Getting too carried away with the weight loss?



  • Karleh
    Karleh Posts: 45 Member
    I'm just going to echo what everybody else said - they're used to seeing you bigger and haven't adjusted to this you yet.

    You were chubby cheeked before and now your face is very thin. Some people will look you and think 'wow! great cheekbones!' But it wouldn't surprise me if the people who've known you a long time now think you look gaunt in comparison.

    I also think we've also just got used to overweight being the norm.

    There's this BBC calculator with which you can compare your BMI to the average BMI all around the world.

    So, for example, I have a BMI of 21 - hardly underweight, but lower than 87% of women in my age group in my country (where the mean BMI for women in my age group is 26.87) So you can see how that might skew perceptions.

    Cool calc!, My BMI is also 21 but I can see how it looks when everyone else is bigger!

    "Your numbers
    Obesity Index
    BMI is an estimate of how "overweight" or "obese" a person is National
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 86% of males aged 15-29 in your country Global
    Below average
    You have a lower BMI than 60% of males aged 15-29 in the world

    Did you know?
    If everyone in the world had the same BMI as you, it would remove 28,267,294 tonnes from the total weight of the world's population "
  • Karleh
    Karleh Posts: 45 Member
    Hey Karleh, I think you look great but maybe this can help, cos it takes your frame into consideration:

    Never knew that! According to the finger/ thumb test I am a small frame and again ideal... i guess if everything is saying i am ideal weight then I must be lol
  • Ashleyxjamie
    Ashleyxjamie Posts: 223 Member
    You look awesome! Don't let anyone get you down. Your GF should be more supportive, and so should your friends. Give them some more time or move on from it. Maybe up your calories a bit if you are maintaining though :)
  • Gamble97
    Gamble97 Posts: 10 Member
    Stay true to yourself.... Some of your freinds are really concerned and others want to see you fail so they can say you failed...Keep in mind "the people that matter dont mind and the people that mind dont matter"
  • rocket_ace
    rocket_ace Posts: 380 Member
    people who only knew the fat you will be kind (but biased) and keep telling you that you can't lose anymore. don't listen to them, but listen to yourself. that being said, looking at your pic you look perfectly healthy and slim so I don't think you need to lose more weight, though you may (if you feel you want to only) try gaining some muslce weight and then if you still feel you have excess fat, then try cutting that...but I think you need to do weights and eat more at this point as a primary direction (if at all) and not more pure weight loss - and that can be a hard transition to make mentally
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    Previously when I was very fit and had a lost a lot of weight, a couple of my good friends commented that I looked good but definitely shouldn't lose more weight. Now, in my head, I still wanted to lose 10kg but, even though I was in the healthy weight range, because of my workout regime I was already underweight in terms of fat mass. My point is only that sometimes our self image can get a little skewed. At the time, I was offended by it but in hindsight, I'm glad I had friends willing to tell me (even if I wasn't willing to listen!). If you are in the healthy weight range and not particularly muscly then you should be fine though.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I am gonna be honest I don't particularly eat very healthy I just got into cycling and really took to it and enjoy it. Maybe that is why people are jealous they see me eating pizza and losing weight whilst they stay huge and claim not to eat much.
    Bradley Wiggins probably has people telling him he's too skinny too.
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    No, you look great, don't worry! Maybe they just need time to get used to the new you.
  • PippaJo_
    PippaJo_ Posts: 233 Member
    If I hadn't seen the before pics, I'd think that you were simply 'naturally skinny' - as in, not 'too thin', just someone who has a frame that's naturally on the thin side. Perhaps a little bit 'bony', but not because you aren't eating, just that it's simply the way you came out of the box!

    Given that look contrasted with the much 'rounder' you before, I can see why your friends are concerned - but I think they just haven't gotten used to your new look yet.

    You do have some fierce cheekbones, which were hidden before - that accentuates your look, but really, it's just a structural thing.

    I would suggest getting some sun, too. :-) You say you aren't eating particularly 'healthy'? I think that is showing up a little bit in your skin tone - perhaps it's just the photo lighting, but your skin looks healthier before, and you look a bit pale now, but to be fair, we *are* just coming out of winter. But if your vitamins are lacking, you might want to look into bumping those up too, that should help your overall look quite a lot.

