

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sue, I think I pulled out a couple of stitches from laughing. That was funny!

    Poor Sugar!

    Good morning everyone! Brrrrr! It's cold. 12 degrees when I woke up this morning. Took the kids to school this morning, and the roads were in good shape. I was planning to go to lunch in Joplin with one of my pottery friends, but her mom died yesterday, so that is on hold.

    Yesterday morning Bruno jumped up and hit me hard in the stomach. It really hurt, and later I found a new (large) bruise next to one of the small incisions. The one in my belly button. So, I was worried about that all day, thinking he might have done some internal damage. I was more sore yesterday than the day before, and felt swollen and bloated when I went to bed, but this morning it's not so bad.

    I'm going to the studio later to do some drafting, then hubby is going to come up later and help me load the kiln. It would be too hard on my tummy to do that by myself.

    I'm really sick of staying home all the time doing nothing, but a little scared to get out and do stuff, too. So I'm torn. Just have to do little bits of things till I get stronger, I guess.

    So, I need to get in the shower. Have a great day!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    My grandparents were taking me on a vacation to Disneyland. Grandma was excited for me when we boarded the plane, she exclaimed that I was lucky, because I got the Shakespeare seat.

    "Why is it the Shakespeare seat Grandma?"

    "You are in seat 2-B, so it's the Shakespeare seat."

    "Don't be silly Grandma. All the seats on an airplane are Shakespeare seats."

    "How do you figure that?"

    "Well, it's either seat 2-B or not 2-B."

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    StrawbC: I can’t always avoid the munchies, but I can substitute celery and carrots for pudding and chips. Give substitution a try, and go for healthy and crunchy veggies.

    SueTN2: Great joke. I knew something was coming, but I didn’t know what to expect as the punchline.

    We are planning to go to the coast today. The weather forecast calls for sunshine and a high of 63F. I’ll take it! I’ll also take wading boots and a warm jacket. I hope to have a lovely walk on the beach.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    February Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia - thanks for the laugh! Take care of yourself. I hope you have a speedy recovery so that you can get back to normal.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, all...........been off from here for a few days, both busy and unwilling to deal with this agonizingly slow computer.

    Lesley.........My thoughts have been wth you and Stan; had a good cry for Mildred beagle who gave you soooo much joy. Glad you were able to keep her close. She is with my basenji hounds Sam (14) and Betsy (18) and having a good time sniffing out new friends.

    Snow ( about 4") since Monday mid-afternoon, freezing rain toward morning, now gropple...........DD and DH both home. My poor birds!!!! I ran out yesterday to get them more feed and suet; fed 4 times yesterday and 2 times already today--had a yard full of redwing blackbirds last time I looked. Cleaned a path to the feeder before daylight this am.

    REALLY appreciated the hummer pic and the reminder of what is to come!!!!

    Sue and Sylvia........Thanks for the smiles!

    Kim..........YUM.........Bacon roses would win my heart.

    Pat.......Love your cactus.

    Katla.........Will be happy to send that recipe for sweet potato pie. My DH was born in Texas and is a true southern boy at heart despite leaving there at three........ YAY for your riding lesson success!!!

    Well, on Saturday I picked up the new dog; ( $14.00 Valentine's Day shelter special; can you believe that?)........have come to the conclusion she is maybe a "pet" quality basenji (which is fine)........looks are slightly off, but personality is proving to be basenji ALL the way. Sleeping in bed with DD at the moment. Name is Gemma now per DD after much discussion; she seems to have learned it and it is close enough to her shelter name (Jean). I'm finding this extremely funny/weird as Gemma was a name I entertained giving DD. DH has proven (once again) to be the dog's biggest fan........so you see why I don't listen to his rumblings. He fixed up an old collar to fit her; (he does leatherwork) and almost had a heart attack when he accidently let her out yesterday (b's are escape artists). She's very cool to him.....think there might have been some male abuse in her background.

    Hello and love to all I missed!!!

    Heather.........hope you are having a safe journey home after your fabulous trip!!!

    Hunger is not an emergency.

