I don't eat clean. I won't eat clean. It's a stupid concept.



  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    Personally, I just try to eat more of this...


    and less of this...


    While still occasionally having something like this...


    or this...


    Because I do a lot of this...


    and this...


    And much less of this than I used to...




    and all other acceptable methods of indicating approval of what is posted on social media.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Personally, I just try to eat more of this...


    and less of this...


    While still occasionally having something like this...


    or this...


    Because I do a lot of this...


    and this...


    And much less of this than I used to...


    ^^ This.

    This is probably the clearest argument on this site that I've seen. It even has the visual aids for people who would otherwise argue that IIFYM or flexible dieting (or for me, "watching what I eat") actually means eating a cheeseburger and french fries and washing it all down with a shake 3 times a day.

    Well done. :drinker:
  • Lesa_Sass
    Lesa_Sass Posts: 2,213 Member
    I would love it if someone could explain to me why there are substances put into our processed foods in the USA that are banned in Europe, and why it is okay with those of you who choose to eat it?

    Why are dr after dr after doctor coming out saying that processed and refined foods are bad for you and then they are called quacks but those of you who got your nutrition degree from MFP University.

    BTW, I do not consider pizza or even pumpkin pie to be unclean, unless it has been processed and chalked full of preservatives and other crap to make it shelf life appealing.
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I just wish people would stop calling other people stupid just because they have different opinions. We cant all be the same. Each to their own.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    I would love it if someone could explain to me why there are substances put into our processed foods in the USA that are banned in Europe, and why it is okay with those of you who choose to eat it?

    There are many reasons for banning substances that have little to nothing to do with science or health. Politics is enough.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I just wish people would stop calling other people stupid just because they have different opinions. We cant all be the same. Each to their own.

    Now that's just stupid :wink:
  • Mainebikerchick
    Mainebikerchick Posts: 1,573 Member
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    ^^THIS is one of the best comments in this WHOLE thread. Along with Beachiron & Mirey...GREAT people who know what they're talking about!!! :drinker:
  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    I would love it if someone could explain to me why there are substances put into our processed foods in the USA that are banned in Europe, and why it is okay with those of you who choose to eat it?

    Why are dr after dr after doctor coming out saying that processed and refined foods are bad for you and then they are called quacks but those of you who got your nutrition degree from MFP University.

    BTW, I do not consider pizza or even pumpkin pie to be unclean, unless it has been processed and chalked full of preservatives and other crap to make it shelf life appealing.

    Spanish Black Foot Ham is banned in the US because the way it is made is considered "unsafe" by the USDA. Many unpasteurized cheeses have the same problem. Yet Europeans eat those all the time. Why is it okay for Europeans to eat something that carries a higher risk of food borne illness, including listeria and salmonella and trichinosis? OMG! They're going to die!

    There's a major hole in your argument.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    And likewise, I have had people wave pizza pics in my face or scorn someone in the threads who said that they were trying to resist a piece of cake at the office. It goes both ways. I don't mind people calling out "clean eaters" if they are being jerks... but own up to the IIFYMers being jerks as well.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    And likewise, I have had people wave pizza pics in my face or scorn someone in the threads who said that they were trying to resist a piece of cake at the office. It goes both ways. I don't mind people calling out "clean eaters" if they are being jerks... but own up to the IIFYMers being jerks as well.

    How does someone wave pizza in your face on MFP? You mean someone posted a picture of pizza in a thread? Or suggested that it isn't an evil food? Or told you that if you only have 1 slice it will likely fit into your diet? Or with regard to the cake, told someone to go ahead and have a small piece to be social with their co-workers? You're comparing that to PMs literally telling people "shame on you" for eating regular food? Or people scare mongering about cancer? Really?
  • moonshine_betty
    moonshine_betty Posts: 169 Member
    Raising a glass of sangria ('cos I'm in a sangria kind of mood today) to you, OP and MireyGal76. You all have said everything I would have said but so much better. I don't give two craps if anyone chooses to "eat clean" but I'm a staunch advocate of eating in moderation which, for me, is much more sustainable in the long-term. And no, it doesn't mean eating junk food all day, every day; just that I eat fruit, veggies, lean meats and minimally processed foods most of the time and some junk food now and then. I lost nearly 30 lbs the first time around eating like this and have been losing weight again following the same approach.

