I don't eat clean. I won't eat clean. It's a stupid concept.



  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    My reaction everytime someone says that I should eat one way or another.


  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    My reaction everytime someone says that I should eat one way or another.


    nobody cares how you eat. i don't. you shouldn't care how i eat. but we should both care about what message is being given to the people on here who don't know any better. the ones who are told in the mass media that they can't eat bread because it has gluten, and they can't eat watermelon because it will spike their insulin, and they can't eat egg yolks because of their fat content, and they can't eat any food that comes in a box or has an ingredients label because they are not clean... those are the ones i am concerned about.

    once somebody has been armed with all of the information and understands that clean eating proponents are just a subset of the larger IIFYM community, then they can choose to follow whatever plan suits them. but so long as they think clean eating is the ONLY way they can have success and that there are no consequences if they try to deprive themselves of non-clean foods, then i will say something about that.

    i don't like to see people deprive themselves of foods they like unnecessarily because they have been scared into believing that eating those foods is bad. this leads to binging and all sorts of food phobias. that's my point. obvious to many on here who are willing to see it.

    Saying "Yo what you think is dumb" isn't any better than saying "this is the right way to eat."

    Both are equally stupid statements.
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Duplicate post
  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Perhaps you should focus on why you're angry instead of what other people keep in their fridge.

    Hope your day turns around.

    P.S. You're wearing your resistance as a badge of honor.....

    ^^ I love you! :D
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    bumping to read later...when I have popcorn.
  • cton13
    cton13 Posts: 16 Member
    If you ate clean you wouldn't be so grouchy in the morning - LMAO

    I think I'll stick to mainly eating clean seeing you didn't provide anything in the way of a persuasive argument not to & just attacked this so called "fad".

    Is there a bigger picture? Yeah Get your *kitten* in gear & workout. But without proper nutrition & such a "whatever whenever approach" your body will suffer for it in the end. It's not brain science!

    This post is so true.... No matter how much you work out .... If you don't eat right your body will suffer.... might not see it now.... but it's effects will come!
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Perhaps you should focus on why you're angry instead of what other people keep in their fridge.

    Hope your day turns around.

    P.S. You're wearing your resistance as a badge of honor.....

    ^^ I love you! :D

    Omg yes this <3
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    Attacks or defenses? The title of this post is that it's a stupid concept... they are defending why they think its not. Conversation and disagreements aren't attacks.

    Explain how saying if you don't eat clean you'll be 'cancer waiting to happen' isn't an attack?

    I fully respect the folks saying eat what you want, but I don't. It's the other nonsense that's ridiculous, and saying things like that, even in defense of your own preferred method of eating, spreads misinformation to others.

    Explain how it is an attack.

    People truly believe that way... it's not like shes saying "Oh yea? If you don't believe like I do, I'm going to sick cancer on you!" She truly believes that eating those foods give people cancer. There's alot of conflicting information out there, and most of us aren't scientist, so we are just putting our trust in someone elses studies and appealing to our own logic. Chick truly believes eating chemicals will get you cancer.. and you don't. It's a difference of opinions... not an attack.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Ive noticed more people are into eating processed fast foods and icecream and scorn any version of 'clean eating'.
    Its in your mind that its a boast , its every ones choice what they eat, and no one elses business.

    When someone posts in a public forum that they're having trouble because they're ruining their clean eating on the weekends, they're making it everyone's business. Aren't the forums here so we can help each other?

    I used to be a "clean" eater. Most of what I ate was on the 1st and 2nd tiers of Michi's ladder. I don't worry about it so much anymore, and allow myself to have a daily treat as long as my nutrient goals are met.

    This isn't necessarily about clean eating, but allowing some flexibility. http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/flexible-versus-rigid-dieting.html
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    So....eating a lot of this is a stupid concept...






    And people should eat more of this because this is a smarter concept?....




    I'm a big believer in moderation and treating myself to the good things in life...but since when are fruit and veg and other natural, whole foods a stupid concept?
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Explain how it is an attack.

    People truly believe that way... it's not like shes saying "Oh yea? If you don't believe like I do, I'm going to sick cancer on you!" She truly believes that eating those foods give people cancer. There's alot of conflicting information out there, and most of us aren't scientist, so we are just putting our trust in someone elses studies and appealing to our own logic. Chick truly believes eating chemicals will get you cancer.. and you don't. It's a difference of opinions... not an attack.

    And I truly believe that people who think the evil toxinz in processed food cause cancer are stupid. It's a difference of opinions.

    If you boil everything down as such it will always be a difference of opinion and not an attack.

    I personally don't think someone saying I'll get cancer eating the way I do is an attack, because I don't care and didn't feel threatened by the comment. However, to the extent that 'calling out clean-eaters' with a thread where you state your opinion that it's silly and that the people preaching it are misinformed constitutes an attack, so does the other.

    Your choice.
  • Aiming4Fit
    Actually clean eating about 80% / 20% is great. Clean eating is just eating natural things and not processed crap really so why are you so opposed to it? Surely it makes sense eating the food that nature intended and not some wierd concoction produced in a factory by man?
    How are you meant to get all the vitamins and minerals etc you need if you do not eat clean AT ALL?
    Also you should know that you cannot out exercise a rubbish diet.

