Addicted to 2% milk, is it bad for me?



  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    I love milk too but after realizing how much sugar I was taking in just from that, and extra calories I could be eating lol, I ended up switching to light original soy milk. Not everyone likes soy or almond milk though, but they also have vanilla and chocolate varieties which are delicious to try at first.

    I love chocolate soy milk, the other...just doesn't curb my milk cravings. haha
  • bumblebums
    bumblebums Posts: 2,181 Member
    I loved milk, absolutely loved the stuff (probably drank three pints a day) I switched over to Almond milk and I'll never go back, the stuff is just too damn good.

    Almond milk is amazing.

    If you like almond milk for the taste, by all means drink it. Nutritionally, it's not that impressive--it has very little protein, even compared to almonds. If you are looking to switch to a non-dairy milk, soymilk is the best nutritional substitute calorie for calorie.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    The "Demonizing" of certain foods on here.
    We see it all the time.
    Does nothing to help in the lifestyle change people are looking just complicates it.

    Relax people......
  • LilMissDB
    LilMissDB Posts: 133
    Just wanted to add... I think I might have a glass of milk right now :P
  • FP4HSharon
    FP4HSharon Posts: 664 Member
    Options's better than drinking whole, if it's within your calories & your diet is balanced then not a huge deal. If you drink more milk, then usually you need to cut back on your meat/fish/chicken protein intake, as well as your carb intake, because milk has the proteins & carbs. actually get more calcium the LESS fat there is in milk(14 mg less in a cup of 2% compared to skim), animals (people too) tend to store toxic stuff in their fat so when you drink/eat the fat you're taking that in, 32 more calories a cup than skim, you could be using the calories for other healthier things.

    IF you want to try to switch over to skim, I'd start mixing your 2% w/a little 1% & keep increasing the 1% until that's all it is. Then do the same w/the 1% & skim, until it's all skim. If you can get to 2%, you can usually get to skim pretty easy.

  • ravenbard
    ravenbard Posts: 51
    I love milk, always have, always will.. but I drink skim milk and not 2%. Have been drinking skim for so long if I have some 1% now, it tastes soooo creamy it makes me gag... How can it be bad for you unless you are diabetic, like me. and milk, even skim, makes your bs spike..
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I :heart: milk.

    Bitty anyone? :bigsmile:
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    It's better to drink 2% because we need the additional fat in the milk to help digest the vitamin D and calcium. That being said - I don't drink it nearly as often as I would like because it seems really high in sugar for me. I'm a Type 2 Diabetic

    I'm very very borderline diabetic. I mean,a breath away from it. I have a checkup on the 9th,and I'm really nervous about it. My doctor says that he's a little baffled by it because my weight isn't in the range of what they would normally consider high risk for type 2. A lot of my family has either type 1 or 2 though. I was on 1000mg of metformin for a couple of years,but was taken off of it when I switched doctors. I had been somewhere between 120-140 pounds most of my late teens/early 20's(even before I took metformin) but I gained 50-60 pounds when they took me off of the medicine. I've been having a LOT of trouble losing,and I've been wondering if that's why. I'm sorry for your diagnosis,and I hope that it's reversible rather than hereditary. Hang in there!
  • meredith1123
    meredith1123 Posts: 843 Member
    As long as it fits in your day (calories, macros) then go for it! Milk is good for us women! Milk does have high sugar in it though, maybe if you are borderline diabetic you should consider drinking it less??
    watch out for the dairy police!
    I actually drink 1% but only on occasion. It never seems to fit into my day. Plus my kids drink it too quickly!
  • Roberts811
    I myself LOVE milk too, Although I can't drink it due to being Lactose intolerant..,. SO, I substitute Pure unsweetened Silk Almond Milk. and I LOVE it just as much and it has more calcium than cow's milk and has a lot more health benefits than Cows milk.
  • xprplstardust
    xprplstardust Posts: 105 Member
    i love milk & used to swear by 2% & then i found that there really isn't that much of a noticeable taste difference between the 1% & the 2% so I switched to 1% & saved myself some calories since i drink milk on a daily basis.
  • MysticMaiden22
    MysticMaiden22 Posts: 325 Member
    I'm not a milk drinker whatsoever, but as long is it's within your caloric intake and your stomach can tolerate it, I don't see milk as a bad thing. Drinking the raw organic kind might also be better :)
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    As long as it fits in your caloric intake then go for it. It's something you truly love so why give it up. As long as you're willing to swap out those 200-240 calories from solid food to milk then go for it.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    I drink milk everyday. Love it, want it, need it. Don't give a care what others say, think or do! Enjoy :drinker:
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    I love milk, always have, always will.. but I drink skim milk and not 2%. Have been drinking skim for so long if I have some 1% now, it tastes soooo creamy it makes me gag... How can it be bad for you unless you are diabetic, like me. and milk, even skim, makes your bs spike..

