I cannot gain weight.. CANT DO IT ;(



  • se015
    se015 Posts: 583 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Seth1825 wrote: »
    Not saying anyone said that, I was basically making point because people were apparently against the idea of someone encouraging to eat healthy. That is all.

    In reality we aren't. People don't focus on what we actually say but what they think we say.

    People in this forum swear I eat cake, cookies and ice cream all day. But that's perception. And the thing with perception is that it can be manipulated by outsiders. With me, you see what I want you to see. It's all an illusion. I might only post pictures of my ice creams or bagels or cookies because I find pleasure in posting that food porn.

    But the reality is that the majority of my day is freaking boring. 2 egg plus anywhere from 4-10 egg whites in the morning. Yup, I frequently go into a place and as then to cook me 12 eggs and they think I'm crazy and it takes them 5 minutes to figure out what is a reasonable price. I also like to make sweet potato home fries with diced up on in ion and I chop up 2 slices of bacon into it. Dinner is 80% of the time baked chicken breasts, a vegetable, some tomatoes, avocado etc. We also do drumsticks, pork chops, steaks etc. I eat some fruits throughout the day and I also eat 2 to 3 lunches. 1 of them almost always being a PB sandwich. I love those foods, I hit my macros, I get my nutrition from them but I'm not going to post them all over the net because it's just my run of the mill stuff. I've never said "man this is a nice looking baked chicken breast, let me take a picture".

    With all that's said I leave room for my ice cream, a lunch that might be a slice of pizza, cookies, a brownie whatever. But now all those things on the same day. And that's the issue with the people that want to argue with our moderation approach, they will say "yeah okay, fill your whole day with crap", when no one said they did that to begin with. They just take some comments and take it to the extreme for argument purpose.

    The issue with the guy you are trying to defend is that he's looking at foods in a vacuum. That 1 solitary food affects overall fat accumulation and muscle growth. People like to look at 1 piece of food and come to a conclusion but will completely disregard biology, physiology, microbiology etc. I enjoy taking people like that and cornering them. Some might call it being a bully some call it a debating tactic. I just see it as who I am. Maybe I'm just a sociopath, I guess we will see which personality of mine shows up later.

    Well stated post..
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Nevermind that if you actually looked at the diaries of the people who say eat healthy most of the time and the people who say to eat treats in moderation, they would be almost identical. It's a different way of describing the same thing. Both groups of people tend to focus on nutrient dense food, one is just more vocal about the treats they work into their diet.
  • steff274
    steff274 Posts: 227 Member
    I will eat to gain my problem is I will drop to what I consider a bit low 103 pounds I will start panicking I will want to gain but not too much!! so I will have a high day then will eat normal for me 2500 calories and the any gain will just drop off again.. I have a very active job and will take myself off to the gym and workout I joke I am building my abs out of chocolate!! on my days off I will sort out my horse and go to the gym too.. find it hard sometimes to pack in enough calories without adding chocolate and cake!! both are easy to eat!! :p