Body Beast Women's Group!



  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hey girls! Today was Bulk Back for me!!! Love that feeling of my back getting ripped! Had a 2 hour PT session with a very nice lady this afternoon and now just getting ready to go teach P90X!

    BeastLady: Are you referring to the super set in Build Legs? I think I was using 10lbs (ea hand), 12lbs, 15lbs; it's killer!!!
  • Dre8604
    Dre8604 Posts: 61 Member
    Hmmm... This may be my next program.
  • allstatemom
    allstatemom Posts: 183 Member
    Day 40 of 90. My schedule was Bulk Back but I went to a football game, so today was my rest-ish day. Did Leslie with walking group after school.

    ddavies919, are you starting back at Build with round 2 or are you going to stay in Beast?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Day 40 of 90. My schedule was Bulk Back but I went to a football game, so today was my rest-ish day. Did Leslie with walking group after school.

    ddavies919, are you starting back at Build with round 2 or are you going to stay in Beast?

    I'm not sure with round 2. It depends on the day and my schedule. I like the Bulk phase because the workouts are shorter.
  • BeastLady90
    Day 40 of 90. My schedule was Bulk Back but I went to a football game, so today was my rest-ish day. Did Leslie with walking group after school.

    ddavies919, are you starting back at Build with round 2 or are you going to stay in Beast?

    I'm not sure with round 2. It depends on the day and my schedule. I like the Bulk phase because the workouts are shorter.

    Hey girls, one and for all; Stick to the program! Cheating is not a succes story.

    Just follow each single day. C'on it's not even 4 quarters of an hour. Whats the problem? P90x workouts gets more time to consume. If you're not satisfied with the end results dont blame the body beast program!

  • BeastLady90
    O my legs. They hurt so much. Yesterday Back&Bis today is Schoulders day!
  • 99Maria
    99Maria Posts: 12 Member
    Today was the last day of Bulk phase, Yay! Can't wait to start Beast phase! :happy:
  • BeastLady90
    Starting week 2: Chest Tris! I feel very good and feel also much stronger than ever before! The only threat i've got is my boyfriend. He's not liking it when im so boosted.
  • BeastLady90
    Today was the last day of Bulk phase, Yay! Can't wait to start Beast phase! :happy:

    Nice progress girl. Is that the results of 9 weeks into the program of only body beast?
  • 99Maria
    99Maria Posts: 12 Member
    Today was the last day of Bulk phase, Yay! Can't wait to start Beast phase! :happy:

    Nice progress girl. Is that the results of 9 weeks into the program of only body beast?

    Thanks. I took the first photo in Mach, a month into P90x, but I was only lifting 3 lb & 5lb weights, hehe. So I pretty much got those results from Insanity and Body Beast, but mostly Body Beast. My biceps are now an inch and half bigger than the first photo. :)
  • Witchdoctor58
    Witchdoctor58 Posts: 226 Member
    Last week I got off schedule, as I was getting my child ready for college. I actually think the extra days of rest were good for me. I started my 4th cycle of Build, and was amazed at how much more weight I could handle. I can now actually do real push-ups, on my toes! I can see and feel the changes in my muscles. I may incorporate an extra rest day routinely, and stretch instead of lift. My body seems to like and respond well to the extra recovery time.
  • BeastLady90
    Last week I got off schedule, as I was getting my child ready for college. I actually think the extra days of rest were good for me. I started my 4th cycle of Build, and was amazed at how much more weight I could handle. I can now actually do real push-ups, on my toes! I can see and feel the changes in my muscles. I may incorporate an extra rest day routinely, and stretch instead of lift. My body seems to like and respond well to the extra recovery time.


    i've almost one week and the coming few days i go on holliday so good to read your post :)
    Maybe i'ill start over the program from the beginning but couldn't wait to start already. I will take my trx with me so i can workout on vacation. The 9th of September will be my official start.
  • BeastLady90
    WOW....DAy 1 last night...Chest and Tris...I certainly feel it today! Not necessarily in a "sore" way, but just a "drained, can hardly lift my arms" way!

    I loved it!! Being my first time EVER lifting, I wasn't sure how I'd like it...but I have to say--I feel like I got a lot of tension out of my body during those 50 was very therapeutic! Nice change from the cardio I was doing daily with Insanity.

    Looking forward (I think?) to Build Legs tonight. I'm nervous, I've heard it's rough!!

    Woo hoo!!!! Day 1 in the books for ya! Nice job! I can't believe this is your first time lifting and you're doing the BEAST!!!! :bigsmile: I love it! Way to go girl! It is totally therapeutic! Feels good to just lift and get out all the stresses of the day! Build legs is a bit rough but push through, you've got this!

    Alright, done legs today. It was tougher than last time !!! Damn it's a killer!
  • evt84
    evt84 Posts: 71 Member
    This is my final week of build and on Monday I start bulk!

    LOVING this program so far! 100 times more than Insanity, for sure!! Cardio is just isnt my thing I guess. Lifting--I love it! I feel STRONG, lean, more defined. So glad I read this thread last month and decided to hop on the bandwagon!! Can't wait to see what the remainder of the program brings!!

    Tonight = Build Shoulders. OW!
  • laylacompton
    Hey all, I am thinking of getting this. I am trying to lose my body fat and tone up - I need a lot of work. Does anyone have pics? I'd love to see the progress so far. I have done P90X which I LOVED and Insanity - and it was a struggle for me. With both I have lost 46 pounds. I have a lot more to go - but if I weigh 150 and wear a size 6, I am so cool with that as opposed to being 130 and wearing a size 8!

    I like cardio - more running outside though. Any help would be greatly appreciated to help me make my mind up.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Ladies!!! I'm still here! I have been without internet for a while and doing everything from my phone is a pain! Anyway, this is my last week of Body Beast!! I can't wait to start round 2 on Monday!!!! And although my diet has been pretty good this round, I do need to clean it up a bit this next time. You girls are kicking butt!!!! Love to see it!
  • marz42
    marz42 Posts: 223 Member
    There is a whole bunch of stuff about women and lifting at (it's just a blog/info site not a spammy supplement site or anything)
  • 99Maria
    99Maria Posts: 12 Member
    Today was my rest day! I really needed it. I'm finally leaning out again and it feels great. I gained almost 10lbs during the Bulk phase. :sad: But, I've lost 4 lbs since Saturday already. :happy: Two more weeks to go for me!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I have internet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!!! Sad how much we depend on it! lol Especially when most of my business is done online!

    Anyway, today was Bulk Arms for me, one of my favs!!!!! Tomorrow I'm hosting a Beachbody event and we'll be doing T25! Love it!!!

    You girls are rocking it!!!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Ladies! Ladies! Ladies! Happy Monday!

    Today officially starts round 2 of Body Beast for me!!!!! Super excited!!! Anyone else starting today? I'm about to head down into my basement and push play!