"Clean" eating vs. Moderation- what works for you?



  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    ElliottTN wrote: »

    So, yeah, in short, it's the clean eaters (people who do not consume designer food is my definition) that have always impressed me and have the results I want. I am striving to be more like them and find that I overall feel better when I do.

    Just my 2 cents, doesn't mean much but there it is.

    I actually find the exact opposite to be true.

    Yeah that was my thought too...

    I find that most of the people on here who have gotten the best results are those that follow a quality, but moderated approach to eating. Most of the 'clean' eating preachers either are new people starting out or have hidden profiles. Maybe they're shredded behind the hidden profiles, but it makes ya wonder, ya know?
  • LivelyJS
    LivelyJS Posts: 2 Member
    Wow.. Lots of 'moderation' people out there.. Well, it's great if you can make it work. For me, however, it doesn't work. Simply put, I am an all or nothing person. I avoid high fat foods and processed sugars/corn syrup... ALWAYS. Someone wrote "the goal of moderation ...is.. not having to deprive yourself of the things you love. ".. Well I love being thin and in shape and not having aching joints and not being out of breath.. I don't 'love' the taste of ice cream or oreos or deep fried cheesecake, I consider them addicting. If I have one bite, I just want more and more and more. And there is a scientific basis for it, based on insulin, blood sugar, etc. The worst of them are designed by PhD's to create an insatiable craving (e.g. Goldfish, Doritos, Cheetos, Captain Crunch, etc). I have never been successful eating junk foods in moderation. I try to never have them in my house, its much easier to say "no" once at the store than 20-30 times in the house. My two cents.. Stay strong all of you.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    Mapes84 wrote: »
    In the past 5 years or so, I have really noticed what seems to be an enormous shift in what is considered the "ideal" diet. So much emphasis is now placed on eating only whole, unprocessed foods, no added sugar, nothing artificial, ditch "white" carbs, etc. Paleo this, Whole 30 that, don't eat gluten, don't eat bread, etc. I totally get that nutrition and weight loss are two totally different things. What I am curious about is how are "real" people who are currently *successfully* losing weight actually eating? Do you have the occasional bowl of sugar cereal if it fits into your calorie allowance, or are your 1200 calories (or whatever your number is) strictly filled with vegetables, nuts, and organic chicken breasts? I want to know what REALLY works for you, not just what is "ideal".
    For me, "clean" eating works much better...though I don't use that term. But it is all lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, yogurt, eggs, natural peanut butter, etc. I eat almost zero added sugar or wheat...just on rare occasions when I am out.

    I feel much better eating this way...I never get cravings or sluggish after a meal and I have more energy. Psychologically, it also makes it much easier to not overeat. When I am eating healthy, I tend to find it very easy to stick with it. I also exercise more often. The two good habits seem to reinforce each other for me.

    You see to me that is moderation... Just stricter then others. How strict an individual moderates is determined by their preference and goals..
    If you consider having sweets once every couple of months moderation, then sure. In that sense, yes. I don't have any foods about which I have said I will never ever have it again.

    However, things that aren't part of my daily, weekly, or even monthly diet...I would say it is more accurate to say I generally just don't eat them. And I never have them at home...for me, it is just too much of a slippery slope. If my rare exceptions become the new rule, then I will regain all I have worked to lose. But I won't quibble over the language. Whatever you call it, I have found what works best for me.

    I'm befuddled by this because to be honest, I eat treats about as often as you do. (In my 100 days logging, I've logged cookies once, chocolate once and potato chips once... to give an example.) I don't want them frequently enough to work them into my calorie allowance, it's nothing more than that as far as I'm concerned.

    For me, though, it's freeing to think to myself that if I want something, it's okay to have it. I don't feel the need to play a semantic game with myself and say that I "generally just don't eat treats". I like saying that I eat what I like, because that's what I DO. Is that what you're doing too, on the balance? Why is it important to you to classify yourself as a clean eater? Honest question here, no snark.

    Serious question here, I am not poking at a stereotype or anything. Do you feel like you're adhering to a certain plan or virtue that you've set for yourself by having the mindset you do about the way you eat?

    If you are both saying the same thing, but using different terms, what does it matter. Why is it worse to say "I'm a clean eater (most of the time)" than "I eat in moderation"?

