I don't eat clean. I won't eat clean. It's a stupid concept.



  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    if i want rice, i eat rice. if i want an apple, i eat an apple. if i want a piece of pumpkin pie, i eat a piece of pumpkin pie. i don't eat the whole pie. this is how you lose weight and get fit. you don't do it by adhering to lists of "approved" and "unapproved" foods.

    Not sure the OP understands what "eating clean" actually means. :huh:

    OP is not sure anyone understands what "eating clean" actually means.

    I'd suggest all the clean eaters draft and post their own specific definitions of what "clean eating" means. I'd love to watch that discussion. Better in another thread though as I suspect there are as many definitions as clean eaters.

    just make your own stuff it tastes better than store bought any ways I hate store bought pies and cookies blah

    That's an interesting definition. Anyone want to elaborate on that?

    What if the pumpkin pie was made fresh in the store's bakery? Is that better than the Mrs. Smith's in the freezer section? Or are they both "unclean"? Nah.

    Does pumpkin pie made at home out of a can and with a store bought crust qualify? You can make your own

    Is it okay if you buy the flour, pumpkins and milk at the store and put it together at home? why not do it at home

    What about the sugar? Is white sugar okay? truvia

    And white flour. Is white flour clean? Brown Rice flower

    Does one need to grow their own pumpkins, milk their own cow, and grow and grind their own grain? almond milk is good, find grains and pumkins at farmers markets

    Wait! Is flour itself clean? Or is wheat not clean because it has to be milled? its just as easy to by coconut flour as it is regular flour.

    Are non-organic pumpkins okay?yep... because you don't eat the outside.

    Is milk itself okay? If milk is okay does it need to be from organic fed cows with no hormones? almond milk bro!

    See answers above.

    Interesting. Anything other than one word answers or explanation as to why milk, wheat and sugar are not clean? Or this your "belief" again? First off, I haven't called anything unclean.. This is just how I do it. I'm okay with having people disagree, this is discussion.

    Any explanation of why almond milk is clean but not milk that is taken right out of a cow? Almond milk...milk right out of a cow.. tomato tomata.

    Any explanation of why truvia is clean but sugar is not? Truvia is just ground up plant leaves. Again.. I haven't called anything unclean.

    Have you ever eaten brown rice flowers? LOL flour.. that was a mistype

    So we are back to belief then. Okay.

    Call it what you want... you can call it "scientific fact"... but ultimately you are basing this all on your beliefs. Which scientist you choose to belief. Its pure faith.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    In all fairness I eat clean and still enjoy my food. I don't obsess about it, I just do the best I can.

    The benefits of eating clean for me, along with adequate exercise are 40 lbs lost, my migraines are much more rare and fewer respiratory infections.

    I agree. I lived in South America for a while and it forced me into clean eating. Processed foods just weren't as avalible and if they were, they weren't cost efficient. I lost most of my weight there because of it. Now granted- I did ALOT of walking while I was there, but I just felt different, even my skin had cleared up.

    Humm. . . there may be something to this exercise thing . . .

    Exactly. I lost weight too after a week in Vegas with just my hubby, no kids, and no reason to get up early. ;)
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I don't think it has anything to do with my success... I just don't want to eat foods processed in a lab.... our bodies are NOT meant to process that crap!!

    Just an example.... did you know that Pringles contain one of the SAME chemicals they use to perm hair?? Yep... you eat perm.... (along with 12 other additives created in a lab)

    OH and doritios contain Red #40.... and Red #40 uses a type of bat poop to get it's color... yep... bat poop....

    This is just as silly as claiming that it is a stupid concept to eat whole foods. All of those things have water in it, which is one of the most corrosive chemicals known to man: just look at the Grand Canyon!

    I hear that some of the foods we eat are poisonous if not processed, or if not processed properly, but raw fish is still yummy.

    You need to educate yourself. If you think your body is meant to process something created in a lab... it's no wonder American's are disgusting and fat... oh and the chemicals I mentioned above are banned in every other country idiot.....

    American's think they can do no wrong... but the truth is they are all idiots.... except for those who educate themselves.

  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    First, the phrase "clean eating" is really just a fancy term for eating good, whole foods. It's not a fad diet. It's a wholesome diet--diet here meaning the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats- the dictionary definition of the noun diet.

