

  • cmseronka
    cmseronka Posts: 14
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    cmseronka wrote: »
    I go to my free, hole in the wall gym provided by my employer. It's my sanctuary as well as some other gals I meet up with everyday at lunch. Some swole up douche bag came in today and dragged all the equipment into the middle of the floor and proceeded to toss dumbells around, steal weights, ogle butts, and try to sideline coach us. THEN, ladies and gentlemen, he grabbed one of my pals doing pullups around her legs to help shove her up over the bar! I'm mean spirited and hold a grudge. I want to kick him in his shrivled little sack. I outrank him and I think I can outrun him (those gorilla arms got mad wind drag) so tomorrow we take our gym back. WE ARE SPARTA!! *Crowd roars and beats its chest....

    Please have one of the Spartans on the sideline with their phone taking video. That needs to be recorded for history ;)

  • cmseronka
    cmseronka Posts: 14
    Sorry still figuring out the buttons. We may record that can of whoop *&@ being opened on the buff bro-ceefus but we can never show it! It will just have to live in our hearts as the glorious day we won the battle for our gym and faught back against slick dudes giving advice in the gym...
  • krdews
    krdews Posts: 124 Member
    I set a goal to never buy anything while standing in the checkout lane... candy, chips, jerky - because they are purposefully there for impulse buying which means I did not go there to purchase them in the first place. Today, I cracked... I waited too late to each lunch and was past the point of hungry. The package had three servings - I ate two and threw the remainder away.
  • cityruss
    cityruss Posts: 2,493 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've just spent a few days in London where I visited amongst other places the cereal killer cafe where I had a large bowl of hershey cookies and cream / chocolate lucky charms / custard milk / oreos / reeses pieces.

    The amongst other things included;

    - an Indian (onion bhaji, chicken passanda, matter paneer, garlic naan, 5 popadoms),
    - an Italian (meat and cheese platter starter, 15" meat feast extra cheese pizza)
    - A visit to Beigel Bake on Brick Lane where I had a salmon and cream cheese bagel, a salt beef, mayo and pickle bagel, a slice of cheesecake and a slice of carrot cake.
    - Several Krispy Kreme Reese's peanut butter doughnuts
    - A Sundae Sharer - Brownie, marsbar, maltesers, oreos, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce & berry compote

    A second visit to the cereal killer café yielded one of their own creations - Unicorn Poop:
    ricicles / party rings / fluff / marshmallows / hundreds and thousands / vanilla milk.

    Nothing logged, nothing accounted for, all enjoyed and worth the small scale gain.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    I've just spent a few days in London where I visited amongst other places the cereal killer cafe where I had a large bowl of hershey cookies and cream / chocolate lucky charms / custard milk / oreos / reeses pieces.

    The amongst other things included;

    - an Indian (onion bhaji, chicken passanda, matter paneer, garlic naan, 5 popadoms),
    - an Italian (meat and cheese platter starter, 15" meat feast extra cheese pizza)
    - A visit to Beigel Bake on Brick Lane where I had a salmon and cream cheese bagel, a salt beef, mayo and pickle bagel, a slice of cheesecake and a slice of carrot cake.
    - Several Krispy Kreme Reese's peanut butter doughnuts
    - A Sundae Sharer - Brownie, marsbar, maltesers, oreos, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce & berry compote

    A second visit to the cereal killer café yielded one of their own creations - Unicorn Poop:
    ricicles / party rings / fluff / marshmallows / hundreds and thousands / vanilla milk.

    Nothing logged, nothing accounted for, all enjoyed and worth the small scale gain.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    cmseronka wrote: »
    Sorry still figuring out the buttons. We may record that can of whoop *&@ being opened on the buff bro-ceefus but we can never show it! It will just have to live in our hearts as the glorious day we won the battle for our gym and faught back against slick dudes giving advice in the gym...

    Well, that's unfortunate. I was hoping to view the video as well! But, completely understandable. Video or not, PLEASE put this guy in his place! Hope you give us an update.
  • WillLift4Tats
    WillLift4Tats Posts: 1,699 Member
    cityruss wrote: »
    - Several Krispy Kreme Reese's peanut butter doughnuts

    I confess that I called my local Krispy Kreme (which I've never set foot in) specifically to ask if they had these. Sadly, they said no. :disappointed:

    Not necessarily a huge fan of doughnuts in general, but for Reese's, I was willing to make an exception and a drive! Oh well. Tell me they aren't that good...

    Also, that cereal cafe sounds ridiculously amazing.
  • cmseronka
    cmseronka Posts: 14
    I will most definately swing by and give you a full account of tomorrow's epic saga. Unless of course I go to jail. Then Monday, perhaps? No way I can bond out before then. B)
  • katalinax87
    katalinax87 Posts: 146 Member
    cmseronka wrote: »
    I will most definately swing by and give you a full account of tomorrow's epic saga. Unless of course I go to jail. Then Monday, perhaps? No way I can bond out before then. B)

    Please please please can you get his attention by donking him on the top of his skull and listen for any rattles?
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Confession: I want BZAH10's shoulders. Well, I want a matched set of the one that shows in her avatar, lol.

    However, in reality, it is unlikely that I have the self-discipline or the perseverance to do what it takes to accomplish that. Sigh.