    @Beachgingerontherocks: I am truly sorry that anyone would berate you for making comments in an eat clean thread because of what you went through. That's just vile and people suck.

    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    And likewise, I have had people wave pizza pics in my face or scorn someone in the threads who said that they were trying to resist a piece of cake at the office. It goes both ways. I don't mind people calling out "clean eaters" if they are being jerks... but own up to the IIFYMers being jerks as well.

    back in the day, fathers used to throw their kids into the pool (or pond or whatever) as a way of getting them to get past their fears and learn how to swim. that's probably considered child abuse now, however none of those fathers ever wanted their kids to drown and they were right there ready to dive in and save them if necessary. my point being that maybe, just maybe, these people figuratively wagging a piece of pizza in front of your face are trying to make a bigger point to you than merely trying to sabotage you. just maybe.

    i have had people on my friends lists who would fret and call themselves horrible names just because they gave in to their urges and ate a spoonful of "unhealthy" peanut butter. that is what all of this food shaming leads to for lots of people. that's the mentality i'm sick of seeing and that's why i can't stand any concept that forbids certain foods as "bad".
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    And likewise, I have had people wave pizza pics in my face or scorn someone in the threads who said that they were trying to resist a piece of cake at the office. It goes both ways. I don't mind people calling out "clean eaters" if they are being jerks... but own up to the IIFYMers being jerks as well.

    How does someone wave pizza in your face on MFP? You mean someone posted a picture of pizza in a thread? Or suggested that it isn't an evil food? Or told you that if you only have 1 slice it will likely fit into your diet? Or with regard to the cake, told someone to go ahead and have a small piece to be social with their co-workers? You're comparing that to PMs literally telling people "shame on you" for eating regular food? Or people scare mongering about cancer? Really?

    Seriously? It's not "scare mongering" its what they truly believe. Yes. I am comparing the two. You can make one sound like a worser evil.. but both would be wrong. If someone truly feels the need to resist cake and feels the need to post about it on here (I, personally, wouldn't) then why tell her how she just needs to eat it and be social? I agree that "shame on you" PM's about food is wrong, but equally wrong is the jesting that takes place at the clean eaters expense (or anyones expense.)
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    And likewise, I have had people wave pizza pics in my face or scorn someone in the threads who said that they were trying to resist a piece of cake at the office. It goes both ways. I don't mind people calling out "clean eaters" if they are being jerks... but own up to the IIFYMers being jerks as well.

    How does someone wave pizza in your face on MFP? You mean someone posted a picture of pizza in a thread? Or suggested that it isn't an evil food? Or told you that if you only have 1 slice it will likely fit into your diet? Or with regard to the cake, told someone to go ahead and have a small piece to be social with their co-workers? You're comparing that to PMs literally telling people "shame on you" for eating regular food? Or people scare mongering about cancer? Really?

    Seriously? It's not "scare mongering" its what they truly believe. Yes. I am comparing the two. You can make one sound like a worser evil.. but both would be wrong. If someone truly feels the need to resist cake and feels the need to post about it on here (I, personally, wouldn't) then why tell her how she just needs to eat it and be social? I agree that "shame on you" PM's about food is wrong, but equally wrong is the jesting that takes place at the clean eaters expense (or anyones expense.)

    Read what the OP just posted above. You're missing the point. And jesting about a group that spends their days admonishing others with warnings about how they're going to die of cancer because they're eating [insert your choice of demon-food here] is time well spent. I've been here long enough to know that many absolutely refuse to listen to peer-reviewed scientific studies from pubmed or other sources. What they will listen to is scaremongering from the likes of Dr. Oz. and Taubes. Once someone rejects science in favor of a "belief" that the boogeyman really is in that food, I lose all respect for them. And yes, that is plenty fair.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    And likewise, I have had people wave pizza pics in my face or scorn someone in the threads who said that they were trying to resist a piece of cake at the office. It goes both ways. I don't mind people calling out "clean eaters" if they are being jerks... but own up to the IIFYMers being jerks as well.

    back in the day, fathers used to throw their kids into the pool (or pond or whatever) as a way of getting them to get past their fears and learn how to swim. that's probably considered child abuse now, however none of those fathers ever wanted their kids to drown and they were right there ready to dive in and save them if necessary. my point being that maybe, just maybe, these people figuratively wagging a piece of pizza in front of your face are trying to make a bigger point to you than merely trying to sabotage you. just maybe.

    i have had people on my friends lists who would fret and call themselves horrible names just because they gave in to their urges and ate a spoonful of "unhealthy" peanut butter. that is what all of this food shaming leads to for lots of people. that's the mentality i'm sick of seeing and that's why i can't stand any concept that forbids certain foods as "bad".