    I recommend the documentary "Hungry for Change" then re-evaluate your concept of clean eating being stupid. As previously stated, many people eat clean to rid their body of toxins and chemicals that are found in processed food. Clean food isn't boring or gross. Pumpkin pie can be made using clean foods. Hitting your macros is great, meeting your calorie goal is great, but you'll feel much more satisfied if you're filling that with whole foods rather than Big Macs (not saying you do this, but in general).
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    if i want rice, i eat rice. if i want an apple, i eat an apple. if i want a piece of pumpkin pie, i eat a piece of pumpkin pie. i don't eat the whole pie. this is how you lose weight and get fit. you don't do it by adhering to lists of "approved" and "unapproved" foods.

    Not sure the OP understands what "eating clean" actually means. :huh:

    OP is not sure anyone understands what "eating clean" actually means.

    I'd suggest all the clean eaters draft and post their own specific definitions of what "clean eating" means. I'd love to watch that discussion. Better in another thread though as I suspect there are as many definitions as clean eaters.

    just make your own stuff it tastes better than store bought any ways I hate store bought pies and cookies blah

    That's an interesting definition. Anyone want to elaborate on that?

    What if the pumpkin pie was made fresh in the store's bakery? Is that better than the Mrs. Smith's in the freezer section? Or are they both "unclean"? Nah.

    Does pumpkin pie made at home out of a can and with a store bought crust qualify? You can make your own

    Is it okay if you buy the flour, pumpkins and milk at the store and put it together at home? why not do it at home

    What about the sugar? Is white sugar okay? truvia

    And white flour. Is white flour clean? Brown Rice flower

    Does one need to grow their own pumpkins, milk their own cow, and grow and grind their own grain? almond milk is good, find grains and pumkins at farmers markets

    Wait! Is flour itself clean? Or is wheat not clean because it has to be milled? its just as easy to by coconut flour as it is regular flour.

    Are non-organic pumpkins okay?yep... because you don't eat the outside.

    Is milk itself okay? If milk is okay does it need to be from organic fed cows with no hormones? almond milk bro!

    See answers above.

    Interesting. Anything other than one word answers or explanation as to why milk, wheat and sugar are not clean? Or this your "belief" again? First off, I haven't called anything unclean.. This is just how I do it. I'm okay with having people disagree, this is discussion.

    Any explanation of why almond milk is clean but not milk that is taken right out of a cow? Almond milk...milk right out of a cow.. tomato tomata.

    Any explanation of why truvia is clean but sugar is not? Truvia is just ground up plant leaves. Again.. I haven't called anything unclean.

    Have you ever eaten brown rice flowers? LOL flour.. that was a mistype

    So we are back to belief then. Okay.

    Call it what you want... you can call it "scientific fact"... but ultimately you are basing this all on your beliefs. Which scientist you choose to belief. Its pure faith.

    That is an interesting view of the scientific method, and I will again have to say that an intelligent debate with someone who believes that is impossible.
  • sixout
    sixout Posts: 3,128 Member
    Holy cow. This is still happening?

    Cmon guys, knock it off.

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    You need to educate yourself. If you think your body is meant to process something created in a lab... it's no wonder American's are disgusting and fat... oh and the chemicals I mentioned above are banned in every other country idiot.....

    American's think they can do no wrong... but the truth is they are all idiots.... except for those who educate themselves.

    This would be offensive if I hadn't considered who posted it...now it's just funny.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    In all fairness I eat clean and still enjoy my food. I don't obsess about it, I just do the best I can.

    The benefits of eating clean for me, along with adequate exercise are 40 lbs lost, my migraines are much more rare and fewer respiratory infections.

    I agree. I lived in South America for a while and it forced me into clean eating. Processed foods just weren't as avalible and if they were, they weren't cost efficient. I lost most of my weight there because of it. Now granted- I did ALOT of walking while I was there, but I just felt different, even my skin had cleared up.

    Humm. . . there may be something to this exercise thing . . .

    Exactly. I lost weight too after a week in Vegas with just my hubby, no kids, and no reason to get up early. ;)

    A year of living in Peru, I'm sure that my body was well adjusted to walking. I may have lost a good bit of it due to walking, but most of it was due to diet change. Amazing... one can eat clean and exercise and get great results! "Clean" eating must not be the devil after all.
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    I eat clean 95% of the time meaning organic fruits and vegetables and organic lean meats. However, if I want chicken wings or a burger I split it with my husband. I could not maintain clean eating 100% of the time because I enjoy foods that are not the best for me. One cheat meal a week is okay.

