

  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    I hit my original goal weight this morning!!! 165.0 lbs. WHOOOOOOOO!!!!

    Unfortunately, that target has moved. LOL. 158.4 is the new goal. But I'm still excited about the 165!


    Nice job!
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »

    BC is being ravaged by forest fires lately, our cit is under a air condition advisory. Typically you can see mountains here, also it is sunny and 30. Welcome to the Wild West!

    Wow that smoke is incredible. Hope not too mamy home's and trees are destroyed. :(
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I hit my original goal weight this morning!!! 165.0 lbs. WHOOOOOOOO!!!!

    Unfortunately, that target has moved. LOL. 158.4 is the new goal. But I'm still excited about the 165!


    That's my category!!! We need to lift together at a comp soooon <3
  • crosbylee
    crosbylee Posts: 3,455 Member
    Happy Friday every one!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    crosbylee wrote: »
    Happy Friday every one!!

    Happy Friday! This time next week, I'll be on vacay!!!
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I hit my original goal weight this morning!!! 165.0 lbs. WHOOOOOOOO!!!!

    Unfortunately, that target has moved. LOL. 158.4 is the new goal. But I'm still excited about the 165!


    That's my category!!! We need to lift together at a comp soooon <3

    If I make it! LOL Not sure I'm gonna be there by Aug 5th without an unexplainable whoosh!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    I hit my original goal weight this morning!!! 165.0 lbs. WHOOOOOOOO!!!!

    Unfortunately, that target has moved. LOL. 158.4 is the new goal. But I'm still excited about the 165!


    That's my category!!! We need to lift together at a comp soooon <3

    If I make it! LOL Not sure I'm gonna be there by Aug 5th without an unexplainable whoosh!

    I'm debating if I want to stay here or gun for 63kg. Not sure yet
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    I suck. Ugh.


    I failed deadlifts at 335 lbs Friday night when training with my trainer (20 lbs under my 1RM). I also tweaked my back pretty good (was told not to work out at all, all weekend). I woke at 1 a.m. Sunday morning and couldn't go back to sleep (I always want to eat when this happens). On top of reaching an all-time low body weight during the week (I habitually sabotage myself when I reach a new low). Each of these things individually cause me to want to eat. It was a perfect storm.

    I ate ALL THE THINGZ. I watched myself put food into my mouth I didn't even really want, saying "don't eat that" to myself, and I still ate it. Things I don't even like, like movie popcorn. My stomach hurt from eating, and I still ate more.

    I am up over 6 pounds this morning. I know it's not all real weight. But I am really upset that I did this to myself.

    I am officially forgiving myself right now and hitting the reset button. I have logged my entire food day. I am going to stick to it. I am not going to eat things and not log them. I am going to go to the gym. I am going to do my cardio.

    ETA: My back is better, at least.
  • Oberon21
    Oberon21 Posts: 13,235 Member
    edited July 2017
    Good for you Quik! Everyone has this happen to them. We all seem to self-sabotage for some reason or another. Just move forward, you will probably be back down by the end of the week!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    I suck. Ugh.


    I failed deadlifts at 335 lbs Friday night when training with my trainer (20 lbs under my 1RM). I also tweaked my back pretty good (was told not to work out at all, all weekend). I woke at 1 a.m. Sunday morning and couldn't go back to sleep (I always want to eat when this happens). On top of reaching an all-time low body weight during the week (I habitually sabotage myself when I reach a new low). Each of these things individually cause me to want to eat. It was a perfect storm.

    I ate ALL THE THINGZ. I watched myself put food into my mouth I didn't even really want, saying "don't eat that" to myself, and I still ate it. Things I don't even like, like movie popcorn. My stomach hurt from eating, and I still ate more.

    I am up over 6 pounds this morning. I know it's not all real weight. But I am really upset that I did this to myself.

    I am officially forgiving myself right now and hitting the reset button. I have logged my entire food day. I am going to stick to it. I am not going to eat things and not log them. I am going to go to the gym. I am going to do my cardio.

    ETA: My back is better, at least.

    Yay your back is better! I get frustrated then stuff my face as well, I totally get that one. It'll go down within the week i'm sure.

    This weekend was busy but wonderful! Saturday we hit the gym (deload still) and then went to a therapeutic farm for a vegan potluck. There was a fire that started Saturday about 20 minutes from us (it's out now) that burnt through 55 hectares of land, as well as the stuff still burning in Northern BC. Sunday we hit a beach and met a bunch of hippies, spent the day out in the sun.