  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited February 2015
    Lesley I am so sorry to for your loss. We just lost our beloved fur baby Bosko as well. He would of been 13 on Valentines Day.

    This may not be everyones cuppa tea but it is mine. This site sells plushies or stuffed animals, figurines made to look just like your beloved pet. All you do is send a few photos of varying views. They ship worlwide.

    yannie i would love that sweet potato pie recipe too!
  • tebbertrevalee
    Hello from Linerty, Indiana, USA. 59 year old cancer survivor, long diagnosed bipolar, recently diagnosed hypothyroidism. Lost 28 pounds since May 2014, want to lose additional 22 in a healthy, clean eating way. gluten free since May, 2014 on doctors' orders (both primary care and psychiatrist are functional/holistic care providers as well as MDs). Resolution for 2015;
    1-Eat. Real. Food.
    2-10000 steps a day. I'm nowhere near this now
    3-drink 8 8 oz H20 per day.
    That's it. Sweet and simple. Oh, yeah, I'd like to write my second book,
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good Morning dear ladies!

    Pip: You and your DH make a cute couple.

    I took a PiYo class on Saturday morning. The Instructor was a “newbie”. We are not his first group, but we are just his second. This is the first time we met as a group. We are a bunch of older dog trainers. I’m the only one who has already been exercising and losing weight. Another one of the group has lost the same amount of weight as I have, but hasn’t really been exercising regularly. The rest are just beginning a journey. He slowed everything way down to show us what the moves/sequences were. I didn’t really break a sweat, but I bet I will next week. It is a very weird hybrid between Pilates and yoga. I know all the yoga “moves” but PiYo tries to speed them up, so my breathing was always off making it feel out of sync. There was a little holding a position and “bouncing”, which I don’t like (way too easy to tear something). I will try to substitute a controlled pulse next week. There was one sequence that if done sloppily would torque at the knee joint. I just need to be aware when we go there to stay square and will never have a problem. I liked it enough that I will give it at least three more weeks.

    So sorry about the weather in the Midwest and East, but this is a glorious week in the PNW. We were over 60 yesterday and will be 65 today. Really hard to stay inside and work today! Think I will take a walk after yoga today before I go back to my desk just to enjoy the sunshine. Sun is a rare thing out here where the moss grows on all four sides of the tree!

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Michele - The only Burk sounding place I know of is Burke County. With at least 80,000 people, it would be a big city for NC. I laugh at the people down here because they freak out at the mention of snow. Since I grew up in the foothills, I was shocked that there seemed to be only one snow plow for the entire city when I first moved here. When I was growing up, we got a lot of snow.

    Thanks for the feedback on the dating issue. I've made up my mind that I will know if and when it is the right time to date and my well-meaning friends need to back off.

    I've expressed how much I love the peacefulness at my new place ad nauseum. However, I got so upset last night that I was thankful I didn't have a weapon on the house. I listened to five straight hours of idiots in their SUVs and trucks use the park next door as a large ice rink for testing their idiocy. I'm sure they were having enormous fun revving their engines and spinning in 360s but I was frantic to escape the noise. It was one of those times when I simply coud not get hold of the anxiety/stress/anger that was consuming me. I finally called the non-emergency number for the police and asked politely that, IF they had a car in the area, could someone check it out. I explained that I knew that they had other priorities but that five hours was enough! Since it was after 10 p.m. I had my blinds closed, but the noise stopped shortly after that.

    We had an inch or so of snow covered with hours of sleet. With the forecasted temps being so low, I'm not sure we will thaw out before the weekend. I'm using my snow day as I usually do--cooking and reading!

    Speaking of which, I need to go stir my chili and find freezer containers for it. Oh!! I made a chicken barley soup from Skinnytaste over the weekend and it is scrumptious!

    Carol in icy NC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Tuesday! Today was weigh in day and I am down .6. I am working today and this morning we had such a pretty snow. It was nice to just watch it come down. Now it is warming up and making slush all over.

    Heather--Sure have been enjoying your trip. The pictures are great. I feel like I have been there. Pray you have a safe trip home.

