Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • margaritayniguez
    margaritayniguez Posts: 38 Member
    I am going to stick to trying to accomplish one goal each day until I know that I am able to successfully do it! Then I will gradually increase my goals list.

    My goal for Friday December 29, 2016 is to walk 5000 steps!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. under 100G carbs :neutral:
    2. weight workout :smiley:
    3. 60 situps :smiley: 80
    4. ten pushups (need to be back in practice for Zumba Strong) :(
    5. at least an hour of Latin social dance (bachata) :smiley: 3 hours of bachata and salsa
    6. 10+ cups water :smiley: 14+

    1. under 100G carbs
    2. belly dance for 60 minutes
    3. ten pushups
    4. 10+ cups water
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I am going to stick to trying to accomplish one goal each day until I know that I am able to successfully do it! Then I will gradually increase my goals list.

    My goal for Friday December 29, 2016 is to walk 5000 steps!

    This is a great idea! I oftentimes feel I'm setting myself up for failure because I set so many goals for myself! Good luck with the 5000 steps! I haven't hit 5000 steps in a day all week, so maybe this should be mine also! :blush:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Just for Today: Thursday 12/29
    1. Eat only what is on my plan. No CRAP shall pass these lips. LOL! :smile: Did it! Not easy with a triple layer chocolate pie in my freezer, but I did it!
    2. Hydrate! :neutral: I need to up my game on this one today. I can do better.
    3. Compliment my colleagues. Lift them up, not put them down like so many others are doing right now. Negativity helps nobody and solves nothing. Do not get caught up in it. Happy thoughts! :smiley: Was a great day!
    4. Activity for 30 minutes tonight :neutral: My bad.
    5. Set up my work station at home tonight so I can work from my home office tomorrow. :smiley: Working in my sweats as I type this! Love work-from-home days.
    6. Bed one hour early to wind down, unplug and journal or read. :neutral: I did read, but I worked at home until about 9:00, so I didn't go to bed and wind down early. So....kind of?

    Just for Today: Friday, 12/31
    1. Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!
    2. Eat within my meal plan and journal every single bite.
    3. Take something out of freezer and actually cook a healthy meal tonight instead of grabbing something quick and easy
    4. Work my 8 hours today and then quit for the week. Salary does not mean you absolutely HAVE to work a ton of overtime every week. Start your holiday weekend at 3:00 today.
    5. Write a letter and mail it to someone I haven't talked to in awhile. It's a lost art and who doesn't love getting something in the mail other than bills?
    6. One random act of kindness today
    7. 5000 steps on my FitBit today. No excuses!
    8. Bed one hour early and wind down, unplug, read and journal.

    Happy Friday everyone!
    Tracie in WI
  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member
    No alcohol, day 3? I got this!!!!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. under 100G carbs :)
    2. belly dance for 60 minutes :)
    3. ten pushups :)
    4. 10+ cups water :)

    1. under 100G carbs
    2. swim...or maybe take a rest day (sort, getting a ton of exercise over the weekend)
    3. ten pushups
    4. prep food for the weekend
    5. 10+ cups water
  • margaritayniguez
    margaritayniguez Posts: 38 Member
    I am posting for Saturday.

    Saturday December 31, 2016 (last day of the year!)

    1. I am going to try again for my 5000 steps.
    2. Limit my sugar intake to none until I go to church for New Year's Eve.
    3. Water! Water! Water!
  • margaritayniguez
    margaritayniguez Posts: 38 Member
    I am pretty sure I made my goal of 5000 steps today because I did alot of walking. I had my bfit watch on the wrong wrist and I wasn't moving it at all. When I switched it over then it started recording.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited January 2017
    Happy New Year everyone!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I have had such a terrible time these past few months. But today is New Years Day, 2017. A time for a fresh start. So I am starting a new thread - titled the same, but just with a new start. I am hoping you guys will join me there in posting our goals! I am so very thankful for all who posts - it helps me to keep going each day. Unfortunately, old habits are so hard to break, and so easy to fall back into old ways of coping with things.
    So I hope you will join me again!

    Here is the link to the new thread:
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    I'm in, Joan! I didn't know you were the one who started this thread! I LOVE it. It is the only thread that I find time to be faithful to. I will start on the fresh one with you. Thanks for starting it!

    I have many new goals this year. Spent most of my day thinking about them today. That's why I love, love, love keeping track of Just For Today! One day at a time is doable...doesn't seem so huge and overwhelming.

    Just for Today (Monday, 1/2/17):
    1. Wake up early and GET UP
    2. Eat only foods allowed on my plan and journal every bite
    2. Stop drinking coffee by 10:00 am and switch to water. HYDRATE, HYDRATE, HYDRATE!
    3. 30 minutes of activity
    4. Meal Plan for the week and post on fridge
    5. Budget for 2017 with new goals in mind
    6. Read or sew for a little bit today
    7. Prepare for Tuesday's work day, on Monday tonight.
    8. Bedtime one hour early, unplug, read and journal
    9. One random act of kindness

    Happy New Year! We CAN do this!

    Tracie in Wisconsin
    January Goal:
    • Be able to buy one size smaller jeans...I'm sooo close!
    • Try at least one new low carb recipe every week. (Did this today, so I'm good for this week. High protein, low carb vanilla "pancakes". YUM!)
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. under 100G carbs :)
    2. maybe take a rest day (getting a ton of exercise over the weekend) :)
    3. ten pushups :)
    4. prep food for the weekend :)
    5. 10+ cups water :)

    Spent Saturday and Sunday helping friends set up for a huge New Year's salsa event. I danced my feet off, had a splendid time and did not track anything. :) Then we had to clean up and move a ton of stuff afterwards. Uff!

    1. under 100G carbs
    2. swim a mile (because there is NO way that I can dance at all today)
    3. ten pushups
    4. 60 situps
    5. food prep
    6. plan and track exercise for the week
    7. 10+ cups water
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Yesterday, 1/1
    1. log all food - no matter what I eat. Be accountable. :):/ I logged ALL my food - even the apple pie. A neighbor brought it over, and unfortunately I ate some. But ..... I logged it all!
    2. Drink water. Shoot for 6 glasses of water, just for today. :/ My biggest struggle.
    3. Exercise. If only 30 minutes, do something! :) Already accomplished this at the gym this morning :)
    4. Get back on here tomorrow, to let you guys know how I did. :)

    Monday, 1/2
    I did OK yesterday, except for apple pie :/ / But I am proud of myself in the fact that I only had 1 piece, and, I logged it. Eating healthy is a lifestyle that I want to change, and the biggest thing, is to get right back on track.

    so JFT, 1/2
    1. Exercise at least 30 minutes. :) Did this already! Trying to make this a daily habit.
    2. drink water - 2 glasses with each meal.
    3. log ALL food
    4. get back on here tomorrow
    5. lay out clothes for working out tomorrow morning.

    This thread is still active, but I did start a new one for the new year. So hope you will join me there!
  • margaritayniguez
    margaritayniguez Posts: 38 Member
    Monday January 2, 2017

    1. Leave something on my dinner plate.
    2. Drink 7 1/2 glasses of water.
    3. Go to sleep by 9 pm.

  • bookmeister86
    bookmeister86 Posts: 1,165 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!

    Festive season has been a total nightmare in terms of dieting, put lots of weight back on :-( However on the upside, did not put ALL the weight back on and with any luck it will fall off quickly if I get back to eating normally!

    Hoping that my colleagues will bring in fewer chocolates etc now it's January but I wouldn't bet on it.. will need willpower!

    Today's commitments -
    - Log everything I eat
    - No unhealthy snacks
    - Stay within calories

    -30+ minute lunch break
    - Don't procrastinate even though feeling lazy on first day back. Do easy tasks rather than no tasks!
    - listen to music to boost mood

    Hope January is good for everyone!
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Listed my JFT goals for 1/3 in the new 2017 thread. Happy New Year to everyone!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    @slittlemeister -- I started a new thread for the new year. I hope you will join us there? This thread was getting so big, and with it being a new year, and a fresh start, I thought maybe a new thread would be good. So I hope to see you there.

    I also had a hard time over the holidays, but determined to get back in shape. And I'm hoping your colleagues don't bring in all that chocolate - would be hard for anyone to resist!

    Here is the link to the new thread:
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    So we are supposed to stop posting here and start posting on the other thread? Fine...
  • johnnylloyd0618
    johnnylloyd0618 Posts: 303 Member
    4 mile run, 30 minutes of resistance circuit training. And no alcohol!