    I get that food shaming is a real problem... but that goes for anyone. I don't believe that clean eaters are somehow worse off by a) believing what they believe about chemicals in the food, b) attempting to eat "clean." I think that it's okay to disagree with them, but saying it's a dumb concept... or like they will be mentily unstable is not fair.
  • PomegranatePriestess
    PomegranatePriestess Posts: 2,455 Member
    I would love it if someone could explain to me why there are substances put into our processed foods in the USA that are banned in Europe, and why it is okay with those of you who choose to eat it?

    Why are dr after dr after doctor coming out saying that processed and refined foods are bad for you and then they are called quacks but those of you who got your nutrition degree from MFP University.

    BTW, I do not consider pizza or even pumpkin pie to be unclean, unless it has been processed and chalked full of preservatives and other crap to make it shelf life appealing.

    Different countries have different processes for approving substances. That's why Canada had Splenda for many years before it was approved in the United States. (And we're still learning things about Splenda through studies.)

    People can't even agree on what makes a food "processed" or "clean." People in government are no different. They often can't agree on what should be deemed safe and what should be restricted or banned, and as someone else said, many times it's a political -- rather than medical -- decision. Same thing with pharmaceuticals. It's not always about what's safe. It's often about what's profitable.

    (Also, just for future reference, the word you want is "chock," not "chalked.")
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    And likewise, I have had people wave pizza pics in my face or scorn someone in the threads who said that they were trying to resist a piece of cake at the office. It goes both ways. I don't mind people calling out "clean eaters" if they are being jerks... but own up to the IIFYMers being jerks as well.

    How does someone wave pizza in your face on MFP? You mean someone posted a picture of pizza in a thread? Or suggested that it isn't an evil food? Or told you that if you only have 1 slice it will likely fit into your diet? Or with regard to the cake, told someone to go ahead and have a small piece to be social with their co-workers? You're comparing that to PMs literally telling people "shame on you" for eating regular food? Or people scare mongering about cancer? Really?

    Seriously? It's not "scare mongering" its what they truly believe. Yes. I am comparing the two. You can make one sound like a worser evil.. but both would be wrong. If someone truly feels the need to resist cake and feels the need to post about it on here (I, personally, wouldn't) then why tell her how she just needs to eat it and be social? I agree that "shame on you" PM's about food is wrong, but equally wrong is the jesting that takes place at the clean eaters expense (or anyones expense.)

    Read what the OP just posted above. You're missing the point. And jesting about a group that spends their days admonishing others with warnings about how they're going to die of cancer because they're eating [insert your choice of demon-food here] is time well spent. I've been here long enough to know that many absolutely refuse to listen to peer-reviewed scientific studies from pubmed or other sources. What they will listen to is scaremongering from the likes of Dr. Oz. and Taubes. Once someone rejects science in favor of a "belief" that the boogeyman really is in that food, I lose all respect for them. And yes, that is plenty fair.

    What is your science? You are just trusting in another man's science and using your own logic to decide what you believe in FAITH that its true. That's exactly what clean eaters are doing; putting faith in another man's science.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    And likewise, I have had people wave pizza pics in my face or scorn someone in the threads who said that they were trying to resist a piece of cake at the office. It goes both ways. I don't mind people calling out "clean eaters" if they are being jerks... but own up to the IIFYMers being jerks as well.

    How does someone wave pizza in your face on MFP? You mean someone posted a picture of pizza in a thread? Or suggested that it isn't an evil food? Or told you that if you only have 1 slice it will likely fit into your diet? Or with regard to the cake, told someone to go ahead and have a small piece to be social with their co-workers? You're comparing that to PMs literally telling people "shame on you" for eating regular food? Or people scare mongering about cancer? Really?

    Seriously? It's not "scare mongering" its what they truly believe. Yes. I am comparing the two. You can make one sound like a worser evil.. but both would be wrong. If someone truly feels the need to resist cake and feels the need to post about it on here (I, personally, wouldn't) then why tell her how she just needs to eat it and be social? I agree that "shame on you" PM's about food is wrong, but equally wrong is the jesting that takes place at the clean eaters expense (or anyones expense.)

    Read what the OP just posted above. You're missing the point. And jesting about a group that spends their days admonishing others with warnings about how they're going to die of cancer because they're eating [insert your choice of demon-food here] is time well spent. I've been here long enough to know that many absolutely refuse to listen to peer-reviewed scientific studies from pubmed or other sources. What they will listen to is scaremongering from the likes of Dr. Oz. and Taubes. Once someone rejects science in favor of a "belief" that the boogeyman really is in that food, I lose all respect for them. And yes, that is plenty fair.

    What is your science? You are just trusting in another man's science and using your own logic to decide what you believe in FAITH that its true. That's exactly what clean eaters are doing; putting faith in another man's science.

    If that's your world view then I can't help you, and I certainly have no interest attempting to have an intelligent discussion with you.
  • breeshabebe
    breeshabebe Posts: 580
    The thing about this website is that day in and day out, people post threads about how GMOs are going to kill us, about how Wheat Belly is going to make us all sick, how me eating something from McDonald's means I don't care about my health. THAT is nonsense, and that is what is frustrating to OP and a whole lot of others.

    I have gotten many PMs from people who have admonished me about making comments in clean eating threads because I had cancer once upon a time. I've had people tell me "shame on you" for eating some ice cream here and there and enjoying a Double Whopper that fit perfectly into my macros. I can't say I've ever sent a PM to a clean eater telling them they're going to go postal and binge on 300 chicken nuggets or eat an entire box of Entenmann's chocolate coated donuts some day. But it doesn't stop people from feeling like they have the right to PM me about my eating habits (which are pretty close to impeccable) just because they disagreed with something I wrote in a thread.

    I'd put my diet up against anyone's in a heart beat. Do I buy organic? No way. Do I eat at Burger King? Sure do. Do I do it all the time? Of course not. Point is, I'm not going to deprive myself of anything. I just figure out a way to balance a major splurge with a cilantro salad or something.

    And likewise, I have had people wave pizza pics in my face or scorn someone in the threads who said that they were trying to resist a piece of cake at the office. It goes both ways. I don't mind people calling out "clean eaters" if they are being jerks... but own up to the IIFYMers being jerks as well.

    How does someone wave pizza in your face on MFP? You mean someone posted a picture of pizza in a thread? Or suggested that it isn't an evil food? Or told you that if you only have 1 slice it will likely fit into your diet? Or with regard to the cake, told someone to go ahead and have a small piece to be social with their co-workers? You're comparing that to PMs literally telling people "shame on you" for eating regular food? Or people scare mongering about cancer? Really?

    Seriously? It's not "scare mongering" its what they truly believe. Yes. I am comparing the two. You can make one sound like a worser evil.. but both would be wrong. If someone truly feels the need to resist cake and feels the need to post about it on here (I, personally, wouldn't) then why tell her how she just needs to eat it and be social? I agree that "shame on you" PM's about food is wrong, but equally wrong is the jesting that takes place at the clean eaters expense (or anyones expense.)

    Read what the OP just posted above. You're missing the point. And jesting about a group that spends their days admonishing others with warnings about how they're going to die of cancer because they're eating [insert your choice of demon-food here] is time well spent. I've been here long enough to know that many absolutely refuse to listen to peer-reviewed scientific studies from pubmed or other sources. What they will listen to is scaremongering from the likes of Dr. Oz. and Taubes. Once someone rejects science in favor of a "belief" that the boogeyman really is in that food, I lose all respect for them. And yes, that is plenty fair.

    What is your science? You are just trusting in another man's science and using your own logic to decide what you believe in FAITH that its true. That's exactly what clean eaters are doing; putting faith in another man's science.

    If that's your world view then I can't help you, and I certainly have no interest attempting to have an intelligent discussion with you.