    I do exactly the same, except I don't do cheat meals, because I have nothing to cheat with. I make my own chicken wings or my burger or whatever I like.
    On October 16, 2011 I could not get out of bed and on November 2nd I was diagnosed with rampant systemic Lupus. I was bedridden for almost 6 month and then with a lot of therapy walked with a walker and then a cane until February this year. That's when I quit all processed foods, sugar and anything white ( flour, sugar etc ). I now walk unassisted, have all of my mobility back ( to the point where I walk several times a day from my 4th floor home and back up again ), have no swollen ankles , hand or face and am seriously considering to sign up for a beginners Zumba class. I have not changed the way I eat apart from eating cleaner and I take the same meds as before.
    I also saw last night the documentary " The Weight of a Nation " on Latin HBO and am convinced that I am on the right way....... and don't care a whole lot what others do and wish they would also just care for themselves.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    if i want rice, i eat rice. if i want an apple, i eat an apple. if i want a piece of pumpkin pie, i eat a piece of pumpkin pie. i don't eat the whole pie. this is how you lose weight and get fit. you don't do it by adhering to lists of "approved" and "unapproved" foods.

    Not sure the OP understands what "eating clean" actually means. :huh:

    OP is not sure anyone understands what "eating clean" actually means.

    I'd suggest all the clean eaters draft and post their own specific definitions of what "clean eating" means. I'd love to watch that discussion. Better in another thread though as I suspect there are as many definitions as clean eaters.

    just make your own stuff it tastes better than store bought any ways I hate store bought pies and cookies blah

    That's an interesting definition. Anyone want to elaborate on that?

    What if the pumpkin pie was made fresh in the store's bakery? Is that better than the Mrs. Smith's in the freezer section? Or are they both "unclean"? Nah.

    Does pumpkin pie made at home out of a can and with a store bought crust qualify? You can make your own

    Is it okay if you buy the flour, pumpkins and milk at the store and put it together at home? why not do it at home

    What about the sugar? Is white sugar okay? truvia

    And white flour. Is white flour clean? Brown Rice flower

    Does one need to grow their own pumpkins, milk their own cow, and grow and grind their own grain? almond milk is good, find grains and pumkins at farmers markets

    Wait! Is flour itself clean? Or is wheat not clean because it has to be milled? its just as easy to by coconut flour as it is regular flour.

    Are non-organic pumpkins okay?yep... because you don't eat the outside.

    Is milk itself okay? If milk is okay does it need to be from organic fed cows with no hormones? almond milk bro!

    See answers above.

    Interesting. Anything other than one word answers or explanation as to why milk, wheat and sugar are not clean? Or this your "belief" again? First off, I haven't called anything unclean.. This is just how I do it. I'm okay with having people disagree, this is discussion.

    Any explanation of why almond milk is clean but not milk that is taken right out of a cow? Almond milk...milk right out of a cow.. tomato tomata.

    Any explanation of why truvia is clean but sugar is not? Truvia is just ground up plant leaves. Again.. I haven't called anything unclean.

    Have you ever eaten brown rice flowers? LOL flour.. that was a mistype

    So we are back to belief then. Okay.

    Call it what you want... you can call it "scientific fact"... but ultimately you are basing this all on your beliefs. Which scientist you choose to belief. Its pure faith.

    That is an interesting view of the scientific method, and I will again have to say that an intelligent debate with someone who believes that is impossible.

    "In professing to be wise, they became fools. "
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    First, the phrase "clean eating" is really just a fancy term for eating good, whole foods. It's not a fad diet. It's a wholesome diet--diet here meaning the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats- the dictionary definition of the noun diet.

    I recommend the documentary "Hungry for Change" then re-evaluate your concept of clean eating being stupid. As previously stated, many people eat clean to rid their body of toxins and chemicals that are found in processed food. Clean food isn't boring or gross. Pumpkin pie can be made using clean foods. Hitting your macros is great, meeting your calorie goal is great, but you'll feel much more satisfied if you're filling that with whole foods rather than Big Macs (not saying you do this, but in general).

    ^^ Cites scare mongering "documentary" as the proof we have all be waiting for . . . and then references "toxins" . . .

    I :heart: the internetz
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I don't think it has anything to do with my success... I just don't want to eat foods processed in a lab.... our bodies are NOT meant to process that crap!!

    Just an example.... did you know that Pringles contain one of the SAME chemicals they use to perm hair?? Yep... you eat perm.... (along with 12 other additives created in a lab)

    OH and doritios contain Red #40.... and Red #40 uses a type of bat poop to get it's color... yep... bat poop....

    There are so many things wrong with this post that I do not know where to begin.

