March 2015 Running Challenge



  • mmabry72
    mmabry72 Posts: 100 Member
    Went running after dark last night. It was 40º and foggy. Really cool time to be running. I had two lights flashing and a reflector band but I still tried to stay on the sidewalks to try keep from becoming road kill.


    1 March – Rest
    2 March – P90X3/push up, sit up circuit
    3 March – 3.07 miles
    4 March – Push up, sit up circuit
    5 March – Rest
    6 March – 3.07
    7 March – 3.25 – 5k(26:34 @ 8:11 Avg. pace) + plus .5 mile warm up and .5 mile cool down not logged.
    8 March – 3:13
    9 March – Rest
    10 March – 4.06
  • cooter_mom
    cooter_mom Posts: 108 Member
    @shanaber I did manage to all the little hills that I didn't think I could. I was pumped all day after that run. Haha. I wanted to tell every person I saw 'hey guess what I just did?!' Im in southern Alberta, Medicine Hat area. The South Saskatchewan river runs through there, it's so beautiful. All the coullee's and badlands. I take my daughter on 'adventures' down there in the summer. We just have to be super careful, lots of rattlesnakes. But not this time of year, thank goodness!!!!
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    @SBRRepeat‌ ... one of my best city/town runs ever was in Glendale during a visit. Absolute perfection! Enjoy every minute!
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    03/01: REST DAY
    03/02: 05.25 miles -- 28.00 miles => (05.25/140) -- (28.00/600)
    03/03: 00.00 miles -- 13.88 miles => (05.25/140) -- (41.88/600)
    03/04: 06.50 miles -- 22.00 miles => (11.75/140) -- (63.88/600)
    03/05: 09.01 miles -- 27.50 miles => (20.76/140) -- (91.38/600)
    03/06: 00.00 miles -- 20.22 miles => (20.76/140) -- (111.60/600)*
    03/07: 00.00 miles -- 54.87 miles => (20.76/140) -- (166.47/600)*
    03/08: 00.00 miles -- 15.73 miles => (20.76/140) -- (182.20/600)**
    03/09: 12.00 miles -- 00.00 miles => (32.76/140) -- (182.20/600)
    03/10: 05.75 miles -- 25.00 miles => (38.51/140) -- (207.20/600)
    03/11: 07.80 miles -- 00.00 miles => (46.31/140) -- (207.20/600)

    * Planned running rest for long run
    ** Planned long run day; spent time with family instead
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited March 2015
    @johnsonnelly I'm not expert I only know what I did to get passed a mileage plateau. What pace are you running at? Maybe you need to slow down on the day you plan a long run. The days you plan to run long do you have a specific route in mind or just plan to run until you know it's 5 miles. I have to tell myself before I go out "today it's blah blah route and nothing else". Short of a injury starting I make myself finish even if I need to be running a 12 min mile or slower to get there. Sometimes just slowing down for a mile and picking it back up is all you need to get going again. Do you run alone? Maybe finding a runner partner who can help pace you and help keep you moving would help. We have all been there done that with moving up in mileage, it sucks.

    @fabnine and @shanaber LOL If I tried to chew gum and run I'll probably trip LOL

    @ddmom0811 glad the knee pain is gone

    @zombiebrandy0112 my 14 year old daughter was in a boot for 8 weeks for an Achilles tendon issue in 2013. The exercise that Sonic recommended where you put the back of your foot off a curb or something and stretch worked wonders for her. She also did an exercise she swore by with a band, she sat on the floor legs out in front with the band on the ball of her foot holding the other end. She slowly stretched her foot pointing and flexing. She said it was a best thing. She also iced after every stretching session which she did twice a day. The orthopedic was also adamant on her over usage and to stop. She was running cross country and playing on two soccer teams. She had to choose and quit soccer.

    Went to PT today and was released :smiley: He said to keep doing my exercises, keep adding my mileage (he was thrilled I was up to 8+ miles again on my long run), said if I have any pain that lasts more than 2 days to call him and to stop back after my HM in April with my medal. LOL His parting words, were I love runners, they get in here, get it done and get back to it!
  • Abakan
    Abakan Posts: 361 Member
    38.8 miles done ......31.2 to do.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,408 Member
    @johnsonnelly‌ - I agree with the others who have responded and will just say that I couldn't do it on a treadmill so if that is where you are having the issue I can't advise... for outside though, I gave myself little goals beyond my comfort point and didn't pay attention to the miles until after I ran, I just knew I was going beyond where I had run previously. I would also rest the next day. Make that your 'long' run for the week followed by a rest day. As far as the breathing goes, I listen to music and sing along with it... If I can't sing then I am going to fast. It also lets others on the trail know I am coming :smiley:
    @ddmom0811‌ - so glad you are feeling better!
    @cooter_mom‌ - another running addict!! :bigsmile:
    @skippygirlsmom‌ - Yea on being released (and showing that Dr!)!!!
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    Went to PT today and was released :smiley: He said to keep doing my exercises, keep adding my mileage (he was thrilled I was up to 8+ miles again on my long run), said if I have any pain that lasts more than 2 days to call him and to stop back after my HM in April with my medal. LOL His parting words, were I love runners, they get in here, get it done and get back to it!