    Love the pictures of all the furbabies.

    Meg--Glad to hear your knee is letting you do some exercise. We are getting areal pretty snow this morning. Don't think it is to amount to much, just pretty coming down.

    Joyce--Thanks for the pictures. I do enjoy sharing our lives with pictures. I am going to have to figure out how to post.

    lelupixie--Thanks for sharing the web site. Interesting and so true.

    Barbie--Thanks for list of loopholes. Not happy to say I have used most if not all of them.

    yanniejannie--Congrates on the new furbaby.

    I had to apply for the lead job for my deptment. I have been here 28 years and they wanted me to take an assesment quiz. I am not sure I really want to job, but put it out there and see what happens. I do not do change well and know I have been stress eating. Starting the end of next month I will start working everyother weekend. Knew that was coming. Now I work every third. But atleast I still have a job.
    One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Jan, we need pictures! Hugs to you and your new baby! Gemma is a cute name! I love it when shelters have those specials. Ours had a black dog special in the summer and a black cat special at halloween.

    Vicki, good luck with the new job. I hope you get it.

    I'm at the studio drafting right now. Well, RIGHT now I'm goofing off, as you can see, but I have been drafting most of the day and will be again soon. Starting to feel a little tired, but not too bad. I've had more back pain through this ordeal than tummy pain. I think my tummy muscles are so weak that it's throwing my back muscles off kilter.

    I get up and walk around every once in a while, which helps.

    Well, back to work! Have a great afternoon.


  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy fat tues.
    Burr again,temps in the teens,tomorrow high of 3.
    Welcome new ladies.Thanks for sharing the pics.
    hugs jane
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Marking my spoT.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I just had to post this picture of my Molly jumping for a ball. She looks like she's flying. I'm sorry it's a butt-shot, but it is what it is.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    To the new lady from Indiana, did you mean Liberty Indiana? I looked up Linerty and there is none but there is a Liberty and N is right by B on the keyboard. I am also from Indiana but the extreme southwestern portion. I think we have 3 of us now from Indiana

    Don't know how my pictures came out sideways or upside down. They were fine on my iPad/

    More later Joyce, INdiana
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    *Sharon, I had to laugh. Your crocheted table cloth sounds like something I would do.

    *StrawbC, I think we all have those times, but I look at the clothes I’ve undergrown and the smaller ones that I want to fit into and tell myself it’s worth it. I try to get my butt out of that chair and move around even if I don’t get anything done. I don’t eat at my computer so for me, I come here and visit with these wonderful ladies and tell myself I can do this. Good luck!

    *Barbie, thanks for sharing. Reminders are good for all of us.

    *Sue, I loved the joke. I was trying to figure out how in the world anyone could lift that. LOL I like to look at a 10 pound bag of sugar or flour and imagine that is what I get rid of with every 10 pounds I loose. 

    *Sylvia, loved the joke. You take care of yourself and tell Bruno to go easy on you. And I love the picture of Molly!

    *teber, welcome. Congrats on your loss and good luck on the future loss. We are happy to have you join us.

    *yannie, congrats on Gemma and I hope you have many wonderful years together.

    *sweetnsassyfied, the cuddleclones are cute. We got a statue that looked a lot like our pit bull when he was a puppy. We weren’t looking for it but when we saw it, it just reminded us of our sweet Tanner and I had to have it. He had passed a few years before.

    *NCCarol, the next time you will just have to make your call a little sooner. I wonder how much damage they did to the grass.

    *I got this in an email today and it reminded me of you ladies, so I just have to share:

    Happiness keeps you Sweet,
    Trials keep you Strong,
    Sorrows keep you Human,
    Failures keep you Humble,
    Success keeps you Glowing,
    But ... Only Friends ....
    Keep You Going !!!

    I wish you all a very happy and healthy day.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    in Myrtle Beach, SC
  • caddir
    caddir Posts: 150 Member
    7elizamae, Welcome! I think we have a few on board who are slightly less than 50, and they have been well behaved. The thing I like about this thread is that everybody is really nice. nobody is rude or snarky like in most of the other threads. Where are you from? I'm guessing your name is Eliza?

