

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    I did the just "washing" with conditioner thing today to try and save time in the shower (my husband moves into the bathroom in the mornings and this one in particular he got in there late, which meant I was running late) and because it seemed to be a popular thing suggested in this thread. Result...I hate it!!! My hair looks dirtier, I think, than if I'd not done anything at all. I will not be doing that again.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I think most diet sodas are Gross - yes, capital G. I would much rather mostly exclude soda than ever drink Diet Pepsi or Coke.

    FACT!!! I couldn't care less if diet soda has zero calories or whatever. It's not worth suffering through the taste. I'll take my full calorie DP or Cherry Coke ANY DAY!!!

    I used to think this and was definitely all about the full fat coke but I forced myself to switch to diet and eventually started to enjoy it. Now I can't stomach the normal version as I can REALLY taste the sugar and I can feel it lingering in my mouth afterwards. Same with tea - had that with 2 sugars and gradually cut down to zero. Drinking a sugary cup of tea now is way too sweet. I used to drink my coffee with milk and after starting to drink it black if I ever have a milky coffee now it makes me feel sick. I think you can train your tastebuds.

    You probably can train your taste buds or acquire a taste for gross things. I'd rather just have a regular soda every now and then though. I cut sugar out of other places. If I'm having a treat, it's going to be a real one!

    Preach it, Sister! I am not a huge sweets person, don't eat a lot of cookies, don't double down on cake or pie or ice cream or candy. I still have my chocolate bunny from last Easter that I need to eat before my husband does. But when I want an ice cold soda or tall glass of Southern sweet tea, you better believe that I am not about to skimp on the taste to save some stinkin' calories. Ain't gonna happen!

    For real. It's not even worth it if the treat tastes like garbage.

    Confession: I meant to grab the whole wheat Ritz crackers at the store, but when I got home I realized that I had somehow grabbed the bacon flavored ones. I could have taken them back, but I was too tired. After some trepidation, I tried one and it actually was pretty good.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    I did the just "washing" with conditioner thing today to try and save time in the shower (my husband moves into the bathroom in the mornings and this one in particular he got in there late, which meant I was running late) and because it seemed to be a popular thing suggested in this thread. Result...I hate it!!! My hair looks dirtier, I think, than if I'd not done anything at all. I will not be doing that again.

    Oh, yeah. I don't think it works for all hair types. Did you put conditioner on your scalp though? Because I can't do that or it makes my hair gross. I have to just condition the ends, starting about 3 inches down.
  • livijane07
    livijane07 Posts: 21 Member
    I listen to Marvin Gaye's 'Sexual Healing' while I work the thigh abductor, and make uncomfortable eye contact with anyone in the vicinity.
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I pay someone else to clean my house. (I found someone who charges very reasonably.) It was the best thing I ever did. When I come home from work to a clean house, with sparkling floors and no dirty dishes...nirvana!

    I have seriously contemplated doing this. However, my mother was a housekeeper my whole life and I think she would be so pissed if I paid someone else to do what she could. I haven't hired my mother because she's nosey and snoops/rearranges my stuff.

    Something else to consider if you want to feel better about it. A relative of mine was killed in a car accident last year. The insurance barely covered the bills from the accident and the funeral. His wife had been a housewife for 20 years, had no real marketable skills, or the wardrobe to even try getting a job that paid better than fast food She's managed to keep her house and her bills paid by taking house cleaning jobs.
    blukitten wrote: »
    I really hate when people who do not understand PCOS or even know anything about it call me a "special snowflake" because my weight is tied to the amount of carbs I eat- even if I am not claiming anything about CICO- but that is an assumption they are making. There I said it- I feel better.

    I'm at the point where I'd rather just let them think special snowflake than spend the 20 minutes explaining what I have (not PCOS). I think of it as an early warning system of who not to bother taking advice from.

    ^^ wish I had a "like" button :)
  • marissafit06
    marissafit06 Posts: 1,996 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I think most diet sodas are Gross - yes, capital G. I would much rather mostly exclude soda than ever drink Diet Pepsi or Coke.

    FACT!!! I couldn't care less if diet soda has zero calories or whatever. It's not worth suffering through the taste. I'll take my full calorie DP or Cherry Coke ANY DAY!!!

    I used to think this and was definitely all about the full fat coke but I forced myself to switch to diet and eventually started to enjoy it. Now I can't stomach the normal version as I can REALLY taste the sugar and I can feel it lingering in my mouth afterwards. Same with tea - had that with 2 sugars and gradually cut down to zero. Drinking a sugary cup of tea now is way too sweet. I used to drink my coffee with milk and after starting to drink it black if I ever have a milky coffee now it makes me feel sick. I think you can train your tastebuds.