    Because internet cool points
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    Mapes84 wrote: »
    In the past 5 years or so, I have really noticed what seems to be an enormous shift in what is considered the "ideal" diet. So much emphasis is now placed on eating only whole, unprocessed foods, no added sugar, nothing artificial, ditch "white" carbs, etc. Paleo this, Whole 30 that, don't eat gluten, don't eat bread, etc. I totally get that nutrition and weight loss are two totally different things. What I am curious about is how are "real" people who are currently *successfully* losing weight actually eating? Do you have the occasional bowl of sugar cereal if it fits into your calorie allowance, or are your 1200 calories (or whatever your number is) strictly filled with vegetables, nuts, and organic chicken breasts? I want to know what REALLY works for you, not just what is "ideal".
    For me, "clean" eating works much better...though I don't use that term. But it is all lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, yogurt, eggs, natural peanut butter, etc. I eat almost zero added sugar or wheat...just on rare occasions when I am out.

    I feel much better eating this way...I never get cravings or sluggish after a meal and I have more energy. Psychologically, it also makes it much easier to not overeat. When I am eating healthy, I tend to find it very easy to stick with it. I also exercise more often. The two good habits seem to reinforce each other for me.

    You see to me that is moderation... Just stricter then others. How strict an individual moderates is determined by their preference and goals..
    If you consider having sweets once every couple of months moderation, then sure. In that sense, yes. I don't have any foods about which I have said I will never ever have it again.

    However, things that aren't part of my daily, weekly, or even monthly diet...I would say it is more accurate to say I generally just don't eat them. And I never have them at home...for me, it is just too much of a slippery slope. If my rare exceptions become the new rule, then I will regain all I have worked to lose. But I won't quibble over the language. Whatever you call it, I have found what works best for me.

    I'm befuddled by this because to be honest, I eat treats about as often as you do. (In my 100 days logging, I've logged cookies once, chocolate once and potato chips once... to give an example.) I don't want them frequently enough to work them into my calorie allowance, it's nothing more than that as far as I'm concerned.

    For me, though, it's freeing to think to myself that if I want something, it's okay to have it. I don't feel the need to play a semantic game with myself and say that I "generally just don't eat treats". I like saying that I eat what I like, because that's what I DO. Is that what you're doing too, on the balance? Why is it important to you to classify yourself as a clean eater? Honest question here, no snark.

    Serious question here, I am not poking at a stereotype or anything. Do you feel like you're adhering to a certain plan or virtue that you've set for yourself by having the mindset you do about the way you eat?
    Not sure why you are befuddled. It seems pretty straight forward to me. I think you are making this much more complicated and mysterious than it is.

    First of all, if you actually read my entire post you would see that I very clearly said that I don't use the term "clean eating". So obviously, if I don't use the term, it can't be important to think of myself that way. This is just common sense and I'm not sure why you even need me to address it.

    Second, I don't consider them "treats" like you do. That in itself is a strange way to look at it to me. It's just food. If I want a "treat", I will take a vacation or a relaxing bath or watch a movie or buy something that I want but don't really need. Food is just food...I don't associate it with rewarding myself. That is not my mentality, and not a habit I want to develop. I could see bad things happening if I looked at it that way. If it works for you, okay...I think it's strange but you aren't me.

    It's not a semantic game at all. These foods are not part of my normal diet. I don't even want them to be. Not sure why you can't understand that. Sweets are not the end all be all to everybody. On the rare occasions I have them, it is typically more of a social thing...I had pumpkin pie on thanksgiving and half of a Korean doughnut when I shared it with an out of town friend who was visiting. It was the occasion that called for it...not any great wanting or craving on my part. I enjoyed it, or I wouldn't have eaten it at all...but I don't ever get cravings for these things. I do not ever feel deprived in any way.

    Also, I lost 90 pounds. For most of that I didn't count calories at all. I am only doing it now to play with macros and I don't intend to count calories forever. I don't want to be in a situation where I have to figure out every single day if I can "fit" something I want to eat. The way I eat now, I don't have to do that. I don't want to deal with that BS on a daily basis. I don't do it now, and don't want to have to watch every bite of food that closely in the future. That is much easier to do (and not gain weight!) if you are mainly eating nutrient dense, and not calorie dense, foods. Within reason, I can have anything I want.