    Why, THANK YOU! I sincerely appreciate the compliment! The thing is, my shoulders are the easiest body part for me to sculpt, so I kind of (probably) over do it, just because I like seeing the results. Also, when I watch TV at night I sit on the floor and stretch and I keep 2 3 lb. dumbells next to me and do all kinds of shoulder exercises: arm circles (forward & backward), up & down presses, several others that I have no name for (sorry!) but I've found using the super light weight and high reps works really well.

    Okay, that I can do, lol. And will start immediately. (Well, okay, not at my desk... although that might become a possibility in future) Light weight doesn't scare me but I do baby my shoulders a little with regard to heavy lifting because of previous rotator cuff injuries.

    Honestly, from the look of those shoulders, I was expecting to hear that you'd done several bulk/cut cycles and OHP the equivalent of your body weight or some such. And the bulk/cut thing is unwieldy for me because I am not the cook in our household (for which I am profoundly grateful) so I don't get to dictate meals.

    Oh, no! I enjoy lifting, but otherwise I'm extremely lazy and all those calculations sound exhausting! To be honest, I don't even track my food or calories anymore. I'm more of the "intuitive" type as far as that goes. Also, I do planks just about every night before I stretch and I notice those are quite killer on my shoulders as well.

    I'm not an easy bulker by any stretch of the imagination... if somatotypes were real (and I know they're not!), I'd be the quintessential ectomorph. Make that a menopausal ectomorph. The one advantage that I have is being really lean so what muscle I do have is quite defined.

    Let's just hope I don't smash holes in the wall or take out any lamps doing this, lol. I'm a total klutz.

    Planks are good... *adds to list* Thank you!!

    Just one more comment on this and then I'll let the thread get back to juicy confessions: I do all these arm exercises while I'm sitting on the floor stretching my legs. For some reason they are harder when sitting on the floor then when standing up.

    So noted.

    Sitting on the floor will certainly enhance the safety of walls and living room furnishings so I'll do the same.

    Confession: I have a dinner outing with a really good friend tonight and all I really want to do is sit and do BZAH10's shoulder workout. Like, what the hell has happened to me? I'd rather exercise than have a night out? smh
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The Lindt store will be 50% off tomorrow from 6 to 9. I'm seriously considering going.
  • sodakat
    sodakat Posts: 1,126 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    The Lindt store will be 50% off tomorrow from 6 to 9. I'm seriously considering going.

    Hah, hah! You are incorrigible and I love you! But, you never did give a report on the Talenti flavors you bought.


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    sodakat wrote: »
    Francl27 wrote: »
    The Lindt store will be 50% off tomorrow from 6 to 9. I'm seriously considering going.

    Hah, hah! You are incorrigible and I love you! But, you never did give a report on the Talenti flavors you bought.


    All pretty good. Especially the hazelnut chocolate chip one...
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    Confession: Some (most) days I eat very low carb all day so that I can have room for cookies, ice cream and other sweets at night.
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    Confession: Some (most) days I eat very low carb all day so that I can have room for cookies, ice cream and other sweets at night.

    Me too! I never have carbs with dinner anymore so I can have chocolate as my evening snack.

  • arclemmons
    arclemmons Posts: 5 Member
    I confess I just ate two medium slices of Dominos chicken & bacon with garlic parmesan white sauce. I regret nothing and still have not reached my daily calorie goal. Mmmmm
  • gopgirl425
    gopgirl425 Posts: 140 Member
    I had my SUV in the body shop and I wrecked the rental SUV.....grrrrrr
  • ivannalizano123
    I like but don't like the weight estimates at the end. It keeps me competitive but it also bums me out. To me, it means that if I want to get to where I want to be, it's diet AND exercise, not 'or.' Also, I think every tooth in my mouth is a sweet tooth, I'm very picky, and I can't cook well. Ergo, it's really hard to be in school and trying to lose weight. My depression makes it worse too. But I'm proud of myself for making this effort to at least start being conscious of what I'm eating. I feel that, about putting in every step I take and altering/omitting things. That's so real. I remind myself to take note of all food though because I'm doing this for me, and I want to be honest with myself. That being said, if today I want my french fries with some Sriracha Mayo, I will have it. I think it's important to be gentle with myself. I know this is hard for me! But again, I'm making the effort.
  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    fitfatty88 wrote: »
    Confession: I'm not having any stress over wedding planning or discussion, and I feel like there's something wrong with me. All of our friends who have gotten married have freaked out to some degree, and I'm just over here like "Oh, hey. Let's buy 25 IKEA lanterns for centerpieces and throw some fake leaves around. Done!" I suck at being a girl.

    Pshh...there's something RIGHT with you! Overly stressing about a wedding is unnecessary. My one best friend got married last September. I flew down a few days early and helped put together center pieces...borrowed mason jars from her future BIL who canned jams, some colorful pebbles, fake wildflowers, and I made tulle bows around the rim. They rented an arch from a hobby store and I took fake flowers and intertwined it throughout holding it in place with zip ties...organizing and decorating the hall took about 5 people a few hours in an afternoon and it looked like a picture out of a rustic wedding magazine. It was fun...not stressful :). Congrats btw!

  • Scorpiotwin
    Scorpiotwin Posts: 124 Member
    Confession: I extremely frustrated with my rate of weight loss. It has been slow going, I want to have a week where I lose 4-6 pounds. I want a whoosh week. Instead I'm killing myself and only losing half a pound to a pound. I'm diabetic and have a slow metabolism, so I know that it's going to take awhile. I just wish things would move along more quickly. :\