Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • mrsmuckster
    mrsmuckster Posts: 444 Member
    I did not do this yesterday, and must be why I chose to go out to Mexican for dinner instead of eating my planned meal, so

    Just for today, I will:
    1) Be patient and thankful
    2) Follow my meal plan
    3) Take the stairs at work
    4) Drink at least 90 oz of water
  • innocenttears96
    Hello, I just joined this app.

    For today, I will:
    1. Start counting calories
    2. Eat only when hungry, not bored
    3. Drink water before eating
    4. Take time eating sitting down/no tv
    5. Most importantly, Be positive.
  • spittsdykstra
    spittsdykstra Posts: 10 Member
    I met my goals for yesterday and am now within a pound of my next goal. My friend calls it "making the next decade" when you go from , say, 180 to 179. That's where I am, down from 209. What helped the most was doing a food diary in MFP for the whole day, knowing I had the right calories, then I just followed it for the day. Will do same today. Challenge will be eating out tonight. I will review the restaurant's menu on line and make a plan! Thanks everyone!
  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    sucampbeN wrote: »

    Just for today I will:

    1. Only eat the meals I brought to work and not be tempted by junk
    2. Not go over my calorie allowance
    3. Do some stretching
    4. Do some studying
    5. Go to bed before 11pm
    6. Prepare lunch for tomorrow

    My last post was on Tuesday. I managed 1,4,5&6.

    Just for today I will:

    1. Only eat the meals I brought to work and not be tempted by junk
    2. Not go over my calorie allowance
    3. Go to the flexibility class I have booked
    4. Walk to and from the gym
    5. Get at least 1 thing off my to do list at work
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    Just for today 3/11

    With my office job I haven't been able to hit 10000 daily steps yet, but Ill at least aim for 5000 today!

    So I hit my goal yesterday with like 5,200 :)

    Just for today 3/12

    Im making dinner tonight for a date, and our calorie needs are very different (me being a pretty sedentary and only 5'2, him being a very active and very large 6'5 man) So my goal is simply to stay within my calorie goal tonight lol. And hit my water goal for good measure.
  • monicalferrier
    monicalferrier Posts: 11 Member
    Just for today 03/12/15 I will
    eat better than yesterday
    exercise for 5 minutes
    drink 8 glasses of water
    take my Chantix
  • saraelizaphant
    saraelizaphant Posts: 104 Member
    1. Meditate :)
    2. Eat an energizing breakfast :)
    3. Eat more at meals or snack if needed :)

    Just for today, I will:
    1. Drink 150 ounces of water
    2. Log every bite
    3. Be in bed by 10:30pm
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Yesterday, 3/11
    1. Sew or do something to keep my hands busy so I do not eat :)
    2. water water water :\
    3. walk minimum 45 minutes, or ellipitical :) Walked 7 miles yesterday!
    4. log everything I eat :)

    Did SO much better yesterday. A very lite dinner, so my small snack was within my calories, and I stopped with the snack I had planned!

    Just for today, 3/12
    1. log everything I eat
    2. No snacks at the Garden club meeting tonite
    3. Get on the ellipitical for 30 minutes tonite since I can't get my walk in
    4. eat only planned nite time snacks!!!
  • apennock
    apennock Posts: 49 Member
    apennock wrote: »
    Go for a walk at lunch :)
    Get a run in this evening - take my time and don't push anything too hard :)
    Eat the good food that is here at work and waiting for me at home instead of seeking out junk food!!!! :)
    Be kind to myself, and remember to take things day by day... :)

    Pretty successful day yesterday. I acquired a nice pair of blisters on my feet from a long walk in my birkenstocks at lunch (warm enough for sandals?!). They are so comfy, but my feet need to build up a bit of toughness to deal with the very high arch. Ran anyway after work with some blister bandaids, but the ol' tootsies are a bit worse for the wear, so I'm planning on taking a day off to rest them up a bit. I am going to stop at the gym to maybe do some cycling, and I knew I'd like to incorporate weights into my fitness routine, so maybe I'll have to consider that as well.

    Just for today:
    Only one slice of pizza at the work function (purpose is to welcome me and some others to our new unit so it would be rude to decline)
    At least 85 oz of water!
    Get to the gym and do some low impact cardio and some weights!

    Tomorrow is Friday! Sending lots of positive thoughts out to everyone.
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    I weighed today and lost 3.2 lbs since my last official weigh in on 2/26/15. I went under 170 to 169.4 lbs. I'm so happy!!! Happy dance going on here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Anyway, it has really helped putting my goals down her and logging on here everyday. I also try to put my calories in everyday and my exercise, though some days I fall short especially when I feel that sense of shame for over eating. I know that can be a big part of downfall, because I get on the feeling bad about one choice and then make multiple bad choices and sometimes for days.
    I have always been of the philosophy when I start this weight loss journey 2 years ago that there is no food off limits, that everything is on my diet as long as I eat it in moderation. I'm also trying to remember that there are no good or bad foods and that when I eat something I enjoy that I should do that, enjoy it and move on.

    Anyway, Just for today
    1) Get my stationary bike, elliptical and walking in (Done this am!)
    2) Stay under 1200 cal
    3)Drink 6-8 glasses of water
    4) Keep a positive mindset

    Everyone have a great day and keep posting! It works!
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    I ran yesterday. It made me so happy!

    I miss running. Funny, while running I hate it, but when not running, I want to be running. Wish my foot would hurry up and get better...
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Just for Today 3/11
    1. log :neutral_face: I thought I did good, but this morning realized that I ate bread and pita chips that were not logged.
    2. cardio after work, rest day for strength. :):) 40 minutes on the bike. Easy on my foot!

    Just for Today 3/12
    1. log
    2. gym for strength training

    Both goals will be difficult tonight as we are having company for dinner. :open_mouth:

  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. 15,000 steps :( 11,000+...should have done more casual walking
    2. less than 100 carbs :(
    3. Survive intensive Zumba class even though I am still a little sick :smiley:

    Uggg...I am not used to not making my goals. Being sick is the pits.

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Survive Zumba
    3. 8 fruits and veggies
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    1. 15,000 steps :( 11,000+...should have done more casual walking
    2. less than 100 carbs :(
    3. Survive intensive Zumba class even though I am still a little sick :smiley:

    Uggg...I am not used to not making my goals. Being sick is the pits.

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Survive Zumba
    3. Make significant progress on home office projects

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,372 Member
    losingrae wrote: »

    Rae, honey, thank you for sharing! I love this!
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Yesterday I met half of my goals. I went a little over on calories and didn't figure out a strength training routine. Not too bad of a day overall, I was just STARVING so ate more than normal and had a couple of beers and those calories add up quickly.
    So today is a new day with new goals so for 3/12 I will:
    1) 80 ounces water
    2) 30 mins cardio
    3) resist the donuts my coworker brought
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Rae that article was amazing!! I loved it and need to read it everyday until I get it through my thick head. I know I am my worst critic and it drives me insane. Thank you so much for sharing :)
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Rae: I do agree, we have to love ourselve first! Thanks for sharing!!!