    Fine, if you want your pumpkin pie, have it! It's okay, everything is okay in moderation. But I don't know about you, if I wanted a pumpkin pie then I'd delight in making it myself from scratch and the most natural ingredients I can because 1. cooking is fun and 2. I like to know what's going into my body.
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    I consider it clean if it is organic and free from ingredients I can't pronounce. Everyone has their own definition of "clean eating". But it doesn't stop me from eating pizza, chips, cookies, and ice cream or a burger - I just don't go to Burger King and get their version because it would literally make me sick. I don't dog the next person that does go get a Whopper meal though, if that's what they want to eat, then eat it.

    Some people want to rebel so hard against eating healthy they take it to the extreme and brag about eating fast food. Who cares? If it works for you why trash what other people enjoy doing? Different things obviously work for different people.

    So, since I am ridiculously intelligent and can pronounce the stuff in my food, does that make it clean? :wink:

    -_- lmao - Maybe I shouldn't have rephrased that to say "if it has more syllables than you can count on your fingers" :P

    So, since I have a weird hand and have 18 fingers I'm eating clean??

    *facepalm* whatever
  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    Actually clean eating about 80% / 20% is great. Clean eating is just eating natural things and not processed crap really so why are you so opposed to it? Surely it makes sense eating the food that nature intended and not some wierd concoction produced in a factory by man?
    How are you meant to get all the vitamins and minerals etc you need if you do not eat clean AT ALL?
    Also you should know that you cannot out exercise a rubbish diet.

    Fine, if you want your pumpkin pie, have it! It's okay, everything is okay in moderation. But I don't know about you, if I wanted a pumpkin pie then I'd delight in making it myself from scratch and the most natural ingredients I can because 1. cooking is fun and 2. I like to know what's going into my body.

    Most of us arguing in favor of a flexible dieting approach still eat plenty of whole foods with high nutrient density.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    So....eating a lot of this is a stupid concept...






    And people should eat more of this because this is a smarter concept?....




    I'm a big believer in moderation and treating myself to the good things in life...but since when are fruit and veg and other natural, whole foods a stupid concept?

  • Meg_Shirley_86
    Meg_Shirley_86 Posts: 275 Member
    Why is everyone so hostile against people who try to eat clean, or vegetarians, or vegans, or whatever? I've never simply disclosed my eating habits unless people ask, or are stopping by unexpectedly. I tell them we don't have animal products more or less as a warning, because I understand that most people do eat animal products and I don't want them to be blindsided by it. Yet, the only people I have told have flooded my texts/email/whathaveyou to tell me how preachy and what hippie bull**** it is. I really was ashamed to be vegan (I even shudder claiming it now) and never wanted to tell anyone because I had the same opinion that they were obnoxious and condescending. I never told anyone outright, they pretty much had to guess. All I've said is that I don't really care what anyone else eats, but people take what my family eats in the privacy of my own home/ quietly at my own desk as offensive. I just realized I'm sort of venting here, so I apologize. I guess I don't understand why we care what others eat. It's really about as exciting as how others fold their laundry.
  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104
    Thats awesome that you are healthy enough that it does not matter to you.

    I, on the other hand have chronic pain and an auto immune disease. I started eating clean and my pain levels went down 50%. Now when you live with chronic pain and are very active, any reduction in pain is a win. I can not help but wonder, if not eating processed and refined foods decrease my pain levels, what are those things actually doing to people that eat them? But then again, this is my personal journey and look and feel better now than I have in freaking 10 years, and I will be 45 in August, I repeatedly get told I look 32. So to me, it is not only the smartest concept, it is the ONLY concept.

    I fully support this message. :)
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    'm a big believer in moderation and treating myself to the good things in life...but since when are fruit and veg and other natural, whole foods a stupid concept?

    they're not. except brussels sprouts. brussels sprouts are stupid and evil. :angry:

    i am just tired of people struggling to meet some artificial standard of dietary purity and feeling guilt and shame as a result. it's so unnecessary and that's why i consider clean eating to be a stupid concept. not that the foods are stupid (again, except for brussels sprouts), just the idea that you have to shoot for perfection with your dietary intake. food is just food. it's nothing but a "delivery system" for your macros and micros. absolutely the only foods that are off limits are foods whose taste you don't like or which are evil (see brussels sprouts above).

    i stand by my OP 100%. i don't really care if any of the clean eaters have their panties all bunched up about it.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    I consider it clean if it is organic and free from ingredients I can't pronounce. Everyone has their own definition of "clean eating". But it doesn't stop me from eating pizza, chips, cookies, and ice cream or a burger - I just don't go to Burger King and get their version because it would literally make me sick. I don't dog the next person that does go get a Whopper meal though, if that's what they want to eat, then eat it.

    Some people want to rebel so hard against eating healthy they take it to the extreme and brag about eating fast food. Who cares? If it works for you why trash what other people enjoy doing? Different things obviously work for different people.

    So, since I am ridiculously intelligent and can pronounce the stuff in my food, does that make it clean? :wink:

    -_- lmao - Maybe I shouldn't have rephrased that to say "if it has more syllables than you can count on your fingers" :P

    So, since I have a weird hand and have 18 fingers I'm eating clean??

    *facepalm* whatever

  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member

    How the hell did you get my baby picture?!?!?!!? :angry: