
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,601 Member
    edited March 2015
    A photo of my delicious "no knead" bread. DH was a bit disappointed when I said it was going in the freezer for visitors. It's his favourite bread and just about everyone else's! ! ! ! It is full of holes and like a big, fat ciabatta with a lovely chewy texture and very flavourful.


    Katla - I have also got the sourdough starter out of the fridge. It was absolutely black and mouldy! I have scraped off all the gunge and now the healthy stuff is enjoying being fed and watered. :) I haven't made any since the last time I posted a photo of my loaf.
    I am enjoying exploring "fermented" foods. I know Margaret was also interested and Kim. My sauerkraut was a success, so now I'm going to try "kimchi", the Korean speciality. Got a shopping list ready. I make all the yoghurt we eat as we love it and have it every day with stewed fruit for dessert. I haven't made kombucha yet - did you try making it, Margaret?
    It's probably nonsense, but I feel all these friendly microbes must be doing my guts good. In Sri Lanka I was addicted to buffalo curd.
    I am grateful to my genes for my lifelong preference for savoury foods. I especially like food with a sour or "off" flavour. :ohwell: It means I never have a sugar attack or a doughnut binge, but my weakness is cheese. >:) I still think I am lucky though.

    Love to all, Heather UK

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    went to see DFIL , brought his clean clothes down and got some breakfast into him... came home and took my music box collection down from the plate rack. we have 2 plate racks that we will be taking down to update the home.. no one that I know collects plates any more.. and it will just be painted same color as walls, I have been collecting music boxes for 40 yrs...and taking them down and cleaning them and boxing them up, giving to DGD,sort of feels like a part of me is leaving.. after all this time just sort of seems odd.DH is painting part of the bathroom so I am staying out of his way..
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited March 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning on this wonderful First of March. I hope this month with its new beginning, finds us all well motivated and ready to take on whatever we face. I know I am.

    Barbie, thank you for yet another new start. You are such a dear.

    Joyce, what is this about turning the “old” 65? When I got there, I thought I was still young, and for sure feel younger now even at 67. Not to correct you or anything, but you are going to turn a Young 65 for sure. I hope it’s a great day!

    , you are right on track when you say it’s all about the planning. You can have your writing and play, too. On the Women’s Group, even if you end up in charge, just remember one word: Delegate. It sounds like a great idea and you should have fun.

    Terri, OMG that was a traumatic day. I’m so glad you don’t face all that every day. I know it’s trite, but I often say, “If we didn’t have the bad days we wouldn’t appreciate the good ones”. I want to give you another “hug” for comforting all those people. We never know how good we have it until we look around at what others are going through.
    I love the idea of turning the wedding suit into a pillow or something if it’s not useable as a suit.

    Sylvia, I love the joke and how true!  Thanks for always giving us a smile. :p

    Heather the bread looks yummy. How do you resist it when it's warm out of the oven?

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My new resistance bands are stronger than the old one’s so I didn’t get in as many reps yesterday. I can sure feel some sore muscles today so I know they are working. My goal for March is to keep on keeping on with eating, work a little more on portion control and up my exercising. I may get to take an extra cruise in November and I want to look noticeably better for it than the last one.

    Terri said that this group has become her obsession. I feel the same way and often wonder if that makes me weak and pathetic? I mean you are just printed words on a computer, right? I just push that thought aside when I realize how much help and support I get from all of you. I look forward to checking in a couple of times a day and only wish I had words to let you all know how much I love and support you. Have a wonderful day, and take the opportunity to be happy and healthy. It doesn't always happen on its own.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,203 Member
    edited March 2015
    I didn't get any pictures of me at the event. I was not feeling the best and still don't I tried to minimize my contact with others the best I could. He still does surgeries but not extensive ones because of his other commitments. He was seeing too many preventable heart attacks and that what got him so interested in helping people make healthier choices. He does insist that a person quits smoking before he operates.

    Even though I was not feeling the best I am glad I went. Despite the threat being made the Mall was crowded.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Good morning Vitamin F's!!!

    Did an hour of "Weight Watchers 15 Minute Boot Camp" DVD. It's really four 15 minute workouts, and I did all four. The plan for tomorrow is to do some yoga, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    Tried to call Bryan today. We'd sent him a package before we left for FL and I was wondering if he got it and how the pill shooter was working out. Couldn't get thru. Now this is the second time that this has happened. I'm very sad (crying, really) that he would choose to live somewhere where I can't even get in touch with him. The only way I can is thru email, and even then I have no idea how often he checks his email. Why??????

    Mary - good for your gs

    Pam - oh, your dogs can make sure you're doing "down dog" correctly....lol When I do a DVD on my laptop, the biggest problem I find is that if I'm laying down on a mat or step, the screen is really dark. I could probably fix this by adjusting the screen, but I don't take the time, I just rush right into the exercise. Good luck with your yoga app!

    Lily - I'm with you, I won't miss February, either

    Meg - I like the way you upped your step count. Not by a whole lot, but still upped it. That's great. Good for you keeping family night

    Kim and Terri
    - when I'm craving something sweet, I keep those small boxes of raisins on hand. Just enough sweetness and not a whole lot of calories.

    Kim - Bryan used to say (because sometimes I'd say inappropriate things) "ma, I know your heart is in the right place, sometimes your words just aren't"

    Joyce - glad you had such a good time at the musical. I'm so sorry the gerbils got into your wedding dress.

    - we went down to FL for the Daytona 500.

    Yippee!!! Daylight Savings Time starts next weekend. Last night they mentioned this at church and I didn't realize it was so soon. I'm one happy gal about that

    Suzy - good for you losing

    Heather - lovely looking bread. Looks like it's just calling for some butter and jam

    Going to have mahjongg here tomorrow night as the gal who usually has it is out of town, so need to get cleaning. I also want to work some on those dishtowels and the tree skirt

    Going to post this so it marks my spot

    Michele in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Is there some way to bookmark this page right from the page? I always have to go back to "motivation and support" groups and bookmark from there.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretx
    margaretx Posts: 7 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm from Portland, Oregon (waves to katla49) and will be commenting here daily this month. In fact, that's one of my March goals.

    The others:
    --Complete daily food diary
    --Practice Bikram yoga 3 times a week
    --Practice selected Mindful Eating principles: cut vegetables and low-fat, high-protein foods at eye level in fridge; half-plate rule; fruit in a bowl on the kitchen counter.

    By the way, the interests in yoga and mindful eating are purely practical. Yoga keeps my knees happy, and mindful eating is derived from Brian Wansink's peer-reviewed research about human eating behavior.

    If anyone wants to exchange daily motivation emails, please drop me a line.

    And exermom, if you figure out the bookmark thing, let me know. I can't find my own comments! Hope I can get back here ...

  • aletaforeman
    aletaforeman Posts: 16 Member
    Thank u Barbie for hosting this board. I am new to this program and to these "boards". I have just met my 57th bday and struggled with weight since puberty. My best success with weight was betw ages 29 to 35 (following an unsuccessful relationship) when I was often referred to as "hot" but when my life settled and my remaining parent passed away I seemed to morph into an "I don't care" attitude which has pretty much remained until now. Being this age and keeping this attitude unfortunately doesn't contribute to good health. I made an attempt in February to log my food, log what amounted to some hand snow shovelling for exercise, and a better focus on being present (in the moment). I've read all the posts here for this board, and from what I can determine everyone here are doing pretty fine. Still moving forward and succeeding; challenges yes, but moving forward. I believe I can understand the abbreviations, but correct me if I am in error: DH = "da husband" OR "darned husband" OR "duh husband" ; ditto for DD="daughter", DS = "son" ; DFIL = "duh father in law" ?
    Thanks to all who have posted here, your posts are helpful and encouraging, and I'll try to be better at acknowledging each of you!
    Didn't do so well in February but March is new, and fresh like the unending snow that seems to fall. You can call me Litre and I live in the capital city of the province of Manitoba in Canada. Yes it's cold right now, but the sun it is a shinin'.
    • journal every day
    • drink more water
    • work out/walk at the fitness centre where I have a years membership and is only 5 min drive away!!!!!
    • Check in with this board each day
    • enjoy each moment

    Litre in Manitoba
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, there is a tiny star at the top of the page, on the same line where it says WOMEN 50+ MARCH, all the way on the right side of the page, next to the ads. Click on it till it turns yellow.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,062 Member
    In case u didn't c my February post

    Damnit u bring a smile to my face, I meant to get u dizzy, it was all for u!

    Well I made my announcement at group yesterday and I was surprised by her comment. She did appreciated my honesty but also mentioned that she felt that I didn't really want to be there sometimes because of my demeanor, (being quiet not saying anything). I told her, trust me if I didn't want to be there I WOULDN'T be there, and as for my silence sometimes it's because I didn't have anything to say or add! she said that she felt it was starting to affect our relationship. I didn't show my true emotion but I was very hurt by her reaction. She said she felt uncomfortable with me sometimes during group by my reactions. Another member came to my defense (this lady and I along with Karen used to work together) and said that she felt that it was how she was feeling but not how I meant for her to feel.

    A lot of people that meet me have told me I itially were scared of me ( thinking I will kick their ***** if they look at me sideways ), but it's a defense mechanism from childhood. I am so sensitive it's pathetic. I have no problem in making my life an open book and sharing my feelings. It is comforting because I am just typing into a computer and nobody is talking back. Sometimes people giving me harsh feedback like she did seems okay because of the personality that I give off and I have to accept that I guess.

    I am sorry for the people here that R going they pain but rejoice for others that are happy in their accomplishments. Love u all
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    ok, so made a meatloaf, and hamburger and rice for the dogs, DH painted part od bathroom he told me how much paint to get, he used a roller, so not enough paint :p ,
    now he in there taking tile off the wall. of course he hit something in the wall which blew out the fan and the shower light.. so we will be showering in the dark until the electrician comes next week.. thats the only thing about starting a project, it is never as easy as it seems
  • cssl1965
    cssl1965 Posts: 13 Member
    Thanks Barbie. I will be turning 50 in eight days and have many mixed feelings about this :( I live in Illinois approximately 3 hrs SW of Chicago. I am hoping to make big changes this year o:)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    smiley-happy110.gifThank you for all your kind words. I love starting this thread every month and I love how all of you keep it going. None of us can do this alone. We need all the different participants:
    *the storytellers who give us something to think about and respond to
    *the responders who let us know we're not talking to only ourselves
    *the listeners who may or may not write anything
    *the cheerleaders
    *the ones who tell us to "snap out of it"
    *the joke tellers
    *the recipe suppliers
    *the exercise students
    *the nutrition students
    *the photo sharers
    *the technology experts
    *and those in several other categories that I didn't think of in the shower this morning.

    PS. I am 68 years old and started sharing on this thread at age 62 weighing almost 60 pounds more than I do now----I am younger and healthier and fitter now than I was then.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi all. It’s a cold Sunday here. Not sure what’s on the agenda. We slept through and missed church again. I never want to get up, but find I get such a positive start on my day when we go. It’s just that it seems by Sunday I am done in and can’t bear getting up! We might go to the Jeep club meeting, but then I’m not sure what to do about “Sunday dinner”. I guess we can have it tomorrow. I’ll be home early enough to oven fry a whole chicken. Actually I am on spring break but do have to go in. We dropped one clinical group and there is so much to change that I couldn’t get it all done Friday. I also am having blood work done…the “menopause” labs.

    Sylvia: actually what I found hilarious was the joke about the cop shooting the horse!

    Katla: I too love my coffee!

    Lilian: I think there are lots of people joining you in your wish for a gentle spring!

    Kim: we have tried everything to contain this dog! We have a very open house, and only a couple of spots that would work with a baby gate, etc…he climbs them like a fireman on a ladder! Closing him in leads to destroyed woodwork. No crates as you read (my last dog loved her crate). So we are holding out hope that the meds will work and his need to urinate will lessen. It’s hard to be mad at him when it’s a medical condition. Thanks for the thoughts though!

