Body Beast Women's Group!



  • meme101101
    Hi Everyone,

    I am new to the BB program and will be starting it soon, I feel pretty confused on what I should do. I am not looking to loose any extra weight but I would like to loose some inches, tone up and gain some muscle. I was planning on following the lean schedule, hopefully that is a good choice ... Also I am so lost on the supplements, are you all taking any supplements? if you are which ones are necessary to take? I was planning on just taking my usual Shakeology but now I am starting to think that I will need to take something else. Another question I have is are you all following the meal plans? 2000+ calls. seems like so much I have no clue how I will be able to meet this.

    Sorry for all the questions I just feel very lost with this program
  • carmenstop1
    carmenstop1 Posts: 210 Member
    I used this calorie calculator to figure out my calories for Body Beast. Use everyday/intense as your activity level for this program. It will give you goals for maintaining, weight loss and extreme weight loss.

    I am not using any supplements. I am having my shake every morning for breakfast, that is all. If I do another round, and I love this program so much I certainly will, I might try some BCAA just to see if it helps.
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Build: Legs! Eek.
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Build Shoulders
  • Wolffie12
    Wolffie12 Posts: 11 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm just getting to the halfway point of my first time through Body Beast... and I've come up against something. My choices for lunch are starting to get stale. I'm trying to stick with the BB approved diet and when I started, I picked out three different lunches that were easy and quick to make (and that wasn't a simple thing because I'm an extremely picky eater). But now... it's getting boring. Does anyone have any awesome BB acceptable lunch ideas? Preferably that only take 5-10 to prepare?

    Thanks for any and all suggestions!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello beastettes! Sorry I've been MIA lately. Been super busy! Love to see you all still bringing it!

    Wolffie: I have always loved an egg white & spinach omelet for lunch and sometimes, I'll add a couple turkey sausage links too!
  • audiolovestory
    audiolovestory Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! I will be starting Body Beast on Wednesday after a very effective informercial at 6am.

    I have been having difficulty losing weight the past year due to some hormone issues. I eat very clean (Paleo-ish, organic, non-processed, Pescatarian) My doctor put me on medication to correct the hormone issue but suggested that I start lifting to build some muscle to help with the weight loss. I would ideally like to lose 15 lbs and would be ecstatic to lose 30. I've been lower than that in the past but that was due to a horrible diet and no exercise. I have a lot more muscle mass (particularly in my legs) than I used to.

    I have always loved running and have done two half marathons but due to a foot injury back in May I have had to put that on hold. Right now I just do ballet 3 times a week. I had attempted p90x prior to being diagnosed with the hormone imbalance (too much testosterone) and was discouraged because I gained weight quickly with it.

    I'm hoping this will help develop a love a weight lifting as I've always been a cardio nut but can't take the stress on my foot.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Welcome audiolove! If you're looking to fall in love with lifting, this program should do it for ya! I know it did for me! Even after 5 rounds of P90X, I love Body Beast best!

    Right now, I'm having to take some time off from lifting due to a median nerve entrapment in my arm; having surgery next month and it's driving me nuts because I'm losing muscle mass quick! I LOVE lifting! I'd much rather do that all day long over cardio! LOL

    Welcome to the group! Can't wait to hear how you like it!!
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I have the program but only did a week of it. I'll send a FR. I can't start yet as I'm recovering with a serious shin splint, but I should be good to go next week! :smile:
  • audiolovestory
    audiolovestory Posts: 7 Member
    It came today! I'm going to try to get in a workout sometime today if I can work it into my schedule!
  • audiolovestory
    audiolovestory Posts: 7 Member
    Workout #1 - Build: Chest/Tris = Complete! My arms are shaking just picking up a fork! I started off easy with 2/4/6/10 lb weights. My husband has a set somewhere that I believe should be heavier so I will work my way up to that. I loved this workout!

    Question: I am scheduled to do Build: Legs for the 1st time tomorrow, however I have an intense Pointe class tomorrow night. The Pointe class is extremely leg focused (Lots of up and down moves on to toes with fast reps). Should I skip tomorrow and do Build: Legs on Friday?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Workout #1 - Build: Chest/Tris = Complete! My arms are shaking just picking up a fork! I started off easy with 2/4/6/10 lb weights. My husband has a set somewhere that I believe should be heavier so I will work my way up to that. I loved this workout!

    Question: I am scheduled to do Build: Legs for the 1st time tomorrow, however I have an intense Pointe class tomorrow night. The Pointe class is extremely leg focused (Lots of up and down moves on to toes with fast reps). Should I skip tomorrow and do Build: Legs on Friday?

    Way to go girl! So, Build Legs is extreme your first few times around!!! It's killer! I mean, if you really push yourself in the Pointe Class, I might skip it and do it Friday instead just to be safe. Then, when you do it, you'll know how intense it is for the next time around.

  • audiolovestory
    audiolovestory Posts: 7 Member
    Just completed Build: Legs and as a ballet dancer it really wasn't too bad. I could definitely increase the weights a lot. I only have up to 10 lb dumbbells and then a single 20 lb & 25 lb weight. I could have done at least twice that. I was however sweating like crazy during the step up moves. Whoo!
  • audiolovestory
    audiolovestory Posts: 7 Member
    Build: Back & Bi's complete!
  • audiolovestory
    audiolovestory Posts: 7 Member
    Rest day today. My back is pretty sore I think from Build: Shoulders. I don't have a bench and my stability ball is pretty low to the ground so I think I did the move incorrectly where you lay face down and shrug. Hmm.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Rest day today. My back is pretty sore I think from Build: Shoulders. I don't have a bench and my stability ball is pretty low to the ground so I think I did the move incorrectly where you lay face down and shrug. Hmm.

    Great job girl! You could try using a chair maybe? Or, just stand and do the shrugs. How are you feeling overall so far?

  • audiolovestory
    audiolovestory Posts: 7 Member
    Feeling pretty good but my back was super sore this morning when I woke up. Just being careful not to turn too fast and watching my form. I get sore backs a lot though so I think during the back day I may just use lighter weights for now.
  • Wolffie12
    Wolffie12 Posts: 11 Member
    Has anyone been using the BB App that comes with the purchase from Beachbody?

    I have been, as well as tracking on the Beachbody online Supergym thing, and I've found inconsistencies... like my app told me 2 days ago that I was done with the Beast section of the program and congrats and wants me to start over. But then the online Supergym shows I have one more week to go. And on top of that... I have personally used a regular calendar to count out the 90 days that the program is supposed to last, and that day is still about 2 weeks away.

    I'm quite confused as to what I should be doing? Am I really done with my first round of BB?? Or should I be going for another couple of weeks?? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  • jfp420
    jfp420 Posts: 186 Member
    Hi everyone. My Body Beast is being delivered tomorrow! I am reasonably fit but new to lifting. I want to lose 10-15 lbs and am not sure if I should do Huge or Lean. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  • KatiCoufal
    KatiCoufal Posts: 35 Member
    Bumping, does anyone have result pics? Im considering BB.