

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    Confession #1 I wanted to go to bed an hour ago but couldn't because I wanted to finish reading all the comments in this thread.
    Confession #2 When I get paid next week I will spend way too much on that White Chocolate Peanut Butter due to me living in Germany and having to order it online. Even though I don't know what it tastes like I'm craving it.
    Confession #3 I'm afraid to jump in on this thread because this is my first post ever on MFP and an English speaking community.

    I've stayed up later than I intended because of this thread.

    You're in good company, I'll also be spending way too much to get a jar of that stuff. I've had white chocolate Reese's PB cups and LOVE them, I'm sure I'll love White Chocolate Wonderful too. Oh, and I'll be getting pumpkin Pop Tarts as well, which just compounds the madness.

    Welcome to the warmest, fuzziest, most therapeutic thread on MFP!

    Nice arm post! Looking good! The sit on the floor weight workout is working!

    Thank you! :)

    It's a really easy way to fit in a nice little workout... I think @BZAH10 should copyright it, make a workout DVD and rake in $$ :p

    YES! Then I can keep up with this thread AND make money at the same time. Great idea!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    ythannah wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    The saddest movie I have ever seen is "Hachi". I tear up in a lot of movies, but this one had me full on sobbing, like gross snotty crying. It's a good movie, but so heartbreaking if you are in any way an animal lover. I sobbed through pretty much the whole thing and for about 3 weeks after any thought or mention of it would have tears welling up. I've only seen it the once and haven't been able to bring myself to watch it again.

    Good to know... that's another movie I'll avoid.

    My friends are pretty good at warning me off movies with sad animal stuff, like Eight Below and John Wick. I actually was hoping to see John Wick until I heard about the puppy. :'(

    Same here. I cannot watch anything sad about animals.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Random confession:
    I am really competitive towards my fiance when it comes to fitness. I want to be substantially leaner than him. It's petty and pathetic and I'm not sure why I feel that way, but I do.[/quote]

    Not pathetic. Whatever gets you motivated and keeps you going is a good enough reason. No explanation needed.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    sweep111 wrote: »
    While walking down the hall to go to the bathroom I grabbed a boxed Cadburys Easter egg I had sitting in the spare room to take to my friends child...ate the shell plus the 2 caramel eggs inside it & finished it while at the loo....hid the empty box & wrapping at the back of a drawer in the bedroom..I came back up resumed watching tv & nobody knew I'd done it...didn't take me 5mins I'm ashamed to add...I'm my own worst enemy...that's really bad isn't it???[/quote]

    You certainly aren't alone! Pretty sure we all do things like this. Besides, kid get way too much candy on Easter anyway. You probably did that child a favor. As for your side of it, I'd just say live and learn and move on.
  • clewpage
    clewpage Posts: 44 Member
    I've gained 10lbs since my wedding last year. YIKES!!!
    6 of those lbs have been in the last 3 months. (chocolate chocolate chocolate) stupid Valentines and Easter candy.
    My husband has joined me in this bit of weight gain...he's up, I'm guessing, 15-20lbs.
    We both feel fat and gross...
    I refuse to buy bigger summer clothes, so I'll have to buckle down so the ones I already have will fit.
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    So after 3 days of pigging, I weighed myself this morning and was the same as I was last Wednesday which is a result! Still I felt rubbish about how bad I've been so dragged my husband out for a 7 mile bike ride. It was bloody cold and hard but at least I've burnt off some calories ready for family coming over tonight!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Confession: I really can't tell what my body looks like because my boobs are so big. I can see my knees and that is about it.

    I've been working out in places with no mirrors for a long time, and I have horrible light in my current apartment, so even though I have a mirror, it doesn't tell me much. I am looking through pictures from last weekend, when I did some dance events...and I almost don't recognize myself.

    Maybe try going to a department store with the 3-way mirrors? I like those because they give you a really good all-around view, although the lighting is usually pretty bad.
  • RaidenOmega
    RaidenOmega Posts: 2 Member
    Confession: I'd lost 90 pounds, then ate a piece of cake, learned I could make that cake, made many of those cakes, and gained it all back. This time around, I've been intensely strict. The weight is melting off. The problem? I'm becoming obsessed. The positive? I realize I'm becoming obsessed. I forced myself to eat half a no bake cookie the other day. It was good, but too sweet. I'm liking this change, but I don't want this change to dictate who I become. This is probably a pretty common story, but it sure feels good getting it off my chest. Lol
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    I made it to the gym today and was running on the indoor track. There are three lanes on the track and slower people are to keep to the inside. I find a lot of people don't look behind them when crossing lanes to exit the track. Today I was running in the middle lane and was about two strides behind a young lady on the inside lane. Sure enough she didn't look behind her when crossing and my confession is, is that I wanted to speed up just slightly so I could knock her on her *kitten* for being so oblivious to her surroundings. Maybe it would have taught her a lesson

    Oh, how I can empathize with feeling that way... on a related note, at a local outdoor track where I walk sometimes (weather permitting), there are, at times, various groups of 2 or more individuals who somehow think that the lanes they decided to abruptly stop walking in would make a great place to finish their conversation -- and they just stand there, talking, while disrupting traffic flow on the track... a part of me wishes I could (in good conscience, let alone without injuring myself or others) 'fake-accidentally' walk right into at least one of them, knock however many of them down that happen to fall in conjunction with the collision, 'fake-accidentally' claim that I was just as surprised as they were, as I hadn't expected anyone to be standing-still-and-not-moving in the middle of a track, and then wish them well, as I continued on my merry way, all while pondering whether it would end up taking 'just one more' fake-accidental collision to 'make my point' (given that so many seem utterly oblivious to or otherwise couldn't-care-less-about the fact that multiple individuals keep having to 'go around' the 'standing-still-collective' in order to continue walking in the lane said individuals were walking in)... arggg :/

    In reading what you described, of someone not looking when crossing lanes at a track, it also brought to mind people who, while in a grocery store, suddenly change directions with their shopping carts, and without bothering to consider the fact that they aren't the only person in the store (let alone, not the only one pushing a cart) -- and that they should look, accordingly, before proceeding in whatever alternate direction they suddenly decided to adopt, seems to be incomprehensibly 'beyond' them...

    ...oh, and of course, we've seemingly all encountered those unfortunately-rather-many individuals who, when choosing to change lanes while driving, engage in Nike slogan action, and just do it -- sans any consideration for anyone around them, or otherwise demonstrating an awareness that they aren't the only driver on the road... (perhaps these same individuals carry their self-centered (or otherwise 'perpetually oblivious') habits to the track, as well...?)

    I can SO relate to all of this! Lots of people are clueless, oblivious, and not considerate of others. Some just don't realize that there is actually "track etiquette" just like there is for golf.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    I am an atheist, so our holidays are all secular here.

    Easter means chocolate bunnies, Easter baskets, and egg hunts. My kids don't know better, as evidenced by today's Easter egg hunt.

    My son got an egg with a chocolate cross inside. He said (loudly) "mom I got a plus!"

    Another confession- I hate the word atheist. I don't use it often.It sounds like I am drilling into my kids heads "there is no God!" "When you die you go nowhere!". I don't do that, I swear.

    I don't want religious friends and family to fret about me, so I just say we enjoy sleeping in and having family time on Sundays.

    How did you come to be an atheist? Very curious about this

    I was raised Christian, Christian school, church everytime the doors were open (Baptist at that). I've slowly gone from identifying as Christian, to deist, to somewhere between agnostic/atheist currently. **but I'm secretly thinking about converting to the church of the flying spaghetti monster** o:)

    Welp, I was raised in a family of very religious people, and I felt that in order to be a good person, I had to be religious too. And I really did try my best to be a believer. Look, act, and sound like one.