    You probably can train your taste buds or acquire a taste for gross things. I'd rather just have a regular soda every now and then though. I cut sugar out of other places. If I'm having a treat, it's going to be a real one!

    Preach it, Sister! I am not a huge sweets person, don't eat a lot of cookies, don't double down on cake or pie or ice cream or candy. I still have my chocolate bunny from last Easter that I need to eat before my husband does. But when I want an ice cold soda or tall glass of Southern sweet tea, you better believe that I am not about to skimp on the taste to save some stinkin' calories. Ain't gonna happen!

    For real. It's not even worth it if the treat tastes like garbage.

    Confession: I meant to grab the whole wheat Ritz crackers at the store, but when I got home I realized that I had somehow grabbed the bacon flavored ones. I could have taken them back, but I was too tired. After some trepidation, I tried one and it actually was pretty good.

    I lived in Nashville for 9 years and loved sweet tea. I miss it sometimes I ordered sweet tea once up north and they brought me this nasty gross stuff that wasn't even worth trying.
  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    whenever I have sex I get upset that mfp wont track that burn so I eat a cookie and damn the cals :P

    this is officially my favorite post.
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    livijane07 wrote: »
    I listen to Marvin Gaye's 'Sexual Healing' while I work the thigh abductor, and make uncomfortable eye contact with anyone in the vicinity.

    Bwahaha! That's the one machine at my gym I'm happy faces the wall. My old gym had the abductor in the middle of the floor so brodudes would ALWAYS walk past. I would always make awkward faces at them.

    Confession: All this talk about cleaning just makes me think about the people at the gym who never wipe down machines. Ugh...gross.
  • berlynnwall
    berlynnwall Posts: 669 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I think most diet sodas are Gross - yes, capital G. I would much rather mostly exclude soda than ever drink Diet Pepsi or Coke.

    FACT!!! I couldn't care less if diet soda has zero calories or whatever. It's not worth suffering through the taste. I'll take my full calorie DP or Cherry Coke ANY DAY!!!

    I used to think this and was definitely all about the full fat coke but I forced myself to switch to diet and eventually started to enjoy it. Now I can't stomach the normal version as I can REALLY taste the sugar and I can feel it lingering in my mouth afterwards. Same with tea - had that with 2 sugars and gradually cut down to zero. Drinking a sugary cup of tea now is way too sweet. I used to drink my coffee with milk and after starting to drink it black if I ever have a milky coffee now it makes me feel sick. I think you can train your tastebuds.

    You probably can train your taste buds or acquire a taste for gross things. I'd rather just have a regular soda every now and then though. I cut sugar out of other places. If I'm having a treat, it's going to be a real one!

    Preach it, Sister! I am not a huge sweets person, don't eat a lot of cookies, don't double down on cake or pie or ice cream or candy. I still have my chocolate bunny from last Easter that I need to eat before my husband does. But when I want an ice cold soda or tall glass of Southern sweet tea, you better believe that I am not about to skimp on the taste to save some stinkin' calories. Ain't gonna happen!

    For real. It's not even worth it if the treat tastes like garbage.

    Confession: I meant to grab the whole wheat Ritz crackers at the store, but when I got home I realized that I had somehow grabbed the bacon flavored ones. I could have taken them back, but I was too tired. After some trepidation, I tried one and it actually was pretty good.

    I lived in Nashville for 9 years and loved sweet tea. I miss it sometimes I ordered sweet tea once up north and they brought me this nasty gross stuff that wasn't even worth trying.

    That is the worst. I saved up some calories to have cake at a party a couple weeks ago, and then it was dry gross cake. So disappointing!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    mghuss wrote: »
    Annanna91 wrote: »
    My friends and family assume that my body is muscley and defined from my healthy eating and working out, but that couldn't be further from the truth. I'm skinny fat and I've ruined my body from gaining too much weight after I left school. I have stretch marks all over my stomach and hips and it makes me feel so self conscious.

    It saddens me to know that my 16/17yr old self ruined my body and has held me back from wearing things which I am now capable of, like bikinis and crop tops.

    This is 100% my issue. I gained a TON of weight in college, and then lost it all in the two years following. I've struggled with my weight my whole life, but I really let myself go... Now I'm paying the consequences. 60 lb gone and in the "fitness" level for BMI and body fat, and I still can't wear a two-piece swimsuit. My stomach and thighs have a ton of loose skin left and they are ridden with stretch marks. :( Same with a lot of clothes... that stupid pooch really makes me mad. Especially workout clothes!

    You two are totally not alone.

