Body Beast Women's Group!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    Looking into starting Body Beast when I finish Insanity (in 13 days!)

    How has it been for you all? What do you have for weights? (Trying to see what I need to buy since I literally only have a set of 5 pound dumbbells!)

    Thanks in advance for ANY advice!!

    Yeah!! Congrats on your progress with Insanity! So, what made you decide to start the Beast? Do you already have the program?

    Let me tell you; I have done A LOT of Beachbody programs! I knew I loved lifting weights but this takes it to a whole new level!!! I am absolutely in love with this program!

    So, I have Weider adjustable weights. You can get them at Sears if you have one in your area. They are the ones that adjust from 10lbs - 25lbs. I have found that that is enough so far but you will definitely need some heavier weights!

    I also use the Body Beast supplements; all of them! I love them and have seen awesome results! I highly suggest them! So, if you want, stick with us here, let us know how you're doing and when you start the program!

  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    I have 2 weeks left to the program; Sagi is not the brightest guy on earth but he will lead you in the right direction with this heavy lifting program.... you may want to mute him after you have the routine down path lol
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    Day 16 of 90. I am always happy when Build Legs is over for the week. I feel like I have 2 sticks of Jello in place of my legs.

    I hear ya! Sagi's leg workouts are no freakin joke! How's your eating going? Are you seeing results?

    Wait till you do BULK legs; it's even crazier that the BUILD legs
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I have 2 weeks left to the program; Sagi is not the brightest guy on earth but he will lead you in the right direction with this heavy lifting program.... you may want to mute him after you have the routine down path lol

    LOL.....I am laughing! I agree, there are times when I feel it's just awkward for him and I say to myself (or the TV), just stop talking Sagi! LOL But, he knows his stuff!

    And I agree bulk legs is killer! However, I find it more "doable" than build for some reason.

    So, what are your plans after you finish? And how are your results so far?
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 17 of 90. Beast abs and 30 minutes of cardio. I start the Bulk DVD's next week. I probably should start watching them.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Day 17 of 90. Beast abs and 30 minutes of cardio. I start the Bulk DVD's next week. I probably should start watching them.

    I am loving the Bulk phase!
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    Looking into starting Body Beast when I finish Insanity (in 13 days!)

    How has it been for you all? What do you have for weights? (Trying to see what I need to buy since I literally only have a set of 5 pound dumbbells!)

    Thanks in advance for ANY advice!!

    Yeah!! Congrats on your progress with Insanity! So, what made you decide to start the Beast? Do you already have the program?

    Let me tell you; I have done A LOT of Beachbody programs! I knew I loved lifting weights but this takes it to a whole new level!!! I am absolutely in love with this program!

    So, I have Weider adjustable weights. You can get them at Sears if you have one in your area. They are the ones that adjust from 10lbs - 25lbs. I have found that that is enough so far but you will definitely need some heavier weights!

    I also use the Body Beast supplements; all of them! I love them and have seen awesome results! I highly suggest them! So, if you want, stick with us here, let us know how you're doing and when you start the program!


    Hi Debra!

    I thought I replied to this earlier but I guess it didn't go through!

    I don't have the program yet and I'm actually having an inner debate whether I want to go forward with a round of T25 or if I want to do Body Beast! I'm thinking it might do my body a little bit of good to stop with the daily cardio and focus on lifting for a while.

    I've NEVER lifted, though--and wonder if it's too aggressive of a program to start with? (Although I'm an all or nothing type of girl!) :)

    Looking forward to seeing more definition. I don't necessarily want to lose more weight, I just want to be able to see some abs and muscle! I have a small layer of fat I'm trying to shed and hopefully Body Beast will help!

    I love seeing/reading about everyone's progress!! It's been hard to find women who have completed this program, so this is great.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning ladies! Week 5, Bulk Chest done! Man, I feel stronger every time I do these workouts! I love to see my own progress! I increased my weights on most moves this time! And call me weird but I like decline push ups! :bigsmile:

    I can't believe I'll be starting week 6 next week! Crazy!

    I'm now refueling with my Shakeology and Body Beast supplements! Ready to take on the day! Later tonight, I teach P90X! Let's hope my arms hold up! lol

    Have a great day and stay strong!

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi Ladies!!

