery time is a mystery!

    I confess I really want to stop seeing these people and on the way out the door I'd like to slap a few of them. Not with a chair or anything too drastic. I also confess that while I have said I'm using a calorie counting site I have not told them it is this one. This is for me. They can sign up on their own, but I do not want to talk to them here as well. I sort of don't care if that makes me a jerk.

    I am also tired of people asking me how I did it, signing up for the site, I friend them, and then they never log, don't weigh their food, never complete their diary and then tell me it doesn't work. Well guys, look at me... I lost 30 lbs. You say I look great. So...this does work. If you are honest and track religiously.

    When customers ask me at work I always tell them using MFP, exercising a little bit, & the biggest thing for me is weighing my food on a food scale. I guess they want me to say that I snapped my fingers, stood on my head, did a back flip & the weight just melted off.

    Exactly. I hate telling people how I lost weight (like the coworker the other day) because they just give you that look that says, 'yea right.' I just told her I count my calories. I told her I don't even exercise much more than I used to yet (I just do my physical therapy exercises but that's been all so far and maybe a walk now and then when my knee feels ok).
  • barbecuesauce
    barbecuesauce Posts: 1,771 Member
    seosaimhin wrote: »
    Confession: Sometimes I go to pro-ana sites and wish I looked like they do.

    Me too. It's so sick.
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    nonoelmo wrote: »
    I may be the only one this appeals to - but I was excited about this!

    There is now a seaweed that when fried tastes like bacon.

    @nonoelmo I'm an OSU alum. And today is a proud, proud day. Hee hee

    I got really excited when I saw OSU and then quickly realized you weren't talking about my OSU :(

    Obviously really behind, but I have this problem, too! I grew up with OSU = Oregon, then went to OSU = Ohio, then my first job was OSU = Oklahoma. Now I never know what OSU is referring to :)
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Thanks everyone. Its been probably 15 years since I weighed under 200. Feels pretty darn good!!!

    I must have missed the original post. Congrats!! Woohoo!
  • WestCoastJo82
    WestCoastJo82 Posts: 2,304 Member
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    Ok guys I am not going to lie. I just stripped myself naked in the very busy Target parking lot so I could go grocery shopping after running. I was in my car. And I did do it in stages. But still.

    HAHAHAHAHA! This is fabulous - and brave!
  • kecmw25
    kecmw25 Posts: 2,743 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    5 for 5 commuting by bike to work this week makes me a happy camper. Thanks, Mother Nature! (I say this on the cusp of a week long heat wave forecasted to start tomorrow).

    NSV.... my 2,000 mile goal for 2015 was just passed yesterday, a full 5 months ahead of plan which also gave me 5,000+ miles total since I started recording rides summer 2013. Nice milestone there.

    Happy Friday friends! :mrgreen:


    Stellar job, buddy.

    Agree!! That's pretty awesome
  • riderfangal
    riderfangal Posts: 1,965 Member
    Thanks everyone. Its been probably 15 years since I weighed under 200. Feels pretty darn good!!!

    I must have missed the original post. Congrats!! Woohoo!

    Thanks!!!! :)
  • FroggyBug
    FroggyBug Posts: 4,883 Member
    Home sweet home! I missed you all and hope you haven't forgotten me. It was just too busy too post although I did try and skim through a few pages every night before bed which incidentally was never before midnight.

    We had a ball. Tubing, swimming, quadding. A bonfire every night and too much junk food but I did manage to get lots of steps in. My 2 SILs and I walked about 4 miles each morning before anyone got out of bed.

    No one has seen me since Christmas and since then I have lost about 37 pounds so I got lots of compliments. One of my nephews didn't recognize me at first lol.

    Well I am off to unpack but wanted to check in. I have lots I want to respond too. Maybe I will get to it later. I did want to quickly say glad you are back @Italian_Buju

    I'm so glad you had a fun trip! That sounds like a blast and I'm jealous.

    That's so cool that you got so many compliments on the weight loss. You deserve it!