How to respond to family members who disagree with weight goal



  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    hezemakiah wrote: »
    Her and my dad had crazy high metabolisms so it never effected their weight.

    If you were a teenager, you had a faster metabolism than they did.

    They just had no problem eating at maintenance without counting, because they instinctively stopped eating when they had enough food. Millions of people do this. They don't count calories and they don't gain weight so we assume they have "crazy fast" metabolisms. But when you count what they're really eating, it's not all that much.

    Let me guess: You'd take 2-3 servings of everything and your mom would take a more moderate smaller portion, and you probably never noticed, right?
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member

    You should also think about whether or not you are playing a part in the fact that they might think you are unhappy. Do you grouch about your diet or exercise in any way in front of them. Are you irritable, I mean more so than usual? It's not just being on a diet that can make us irritable, there are nutrients you may be missing that can cause you to be irritable. A lack of calcium/magnesium, a lack of omegas. A lack of vitamin D3, some B vitamins. Check your cholesterol levels. Lower cholesterol can make you irritable. You don't get cholesterol by consuming high cholesterol foods, your liver Creates ALL of your own cholesterol, but it does so from the fats you ingest. Fats are necessary to life and should not ever be entirely cut out of any diet. Most people don't know that a lack of cholesterol in their blood can cause a temporary schizophrenia. "People who are deficient in omega-3s may suffer from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and ADHD".

    If you are on an extremely low calorie diet, I suggest doing some research on adding supplements, or changing the way you eat in order to include what you may be missing.

    I am sorry, but the whole bipolar may just be missing something nutrient wise bothers the living daylights out of me. My parents honestly believed when I was a teen that if I got the right nutrients and natural remedy, my symptoms would go away. What to know what really happened? They were SO convinced that vitamins would help that they missed the symptoms leading up to a manic episode. That did not end well for any of us.

    I really take issue to people suggesting mental illness can be treated with supplements. It is dangerous. Yes, there are issues with chemical imbalence in the brain. The way to treat that is medication, not supplements.

    At no time did I suggest I was on VLCD. I am well above the 1200 "limit" each day.

    No, doing research via dr. Google is never a good idea when it comes to your health. There is so much bad information out there. Blood tests are the way to tell if you have a deficiency, not random symptoms you ask google about. I have seen many people do actual harm to their body because they believed they should be taking a certain kind of supplement based on generic symptoms. A really good example: right now I have a flu virus. If I were to ask dr. Google about my symptoms you know what comes up? Ebola. There is absolutely no chance of me having contracted that since I a) have never been to Africa and b) none of my PTs have travelled either.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    OP, too many comments so I didn't read them all. I think when you get older you stop caring about what others say. I'm 47 and don't give a fig about what people think about my weightloss goals or clothes or choices or anything! You have one life; it's yours and no one elses. Don't spend it worrying or explaining yourself. When you give people details or explanations you are inviting them to judge and criticize. Set boundaries by keeping things like this private and they will eventually get that it's not a topic for discussion.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I have not read all the responses so sorry if this is a repeat

    there is a website called my body gallery, basically people can post pictures of themselves and you can see based on sex, height, and weight. This could be useful, show your parents some pictures of people at your goal weight. Sometimes numbers just sound so large and extreme, but if they see other people with your body type at your goal weight who don't look like starvation cases maybe it will help them understand. Also if you have other people in your family at a healthy weight who are willing to share their stats use that for backup.
  • shaddowstorm
    shaddowstorm Posts: 155 Member
    My family used to call me fat now at my weight now I get told I'm too skinny and look disgusting so I just think this :

    "My results ruin their excuses."
  • VioletNightshade
    I recently transitioned to being vegan from 3 years of solid vegetarianism (was on the fence about eating meat for most of my life, and started and stopped eating it for many years for various reasons). My entire family are very overweight (most are morbidly obese. My mother is over 300lb) and don't consider it a meal unless it's at least 1/3 meat. They fry everything under the sun and think bacon hung the moon. I love most of them to pieces, but they haven't the foggiest idea of what a healthy diet looks like, and for me, right now, the only way to really keep myself from "cheating" is to just not eat anything they cook, and keep myself on a pretty strict, yet nutrition packed lifestyle of tons of fruit and vegetables, with some nuts and seeds, with rices and beans most days as well as occasional pastas/breads (I try to keep bread/pasta to once or twice a week). It's worked wonders for me. My family thinks I'm COMPLETELY and entirely insane and have officially gone off the deep end. I may as well be an alien from another planet, the way I eat is so vastly different from the way they do. They tell me I'm not getting any protein and tell me that I'm going to starve to death (I'm 5'6", female, and eat between 1200-1500 calories per day, and get quite enough protein. I'm not starving to death any time soon), and tease me for eating like a rabbit.

    On the other hand, I have a small cluster of friends who encourage me and occasionally send me recipes they think I would like, as well as ask me to share my cook book when I feed them something they find to be exceptionally delicious. I've lost over 50lb (which is hard to do when you have PCOS) so far, and am still going, so I know I'm doing SOMETHING right, as the results are there, and even my doctor's on board since I brought my recipe book and examples of my typical weekly meal plans that I've used to get this weight off until this point, and my blood tests are showing much improvement. I was close to being pre-diabetic, and my cholesterol was super high, but that's no longer the case, too.

    It does get rough, though. I've had my dark moments, but I can see the results of my efforts in my body. 50lb is a ton of weight. I want to lose between 40-60 more, which will put me squarely in the healthy range for my height.

    When my family starts up, I tell them that my doctor disagrees with them, and he's a pretty smart dude, so I'm going to go ahead and listen to him. If they keep up with it, I usually pour on the guilt and say something along the lines of "You know, I'm trying to do what I think is right for myself and my body. I'm not giving you crap about what you eat, or giving you unsolicited advice. I've lost a ton of weight and keep losing more. I wish you would just be happy for me." If they continue to push and end up getting me angry, which they do sometimes, sometimes I'll ask them why, if they know so much about nutrition and health, that they can't seem to lose the weight they say they want to lose so badly, when I am doing just that.
  • MysticRealm
    MysticRealm Posts: 1,264 Member
    Why not just say "I'm not sure, I'll see how I feel as I keep going'
    No need to put an exact number on it that may freak them out (happens with my mom too, though it doesn't turn into an argument and we don't talk about it very often). Just say you aren't sure and you will see as you lose the weight.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    I agree. Most people are terrible at guessing how much weight someone needs to lose. With people like this I usually say, "a few more pounds".
  • DonT58
    DonT58 Posts: 23 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    "Why do you lose so much", "that will be too thin" etc. I didn't really know how to respond to them, so just said "well my MD thinks my weight goal is good" (she actually did say that) and if they don't want to be supportive, the front door is that way". .

    My doctors seem to think being out of obesity and at a midpoint in overweight is a good point. I say no way - the diabetes test adds one point for being overweight and 2 for being obese.
    If I was younger I might agree with them but at 57 I want to do whatever it takes to improve my chances of being healthy into my 70s. I can't stop adding points for age but I can improve my odds by having my weight in the normal range.
    It's my choice no one else.
  • PammieSuzyQ
    PammieSuzyQ Posts: 100 Member
    edited February 2015
    elphie754 wrote: »

    You should also think about whether or not you are playing a part in the fact that they might think you are unhappy. Do you grouch about your diet or exercise in any way in front of them. Are you irritable, I mean more so than usual? It's not just being on a diet that can make us irritable, there are nutrients you may be missing that can cause you to be irritable. A lack of calcium/magnesium, a lack of omegas. A lack of vitamin D3, some B vitamins. Check your cholesterol levels. Lower cholesterol can make you irritable. You don't get cholesterol by consuming high cholesterol foods, your liver Creates ALL of your own cholesterol, but it does so from the fats you ingest. Fats are necessary to life and should not ever be entirely cut out of any diet. Most people don't know that a lack of cholesterol in their blood can cause a temporary schizophrenia. "People who are deficient in omega-3s may suffer from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and ADHD".

    If you are on an extremely low calorie diet, I suggest doing some research on adding supplements, or changing the way you eat in order to include what you may be missing.

    I am sorry, but the whole bipolar may just be missing something nutrient wise bothers the living daylights out of me. My parents honestly believed when I was a teen that if I got the right nutrients and natural remedy, my symptoms would go away. What to know what really happened? They were SO convinced that vitamins would help that they missed the symptoms leading up to a manic episode. That did not end well for any of us.

    I really take issue to people suggesting mental illness can be treated with supplements. It is dangerous. Yes, there are issues with chemical imbalence in the brain. The way to treat that is medication, not supplements.

    At no time did I suggest I was on VLCD. I am well above the 1200 "limit" each day.

    No, doing research via dr. Google is never a good idea when it comes to your health. There is so much bad information out there. Blood tests are the way to tell if you have a deficiency, not random symptoms you ask google about. I have seen many people do actual harm to their body because they believed they should be taking a certain kind of supplement based on generic symptoms. A really good example: right now I have a flu virus. If I were to ask dr. Google about my symptoms you know what comes up? Ebola. There is absolutely no chance of me having contracted that since I a) have never been to Africa and b) none of my PTs have travelled either.

    I did not say at anytime that diet would cure bipolars. It does not of course.

    What I am saying is: That if you cut fats out of your diet so drastically that you are left with little to no blood cholesterol levels, that your mental health is in danger.

    This does not follow that ALL mental heath issues are caused by diet. Mental health problems are very diverse and complex, some are organic and/or genetic, some caused by environmental factors, some by trauma, and many by more than one factor. I too wish it were just that easy, I have PTSD, I'd give up my right arm if it could be solved by diet.

    So if you read that into what I said, I apologize. This is not something that I googled one day, it's common knowledge health community. I first learned about it when my children were babies. They are all adults now.

    Your body and your brain needs food to function. It needs fats as part of your diet. If you do not provide your body with what it needs to function, it will not function correctly. It's very simple.

    p.s. please read what i said again, i DID say to go and have your cholesterol checked.

    i'm going to guess that VLCD means Very Low Cholesterol Diet? I know it's not common knowledge, but a low cholesterol diet means nothing as our bodies do not use the dietary cholesterol we consume in foods. Our livers create all of our own blood serum cholesterol from the fats we ingest. So if you cut fats out of your diet, your liver would have nothing to create cholesterol from.

    p.p.s. There is a way to do intelligent online research. If you can tell the difference between *kitten* and truth, it can be done.

  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »

    You should also think about whether or not you are playing a part in the fact that they might think you are unhappy. Do you grouch about your diet or exercise in any way in front of them. Are you irritable, I mean more so than usual? It's not just being on a diet that can make us irritable, there are nutrients you may be missing that can cause you to be irritable. A lack of calcium/magnesium, a lack of omegas. A lack of vitamin D3, some B vitamins. Check your cholesterol levels. Lower cholesterol can make you irritable. You don't get cholesterol by consuming high cholesterol foods, your liver Creates ALL of your own cholesterol, but it does so from the fats you ingest. Fats are necessary to life and should not ever be entirely cut out of any diet. Most people don't know that a lack of cholesterol in their blood can cause a temporary schizophrenia. "People who are deficient in omega-3s may suffer from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, eating disorders, and ADHD".

    If you are on an extremely low calorie diet, I suggest doing some research on adding supplements, or changing the way you eat in order to include what you may be missing.

    I am sorry, but the whole bipolar may just be missing something nutrient wise bothers the living daylights out of me. My parents honestly believed when I was a teen that if I got the right nutrients and natural remedy, my symptoms would go away. What to know what really happened? They were SO convinced that vitamins would help that they missed the symptoms leading up to a manic episode. That did not end well for any of us.

    I really take issue to people suggesting mental illness can be treated with supplements. It is dangerous. Yes, there are issues with chemical imbalence in the brain. The way to treat that is medication, not supplements.

    At no time did I suggest I was on VLCD. I am well above the 1200 "limit" each day.

    No, doing research via dr. Google is never a good idea when it comes to your health. There is so much bad information out there. Blood tests are the way to tell if you have a deficiency, not random symptoms you ask google about. I have seen many people do actual harm to their body because they believed they should be taking a certain kind of supplement based on generic symptoms. A really good example: right now I have a flu virus. If I were to ask dr. Google about my symptoms you know what comes up? Ebola. There is absolutely no chance of me having contracted that since I a) have never been to Africa and b) none of my PTs have travelled either.

    I did not say at anytime that diet would cure bipolars. It does not of course.

    What I am saying is: That if you cut fats out of your diet so drastically that you are left with little to no blood cholesterol levels, that your mental health is in danger.

    This does not follow that ALL mental heath issues are caused by diet. Mental health problems are very diverse and complex, some are organic and/or genetic, some caused by environmental factors, some by trauma, and many by more than one factor. I too wish it were just that easy, I have PTSD, I'd give up my right arm if it could be solved by diet.

    So if you read that into what I said, I apologize. This is not something that I googled one day, it's common knowledge health community. I first learned about it when my children were babies. They are all adults now.

    Your body and your brain needs food to function. It needs fats as part of your diet. If you do not provide your body with what it needs to function, it will not function correctly. It's very simple.

    p.s. please read what i said again, i DID say to go and have your cholesterol checked.

    i'm going to guess that VLCD means Very Low Cholesterol Diet? I know it's not common knowledge, but a low cholesterol diet means nothing as our bodies do not use the dietary cholesterol we consume in foods. Our livers create all of our own blood serum cholesterol from the fats we ingest. So if you cut fats out of your diet, your liver would have nothing to create cholesterol from.

    p.p.s. There is a way to do intelligent online research. If you can tell the difference between *kitten* and truth, it can be done.

    I am sorry if I read into your reply too much. I had the flu this past week, so it is very plausible I misinterpreted what you said, and I apologize if that was the case.

    Vlcd actually stand for very low calorie diet (usually under 800 cals), which I do not supper or reccomend at all. Just giving a definition.

    As far as cholesterol, mine is actually high (although coming down as I lose weight). I do not take medication for it since it is not high enough to be an immediate health risk, and I would rather see if it comes to an acceptable level via lifestyle changes.

  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    Mine is my elder daughter. Her comments are,, "I could NEVER do what you do (referring to weighing food etc), it would drive me crazy and isn't worth it." Really??? I'm 5'2" and was almost 200 lbs! She says she's proud, and then cooks all the things she KNOWS I've reduced significantly in my eating plan. SHE is not overweight, I am. So to keep things pleasant, I've become very vague. I say "I'm not sure, but it's not important right now" and when I eat with her, I put no thank you bites on my plate, nibble at them momentarily, and then push them away saying I had a big, late lunch. As soon as she starts in on my food intake or weight, I change the subject and make it about her and having her answer questions about what's going on in her life. People love to talk about themselves. Good luck, this is a terrible problem to have.
  • owlheartt
    owlheartt Posts: 19 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Does anyone else have family members that don't agree with your weight goal? If so, what do you say to them/respond?

    I started out at 5'2" and 168 lbs to which I recieved a unanimous "That's a perfectly healthy weight!" from all but three of my family members. One of the three went so far as to say "Well, you can try but what's the point? You'll just fail." The other two have thankfully been supportive but I haven't lost much yet. Either way I just calmly reply "My life, my choices. If you don't dislike it then please refrain from commenting. If your comments continue then I will talk with you less." Then, when I know have to be near them I put my headphones in and turn up the music so I can't hear them.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    edited February 2015
    Virkati wrote: »
    Mine is my elder daughter. Her comments are,, "I could NEVER do what you do (referring to weighing food etc), it would drive me crazy and isn't worth it." Really??? I'm 5'2" and was almost 200 lbs! She says she's proud, and then cooks all the things she KNOWS I've reduced significantly in my eating plan. SHE is not overweight, I am. So to keep things pleasant, I've become very vague. I say "I'm not sure, but it's not important right now" and when I eat with her, I put no thank you bites on my plate, nibble at them momentarily, and then push them away saying I had a big, late lunch. As soon as she starts in on my food intake or weight, I change the subject and make it about her and having her answer questions about what's going on in her life. People love to talk about themselves.

    I love this
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited February 2015
    My mum and sister gave me a big lecture not half an hour ago.And i had to promise them till i was blue in the face that i will NOT lose another pound. I've got 4kgs (8lbs) left to lose till i'm at my goal weight.
    My husband secretly puts oil in my food or extra sugar on my fruit etc etc I honestly don't know what to think, obviously they're seeing something i'm not!
  • Virkati
    Virkati Posts: 679 Member
    My mum and sister gave me a big lecture not half an hour ago.And i had to promise them till i was blue in the face that i will NOT lose another pound. I've got 4kgs (8lbs) left to lose till i'm at my goal weight.
    My husband secretly puts oil in my food or extra sugar on my fruit etc etc I honestly don't know what to think, obviously they're seeing something i'm not!

    That is some serious sabotage going on! I would go ballistic on all of them. Your husband would learn quickly what it's like to have someone mess with his food. He'd be drinking and eating laxatives every chance I had. F**k with my food and my health...I'll get even in a way that would make the debil proud!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Virkati wrote: »
    My mum and sister gave me a big lecture not half an hour ago.And i had to promise them till i was blue in the face that i will NOT lose another pound. I've got 4kgs (8lbs) left to lose till i'm at my goal weight.
    My husband secretly puts oil in my food or extra sugar on my fruit etc etc I honestly don't know what to think, obviously they're seeing something i'm not!

    That is some serious sabotage going on! I would go ballistic on all of them. Your husband would learn quickly what it's like to have someone mess with his food. He'd be drinking and eating laxatives every chance I had. F**k with my food and my health...I'll get even in a way that would make the debil proud!

    LOL it is incredibly annoying.
    But like i said there must be something to it if they're continuously hounding me. I'm 5'8 and 140lbs. Very far away from being anorexic!!!!!11

  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    Not that BMI is the sole indicator of health, but is your weight goal within the healthy BMI range for your height?

    Very much so. My goal is weight would have me at 20.6. I would be happy with anything between 20 and 24.9. Going for more of a range then a set number.
    Who gives a *kitten* what your family members think. They're not the ones stuck in YOUR body 24/7. Just tell them to pound a nice way. "Thanks, but you're opinion is not needed."

    Not that easy. Even when they yell I refuse to yell back. They help me with a lot, so I try my best not to be rude to them.

    So sorry guys. I can totally see how my first post can sound like that lol. I'm on mobile, and when I type directly into the "start convo" box, it likes to cover what you are writing so you can see it (like it scrolls). Because of that, I thpically type things out on "notepad" and just c/p. Guess I forgot to hit "select all" lol.

    Why tell them if its going to cause such stress. Just say I plan to stop when I'm at a healthy weight and leave it there. Why cause yourself extra stress?
  • smalls9686
    smalls9686 Posts: 189 Member
    I have had this also, I think that this problem is that a lot of people who have little experience of weight loss have trouble conceptualizing what that amount of weight would look like when it comes off and to them it sounds like a very high number.

    I have found that the easiest way to avoid the drama is just to say, 'I am not sure I am willing to stop whenever I get to a shape that looks and feels healthy on my body'

    This is so perfect!