    If I am hungry, even if I sat on my butt all day and got no exercise, then I eat more. I can do that because the things I eat don't have empty calories. Also, I don't even get hungry that often because the things I eat tend to be very filling...lots of protein and fat will keep you full. Most carbs will not. Again, this simplifies things and reduces the urge to eat too many calories. Again, this prevents me from ever feeling deprived. This is all very practical.

    Finally, as to your question about virtue, frankly that is a very bizarre way to look at diet. Diet has nothing to do with virtue...I'm not sure why you think it does. I eat the foods I do because 1) they contain the vitamins, minerals, protein, etc. that my body needs 2) they taste good 3) they are filling. It's that simple. Again, you are making things WAY too complicated. We aren't trying to split the atom here. It's just food.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    LivelyJS wrote: »
    Wow.. Lots of 'moderation' people out there.. Well, it's great if you can make it work. For me, however, it doesn't work. Simply put, I am an all or nothing person. I avoid high fat foods and processed sugars/corn syrup... ALWAYS. Someone wrote "the goal of moderation ...is.. not having to deprive yourself of the things you love. ".. Well I love being thin and in shape and not having aching joints and not being out of breath.. I don't 'love' the taste of ice cream or oreos or deep fried cheesecake, I consider them addicting. If I have one bite, I just want more and more and more. And there is a scientific basis for it, based on insulin, blood sugar, etc. The worst of them are designed by PhD's to create an insatiable craving (e.g. Goldfish, Doritos, Cheetos, Captain Crunch, etc). I have never been successful eating junk foods in moderation. I try to never have them in my house, its much easier to say "no" once at the store than 20-30 times in the house. My two cents.. Stay strong all of you.

    Funny, I never experienced any of those things...
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    if by "clean" you mean normal homemade meals without the junk...it is for me :) moderation never helped me because junk is junk no matter how you look at it , cholesterols is still cholesterol and fat is still fat (the flip side is cal from clean eating are still cal so don't overeat).This is my religion.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,139 Member
    LivelyJS wrote: »
    Wow.. Lots of 'moderation' people out there.. Well, it's great if you can make it work. For me, however, it doesn't work. Simply put, I am an all or nothing person. I avoid high fat foods and processed sugars/corn syrup... ALWAYS. Someone wrote "the goal of moderation ...is.. not having to deprive yourself of the things you love. ".. Well I love being thin and in shape and not having aching joints and not being out of breath.. I don't 'love' the taste of ice cream or oreos or deep fried cheesecake, I consider them addicting. If I have one bite, I just want more and more and more. And there is a scientific basis for it, based on insulin, blood sugar, etc. The worst of them are designed by PhD's to create an insatiable craving (e.g. Goldfish, Doritos, Cheetos, Captain Crunch, etc). I have never been successful eating junk foods in moderation. I try to never have them in my house, its much easier to say "no" once at the store than 20-30 times in the house. My two cents.. Stay strong all of you.

    so people who eat the occasional Dorito, ice cream, etc are not going to say stay thin, or be able to breath properly....?? Wow, I guess we are all screwed...
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    Mapes84 wrote: »
    In the past 5 years or so, I have really noticed what seems to be an enormous shift in what is considered the "ideal" diet. So much emphasis is now placed on eating only whole, unprocessed foods, no added sugar, nothing artificial, ditch "white" carbs, etc. Paleo this, Whole 30 that, don't eat gluten, don't eat bread, etc. I totally get that nutrition and weight loss are two totally different things. What I am curious about is how are "real" people who are currently *successfully* losing weight actually eating? Do you have the occasional bowl of sugar cereal if it fits into your calorie allowance, or are your 1200 calories (or whatever your number is) strictly filled with vegetables, nuts, and organic chicken breasts? I want to know what REALLY works for you, not just what is "ideal".
    For me, "clean" eating works much better...though I don't use that term. But it is all lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, yogurt, eggs, natural peanut butter, etc. I eat almost zero added sugar or wheat...just on rare occasions when I am out.

    I feel much better eating this way...I never get cravings or sluggish after a meal and I have more energy. Psychologically, it also makes it much easier to not overeat. When I am eating healthy, I tend to find it very easy to stick with it. I also exercise more often. The two good habits seem to reinforce each other for me.

    You see to me that is moderation... Just stricter then others. How strict an individual moderates is determined by their preference and goals..
    If you consider having sweets once every couple of months moderation, then sure. In that sense, yes. I don't have any foods about which I have said I will never ever have it again.

    However, things that aren't part of my daily, weekly, or even monthly diet...I would say it is more accurate to say I generally just don't eat them. And I never have them at home...for me, it is just too much of a slippery slope. If my rare exceptions become the new rule, then I will regain all I have worked to lose. But I won't quibble over the language. Whatever you call it, I have found what works best for me.

    I'm befuddled by this because to be honest, I eat treats about as often as you do. (In my 100 days logging, I've logged cookies once, chocolate once and potato chips once... to give an example.) I don't want them frequently enough to work them into my calorie allowance, it's nothing more than that as far as I'm concerned.

    For me, though, it's freeing to think to myself that if I want something, it's okay to have it. I don't feel the need to play a semantic game with myself and say that I "generally just don't eat treats". I like saying that I eat what I like, because that's what I DO. Is that what you're doing too, on the balance? Why is it important to you to classify yourself as a clean eater? Honest question here, no snark.

    Serious question here, I am not poking at a stereotype or anything. Do you feel like you're adhering to a certain plan or virtue that you've set for yourself by having the mindset you do about the way you eat?

    If you are both saying the same thing, but using different terms, what does it matter. Why is it worse to say "I'm a clean eater (most of the time)" than "I eat in moderation"?

    It sort of matters because we could get to the bottom of a lot of the nonsense on the forums.

    I'm also curious.

    In practice, the two of us do pretty much the same thing (though I'm a vegetarian and eat a "clean" vegetarian diet).

    We ALWAYS find ourselves on different sides of every one of these discussions, though.

    That's fascinating to me. I'd like to pick it apart, respectfully. If that's possible.

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,576 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    LivelyJS wrote: »
    Wow.. Lots of 'moderation' people out there.. Well, it's great if you can make it work. For me, however, it doesn't work. Simply put, I am an all or nothing person. I avoid high fat foods and processed sugars/corn syrup... ALWAYS. Someone wrote "the goal of moderation ...is.. not having to deprive yourself of the things you love. ".. Well I love being thin and in shape and not having aching joints and not being out of breath.. I don't 'love' the taste of ice cream or oreos or deep fried cheesecake, I consider them addicting. If I have one bite, I just want more and more and more. And there is a scientific basis for it, based on insulin, blood sugar, etc. The worst of them are designed by PhD's to create an insatiable craving (e.g. Goldfish, Doritos, Cheetos, Captain Crunch, etc). I have never been successful eating junk foods in moderation. I try to never have them in my house, its much easier to say "no" once at the store than 20-30 times in the house. My two cents.. Stay strong all of you.

    so people who eat the occasional Dorito, ice cream, etc are not going to say stay thin, or be able to breath properly....?? Wow, I guess we are all screwed...

    That is not at all what was being said. "I" =/= "everyone"
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    The surefire way to get a thread going....mention "clean eating". WOW
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,139 Member
    if by "clean" you mean normal homemade meals without the junk...it is for me :) moderation never helped me because junk is junk no matter how you look at it , cholesterols is still cholesterol and fat is still fat (the flip side is cal from clean eating are still cal so don't overeat).This is my religion.

    please list the foods that you view as "junk"...

  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    so people who eat the occasional Dorito, ice cream, etc are not going to say stay thin, or be able to breath properly....?? Wow, I guess we are all screwed...

    Absolutely, because 56 pounds gone later, I am no longer panting when I walk fast or go up stairs and my pants are sliding of the hips from which I've lost 8.5 inches since last April. I guess I'm not really on the road to "thin" after all.


    Go figure.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    Mapes84 wrote: »
    In the past 5 years or so, I have really noticed what seems to be an enormous shift in what is considered the "ideal" diet. So much emphasis is now placed on eating only whole, unprocessed foods, no added sugar, nothing artificial, ditch "white" carbs, etc. Paleo this, Whole 30 that, don't eat gluten, don't eat bread, etc. I totally get that nutrition and weight loss are two totally different things. What I am curious about is how are "real" people who are currently *successfully* losing weight actually eating? Do you have the occasional bowl of sugar cereal if it fits into your calorie allowance, or are your 1200 calories (or whatever your number is) strictly filled with vegetables, nuts, and organic chicken breasts? I want to know what REALLY works for you, not just what is "ideal".
    For me, "clean" eating works much better...though I don't use that term. But it is all lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, yogurt, eggs, natural peanut butter, etc. I eat almost zero added sugar or wheat...just on rare occasions when I am out.