    But 'too skinny'? No. :-)
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    100% honesty. Your body looks healthy. Your face looks a little thin. Once you're on maintenance for a month or so, I'd expect your face to fill back out and lose the somewhat haggard look.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I agree with the others, as long as you're happy where you are and are at a healthy weight, which is looks like you are, then just ignore them. I get the "you look so skinny" or "why are you still losing weight, you look fine" comments all the time, I just want to scream, "I'm 176lbs!!!!!" Drives me nuts.
  • BioMechHeretic
    BioMechHeretic Posts: 128 Member
    You look totally fine man, it's definitely a mix of people not adjusting yet to how they always saw you and jealousy.

    Plus as others have mentioned, once you are at that healthy weight for awhile your body will even itself back out and you'll start to really look your best.
  • greenmonstergirl
    greenmonstergirl Posts: 619 Member
    gaining while strength training if you want to be more muscular.
    This ^
  • triathlete5301
    triathlete5301 Posts: 182 Member
    I personally think you look fine. Congrats on your weightloss and commitment to being healthy.

    You may be getting these comments because everyone is used to seeing bigger you and you now look tiny in comparison. They could be jealous that you succeeded, or they could be worried that you are starting to look very lean now and you may take it too far.

    Many people suggestion that our society has gotten so overweight that most of us have forgotten what a healthy weight looks like and so when we see someone at a healthy weight we freak out and think "too thin, or anorexic".

    I would go see your Dr for a "check up" then when people say things to you, you can reply "oh, my Dr is really happy with my weight and my health". Its hard to argue with this.

    ^^ This!

    I think you personally look fine. But who am I to judge? If you're in a healthy weight, healthy BMI, and YOU are sastisfied, *kitten* the haters. You did an AMAZING job and congrats for keeping it off!
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    I am staying at my current weight, I think I look fine but keep getting loads of ***** comments in work and from "friends" calling me anorexic or that I have body dysmorphia. It is really starting to get me down as I was so proud of what I lost and am so much happier in myself and much more confident, but even my girlfriend has gone from being supportive to now start saying i have lost too much and she preferred me when I was obese so I am starting to think maybe I have gone too far :\

    Ummmm... your gf is just worried you'll upgrade.
  • conniemaxwell5
    conniemaxwell5 Posts: 943 Member
    You have a very thin face and small frame and look very thin in clothes so I could see how people would make those assumptions / comments but in the photo where you're in the towel, your chest and stomach area look fine. You don't have protruding ribs or anything else that make me think "anorexic." I think sometimes when people are used to seeing us a certain way it's difficult to accept the transformation.
  • stonel94
    stonel94 Posts: 550 Member
    I'm gonna be honest. You're definitely skinny, to the point that a lot of women might find you kinda scrawny. But you don't seem unhealthy, it just seems like you nautrally have a smaller build. If I were you I would up my calories and start heavy lifting to get some more muscle, look a little more substantial and less weak
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    MagicalLeopleurodon Posts: 623 Member
    personally, i think its time for some muscle mass :) you look much.healthier now, bit you kinda lack muscle shape. thats just me though :)
  • caterpillardreams
    caterpillardreams Posts: 476 Member
    I think you look completely different and some people can not accept the change, if you are healthy eating enough for your weight then just keep it up, if you have issues and are not eating then there may be some necessary concern.
    And if you are healthy so be it, people feel the need to comment on anything and everything and feel entitled to give their opinions whenever they feel like it.
  • Scubanana7
    Scubanana7 Posts: 361 Member
    so they are just jealous cuz you look like Johnny Depp's little brother~ GOOD for you. But you do not need to lose got it just right! Be careful and eat enough to maintain with the cycling. I know that burns a lot. YAYAY for healthy you! When they make stupid comments, just laugh! and no way that your girlfriend doesnt' think you are adorable. She is probably just afraid that the new you will find a new girl! Give her lots of reassurance and compliments.
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