    Let's hear them... I get my info from a nutritionist....

    Ok, let us begin with the glaringly obvious.

    Insinuating that because Pringles use some of the same chemicals used in hair perms, thus making Pringles "icky", is worthless without stating what those chemicals are. Some pesticides contain water. Is water unhealthy?

    Why is bat poop unhealthy? Do you realize that poop is sprayed on organic vegetables as a fertilizer?

    Logic. It can be scary.

    Oh I didn't know that the idiots on this site could handle the technical side of it....

    The chemical that is contained in the different additives in pringles is called Melamine. Google it.... the can doesn't have to list it as an ingredient because it's included in all of the other **** they cook into it... Pringles are only 42% potatoes....

    Red #40 DOES have natural bat poop in it... but that's about it. It's actually made from what they call a "coal tar". It's refined again to help bond the additives together and used as a base for other synthetic chemicals. I suppose lucky for us most of the petroleum found in the "coal tar" is cooked away..... or it would harm our bodies even more....
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    First, the phrase "clean eating" is really just a fancy term for eating good, whole foods. It's not a fad diet. It's a wholesome diet--diet here meaning the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats- the dictionary definition of the noun diet.

    I recommend the documentary "Hungry for Change" then re-evaluate your concept of clean eating being stupid. As previously stated, many people eat clean to rid their body of toxins and chemicals that are found in processed food. Clean food isn't boring or gross. Pumpkin pie can be made using clean foods. Hitting your macros is great, meeting your calorie goal is great, but you'll feel much more satisfied if you're filling that with whole foods rather than Big Macs (not saying you do this, but in general).

    ^^ Cites scare mongering "documentary" as the proof we have all be waiting for . . . and then references "toxins" . . .

    I :heart: the internetz

    Scare Mongering...... apparently, it's everywhere. Soon you will find scare mongerers with knives forcing "clean" food down the throats of others.
  • Lennonluv2
    Lennonluv2 Posts: 956 Member
    I wouldn't give a rats *kitten* what people choose to eat but I'll say again what's been said before. It's the pretentious, snobby attitude that always goes along with the clean eatin' clan. Can't stand it.
  • OddballExtreme
    OddballExtreme Posts: 296 Member
    I'll admit I don't seriously eat "clean" myself. My situation has more to do with carbohydrates and sodium, since I have both Type 2 Diabetes AND high blood pressure. When I'm going to buy something, the first two things I look at on a label: Total Carbohydrates and Sodium. Something may LOOK good and TASTE good, but when a Hardee's Fully Loaded Breakfast Burrito by itself has 1640 mg of sodium, I know I can make TWO wraps at home that don't have more than 200 mg of sodium. One example: Two Tumaro's Multi-Grain Wraps (each wrap has only 11 grams of carbohydrates and just 55 mg of sodium) with leftover chicken and broccoli and a little roasted red pepper hummus. I'd have to eat MORE THAN EIGHT of mine to match that ONE of Hardee's for sodium. My idea of "clean eating" is easy: Watch what and how much I'm eating and clean it out with WATER.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    if i want rice, i eat rice. if i want an apple, i eat an apple. if i want a piece of pumpkin pie, i eat a piece of pumpkin pie. i don't eat the whole pie. this is how you lose weight and get fit. you don't do it by adhering to lists of "approved" and "unapproved" foods.

    Not sure the OP understands what "eating clean" actually means. :huh:

    OP is not sure anyone understands what "eating clean" actually means.

    I'd suggest all the clean eaters draft and post their own specific definitions of what "clean eating" means. I'd love to watch that discussion. Better in another thread though as I suspect there are as many definitions as clean eaters.

    just make your own stuff it tastes better than store bought any ways I hate store bought pies and cookies blah

    That's an interesting definition. Anyone want to elaborate on that?

    What if the pumpkin pie was made fresh in the store's bakery? Is that better than the Mrs. Smith's in the freezer section? Or are they both "unclean"? Nah.

    Does pumpkin pie made at home out of a can and with a store bought crust qualify? You can make your own

    Is it okay if you buy the flour, pumpkins and milk at the store and put it together at home? why not do it at home

    What about the sugar? Is white sugar okay? truvia

    And white flour. Is white flour clean? Brown Rice flower

    Does one need to grow their own pumpkins, milk their own cow, and grow and grind their own grain? almond milk is good, find grains and pumkins at farmers markets

    Wait! Is flour itself clean? Or is wheat not clean because it has to be milled? its just as easy to by coconut flour as it is regular flour.

    Are non-organic pumpkins okay?yep... because you don't eat the outside.

    Is milk itself okay? If milk is okay does it need to be from organic fed cows with no hormones? almond milk bro!

    See answers above.

    Interesting. Anything other than one word answers or explanation as to why milk, wheat and sugar are not clean? Or this your "belief" again? First off, I haven't called anything unclean.. This is just how I do it. I'm okay with having people disagree, this is discussion.

    Any explanation of why almond milk is clean but not milk that is taken right out of a cow? Almond milk...milk right out of a cow.. tomato tomata.

    Any explanation of why truvia is clean but sugar is not? Truvia is just ground up plant leaves. Again.. I haven't called anything unclean.

    Have you ever eaten brown rice flowers? LOL flour.. that was a mistype

    So we are back to belief then. Okay.

    Call it what you want... you can call it "scientific fact"... but ultimately you are basing this all on your beliefs. Which scientist you choose to belief. Its pure faith.

    That is an interesting view of the scientific method, and I will again have to say that an intelligent debate with someone who believes that is impossible.

    "In professing to be wise, they became fools. "

    "It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of quotations."
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member
    I wash my fruits and veggies before I eat them thats about as clean as it gets.

    Eating fruits and veggies IS clean eating.....
  • CalynZeigs
    CalynZeigs Posts: 34
    Eating clean isn't a stupid concept. I am lung collapsing allergic to corn. Do you know how hard it is to find ANYTHING processed without corn in it in the country? Freaking lunch meat has corn in it. Ice cream has corn in it. Half the freaking preservatives out there are derived from a corn source. I'm glad you do what works for you, but don't get down on others for doing what works for them. I spent more then 3 of the last 4 years with less then 50% lung function before switching to eating clean (once the doctors figured out corn was my allergy. All this crud in everything makes pinning down allergies really hard.) Eating clean is the only way I can make sure there isn't corn in my diet. Good for you for doing what's right for you, but don't get down on others for doing what's good for them. I couldn't go for walks right now if I wasn't eating clean and I sure as heck couldn't exercise. Try 50% lung function sometime that eating clean is one of the only ways out of and let me know if you still think it's a stupid concept then -.-
  • TheBeerRunner
    TheBeerRunner Posts: 2,777 Member
    I eat white bread, red meat, and I drink alcohol... Sometimes I have bad days, but more often than not I am at or below my daily calorie goals, and almost always am under my weekly calorie goal. I still lose weight. Could I lose weight faster if all I did was eat raw vegetables and lean meat? Sure. But I'd want to paint the walls with my brains before too long. I give a lot of credit to the people who can completely change their diets, but that's just not for me. A calorie is a calorie, that's thermodynamics. If I put in 250 calories from a beer, it's the same caloric energy as 250 calories from a bag of spinach. Sure, I'd have to eat a hell of a lot of spinach to consume 250 calories, but it doesn't taste anywhere near as good as a pint of beer. Do what makes you happy, we have but one life to enjoy.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    First, the phrase "clean eating" is really just a fancy term for eating good, whole foods. It's not a fad diet. It's a wholesome diet--diet here meaning the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats- the dictionary definition of the noun diet.

    I recommend the documentary "Hungry for Change" then re-evaluate your concept of clean eating being stupid. As previously stated, many people eat clean to rid their body of toxins and chemicals that are found in processed food. Clean food isn't boring or gross. Pumpkin pie can be made using clean foods. Hitting your macros is great, meeting your calorie goal is great, but you'll feel much more satisfied if you're filling that with whole foods rather than Big Macs (not saying you do this, but in general).

    it is a fad diet.
    The Eat-Clean Diet recommends avoiding all saturated fat, trans fats, overprocessed, refined foods -- especially white flour, sugar, sugar-loaded colas, juices, and alcohol.

    The plan's guiding principles:

    * Each meal should be between 200-300 calories.
    * Eat a complex carbohydrate with protein (20-21 grams) at every meal.
    * Drink at least 8 cups of water daily.
    * Never miss a meal, especially breakfast.
    * Consume adequate healthy fats each day.

    “I recommend shopping at farmers markets or when at the grocery store, stick to the perimeter and choose foods with one to three pronounceable ingredients only, staying away from any food that comes in a box or bag that man has had a hand in creating or contains ingredients you can’t pronounce,” Reno says.


    that's a checklist of do's and don't just like the sort you find with every other fad diet. i could debunk every single thing listed there except for the line about consuming healthy fats.