    When I discovered later that I could be a good person without being a churchgoer, I felt relief. I still have morals, values, and a conscience.

    My husband comes from a strict fundamentalist baptist upbringing, and my family is catholic with a few outspoken evangelicals in the mix.

    I respect my family's choice of belief. I would never critisize any person's faith. My son for example, believes in heaven.

    He heard about heaven somewhere, and is convinced that when you die you become an angel, and live on a cloud.

    My husband believes that the history channel show "ancient aliens" is on to something, and that Jesus was obviously an extra terrestrial.

    I see no reason to argue. I don't believe in Jesus at all, so I have no dog in the fight!

    This is me as well. Wasn't it a huge relief to finally discover this?! I know it was for me. Sounds like you are handling it well with your children.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    mziegler01 wrote: »
    I confess that I'm feeling proud of myself for not exceeding my calorie goal -and- dropping a pound on top of it today. Usually I'm quick to disparage myself and overeat if I've had a bad day, but today...GO ME! =D

    Awesome job - good for you!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I cooked some bacon in my cast iron skillet yesterday, I normally bake it, but I had this skillet full of bacon grease, so what do I do?

    I fry my weeks worth of chicken thighs in it.
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    Confession: Yesterday all I ate were two burritos and three ice cream sandwiches. I stayed within my calorie goal but half of them were from ice cream sandwiches!
  • CountessKitteh
    CountessKitteh Posts: 1,505 Member
    I cooked some bacon in my cast iron skillet yesterday, I normally bake it, but I had this skillet full of bacon grease, so what do I do?

    I fry my weeks worth of chicken thighs in it.

    Sounds reasonable.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    Kalici wrote: »
    lokepa wrote: »
    I am addicted to Jax cheese curls. So addicted, in fact, I have to cover my eyes when I walk past them in the supermarket so they don't 'magically' end up in the cart. My son thinks I am both sad and insane.

    Also, I haven't had soda in over two years... but every few months I dream about drinking it. Had the last dream a few days ago. In the dream I didn't realize I was drinking a huge Dr. Pepper until I was halfway through, and was disappointed in myself for drinking it... I was disappointed in myself IN MY DREAM. Thing is, I really have to real desire to drink it except maybe two or three times a year - super hot outside... see someone having a cold (insert favorite beverage here)...and I might think about it, but don't otherwise care.

    I have dreams where I'm convinced I smoked a cigarette and I wake up mad and disappointed in myself. They're extremely vivid dreams. I only occasionally have an urge to smoke a cigarette again as well.

    I do this with alcohol! I quit drinking about three months ago and I have dreams where I drink so much I black out and I wake up freaking out! It's so crazy!

    I quit drinking 5 years ago, and still have these from time to time.

    I quit booze over 3 years ago, and I still have these on occasion! Usually involves ridiculous stuff like being drunk at work & getting fired, or getting hammered at a big family event...SUCH a relief when I wake up and realize it was a dream!

    Isn't that crazy?! I think it's a sign from the universe (or whatever you believe in) reinforcing your decision to give it up.
  • tiona83
    tiona83 Posts: 99 Member
    I am an atheist, so our holidays are all secular here.

    Easter means chocolate bunnies, Easter baskets, and egg hunts. My kids don't know better, as evidenced by today's Easter egg hunt.

    My son got an egg with a chocolate cross inside. He said (loudly) "mom I got a plus!"

    Another confession- I hate the word atheist. I don't use it often.It sounds like I am drilling into my kids heads "there is no God!" "When you die you go nowhere!". I don't do that, I swear.

    I don't want religious friends and family to fret about me, so I just say we enjoy sleeping in and having family time on Sundays.

    How did you come to be an atheist? Very curious about this

    I was raised Christian, Christian school, church everytime the doors were open (Baptist at that). I've slowly gone from identifying as Christian, to deist, to somewhere between agnostic/atheist currently. **but I'm secretly thinking about converting to the church of the flying spaghetti monster** o:)

    Welp, I was raised in a family of very religious people, and I felt that in order to be a good person, I had to be religious too. And I really did try my best to be a believer. Look, act, and sound like one.

    When I discovered later that I could be a good person without being a churchgoer, I felt relief. I still have morals, values, and a conscience.

    My husband comes from a strict fundamentalist baptist upbringing, and my family is catholic with a few outspoken evangelicals in the mix.

    I respect my family's choice of belief. I would never critisize any person's faith. My son for example, believes in heaven.

    He heard about heaven somewhere, and is convinced that when you die you become an angel, and live on a cloud.

    My husband believes that the history channel show "ancient aliens" is on to something, and that Jesus was obviously an extra terrestrial.

    I see no reason to argue. I don't believe in Jesus at all, so I have no dog in the fight!

    Your hus
    I am an atheist, so our holidays are all secular here.

    Easter means chocolate bunnies, Easter baskets, and egg hunts. My kids don't know better, as evidenced by today's Easter egg hunt.

    My son got an egg with a chocolate cross inside. He said (loudly) "mom I got a plus!"

    Another confession- I hate the word atheist. I don't use it often.It sounds like I am drilling into my kids heads "there is no God!" "When you die you go nowhere!". I don't do that, I swear.

    I don't want religious friends and family to fret about me, so I just say we enjoy sleeping in and having family time on Sundays.

    Your husband would get along with my husband.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    pofoster21 wrote: »
    ythannah wrote: »
    dearmrsowl wrote: »
    Confession #1 I wanted to go to bed an hour ago but couldn't because I wanted to finish reading all the comments in this thread.
    Confession #2 When I get paid next week I will spend way too much on that White Chocolate Peanut Butter due to me living in Germany and having to order it online. Even though I don't know what it tastes like I'm craving it.
    Confession #3 I'm afraid to jump in on this thread because this is my first post ever on MFP and an English speaking community.

    I've stayed up later than I intended because of this thread.

    You're in good company, I'll also be spending way too much to get a jar of that stuff. I've had white chocolate Reese's PB cups and LOVE them, I'm sure I'll love White Chocolate Wonderful too. Oh, and I'll be getting pumpkin Pop Tarts as well, which just compounds the madness.

    Welcome to the warmest, fuzziest, most therapeutic thread on MFP!

    Nice arm post! Looking good! The sit on the floor weight workout is working!

    Thank you! :)

    It's a really easy way to fit in a nice little workout... I think @BZAH10 should copyright it, make a workout DVD and rake in $$ :p

    YES! Then I can keep up with this thread AND make money at the same time. Great idea!

    Can I volunteer to be one of the demonstrators in the video? I can be the "needs improvement" model. :D
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Confession: Easter brunch killed me. Quiche and blueberry cream cheese coffeecake and cheesy hashbrowns and bacon and sausage and cake and cookies and... I feel like a total slug. I did not step on the scale this morning, too scared to see the result.

    Oh, and I totally forgot I was supposed to be doing a plank challenge this weekend (that started on Friday). Do you think I can knock out the two I missed before lunch and not tell the person who challenged me that I forgot? :#

    Well, I'm not one of those "start a diet and/or exercise program on Monday only" people, but it does seem a bit weird to start a plank challenge on the Friday before a holiday, so yes, I say you can just say you did it and pick it back up on Monday.
  • Deannjay
    Deannjay Posts: 19 Member
    When I first started working out, I couldn't get through a normal workout video so I did senior citizen workouts until I built up my endurance. I know...embarrassing.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    I haven't read the forums all weekend, and while your confessions were undoubtedly amazing, I will not go back to read them.

    Also, someone just tried to pull a fast one on me. Didn't work. Silly rabbits, trix are for kids.

    I'm frantically trying to keep up with this thread but I think your avatar changes happen just a rapidly! I have to start reading user names now so that I can keep up with everyone.