    Looking into starting Body Beast when I finish Insanity (in 13 days!)

    How has it been for you all? What do you have for weights? (Trying to see what I need to buy since I literally only have a set of 5 pound dumbbells!)

    Thanks in advance for ANY advice!!

    Yeah!! Congrats on your progress with Insanity! So, what made you decide to start the Beast? Do you already have the program?

    Let me tell you; I have done A LOT of Beachbody programs! I knew I loved lifting weights but this takes it to a whole new level!!! I am absolutely in love with this program!

    So, I have Weider adjustable weights. You can get them at Sears if you have one in your area. They are the ones that adjust from 10lbs - 25lbs. I have found that that is enough so far but you will definitely need some heavier weights!

    I also use the Body Beast supplements; all of them! I love them and have seen awesome results! I highly suggest them! So, if you want, stick with us here, let us know how you're doing and when you start the program!


    Hi Debra!

    I thought I replied to this earlier but I guess it didn't go through!

    I don't have the program yet and I'm actually having an inner debate whether I want to go forward with a round of T25 or if I want to do Body Beast! I'm thinking it might do my body a little bit of good to stop with the daily cardio and focus on lifting for a while.

    I've NEVER lifted, though--and wonder if it's too aggressive of a program to start with? (Although I'm an all or nothing type of girl!) :)

    Looking forward to seeing more definition. I don't necessarily want to lose more weight, I just want to be able to see some abs and muscle! I have a small layer of fat I'm trying to shed and hopefully Body Beast will help!

    I love seeing/reading about everyone's progress!! It's been hard to find women who have completed this program, so this is great.

    Well, here's my two cents. I've done a lot of the Beachbody programs.......A LOT! You name it, I've probably done it! lol Out of everything, I love the weights programs! Because I truly believe that lifting is the way to a toner, leaner body.

    And as far as it being too aggressive of a way! In fact, I would recommend this to beginners over P90X and believe me, I LOVE my P90X! But, I think Body Beast is more "doable" right off the bat. Also, the workouts are shorter which makes it nice! And when you reach the second phase, the Bulk phase, the workouts are only about 35 min long, so you could add in some extra cardio if you wanted to!

    I am going to do another round when I'm finished with this one and I'm going to add in T25!

    I hope that helps! I say go for it, you won't regret it!
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    I overdid it on my knees the last week of Hip Hop Abs. There were 6 plyo workouts, all in a row. I have no idea what Shaun T. was thinking, but I stopped after the first 4 of them. Now I need to recover before I can start BB. I'm doing low impact cardio and upper body circuit training while I recover, but I really, really wanted to start Body Beast. I'm afraid to do squats and lunges right now.

    Do you ladies think I can start the program with knee twinges? Or will I need to recover completely first?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I overdid it on my knees the last week of Hip Hop Abs. There were 6 plyo workouts, all in a row. I have no idea what Shaun T. was thinking, but I stopped after the first 4 of them. Now I need to recover before I can start BB. I'm doing low impact cardio and upper body circuit training while I recover, but I really, really wanted to start Body Beast. I'm afraid to do squats and lunges right now.

    Do you ladies think I can start the program with knee twinges? Or will I need to recover completely first?

    Oh no! I didn't realize that HHA had any plyo in it! How bad are your knees? I mean are they just sore or are you really feeling pain walking etc?

    I would say if you're doing any kind of cardio, whether it's low impact or not, you should be ok but listen to your body! When it comes to doing squats or lunges, you want to make sure that your knees never come out over your toes, they stay over your ankle. Also, if you try to sit back into your heels, it takes any strain off of your quads or knees. The only think I can see that you might have a problem with if it's that bad is the leg day. Maybe take the rest of this week and weekend to take it easy and see how you feel on Monday.
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    Month 2 of HHA has lots of plyo, and the last week (Fat burning Cardio 2 and Total Body Burn 2) rotated these 2 toughest of the workouts back to back for 6d (I quit after 4d of this, after finishing the rest of the program). They are both full of squat jumps, Mary Katherines, criss-cross jumps, jacks, side leaps and other plyo moves. Ouch!

