

  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Okay, I've got my pajamas, warm blankets, tea, and I am going to write this paper I've been putting off. As suggested, I also stole some vegan chocolate cake to eat after 6 or so pages of arguing that suicide is morally permissible. :P

    Oh wow I'd need lots of cake after that paper too, yikes!

    Haha, I don't really mind! (It's much more cheerful than some of our other topics.) I'm sure if I looked through my middle/high school journal I'd have more than enough material XD but any excuse to eat cake is a good excuse!
  • SoulOfRusalka
    SoulOfRusalka Posts: 1,201 Member
    I weigh myself every morning (naked)...but if I have a large BM in the am, I will strip and re-weigh to see if that caused a weight loss (or if it was offset by my fluid intake that morning).

    ... same >.>
  • MRivera422
    MRivera422 Posts: 62 Member
    I haven’t logged since like August. Knew I was slowly losing all my progress and here I am again...40 pounds heavier :cry:

    Now I’m starting over and making sure to find a fitness commitment to maintain.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    MRivera422 wrote: »
    I haven’t logged since like August. Knew I was slowly losing all my progress and here I am again...40 pounds heavier :cry:

    Now I’m starting over and making sure to find a fitness commitment to maintain.

    You've got this! Just find something you enjoy doing and stick with it. That is lifting heavy for me and I'm a meticulous logger, but that's not for everyone. Find what works for you! Best of luck!
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    So.... I forgot to take my Zinc this morning.

    I think I might come down with a cold.

    (and.... GO!)

    I usually cannot remember if I took my Zinc or Multivitamin in the morning.

    I swear I would forget my head if it wasn't connected to my body.

    Same. I once spent about 5 minutes looking for a piece of paper that was in my hand.

    I'm always looking for glasses that are on my head.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MRivera422 wrote: »
    I haven’t logged since like August. Knew I was slowly losing all my progress and here I am again...40 pounds heavier :cry:

    Now I’m starting over and making sure to find a fitness commitment to maintain.

    You did it once you can do it again. Slow and steady. Logging is eye-opening keep with it. Welcome!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    kecmw25 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I am having one last meal at the conference center before heading home. Because you food. :)

    That's my favorite kind!

    This is funny because I was just given a free burrito. It's not even lunch time but I ate it anyway and it was delicious!

    I would too! Eat it instantly that is!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I am having one last meal at the conference center before heading home. Because you food. :)

    That's my favorite kind!

    Free food *always* tastes better.

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    jthurman3 wrote: »
    So.... I forgot to take my Zinc this morning.

    I think I might come down with a cold.

    (and.... GO!)

    I usually cannot remember if I took my Zinc or Multivitamin in the morning.

    I swear I would forget my head if it wasn't connected to my body.

    Same. I once spent about 5 minutes looking for a piece of paper that was in my hand.

    Once I was talking to my hubby on the phone and wanted to put something in the notes section. I went around the house looking for my phone. Hubby asked what was wrong and I told him I could not find my phone. He started helping me think of places I might have put it down. Then the Dawning moment came and I started laughing.
    Duh I was talking on it.

    I remember you telling this story. It totally cracks me up.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I am having one last meal at the conference center before heading home. Because you food. :)

    That's my favorite kind!

    Me too!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    So for those folks who could care less about my narcisstic (why is this saying its spelled wrong?) post about my trip to England ignore the below....

    So Nicci and I are starting to frame this up...