    Red, I weigh myself EVERY morning, completely naked, after going to the bathroom. Twice. I've read where they say to do it once a week, but I really need to know where I am every day. I can do a lot of damage to myself in a week. I understand about fluctuations and can deal with that. Daily works for me.

    Diana, so sorry about the speeding ticket! Ouch! My poor hubby had not had one ticket in his entire life, then in the space of a few weeks he got three, in three different jurisdictions. We found out that for a little extra money every one of those police departments would turn a speeding ticket into a "parking ticket" (they called it a deferral or something) so it wouldn't go on his insurance. That sounds like extortion to me, but it kept our rates from going up, so we did it.

    Heather, I'm really enjoying your tales from Sri Lanka. I hope you are having as much fun as we are.

    Terri, I hope you find Downton Abbey. It's a lot of fun. I love
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi all,
    I’ve been a bit silent (for me). We had an ice/snow storm Sunday night in Middle Tennessee. Interstates were closed and everyone urged to stay in. Both my TOPS weigh in meeting and study group were cancelled of course. It drove my hubby crazy. We live on a big hill. He probably would have tried to go out but his car was covered in about 2 inches of ice. Our sweet young neighbor shoveled our walk and a path to the car. We don’t even own a shovel. He said he was given one as a gag gift (glad he had it). We never get this weather anymore. You would think we’d get some cleaning/organizing done. NOPE! Both of us just moped around all day. Today the sun is out and he has made a run to the store. I’m still being lazy. This ice-bound experience has shown me how badly I’m addicted to the pool. I have a big pout on and don’t want to do anything else. Might get up and walk around a bit inside. We’ll see.
    CP – sorry to hear about your chocolate overdose. Getting right back on this horse is the answer. It really is one meal at a time.
    Katiebug – I hope you get your new fit bit soon.
    Cindy, Pip, Sylvia, Joyce, Heather and others – so enjoyed the pictures
    Pat – lovely cactus
    Selena – loved your hummingbird picture. My sister and I exchange hummingbird themed gifts. It symbolizes our special bond (even more special now that she has metastasized breast cancer).
    Modierdorf – your mission trip to Cuba sounds interesting. Tell us more about it.
    Heather – I pray you have a safe trip home. I have so enjoyed your “travel log” of Shri Lanka!
    Thlavalle - poor Sugar. Her cast is so cute.
    Michele – Congrats on maintaining your weight on your travels. Have fun in Florida!
    Meg – glad your knee is holding up
    Pip – loved the Loophole List! Been very guilty of some of these.
    TNSue and Sylvia – Ha! Ha! Ha!
    Yannie – Keep us posted on how Gemma is adapting
    I went to see DS and family on Saturday to meet their 2 foster dogs. They are sweethearts. If they keep them they will rename them Doc and Wyatt. It all depends on the cats. (I suggested they downsize on cats and was told, “That isn’t an option.”
    Time to continue my laziness

    Pouting Toni in Tennessee
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Barbie - Thanks for the categories of loopholes. I know I have used some if not all. Gretchen Rubin is now on my must read list.

    Sylvia - Please don't push yourself too hard! Activity is important but so is rest as your body needs time to heal.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello ladies,

    I just wanted to give everybody a little incentive to keep exercising and eating healthy. To date I have lost over 30 pounds with 25 to go and 57 years old. I had written on here in the past that I was having trouble with loose and elephant skin. I also had an issue with cellulite. I am excited to tell you that by continued exercise and healthy eating my cellulite is diminishing and my skin is tightening and looking pretty good. So there is hope out there that our bodies will regenerate healthy skin cells. Muscle is replacing fat. I have also been on the 8 hour diet and according to them by fasting and exercising first thing in the morning it initiates the fat burning in our bodies. It also turns on what they called the health gene. Which is supposed to help restore our bodies. And a little prayer as well could have been why I am seeing such an improvement. Well time to go and get back to exercising and housework!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota