People that try to deter you



  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    OdesAngel wrote: »
    We have a co-worker that won't stfu about organic this and grain fed that, and always going on about the hfcs in everything and her work outs at the gym. I want to punch her in the teeth, tbh. We purposely eat pizza and bring in cupcakes to annoy her :)

    Okay, you made me laugh. I know a couple of people who do the same thing and it gets old very quickly.
  • AmigaMaria001
    AmigaMaria001 Posts: 489 Member
    The only person who does this to me is my Mother-in-law, yet she is the first person to gossip about overweight people.
    This is how I handled her the last time she INSISTED that I'd be rude if I didn't have a piece of her cake. So I said, "okay I'll have a piece" and she placed a huge piece of cake on my plate, whereupon I promptly smashed and stirred it until it was disgusting and unrecognisable.
    She was was livid and let me know that I had just wasted a perfectly good piece of cake - until I reminded her that SHE wasted the cake since I'd told her three times I didn't want it.
    Now she never insists that I take any food AND every time she starts describing people as "FAT" I get up and leave the room.
    When she asked my husband why I always did that, he told her I was sick of her "FAT" comments about people... she hasn't called anyone fat within earshot of me since then either.
    BTW - she is no skinny-mini so has no room to talk about anyone's weight.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    edited February 2015
    I've only had 2 that fall into that category.

    Christmas of 2013, someone who knew I was starting to try to lose weight gave me a case (I think it's 36 bars?) of Twix. I think I may have had 12 of them by now? Have to go count. If I want one, I have one, but I rarely want one. They just sit there. Maybe next Halloween I'll turn on my porch light & give them away.
    He's now my sometime exercise partner, and comments on how much more weight I've lost than him. At which point I remind him that I'm eating less than he does and exercising more (I also started out much heavier, though we're almost exactly the same height).

    Sometime in January I went with a friend to pick up his new car. The dealership provided fresh-baked :cookie: and I had a couple. The salesman tried to force another on me, even put it in the hood of my coat! :warning: After I threw it in the trash, in front of him, I explained that I'd lost 75 lb in the last year, had already had a couple cookies, and was NOT going to have any more.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    How do YOU respond to these comments from people that seem to try to get you to fall off the wagon , or don't have respect for the healthier changes you've made in life?
    To some extent it depends on the person. It's really hard to say no to Mom, so when I'm there visiting I try to eat the best I can, exercise every morning (she gets up later than I do), and before I go I remind her that I don't eat much any more. But mostly I go along with whatever she wants/offers.

    Most other people I can say "no, thank you" to until the cows come home. If they get really annoying, I might switch to "which part of NO did you not understand?". And if they ask why I might explain how much weight I've lost, and that what they're offering doesn't fit into my calorie goal for the day.
  • AmberAntoine
    Yes most of the time we faced these type of issues, many are saying that please take a one piece of cake or sweet, I think it will better to make some excuses while facing these deter from people and take something else to eat before they give anything sweet.
  • JordisTSM
    JordisTSM Posts: 359 Member
    I work with a semi-professional cyclist, an ironman, three triathletes, an ultra-marathon runner, and a large number of fitness freaks. In a society where something like 50% of adults are overweight, I could count us fatties on one hand....out of a staff of 80.
    They are so supportive of me, offering advice and help, sharing recipes, even bringing in fresh produce etc it's actually quite touching. :smile:
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I constantly get the "Live a little" comment. Irretates the crap out of me.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    I constantly get the "Live a little" comment. Irretates the crap out of me.

    I just respond with "That's the plan."
  • MustLoveCats21
    I usually take it. And say I'll eat it a bit later when everyone can be jealous of me.....and then when they look goes into the garbage bin.

    Evil I know.
  • Morgaen73
    Morgaen73 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Morgaen73 wrote: »
    I constantly get the "Live a little" comment. Irretates the crap out of me.

    I just respond with "That's the plan."

    Simple yet terribly effective. Thanks :smiley:
  • tomatoey
    tomatoey Posts: 5,446 Member
    I think if they're shoving pizza and donuts in your face on a daily basis, it's ok to be annoying about educating them about your choices. They might not agree with you, but they'll eventually shut up when they see you're determined not to eat that stuff.

    If it's every now and then, and someone says something like "live a little", it's because they don't want to feel judged for eating pizza. So deal with that defensiveness with positivity. Just say, with a smile and in a bright voice, "No thanks, I have lunch!" and change the subject to something that's unrelated to food, and is positive and feels affirming to them. Ask them about their weekend plans, something like that. Make the question of what you're eating a passing non-issue.
  • kayeiam
    kayeiam Posts: 215 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Easy. "sorry, I'm diabetic. doctor's orders."

    Was going to say the same thing. I am diabetic and when I get offered stuff, that is what I say and it shuts them right up ha ha
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    we have them all around. "Have a piece of my birthday cake. Birthday calories don't count!" "You'll hurt my feelings if you don't have some of my going away cookie!" "If you only knew how hard I worked to make this!" "It's only a few calories, it wont kill you!" "Did you seriously just weigh those berries. You've become obsessive. Live a little!"

    If you say I'm gonna hurt your feelings, I tell you to be sad. If you say you slaved in the kitchen, I remind you I didn't ask you to. Oh, and those birthday calories that "don't count?" Im saving them for a GOOD homemade cake, not some nasty frozen cake from Kroger. ;)

    How do YOU respond to these comments from people that seem to try to get you to fall off the wagon , or don't have respect for the healthier changes you've made in life?

    No one has bothered me recently. If I don't want something I decline as politely as I can. No big deal.

    The last time someone really tried to push me to take food though was several years ago. I just repeatedly said no thanks. People got mad. There was yelling. Food was thrown. Some people are crazy.
  • katya_be
    katya_be Posts: 227 Member
    The most important person that can deter you is YOU! All of the decisions you make are based on your own actions. Sometimes there will be those people trying to convince you to eat, just start describing what you are trying to achieve, show them your MFP diary if you must. (Log the food before you eat it and tell them how it will affect you)
  • plutomovedon
    plutomovedon Posts: 13 Member
    No. I don't do that. When I am offered something I cannot fit into my day, I say "No" or "I can't have it today, sorry!"

    And for the record, I'm not on a diet. :)
    We're all on a diet. Some more strict than others
  • beemerphile1
    beemerphile1 Posts: 1,710 Member
    I have no troubles like that. Maybe it is you throwing your diet in their faces.

    Seriously? I get flagged for this?

    I have no troubles with people trying to force food on me and cannot comprehend it happening. I simply suggested that maybe the OP is creating the atmosphere.
  • tat2cookie
    tat2cookie Posts: 1,899 Member
    I stick with the "no thank you" and don't make a big deal out of it. I just get sick of the "sucks to be you" comments. I have a food addiction and some people know that, yet they find it funny to eat that crap right in my face, like literally putting pizza in my face and taking a bit, and making comments about how they could never live with out it or how they love the fact that they can eat what ever they want. Needless to say my friends list recently got a lot smaller.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,079 Member
    I suspect you are right beermerphille, at least to some degree.

    The way OP got defensive about the being on a diet comment and the way she says people say birthday calories don't count and people comment on her weighing berries or on her meticulous logging.
    How do people at work know your logging is meticulous or that you weigh berries OP? .

    I would work on keeping these things to myself - eg pre log or discreetly log on your phone without brining it to other peoples attention. Do you buy berries in your break and have to weigh them at work? Why can't you weigh them at home?

    If it is someone's birthday have an Insy piece - I often say I've got my lunch here but can I have a piece to take home?
    At home, I eat one crumb of it then throw it out (unless I really want to eat it and then I eat it)
    Next day I say how great it tasted ( quite true, the one crumb did taste great)

    Most people lose interest fast - your eating habits stop being of interest, therefore stop being worthy of comment, if you do not bring them to their attention.

  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I don't bother myself with other people's opinions about the food I eat.

    Seriously, in one ear and out the other. Like, who cares? I don't even care enough to think about it twice, let alone get frustrated enough to post about it.