    Saturday I fly into London.
    Sunday run in Hyde Park, breakfast, site seeing
    Monday drive to Bath and stay in an amazing hotel (like 40% off this great hotel/spa with gorgeous grounds!)
    Tuesday drive to Stonehenge and then Devon, stay Wed in Devon and meet CHARLIE!
    Wed Devon
    Thursday back to London early so Nicci can rest/work and I can sight see
    Early drive to Scotland and settle into a little house by a Loch and get checked into our climb
    Saturday rest and be leisurely til night for climb up Ben Nevis
    Sunday rest or go hiking
    Monday drive to Edinburgh where Nicci will drop me off and head back to London. I will probably rent a car, stay in Edinburgh Monday and perhaps Tuesday
    Possibly go to Loch Ness (just to say I've been) and Isle of Skye but still figuring out my itinerary
    Then Wed/Thursday leisurely drive back to London (well its a long way maybe not so leisurely). Need to map this out and figure out hotel/town/drive or train this part... the driving in a strange country on the wrong side of the rode is part intimidation and part exhileration...especially as I'll be solo).
    Thursday in London sometime
    Friday my flight is at 6 pm so maybe some last minute sight seeing and then back to airport for 6 pm flight home.

    This is going to be an amazing trip. THANK YOU NICCI for being so accommodating. In return, even if you are half dead, I am going to physically drag your protesting carcass up that mountain at night if you even THINK about not making it this time.... We are going to watch that sunrise from the top of that mountain!!!!!

    Please take me with you!!!

    I know it sounds amazing doesn't it! I seriously can't wait.
  • tobistatler
    tobistatler Posts: 940 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    So for those folks who could care less about my narcisstic (why is this saying its spelled wrong?) post about my trip to England ignore the below....

    So Nicci and I are starting to frame this up...

    Saturday I fly into London.
    Sunday run in Hyde Park, breakfast, site seeing
    Monday drive to Bath and stay in an amazing hotel (like 40% off this great hotel/spa with gorgeous grounds!)
    Tuesday drive to Stonehenge and then Devon, stay Wed in Devon and meet CHARLIE!
    Wed Devon
    Thursday back to London early so Nicci can rest/work and I can sight see
    Early drive to Scotland and settle into a little house by a Loch and get checked into our climb
    Saturday rest and be leisurely til night for climb up Ben Nevis
    Sunday rest or go hiking
    Monday drive to Edinburgh where Nicci will drop me off and head back to London. I will probably rent a car, stay in Edinburgh Monday and perhaps Tuesday
    Possibly go to Loch Ness (just to say I've been) and Isle of Skye but still figuring out my itinerary
    Then Wed/Thursday leisurely drive back to London (well its a long way maybe not so leisurely). Need to map this out and figure out hotel/town/drive or train this part... the driving in a strange country on the wrong side of the rode is part intimidation and part exhileration...especially as I'll be solo).
    Thursday in London sometime
    Friday my flight is at 6 pm so maybe some last minute sight seeing and then back to airport for 6 pm flight home.

    This is going to be an amazing trip. THANK YOU NICCI for being so accommodating. In return, even if you are half dead, I am going to physically drag your protesting carcass up that mountain at night if you even THINK about not making it this time.... We are going to watch that sunrise from the top of that mountain!!!!!

    Please take me with you!!!

    I know it sounds amazing doesn't it! I seriously can't wait.

    So awesome! I hope you have the best trip ever.

  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    I weigh myself every morning (naked)...but if I have a large BM in the am, I will strip and re-weigh to see if that caused a weight loss (or if it was offset by my fluid intake that morning).

    Funny way that we are.
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    74 and sunshine hubby and I are playing hooky to go somewhere nice out side to play. We never play hooky but just couldn't resist today. Spring is in the air!
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    Rachel0778 wrote: »
    Okay, I've got my pajamas, warm blankets, tea, and I am going to write this paper I've been putting off. As suggested, I also stole some vegan chocolate cake to eat after 6 or so pages of arguing that suicide is morally permissible. :P

    Oh wow I'd need lots of cake after that paper too, yikes!

    Haha, I don't really mind! (It's much more cheerful than some of our other topics.) I'm sure if I looked through my middle/high school journal I'd have more than enough material XD but any excuse to eat cake is a good excuse!

    I do support the doctrine granting an absolute right to eat cake!
  • raymax4
    raymax4 Posts: 6,070 Member
    MRivera422 wrote: »
    I haven’t logged since like August. Knew I was slowly losing all my progress and here I am again...40 pounds heavier :cry:

    Now I’m starting over and making sure to find a fitness commitment to maintain.

    Welcome back
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    edited February 2016
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I should have stayed home today. I woke up freezing and feeling blah. Now I am freezing and feel like there's an ice pick n my right temple. I had Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate for breakfast in an effort to get warm. It worked for about 45 minutes, sort of. Ugh...3:30 can't get here soon enough.
    Oh please take care of yourself. When I am feeling sick and want a hot drink Traditionally medicals has a Gypsy cold care tea that is very tasty and makes me feel better. It helps a stuffy nose too.
    I have that. I swear by that for a cold. Usually peppermint tea knocks a headache right out for me. No luck today. I ended up leaving work at 10:30 because my vision was getting blurred in the right eye. I cam home went to sleep, felt better but it's blurring again as I try to read. This is a post-concussion headache from an almost 40 year old brain injury. I took a piece of broken curb to the temple and was comatose for a day and a half. ( bike wreck) a few weeks ago, I hit my head on a door frame because I leaned over to pick something up off the floor and had a back spasm. It hurt for most of a day and I have known ever since that this would come. I don't think I recall it ever starting with feeling so cold before. That's something I will have to watch out for and see if it's a fluke or a new sign of imminent pain. Off here to rest my eyes guys. Love you all for caring.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I should have stayed home today. I woke up freezing and feeling blah. Now I am freezing and feel like there's an ice pick n my right temple. I had Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate for breakfast in an effort to get warm. It worked for about 45 minutes, sort of. Ugh...3:30 can't get here soon enough.
    Oh please take care of yourself. When I am feeling sick and want a hot drink Traditionally medicals has a Gypsy cold care tea that is very tasty and makes me feel better. It helps a stuffy nose too.
    I have that. I swear by that for a cold. Usually peppermint tea knocks a headache right out for me. No luck today. I ended up leaving work at 10:30 because my vision was getting blurred in the right eye. I cam home went to sleep, felt better but it's blurring again as I try to read. This is a post-concussion headache from an almost 40 year old brain injury. I took a piece of broken curb to the temple and was comatose for a day and a half. ( bike wreck) a few weeks ago, I hit my head on a door frame because I leaned over to pick something up off the floor and had a back spasm. It hurt for most of a day and I have known ever since that this would come. I don't think I recall it ever starting with feeling so cold before. That's something I will have to watch out for and see if it's a fluke or a new sign of imminent pain. Off here to rest my eyes guys. Love you all for caring.

    Oooh owie owie oooo. No. Feel better very soon.
  • nonoelmo
    nonoelmo Posts: 3,941 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    I just totally sliced up the back of my legs,shaving. Fun.


  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    raymax4 wrote: »
    I should have stayed home today. I woke up freezing and feeling blah. Now I am freezing and feel like there's an ice pick n my right temple. I had Dunkin Donuts hot chocolate for breakfast in an effort to get warm. It worked for about 45 minutes, sort of. Ugh...3:30 can't get here soon enough.
    Oh please take care of yourself. When I am feeling sick and want a hot drink Traditionally medicals has a Gypsy cold care tea that is very tasty and makes me feel better. It helps a stuffy nose too.
    I have that. I swear by that for a cold. Usually peppermint tea knocks a headache right out for me. No luck today. I ended up leaving work at 10:30 because my vision was getting blurred in the right eye. I cam home went to sleep, felt better but it's blurring again as I try to read. This is a post-concussion headache from an almost 40 year old brain injury. I took a piece of broken curb to the temple and was comatose for a day and a half. ( bike wreck) a few weeks ago, I hit my head on a door frame because I leaned over to pick something up off the floor and had a back spasm. It hurt for most of a day and I have known ever since that this would come. I don't think I recall it ever starting with feeling so cold before. That's something I will have to watch out for and see if it's a fluke or a new sign of imminent pain. Off here to rest my eyes guys. Love you all for caring.

    I dislike all of this so much. Please get some rest and get better.

    And watch out for doors! :#