    I feel much better eating this way...I never get cravings or sluggish after a meal and I have more energy. Psychologically, it also makes it much easier to not overeat. When I am eating healthy, I tend to find it very easy to stick with it. I also exercise more often. The two good habits seem to reinforce each other for me.

    You see to me that is moderation... Just stricter then others. How strict an individual moderates is determined by their preference and goals..
    If you consider having sweets once every couple of months moderation, then sure. In that sense, yes. I don't have any foods about which I have said I will never ever have it again.

    However, things that aren't part of my daily, weekly, or even monthly diet...I would say it is more accurate to say I generally just don't eat them. And I never have them at home...for me, it is just too much of a slippery slope. If my rare exceptions become the new rule, then I will regain all I have worked to lose. But I won't quibble over the language. Whatever you call it, I have found what works best for me.

    I'm befuddled by this because to be honest, I eat treats about as often as you do. (In my 100 days logging, I've logged cookies once, chocolate once and potato chips once... to give an example.) I don't want them frequently enough to work them into my calorie allowance, it's nothing more than that as far as I'm concerned.

    For me, though, it's freeing to think to myself that if I want something, it's okay to have it. I don't feel the need to play a semantic game with myself and say that I "generally just don't eat treats". I like saying that I eat what I like, because that's what I DO. Is that what you're doing too, on the balance? Why is it important to you to classify yourself as a clean eater? Honest question here, no snark.

    Serious question here, I am not poking at a stereotype or anything. Do you feel like you're adhering to a certain plan or virtue that you've set for yourself by having the mindset you do about the way you eat?
    Not sure why you are befuddled. It seems pretty straight forward to me. I think you are making this much more complicated and mysterious than it is.

    First of all, if you actually read my entire post you would see that I very clearly said that I don't use the term "clean eating". So obviously, if I don't use the term, it can't be important to think of myself that way. This is just common sense and I'm not sure why you even need me to address it.

    Second, I don't consider them "treats" like you do. That in itself is a strange way to look at it to me. It's just food. If I want a "treat", I will take a vacation or a relaxing bath or watch a movie or buy something that I want but don't really need. Food is just food...I don't associate it with rewarding myself. That is not my mentality, and not a habit I want to develop. I could see bad things happening if I looked at it that way. If it works for you, okay...I think it's strange but you aren't me.

    It's not a semantic game at all. These foods are not part of my normal diet. I don't even want them to be. Not sure why you can't understand that. Sweets are not the end all be all to everybody. On the rare occasions I have them, it is typically more of a social thing...I had pumpkin pie on thanksgiving and half of a Korean doughnut when I shared it with an out of town friend who was visiting. It was the occasion that called for it...not any great wanting or craving on my part. I enjoyed it, or I wouldn't have eaten it at all...but I don't ever get cravings for these things. I do not ever feel deprived in any way.

    Also, I lost 90 pounds. For most of that I didn't count calories at all. I am only doing it now to play with macros and I don't intend to count calories forever. I don't want to be in a situation where I have to figure out every single day if I can "fit" something I want to eat. The way I eat now, I don't have to do that. I don't want to deal with that BS on a daily basis. I don't do it now, and don't want to have to watch every bite of food that closely in the future. That is much easier to do (and not gain weight!) if you are mainly eating nutrient dense, and not calorie dense, foods. Within reason, I can have anything I want.

    If I am hungry, even if I sat on my butt all day and got no exercise, then I eat more. I can do that because the things I eat don't have empty calories. Also, I don't even get hungry that often because the things I eat tend to be very filling...lots of protein and fat will keep you full. Most carbs will not. Again, this simplifies things and reduces the urge to eat too many calories. Again, this prevents me from ever feeling deprived. This is all very practical.