    Joyce: sounds like you had a good time and your DDs strategy with hubby worked!

    Heather: I too become overwhelmed with too much going on. Your bread looks delish….I’ll be waiting for my loaf to appear on my doorstep!

    Cynthia: I hope the job situation is a good choice for you…sounds like it will be

    DeeDee: love the pic! You look amazing and very happy

    Suzy: I give you an A+ on the abbreviations!

    Alison: I collect plates! Actually I have a collection but don’t add to it anymore. I especially love handpainted florals, but have Norman Rockwells and other artists on plates.

    Janet: even though I have slacked off on posting I still think about this group everyday and wonder what people are doing and what they would say…so I guess it is an obsession of a type, but it’s a positive one!

    Michele: I am so sorry about your family situation. I often wonder why myself…my DD#1 lives 15 minutes away and I haven’t seen her since New Years day. The only time she texts her dad is when she wants something. She never brings the baby over, never calls to see how we are, nothing. Never asks us over….I realize she is totally overwhelmed with her situation but you think it’d make her want her family more. So I am right with you in wondering why our kids act the way they do. (((hugs)))

    Barbie; thanks again for the thread! You are the glue that holds us together!

    Well I’m off to try to make something of my day. Still unsure! Enjoy whatever you decide to do today! Take care, Meg from Omaha
  • margaretx
    margaretx Posts: 7 Member
    Michele, there is a tiny star at the top of the page, on the same line where it says WOMEN 50+ MARCH, all the way on the right side of the page, next to the ads. Click on it till it turns yellow.

    It refuses to turn yellow for me, just keeps saying "You have no bookmarks yet." Well, duh. The program won't let me set any!

    Bookmarked from my main browser, though. We'll see how that goes.

  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    We have just had the most amazing thunderstorm! Charlie, the doodle, had to move away from the fireplace as hail started coming in down the chimney and bouncing off her! It must have stung! The lightening and thunder was almost on top of each other and then the wind and the rain made such a noise it was louder than the thunder! What a half hour!

    It's all calmed down now. What a change a half hour makes.

    If we had managed to get our chimney swept last month we could be sitting in front of a roaring fire now... oh well!

    MA in UK
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good morning everyone, it's a bright sun shiny day here in Edmonton.

    February Goals
    • Do menu planning and start cooking - I planned for the whole month and was able to try a number of new recipes. It took me a while to get organized. This was harder and more time consuming than I had thought. It has had a number of benefits though. I didn't waste any food as I only shopped for the week and only bought what was on my list. It was easier to shop every week and each week it cost me less. I also planned how to use the left overs.

      Did I mention I hate cooking! I found that knowing what I was going to have for the next day made it easier and relieved some of the stress of making meals. I also decided if I was going to cook, I was going to make it as easy as possible. I bought some tools to make things easier...my favorite was a 3 cup food chopper....ah onions you don't faze me now!

      Another advantage of meal planning was that we didn't order in as much. Went from 4 to 5 times a week to only once last month. Woo hoo.... so much easier on my bank account!
    • Eat 3 meals a day - I did pretty well at this although I had a couple of days that were touch and go.
    • Log all meals - I logged everything and was diligent in measuring.
    • Stay in range of calorie goal - I did pretty well although I had difficulty some days in getting the minimum amount of calories. I realized that I haven't been eating enough.

    Goals for March
    • Do menu planning and cooking
    • Eat 3 meals a day
    • Log all meals
    • Stay in range of calorie goal
    • Do physiotherapy exercises once a day
    • Celebrate my accomplishments

    Lillian glad you liked Abe's comments (*)

    Thought for the day: The more things you do, the more you can do. - Lucille Ball

    Have a great day!
    Carey - Edmonton
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Here's a picture to show how to bookmark this thread


    Hope this works...
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    It didn't work the way I had hoped... there are 2 stars... you need to click the one across from the title of the thread not the one beside the bell
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Just lost a long post.....so, I'll say Thanks, Barbie for our thread......and get on...
    Best to all