    I've been edging closer to that dreaded diagnosis for 13 years. I know that seems like a long time. I'm not within the weight range for high risk for type 2,and I was a super scrawny kid. A lot of my family has either type 1 or 2 though. 2 of my sisters are type 1. Actually,it wasn't until my doctor put me on metformin for 2 years,then took me off of it that I started struggling so severely with my weight. I wasn't diagnosed as a it's not type 1. I'm a little baffled by the whole thing. I wake up and my b.s. is in the mid to low 60's...I eat and it's well over 300. Small confession, I haven't been keeping a check on it recently. I just get so aggravated trying to monitor it when one doctor tells me I need to keep a close watch and take medicines,and another takes me off of my medicine and tells me not to worry about it. However, the last time I had a check up on it, I was taking metformin,and I was just below the line. I have an appointment Monday,and I'm going to be a nervous wreck all weekend. I went to the doctor once because my kidneys were swelling,and I apparently had an over abundance of sugar in my urine...I hadn't even eaten since dinner the night before. Maybe I shouldn't drink so much milk.......
  • My0WNinspiration
    My0WNinspiration Posts: 1,146 Member
    You should purchase you a cow.
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    i love milk & used to swear by 2% & then i found that there really isn't that much of a noticeable taste difference between the 1% & the 2% so I switched to 1% & saved myself some calories since i drink milk on a daily basis.

    If I was the only person in my house that drank it, I would gladly switch to 1%. I agree, there's not really a noticeable difference!
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    You should purchase you a cow.

    That wouldn't end well. I love cheeseburgers. haha
  • ravenbard
    ravenbard Posts: 51
    Regarding your milk intake here is another comment...

    Obviously Milk contains carbohydrates, so dont go drinking 4 litres a day and expect to lose weight

    So on the subject of whole milk vs 2% vs skim...
    It's widely accepted that if something contains 3% fat it can be considered for the most part 'fat free'. Whole milk contains 3% fat. Skim milk has had the fat skimmed from it. 2% milk has had the fat skimmed from it and fat added in powder form... more processing. Either way, not only are you doing yourself in by trying to eliminate fat from your diet, you're really making a negligible difference in the total fat content by opting for 2% or fat free milk specifically.

    I am a diabetic and just finished a month of diabetic classes with the instructor being a diabetic 1 with a pump... There is NO reverse on diabetes.. once you are diagnosed, you will remain a diabetic... That is a myth and is untrue that you can reverse it.. Just not true. Usually a diabetic will end up taking insulin. Your pancreas just poops out over time. I can tell my bs readings are getting worse even when Endo raises my meds. Diabetes is not caused by what you eat but comes from your family. A diabetic 1 starts at a young age whereas a Diabetic 2 is usually begun as an adult.

    I was in a nursiing home not that long ago after having another TIA and the nurse told me that milk raised your sugars. That was first time I ever heard that but did notice when I ate a bowl of cereal at night for supper/dinner, the next morning my first bs reading was high.

    Just food for thought..
  • kckBxer396
    kckBxer396 Posts: 460 Member
    Options's better than drinking whole, if it's within your calories & your diet is balanced then not a huge deal. If you drink more milk, then usually you need to cut back on your meat/fish/chicken protein intake, as well as your carb intake, because milk has the proteins & carbs. actually get more calcium the LESS fat there is in milk(14 mg less in a cup of 2% compared to skim), animals (people too) tend to store toxic stuff in their fat so when you drink/eat the fat you're taking that in, 32 more calories a cup than skim, you could be using the calories for other healthier things.

    IF you want to try to switch over to skim, I'd start mixing your 2% w/a little 1% & keep increasing the 1% until that's all it is. Then do the same w/the 1% & skim, until it's all skim. If you can get to 2%, you can usually get to skim pretty easy.


    I actually have zero issues with skim and 1%. The only milk I can't drink is whole. It makes me feel so horrible and sick. However, my better half turns up his nose at anything that is "reduced fat" or 'fat free" ...buying cheese for that man is a small nightmare. haha Man, I love him though, so I think we can compromise a little with the milk. Maybe I will just mix it and not tell him? ;)