    Finally, as to your question about virtue, frankly that is a very bizarre way to look at diet. Diet has nothing to do with virtue...I'm not sure why you think it does. I eat the foods I do because 1) they contain the vitamins, minerals, protein, etc. that my body needs 2) they taste good 3) they are filling. It's that simple. Again, you are making things WAY too complicated. We aren't trying to split the atom here. It's just food.

    Sorry I confused what you were saying with what other people were saying.

    You are reading an awful lot into my word choices that might not make it easy to have a productive discussion.

    However I would like to say this:
    That is much easier to do (and not gain weight!) if you are mainly eating nutrient dense, and not calorie dense, foods. Within reason, I can have anything I want.

    is pretty much how everyone who adheres to moderation operates.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    if by "clean" you mean normal homemade meals without the junk...it is for me :) moderation never helped me because junk is junk no matter how you look at it , cholesterols is still cholesterol and fat is still fat (the flip side is cal from clean eating are still cal so don't overeat).This is my religion.

    Did you miss the news about dietary cholesterol not being harmful?

    Eat eggs, they're yummy.

  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    edited February 2015
    PearlAng wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    Mapes84 wrote: »
    In the past 5 years or so, I have really noticed what seems to be an enormous shift in what is considered the "ideal" diet. So much emphasis is now placed on eating only whole, unprocessed foods, no added sugar, nothing artificial, ditch "white" carbs, etc. Paleo this, Whole 30 that, don't eat gluten, don't eat bread, etc. I totally get that nutrition and weight loss are two totally different things. What I am curious about is how are "real" people who are currently *successfully* losing weight actually eating? Do you have the occasional bowl of sugar cereal if it fits into your calorie allowance, or are your 1200 calories (or whatever your number is) strictly filled with vegetables, nuts, and organic chicken breasts? I want to know what REALLY works for you, not just what is "ideal".
    For me, "clean" eating works much better...though I don't use that term. But it is all lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, yogurt, eggs, natural peanut butter, etc. I eat almost zero added sugar or wheat...just on rare occasions when I am out.

    I feel much better eating this way...I never get cravings or sluggish after a meal and I have more energy. Psychologically, it also makes it much easier to not overeat. When I am eating healthy, I tend to find it very easy to stick with it. I also exercise more often. The two good habits seem to reinforce each other for me.

    You see to me that is moderation... Just stricter then others. How strict an individual moderates is determined by their preference and goals..
    If you consider having sweets once every couple of months moderation, then sure. In that sense, yes. I don't have any foods about which I have said I will never ever have it again.

    However, things that aren't part of my daily, weekly, or even monthly diet...I would say it is more accurate to say I generally just don't eat them. And I never have them at home...for me, it is just too much of a slippery slope. If my rare exceptions become the new rule, then I will regain all I have worked to lose. But I won't quibble over the language. Whatever you call it, I have found what works best for me.

    I'm befuddled by this because to be honest, I eat treats about as often as you do. (In my 100 days logging, I've logged cookies once, chocolate once and potato chips once... to give an example.) I don't want them frequently enough to work them into my calorie allowance, it's nothing more than that as far as I'm concerned.

    For me, though, it's freeing to think to myself that if I want something, it's okay to have it. I don't feel the need to play a semantic game with myself and say that I "generally just don't eat treats". I like saying that I eat what I like, because that's what I DO. Is that what you're doing too, on the balance? Why is it important to you to classify yourself as a clean eater? Honest question here, no snark.

    Serious question here, I am not poking at a stereotype or anything. Do you feel like you're adhering to a certain plan or virtue that you've set for yourself by having the mindset you do about the way you eat?

    My thoughts were similar to yours, mamapeach. I wanted to ask moiaussi if it was more the desire or lack of, I guess.

    What I mean, moiaussi, is if someone offered you a cookie, would you accept it, because its something you eat on occasion and people don't always offer cookies, or would you decline because those treats are only eaten on occasion, according to you? At that point, would it just boil down to whether or not it was appealing?

    It's not that simple. Usually I turn those things down. Friends offer me cookies, ice cream, chips, etc. fairly often. 9 times out of 10 I say no and it is very easy to say no since I don't really want them.

    On rare occasions if it looks unusually good...a few months ago a friend made homemade brownies that looked excellent...I will accept. I had half a brownie, enjoyed it, and went on with my life.