    Awesome news! Congrats!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited March 2015
    @skippygirlsmom‌ sounds like you had a good physical therapist!

    Swam 2250 meters this morning. Just a half hours swim before work. I was approached by an admirer as I was getting out... Was weird.. People are weird. I'm weird around people. Ya, that's the truth... Prob just me... Onward!

    Edit-not sure about the meters.. Mile is 1609 meters and I swam 42 laps.... Thought pool was Olympic size but I may be wrong. I'll have to investigate it further.
  • dfnewcombe
    dfnewcombe Posts: 94 Member
    Goal 60
    Date Miles Total Miles to go
    March 1
    March 2
    March 3.....3.4...........3.4............56.6
    March 4.....2.0...........5.4............54.6
    March 5.....6.2..........11.6...........48.4
    March 6
    March 7.....1.4..........13.0...........47.0
    March 8
    March 9.....3.0..........16.0...........44.0
    March 10...4.0..........20.0...........40.0
    March 11...5.0..........25.0...........35.0

  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    3/11 3 miles
    I am a heel striker and today I decided to try out landing on my mid foot. I was able to make it the whole three miles landing on my mid foot but it is going to definitely take some getting used to. I went slow so that I could really concentrate on it but I can already tell that after I am used to it I should be able to pick my pace up a bit with less effort. Hopefully. I really love the Saucony Omni's that I run in but if I am going to be changing to a mid foot strike maybe I should start looking for some different shoes.

    Johnsonnelley, the longest I have gone so far is 5.5 miles but what I do is preplan my route and then once I hit start on my watch, I cover it and run as easily as I can. I don't know why looking at my watch messes with my head so much.

  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    edited March 2015

    03/01/2015 - 12.01 Miles - Cumulative 12.01
    03/03/2015 - 4.35 Miles - Cumulative 16.36
    03/05/2015 - 8.10 Miles - Cumulative 24.46
    03/08/2015 - 12.06 Miles - Cumulative 36.52
    03/10/2015 - 4.11 Miles - Cumulative 40.63

    Goal 70 Miles
  • DM01234
    DM01234 Posts: 317 Member
    Run #5 =3.75 miles / 18 miles run so far with a monthly goal of 43 miles
  • 4leighbee
    4leighbee Posts: 1,275 Member
    ... was supposed to lift today but my back is acting tweaky, so I got in a steady run instead ... grateful to be healthy.


  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    @dennie24‌ I've found that taking shorter steps helps with the landing. And if I try to remember what it was like to run as a kid, its easier. Fast(er) pace, for me, seems to put my foot in the right place. And I started adding some trail distance to mix it up. Hard to heel strike on uneven terrain.
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    It is damn near impossible to be a heel striker in minimalist shoes.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    1 - 12mi, easy
    2 - 8.2mi, easy
    3 - 8.2mi, tempo
    4 - 10mi, easy w/FF
    5 - 8mi, intervals
    6 - 8mi, easy+3.2mi, tempo
    7 - 18mi, easy
    8 - Rest
    9 - 7.2mi, easy
    10 - 6.3mi, easy
    11 - 6.5mi, easy

    I hate, hate, hate taper weeks.

    Total: 94.8mi

    Mar goal: 275mi
  • LoneWolfRunner
    LoneWolfRunner Posts: 1,160 Member
    I hate, hate, hate taper weeks.
    They drive me crazy and I don't even race that much.... they have to be pure hell for you...

  • kellyframe31
    kellyframe31 Posts: 24 Member
    First run in 2 days ago. I need to get moving if I am going to reach this goal.

    @marekdds, its OK I also am in for 25!

  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I hate, hate, hate taper weeks.
    They drive me crazy and I don't even race that much.... they have to be pure hell for you...

    Yeah, but it's also a stepback week, so I need that. End of the month I'll be peaking for my marathon, and I'm anticipating 80ish miles for the week ending on the 28th. A quick recovery from my half this Sunday is a MUST :)