    Last week I was really uncomfortable. Even standing up was rough. Now I twinge a bit walking up stairs but not down. I can run, do elliptical work and fast walk. I just tried to do squats (wide and regular) and could do that without weights. However, lunges were uncomfortable, and it's still tricky standing up, esp. with angles such as getting out of a car.

    Sigh. Anyway, let me be an example: just because the trainer is doing it, it doesn't mean you necessarily should. I should never have done the workouts on a hard floor, and I should have not done all that plyo back-to-back just because it was in the schedule.

    Since my lower body is much stronger than my upper anyway, I was thinking of doing the BB program without the legs DVD. The last program really hit the legs and butt, and my core is in good shape. I can sub in some low impact cardio that day, and just extend the first phase when I feel ready to work the legs again. I can also use isolation exercises and resistance bands for lower body, so I really do not need to neglect it. I can design my own no-lunge no-squat leg workout. Alternately, I can pull out Brazil Butt Lift; the High and Tight workout is a serious DVD which works the legs and glutes nicely.

    I hate to let the cardio go, because I want to keep burning calories, but I know I should really rest some more. The more I think about it, I like the plan I just outlined. As soon as my upper body recovers from today's circuit training, I'll Beast Up with the rest of you!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Since my lower body is much stronger than my upper anyway, I was thinking of doing the BB program without the legs DVD. The last program really hit the legs and butt, and my core is in good shape. I can sub in some low impact cardio that day, and just extend the first phase when I feel ready to work the legs again. I can also use isolation exercises and resistance bands for lower body, so I really do not need to neglect it. I can design my own no-lunge no-squat leg workout. Alternately, I can pull out Brazil Butt Lift; the High and Tight workout is a serious DVD which works the legs and glutes nicely.

    Here's my suggestion. If you get the BB program, preview the leg days. You might find that you can do some of the moves or modify them comfortably. This is coming from someone who used to absolutely hate leg days! Until I found Body Beast! Now, I love them because of the results I'm seeing in my legs!!!

    I LOVE High & Tight! When I was doing other programs, I would usually add that in just because it freakin works!!! Love Leandro!

    So, when were you thinking of starting?
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 18 of 90. Build Back and Bis. :bigsmile:
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    "So, when were you thinking of starting?"

    Good idea about the preview of the legs DVD. But I can easily cobble up a leg routine of my own, if need be. I can work everything I need to, with nary a squat or lunge.

    Right now my pecs and upper back and arms and calves are sore (did resistence bands and jogging in place while waiting for a train yesterday, for nearly an hour). So, as soon as they are back to normal, I'm ready to go! A few rest days would do me good, anyway.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just got done with Bulk Back! Had to make a few adjustments with the pull ups. I use bands because I get better results that way vs a bar.

    I increased my weights again with most moves; feels good to look at my progress sheets and see how I've progressed! I am now using 25lbs for one arm rows! Feeling strong!

    Now refueling and then I'm off to teach P90X! And then tonight, I teach again! That's 3 for me today! lol Whew! :smile:

    Have a great day ladies and keep pushing play!
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 19 of 90. Build Shoulder. The Sagi 6 way is vicious! I added 15 minutes of cardio with Leslie. I have to go back to work next week so I am trying to up my endurance.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Day 19 of 90. Build Shoulder. The Sagi 6 way is vicious! I added 15 minutes of cardio with Leslie. I have to go back to work next week so I am trying to up my endurance.

    I LOVE the Sagi 6 way! I do that move in my classes and my members think, oh this is going to be easy, we get to sit down and use light weights! HA! About 4 reps in, they're feeling it!

    I think I am going to start adding in T25 3x per week now! I can't handle it! lol
  • divid
    divid Posts: 68 Member
    Just got my body beast today!! I'm a bit concerned about the calories though. The first two phases has me at 2800. That seems like alot considering I want to do the lean version. I lift now and don't consume that many calories and the scale has gone up some. Just worried about gaining weight.
  • mkwongh
    mkwongh Posts: 279 Member
    I am back from my honeymoon -- and definitely missed Body beast

    i tried to do a few body beasts workouts on vacay, but missed some and did total body workouts instead.

    I only have 3 more weeks to finish BodyBeast, but since i am on day 5 with T25, I am thinking to finish t25 with adding in a few BodyBeast workouts, and then do another full round of BB.

    I miss Sagi lol