    Sugar is something that I used to binge on. I have realized that if I keep it at home and eat a little, half an hour later I will want more. It causes ridiculous cravings for me that I had an extremely hard time controlling,...hence the need to lose the weight I have lost. If I then ate all the sugary foods, I would eat whatever else was in the house to continue the binge. Now that I don't eat sweets at all, I never overeat on ANY foods. Removing the sugar has basically eliminated all overeating for me. It is a simple effective solution that causes no hardship for me.

    Could I control it better now? Perhaps. Perhaps not. But I don't miss it and don't see a reason to test myself. There is no need to stock the freezer with Ben & Jerry's. I am happy eating the things I do so don't feel the need to tempt fate just to have more cookies.

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    so people who eat the occasional Dorito, ice cream, etc are not going to say stay thin, or be able to breath properly....?? Wow, I guess we are all screwed...

    Absolutely, because 56 pounds gone later, I am no longer panting when I walk fast or go up stairs and my pants are sliding of the hips from which I've lost 8.5 inches since last April. I guess I'm not really on the road to "thin" after all.


    Go figure.

    Food selection had little to do with any of those results...

  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    I do a little bit of a combo. Everything in moderation. I try to eat mostly unprocessed foods. Partially because I generally feel better when I do. However, if I want something that is processed, I will eat it in moderation. If I deprive myself completely I will at some point probably binge eat or loose motivation.
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    PearlAng wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    J72FIT wrote: »
    MoiAussi93 wrote: »
    Mapes84 wrote: »
    In the past 5 years or so, I have really noticed what seems to be an enormous shift in what is considered the "ideal" diet. So much emphasis is now placed on eating only whole, unprocessed foods, no added sugar, nothing artificial, ditch "white" carbs, etc. Paleo this, Whole 30 that, don't eat gluten, don't eat bread, etc. I totally get that nutrition and weight loss are two totally different things. What I am curious about is how are "real" people who are currently *successfully* losing weight actually eating? Do you have the occasional bowl of sugar cereal if it fits into your calorie allowance, or are your 1200 calories (or whatever your number is) strictly filled with vegetables, nuts, and organic chicken breasts? I want to know what REALLY works for you, not just what is "ideal".
    For me, "clean" eating works much better...though I don't use that term. But it is all lean meats, fish, vegetables, fruits, yogurt, eggs, natural peanut butter, etc. I eat almost zero added sugar or wheat...just on rare occasions when I am out.

    I feel much better eating this way...I never get cravings or sluggish after a meal and I have more energy. Psychologically, it also makes it much easier to not overeat. When I am eating healthy, I tend to find it very easy to stick with it. I also exercise more often. The two good habits seem to reinforce each other for me.

    You see to me that is moderation... Just stricter then others. How strict an individual moderates is determined by their preference and goals..
    If you consider having sweets once every couple of months moderation, then sure. In that sense, yes. I don't have any foods about which I have said I will never ever have it again.

    However, things that aren't part of my daily, weekly, or even monthly diet...I would say it is more accurate to say I generally just don't eat them. And I never have them at home...for me, it is just too much of a slippery slope. If my rare exceptions become the new rule, then I will regain all I have worked to lose. But I won't quibble over the language. Whatever you call it, I have found what works best for me.

    I'm befuddled by this because to be honest, I eat treats about as often as you do. (In my 100 days logging, I've logged cookies once, chocolate once and potato chips once... to give an example.) I don't want them frequently enough to work them into my calorie allowance, it's nothing more than that as far as I'm concerned.

    For me, though, it's freeing to think to myself that if I want something, it's okay to have it. I don't feel the need to play a semantic game with myself and say that I "generally just don't eat treats". I like saying that I eat what I like, because that's what I DO. Is that what you're doing too, on the balance? Why is it important to you to classify yourself as a clean eater? Honest question here, no snark.

    Serious question here, I am not poking at a stereotype or anything. Do you feel like you're adhering to a certain plan or virtue that you've set for yourself by having the mindset you do about the way you eat?

    My thoughts were similar to yours, mamapeach. I wanted to ask moiaussi if it was more the desire or lack of, I guess.

    What I mean, moiaussi, is if someone offered you a cookie, would you accept it, because its something you eat on occasion and people don't always offer cookies, or would you decline because those treats are only eaten on occasion, according to you? At that point, would it just boil down to whether or not it was appealing?