    Confession - I'm still completely shocked when I fit in size S clothes because they look so tiny and there's no way I should be able to fit in there. I still see myself as fat.
  • TheBigFb
    TheBigFb Posts: 649 Member
    I once shot a man Father
  • deannaaaaaaaaa
    deannaaaaaaaaa Posts: 238 Member
    lisaw19855 wrote: »
    I weigh myself daily but don't log it, I accept the fluctuations and usually know why (no poop, too much sodium) but I hate seeing in on my little graph thing.

    I weigh daily, but only log Friday morning's weight as the official for the week.

    i weigh daily but log Monday's only... and if i fluctuate up, i dont log it :p
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    edited March 2015
    The problem with being "just messy" is that you can't really see/properly clean what is underneath the mess. If your kids are old enough to shower alone, they are old enough to mop up after themselves...and probably fold laundry too. Once your children are beyond toddlerhood, there is really no excuse.

    All of these things are relative of course. My friends think that I am a neat freak. My mother thinks that I am a slob because I don't wipe out my refrigerator with bleach once a week. :)

    Thinking that being messy makes you interesting is like thinking that wearing un-matched socks makes you a rebel. Really, it is just sad.

    *judging judging judging*

    Really. Can you please find more ways to insult my unkempt house and how I'm raising my children? Pretty please?

    Well, if the dirty shoe fits...

    You're a special brand of arsehole, aren't you? Have a perfectly clean day in your oh so perfect world.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    I confess I'm going to be seriously ticked if all this housecleaning arguing gets the thread shut down.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    Confession: I want BZAH10's shoulders. Well, I want a matched set of the one that shows in her avatar, lol.

    However, in reality, it is unlikely that I have the self-discipline or the perseverance to do what it takes to accomplish that. Sigh.

    Why, THANK YOU! I sincerely appreciate the compliment! The thing is, my shoulders are the easiest body part for me to sculpt, so I kind of (probably) over do it, just because I like seeing the results. Also, when I watch TV at night I sit on the floor and stretch and I keep 2 3 lb. dumbells next to me and do all kinds of shoulder exercises: arm circles (forward & backward), up & down presses, several others that I have no name for (sorry!) but I've found using the super light weight and high reps works really well.

    Okay, that I can do, lol. And will start immediately. (Well, okay, not at my desk... although that might become a possibility in future) Light weight doesn't scare me but I do baby my shoulders a little with regard to heavy lifting because of previous rotator cuff injuries.

    Honestly, from the look of those shoulders, I was expecting to hear that you'd done several bulk/cut cycles and OHP the equivalent of your body weight or some such. And the bulk/cut thing is unwieldy for me because I am not the cook in our household (for which I am profoundly grateful) so I don't get to dictate meals.
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    TheBigFb wrote: »
    I once shot a man Father

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    So... I hate lifting. Seriously hate it. I pick up heavy weights, do one set, maybe a second one, then I'm all like '**** this ****.

    And I'm pissed off at my husband. He said he wanted to lose weight a year ago... He lost 10 pounds relatively easy (with still probably 30 or 40 to go). But then Fall hit, and he pretty much stopped making any effort, blaming the weather for not being able to run anymore (we have a stationary bike, and he watched a bunch of TV... no excuse). I'm quite sure he's regained it all, and he keeps eating packages of cookies, ice cream, M&Ms, crackers, cheese.... He blames me for sabotaging him, when most of that stuff was bought for me, or the kids, and, you know, to be eaten in MODERATION. And when we go out, he gets the food with the most calories. And I judge. Hard.

    And then he complains if I buy something that has too much salt because it's 'bad for this blood pressure'. Because I'm sure that being obese is good for his blood pressure too... and he has a lot of dense fat on his stomach, which is pretty much the worst.

    He's older than me. I lost my dad at 55, and he's getting there. I don't want my kids to go through the same thing. And I'm not even worried, just pissed off that he's not taking care of himself.

    I feel for you. One of my best friends has a husband who would never take care of his health. She took his blood pressure and it was something ridiculously high like 200/110 or something like that. He's a mail carrier and walks a ton of miles for work. She and her sons honestly thought he would have a stroke at work. No amount of talking to him about their concerns would stop him from going to Long John Silver's (ick) multiple nights a week after work and drinking Budweiser like it was water. He finally had to make the decision to get healthy for himself. Hopefully, your husband will do the same...
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess I'm going to be seriously ticked if all this housecleaning arguing gets the thread shut down.

    I've had my say and will disregard further posts on the subject, so there won't be any further escalation from me. The offending post will probably be removed (if that), and that's okay.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess I'm going to be seriously ticked if all this housecleaning arguing gets the thread shut down.

    Agreed. Let's drop it everyone. I don't like some of the comments, but the rest of this is too much fun.....
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    I confess I'm going to be seriously ticked if all this housecleaning arguing gets the thread shut down.

    Me too! Sure hope that doesn't happen...