    Today we actually were able to lift again, currently doing some hypertrophy work and my goodness did it ever kick my butt!
    Banded squats were the new add in, Austyn also has me doing some accessories that are used in Olympic lifting so that was interesting to try for the first time. I also hit a volume PR with bench, slowly seeing things work in that area finally lol
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Good for you Quik! Everyone has this happen to them. We all seem to self-sabotage for some reason or another. Just move forward, you will probably be back down by the end of the week!


    I would have done the same except for being dropped flat by a migraine. I stayed home from work today because I get nauseated every time I stand up.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Oberon21 wrote: »
    Good for you Quik! Everyone has this happen to them. We all seem to self-sabotage for some reason or another. Just move forward, you will probably be back down by the end of the week!


    I would have done the same except for being dropped flat by a migraine. I stayed home from work today because I get nauseated every time I stand up.

    Boo. Feel better. I'm currently home with a sick kid. He's throwing up and has a headache. It's summer! No one's supposed to feel sick on summer break!
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    I tweaked my pelvis/spine at the back yesterday. I've had low-level hip ache for most of the pregnancy, but as I was carrying Andrew out of a shop while he was having a meltdown, I felt it go ping! Ouch. It still hurts this morning. Really hoping it will get better if I take it easy for a few days. Really, really hoping this isn't life for the next 4 months. Damn loose ligaments. I didn't go for my pre-work walk this morning, and I am grumpy about it.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I tweaked my pelvis/spine at the back yesterday. I've had low-level hip ache for most of the pregnancy, but as I was carrying Andrew out of a shop while he was having a meltdown, I felt it go ping! Ouch. It still hurts this morning. Really hoping it will get better if I take it easy for a few days. Really, really hoping this isn't life for the next 4 months. Damn loose ligaments. I didn't go for my pre-work walk this morning, and I am grumpy about it.

    Oh, no! Sending healing thoughts!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I tweaked my pelvis/spine at the back yesterday. I've had low-level hip ache for most of the pregnancy, but as I was carrying Andrew out of a shop while he was having a meltdown, I felt it go ping! Ouch. It still hurts this morning. Really hoping it will get better if I take it easy for a few days. Really, really hoping this isn't life for the next 4 months. Damn loose ligaments. I didn't go for my pre-work walk this morning, and I am grumpy about it.

    Feel better, Anne Marie
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    spamarie wrote: »
    I tweaked my pelvis/spine at the back yesterday. I've had low-level hip ache for most of the pregnancy, but as I was carrying Andrew out of a shop while he was having a meltdown, I felt it go ping! Ouch. It still hurts this morning. Really hoping it will get better if I take it easy for a few days. Really, really hoping this isn't life for the next 4 months. Damn loose ligaments. I didn't go for my pre-work walk this morning, and I am grumpy about it.

    Uhoh! Hope you heal up quickly!
  • MissKalhan
    MissKalhan Posts: 2,282 Member
    Hiii my name is Victoria, I am a big ball of hurt and exhaustion! There's a astounding amount of fires going on around here which has caused our little valley to be "flooded" with smoke, I think the lack of oxygen (yesterday we were at the same air quality level as New Delhi, India) in the air is just causing me to be tired. I'm barely holding my eyes open at work right now and just feel fuzzy af.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Hiii my name is Victoria, I am a big ball of hurt and exhaustion! There's a astounding amount of fires going on around here which has caused our little valley to be "flooded" with smoke, I think the lack of oxygen (yesterday we were at the same air quality level as New Delhi, India) in the air is just causing me to be tired. I'm barely holding my eyes open at work right now and just feel fuzzy af.

    We've had bad fires in the past, and I've felt the same way. Hope they clear them quickly.
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    MissKalhan wrote: »
    Hiii my name is Victoria, I am a big ball of hurt and exhaustion! There's a astounding amount of fires going on around here which has caused our little valley to be "flooded" with smoke, I think the lack of oxygen (yesterday we were at the same air quality level as New Delhi, India) in the air is just causing me to be tired. I'm barely holding my eyes open at work right now and just feel fuzzy af.

    Eek! I know I was miserable when we had fires here last fall. Prayers for quick resolution.
  • spamarie
    spamarie Posts: 2,825 Member
    Speaking of fires, there was a big fire about a mile from my work yesterday afternoon. First we realised was the big, billowing cloud of black smoke behind our car park. After about 20 minutes there was a very worrisome BOOM, which I assume was some kind of gas canister going off as this was an industrial estate fire. We felt the building shake so it must have been quite dramatic close by. Turns out it was a plastics factory. Thankfully nobody was hurt. I'm glad the wind was blowing the smoke away from us, it looked nasty.

    My hips are slightly better today. More an all over ache rather than a sharp, stabby pain. I'll take that!