Body Beast Women's Group!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello, I am buying this today - just waiting for the phone lines to open in America - I was just wondering - when you say the lean program - is it all the same workouts just you eat less or do I need to buy a specific workout as I can't see the different options online?

    Yeah!!! The version just has more cardio in it and it comes with the program. You'll have all the workouts you need, no matter what version you do! Welcome!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am on day 3!!! I am lovin' Body Beast!!!

    Welcome!!! Awesome! Have you done legs yet???
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 25 of 90. I forgot to post yesterday. It was Bulk Back. I think my weights were too light. I'll up it for the next round.

    Welcome 321newme! I love it too!
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    Hi, ladies. I made it through the first week of Build! I began on Saturday, and am still sore in pecs and tris from then. I had to skip beast cardio due to not even being able to walk, but I did the abs and rested that day, and today (scheduled rest) I went through my DVD collection and found "Crunch Burn and Firm Pilates", which is a light cardio/stretching/sculpting workout that got the blood to the muscles and stretched them out. Normally this would be way too easy for me, but this is about all my poor aching (but growing Beasty) body could take.

    Hopefully, round 2 won't be as much of a shock to the system...

    Stay Beasty!
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    I have 2 weeks left to the program; Sagi is not the brightest guy on earth but he will lead you in the right direction with this heavy lifting program.... you may want to mute him after you have the routine down path lol

    I work with a few Egghead know it all buttheads. Sagi is quite refreshing after listening to them!
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Yesterday was bay 26 of 90. It was my first time doing Bulk Arms. It was tough.

    Today is a rest day. I will probably do AM Stretch with Madeleine Lewis.

    Have a Beasty Day!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hello ladies!!!! Whew! Man, I have had a busy week!!! And yes, don't worry, I'm still pushing play, finishing up the Bulk Phase! Next week starts the Beast Phase! Can't wait!!!

    I have been teaching a lot lately! On Wednesday, here's how my day went!

    6:30am - teach P90X
    9:30am - teach Turbo Kick
    12pm - did my BB workout
    5:30pm - teach P90X
    6:30pm - teach Turbo Kick (and this was by accident; the Zumba instructor never showed up!!!!)

    I was pooped that night!!!!! And funny thing was, I wasn't even hungry when I got home, I just wanted to shower and go to sleep!!!

    Today, I've taught my 6:30am P90X, going back to teach Turbo at 9:30am, come home, do my Bulk Arms and tonight I'm doing a 5K Electric Run! However, I probably won't be "running" just having a good time with friends. I've got my neon tutu, rainbow socks, I'm ready to go!!!!

    Have a great weekend ladies and keep beasting up!!!
  • 321newme
    321newme Posts: 15 Member
    Yes I have done legs!!! I loved it!! This by far is the most enjoyable program I have ever done!!
  • 321newme
    321newme Posts: 15 Member
    Do you ladies take your supplements (ie suma, creatine ect.) on rest days?
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Yes I have done legs!!! I loved it!! This by far is the most enjoyable program I have ever done!!

    It is my favorite too!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Do you ladies take your supplements (ie suma, creatine ect.) on rest days?

    No, I don't.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! Yesterday started out with my 6:30am P90X class, then Turbo Kick at 9:30am, then home to do my Body Beast Bulk Arms and last night was my first "official" 5K! I did the Electric Run! Tons of fun!!!!!! I posted some pics to my profile. I highly recommend it, look it up in your area. I'll be going next year for sure!

    Today is Bulk Shoulders for me and then I have a reunion for my drill team! I'm excited to see all the girls I haven't seen for years!!!

    Make it a great day and keep lifting!!!
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 28 of 90. Bulk Shoulders for me too. I like it better than Build Shoulders.
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 29 of 90. Bulk Legs. I am glad that is over for a week!
  • cindyst1
    cindyst1 Posts: 21 Member
    Hello all! Am I too late to join? I will receive Body Beast on Wednesday (hopefully it is after all shipped via FedUp er FexEx) I can't wait to start it. I will probably start on the following Monday. A little about me. All most 45 yo. I was in great shape in 2005-2007 then I decided I was bored and went to work gained about 10 pounds back then had 4 surgeries and gained it all back plus some. FF to May 2012 I did lose most of the weight again doing NROL4W then woe is me attitude kicked in that winter (big move away from all family no friends no job ugh) and decided to use food as my comfort. Now I am currently working but I work evenings which will leave me the morning to workout (favorite time to workout) but battling PF and sciatica but still workout I have to =) I just need to get my eating under control and lose this excess weight I gained back. Currently at 148 and yes, I am a shortie so it shows. I know you all will inspire me to keep going in fact Ddavies holy cow you are one active gal what is your secret? Kudos to you wow!
    As for the supplements which ones do you all use? I ordered all but the Creatine after seeing what it did to my son I figured not going to take it.
    Ah forgot I think I will be starting with the lean phase since I have so much fat to lose. Yeah me!
    Thanks and hope to post more often here.
    P.s Legs scare me =)
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Well, another great 6:30am P90X class! Just got done with my own workout, Build Chest & Tri's. Today starts day one of the Beast Phase, the last phase of the program! I'm already looking forward to round 2!!! And I will be doing the Lean phase I think this time, adding in T25! I've still got some extra "cushion" to get rid of! lol

    So far though, I am loving my results!

    Cindy: Welcome to the group! No, it's never too late to join, glad to have you! You are going to love this program!!! I use all of the Body Beast supplements; including the creatine. I'm not "bulking" at all! I love the supplements and I believe they've played a big role in my results! I also use Shakeology too. In fact, I just make one big Beast shake!

    Can't wait to see how you like the program!!!

    The Build Legs is pretty intense! Just be prepared to be pretty damn sore for about 3 days the first time you do it! lol Sagi doesn't mess around!

    Well, have a great day ladies and keep beasting up!

  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    Another lady-beast joining in!

    I'm doing a modified 4-day schedule, but in the same order. It'll take longer to complete the program, but it was the only way to fit it in consistently. I don't think it will effect my ultimate results too much. Your thoughts?
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 30 of 90. Bulk Chest. I am feeling Beasty! :laugh:
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    WOW....DAy 1 last night...Chest and Tris...I certainly feel it today! Not necessarily in a "sore" way, but just a "drained, can hardly lift my arms" way!

    I loved it!! Being my first time EVER lifting, I wasn't sure how I'd like it...but I have to say--I feel like I got a lot of tension out of my body during those 50 was very therapeutic! Nice change from the cardio I was doing daily with Insanity.

    Looking forward (I think?) to Build Legs tonight. I'm nervous, I've heard it's rough!!
  • Krissy234
    Krissy234 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I ordered this program and plan to start on September 9th. I have done Chalean Extreme, Turbo Fire and P90X. I love to lift but I am a little afraid to gain weight. I would like to join this group for the support.