    It's not that simple. Usually I turn those things down. Friends offer me cookies, ice cream, chips, etc. fairly often. 9 times out of 10 I say no and it is very easy to say no since I don't really want them.

    On rare occasions if it looks unusually good...a few months ago a friend made homemade brownies that looked excellent...I will accept. I had half a brownie, enjoyed it, and went on with my life.

    Sugar is something that I used to binge on. I have realized that if I keep it at home and eat a little, half an hour later I will want more. It causes ridiculous cravings for me that I had an extremely hard time controlling,...hence the need to lose the weight I have lost. If I then ate all the sugary foods, I would eat whatever else was in the house to continue the binge. Now that I don't eat sweets at all, I never overeat on ANY foods. Removing the sugar has basically eliminated all overeating for me. It is a simple effective solution that cause no hardship for me.

    Could I control it better now? Perhaps. Perhaps not. But I don't miss it and don't see a reason to test myself. There is no need to stock the freezer with Ben & Jerry's. I am happy eating the things I do so don't feel the need to tempt fate just to have more cookies.
    Fair enough. What you described with the offering of food sounds like what I had in mind, but maybe you interpreted what I said differently than I meant it. To each his own.

  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    J72FIT wrote: »
    Food selection had little to do with any of those results...

    Explain, please? The only thing I did differently was limit my carbs and eliminate most added sugars (due to a diabetes diagnosis). I started losing the weight before I added more activity, but as I lost the weight I found the activity in which I engaged was actually easier and more enjoyable. I now look forward to going out and doing yardwork instead of dreading it.
  • kyta32
    kyta32 Posts: 670 Member
    Mapes84 wrote: »
    Thanks to everyone for sharing so much awesome insight! I am re-evaluating the way I have been looking at things. I have basically reached a point where I can barely enjoy any of the foods I love because I feel so much guilt surrounding the few times I have allowed myself to indulge. There are very few foods in my pantry that I inherently enjoy. Everything I buy is based on nutrition/macros/ingredients. And as I said before, it's getting me nowhere in terms of my goals. I think some readjusting of my philosophy is in order.

    I was trying to eat between 1000-1200 calories for a while. This was not necessary for weight loss, but I wanted to lose quickly. I never ate foods I didn't like, and I look forward to my meals. That being said, to meet my macros/micros I sometimes had to choose one food over another (ie. to get more protein).

    Don't avoid foods because of guilt. Avoid foods because you react badly to them (allergies, binge triggers), because they are linked to diseases (i.e. more than 2 servings of processed meat/day), or because they cannot fit in your macros/calories (deep-fried mars bars - although someone here will probably argue that deep-fried mars bars are ideal for meeting macros in a calorie deficit).

    If you can eat added sugars moderately, do so (I so envy you), but if you don't enjoy any low-calorie sweet foods, you can take a added sugars break, and see if that helps you enjoy the natural sweetness of lower-calorie foods. Some prefer to meet their sweet needs with fruit or herbal teas. If you have foods that trigger binges or that you react badly to, see if there is an equivalent that works with your diet. There should be plenty of room in your diet for rich meaty/non-meaty protein, if you would like some of that. There's loads of crunchy vegetables out there, if you like crunchy. Nuts and nut butters can be very flavorful. Barring medical issues, it is fine to have some salt on your food (and a source of iodine). I like basmati brown rice because it is filling and has fiber, but I combine it with chili, stir-fry, or curry for flavour. You can add a few apple slices or raisins and seeds/nuts to salads, and try reduced-calorie dressings. I just add some lemon juice to my salad to bring out the flavours of the ingredients. Soups are often low-calorie, but rich in taste. Spices and seasonings are the dieter's playground.

    There are many, many delicious recipes online. Eating should be enjoyable, whether you are eating "clean" or moderately, meeting macros, eating 1200 calories or eating 3000. Just make small tweaks, one at a time, and you should be able to enjoy eating while eating within your macro/calorie goals. If you have any specific nutritional issues (eating on a budget, getting enough fiber, food intolerances) search previous threads or start a thread to get some good advice. I'm sorry you are feeling frustrated with the process, hope you find something that helps you, and wish you all the best in your journey :)
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