hair loss with 1200 calories



  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    For those of you telling OP she's starving herself at 1200 and she can go way higher, read this link: Eating over 1200 doesn't work for everybody.

    And this is why i knew that thread was a failure waiting to happen. Now all the special snowflake low calorie eaters will point to it while claiming they're the outliers from the norm/average. This will be the 1200 calorie rallying point, instead of being acknowledged as one woman who has an oddly low BMR.
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    For those of you telling OP she's starving herself at 1200 and she can go way higher, read this link: Eating over 1200 doesn't work for everybody.

    And this is why i knew that thread was a failure waiting to happen. Now all the special snowflake low calorie eaters will point to it while claiming they're the outliers from the norm/average. This will be the 1200 calorie rallying point, instead of being acknowledged as one woman who has an oddly low BMR.

    She's not the only person on there who was tested and was lower. I've been tested and am lower and I saw at least one other poster say the same.
  • Cobwellac
    Cobwellac Posts: 75 Member
    For those of you telling OP she's starving herself at 1200 and she can go way higher, read this link: Eating over 1200 doesn't work for everybody.

    So she's this person instead?

    Let's be honest here. A BMR that low is not common. Her hair is falling out. How does this lead you to "keep up the good work!"?

    When did I tell her to keep up the good work??? And when did I say she's me or the other person?? I'm just saying she might not be the average person, either. Also, how do you know she's been dieting long enough for the hair loss to be caused by diet, as opposed to hormones or other conditions? And if it is caused by diet, who says the hair loss is caused by low calories, as opposed to low nutrients? You're making way more assumptions than I am here.
  • AbsoluteNG
    AbsoluteNG Posts: 1,079 Member
    The human scalp sheds 50 hair strains a day, so what you're noticing now is normal and most likely a healthy change in diet. As you shed hair, new ones will grow back in it's place. Dogs and cats shed a crap load of hair daily but they're not bald because it grows back! When hair stops growing back, that is when you have problems. Do you notice any thinning of the hair line?
  • SpazQ
    SpazQ Posts: 104


    Those are my two first guesses.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 897 Member

    Well, if it started to fall out when you started starving yourself, I think the causation is pretty clear.
    starvation??? LMAO :laugh: 1200 calories is not starving. What an insult.

    1200 calories is breakfast on some's for the birds and if you're not at least NETting to 1200 it is likely you are not getting proper nutrition...lack of proper nutrition = malnutritioun = starving your body. "Starving" has nothing to do with whether you feel hungry or not....

    Most women can eat far more and still lose weight at a decent clip...unless you're 4 ft nothin' and 80 years old you should be able to eat more. But whatevs...enjoy.
    1200 calories is breakfast? did you ever wonder how you got to be overweight...?? that might be your answer.

    I'm not overweight...but thanks...I like how everyone thinks this is My Starvation Pal or My Diet's My FITNESS Pal. I was once upon a time overweight, but no longer...and I still eat 1200 calories for breakfast pretty easy. My wife by BTW is 5'2" and 38 years old and loses weight grossing around 1800-2000 calories and maintains around like I said...enjoy your bird seed and what pretty much amounts to an ED. You most likely have no true concept of how many calories you could be enjoying.
    Please take a look at my diary and tell me where I'm eating 'bird seed' or not eating or having an Eating Disorder.

    I'm not on a diet or starving so please take your judgemental crap elsewhere.

    For starters, you're getting very little protein...only about 50 grams. Also, your diet seems to be pretty void of vegetables and fruit...lots of junk/snacky food, etc. I doubt you get 100% of your vitamins and minerals...except maybe sodium, you probably have that covered.

    Again..."starving" has nothing to do with whether you're hungry or's about proper nutrition. Anyway, done caring...enjoy your "journey"
    I get plenty of protein for me thanks. I'm a vegetarian so I don't eat meat at all. I eat plenty of vegetables and fruit BEING a vegetarian. please stop talking

    You are telling him to take his "judgmental crap" elsewhere, yet you judged his breakfast and said he was overweight because of it (when he clearly isn't btw). Hypocrite much?

    Also, being a vegetarian does not exclude you from protein macros. Sarauk2sf can hit her protein goals without meat. Just FYI.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 897 Member
    As for the OP, I agree that you should SEE A DOCTOR to rule out any medical problems. I also agree that you should probably research what level of calories you should be consuming and what nutrient goals you need to be hitting. <3 Good luck! :)
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    your body is diverting energy to keeping your hair alive to making sure your organs are working.

    this is a good sign that you need to eat more. 1200 calories might be really ridiculously below your BMR so you cant really go by equations. i know through trial an error, that for me my TDEE on days i dont even work out is somewhere between 2600-2800 which is about 500-700 calories above what online calculators tell me
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    I cannot really comment as you have nothing logged in your diary.

    Are you eating enough protein?

    It would not be the 1200 calories per day that would cause you to lose your hair unless those 1200 calories were all sweets and sugar or rubbish foods and ALL carbs that contained no protein.

    Anorexics often lose a lot of their hair but I am on about those that eat a five or six hundred calories per day or less and you aren't one of those people are you?
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    Because 1200 calories is way too little for most people - you're starving, so your hair is falling out!

    I am on 1200 per day and my hair has improved, thickened and is shiny so your theory is incorrect there.

    It is more than likely to do with the fact in WHAT the OP is eating rather than the calorie amount.
  • Dearnik
    Dearnik Posts: 3 Member
    1200 calories is alright but truly you need to add more protein to your diet. This is almost always a sure sign that you are not getting enough. Try increasing to see if that helps. Also if you need to add more calories to accommodate the protein, add more exercise to balance so you continue to lose.
  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    See a doctor you need a blood panel. In the mean tie, if I were you, I'd get on some hardcore omega 3 6 9 supplement like animal omega to help regulate hormones from a depleted body
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    False, I was never a yo-yo dieter and my metabolism is fine, thank you. It takes a lot less calories to maintain someone of my height and weight than it does for a bigger person. I don't know how old the OP is, but there's no guarantee her BMR is 1440 just because the TDEE calculator says so. So, to another poster, no, she's not me, but that doesn't mean generic calculations apply to everyone. Someone else on another post said she had her BMR tested, and like mine, hers was very low.

    I guess what I was trying to say is that 1200 isn't too low for everyone.

    Maybe that was me in another thread. I am 65, five feet tall and no longer have a thyroid ( which I lost to cancer and not yo-yo dieting because I never had a weight problem up to that point ). I have my BMR checked once a year ( for medical reasons ) and the last time it was 1031.......but of course if I say I do more then well, but actually excellent on a very balanced, healthy diet eating more volume of food than most at 1200 calories a day I get set upon by a bunch of uninformed " you need to eat more to lose more " advocates. They cannot understand that for me losing on average a pound a week is just fine. For those who don't believe me, take the time and check my diary where you find oodles of food in a great varoety from protein to lots of vegetables and fruit anywhere from 1000 - 1200 calories a day.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,630 Member
    For those of you telling OP she's starving herself at 1200 and she can go way higher, read this link: Eating over 1200 doesn't work for everybody.

    And this is why i knew that thread was a failure waiting to happen. Now all the special snowflake low calorie eaters will point to it while claiming they're the outliers from the norm/average. This will be the 1200 calorie rallying point, instead of being acknowledged as one woman who has an oddly low BMR.

    You didn't actually read the whole of the OPs posting in that thread did you? She was not the only one who had a low BMR, when she got the results of her test and was told it was 1032, she said she always thought it was a few hundred higher than that to which the terchnician replied that most people were under that exact same impression, but the truth is, most people have a lot lower BMR than they think.

    Now then, if BMR calculators are out, that means TDEE calculators are also out, because TDEE is based on the base rate.

    and no, that thread is far from a failure, you just do not like the thought of what it really means........
  • Ang108
    Ang108 Posts: 1,711 Member
    For those of you telling OP she's starving herself at 1200 and she can go way higher, read this link: Eating over 1200 doesn't work for everybody.

    And this is why i knew that thread was a failure waiting to happen. Now all the special snowflake low calorie eaters will point to it while claiming they're the outliers from the norm/average. This will be the 1200 calorie rallying point, instead of being acknowledged as one woman who has an oddly low BMR.

    If you have time, why don't you investigate diets in other countries, even if you only chose the developed ones like most countries in Europe, or Japan. ?They all think that 1200 calories is normal for balanced weight loss, because it is considered that average women need about 1500-1800 depending on size to survive and thrive.
    Of course it is possible that the whole world is wrong and that the high weight loss/maintenance calorie amounts that are preached here are actually the only ones that are right. Or is is just a little bit possible that those cultures who eat a more " natural " diet just live on less ( calorie, not volume wise ) and are quite a bit healthier ? Not looking for problems .....just wondering........
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    For those of you telling OP she's starving herself at 1200 and she can go way higher, read this link: Eating over 1200 doesn't work for everybody.

    And this is why i knew that thread was a failure waiting to happen. Now all the special snowflake low calorie eaters will point to it while claiming they're the outliers from the norm/average. This will be the 1200 calorie rallying point, instead of being acknowledged as one woman who has an oddly low BMR.

    If you have time, why don't you investigate diets in other countries, even if you only chose the developed ones like most countries in Europe, or Japan. ?They all think that 1200 calories is normal for balanced weight loss, because it is considered that average women need about 1500-1800 depending on size to survive and thrive.
    Of course it is possible that the whole world is wrong and that the high weight loss/maintenance calorie amounts that are preached here are actually the only ones that are right. Or is is just a little bit possible that those cultures who eat a more " natural " diet just live on less ( calorie, not volume wise ) and are quite a bit healthier ? Not looking for problems .....just wondering........

    I'm too lazy to do endless searches, but it would be awesome if you would cite your source for this info. I would like to read the studies that prove this. Especially the "quite a bit healthier" part.
  • Sinnister78
    Sinnister78 Posts: 134 Member
    You people are hilarious.

    Do some of you get paid based on the amount of posters you sway to your way of thinking? 1200 calories baaaaaad ha ha ha ha ha. Or 1000 calories gooooooood he he he he he.

    OP - go see a dr. None of the people here seem concerned at all with your problem, just pushing their own BS on to you as if a cookie cutter generic calculation somehow applies to the entire population at large.

    The only thing I can tell you that may be helpful is to go see a PROFESSIONAL and have them run tests to determine what the problem is. All of this low calorie bad/high calorie good stuff is all speculation in your case. For all we know this is a psychological/emotional response.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    For those of you telling OP she's starving herself at 1200 and she can go way higher, read this link: Eating over 1200 doesn't work for everybody.

    And this is why i knew that thread was a failure waiting to happen. Now all the special snowflake low calorie eaters will point to it while claiming they're the outliers from the norm/average. This will be the 1200 calorie rallying point, instead of being acknowledged as one woman who has an oddly low BMR.

    You didn't actually read the whole of the OPs posting in that thread did you? She was not the only one who had a low BMR, when she got the results of her test and was told it was 1032, she said she always thought it was a few hundred higher than that to which the terchnician replied that most people were under that exact same impression, but the truth is, most people have a lot lower BMR than they think.

    Now then, if BMR calculators are out, that means TDEE calculators are also out, because TDEE is based on the base rate.

    and no, that thread is far from a failure, you just do not like the thought of what it really means........

    Most people getting tested likely have a medical condition which requires they/their doctor get a more clear picture of what is going on with their health, i.e. the majority of them fall "outside of normal", so just because a technician said "most people have a lower BMR than they think", doesn't mean anything. Skewed statistics, since their sample population is not the norm.
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    You people are hilarious.

    Do some of you get paid based on the amount of posters you sway to your way of thinking? 1200 calories baaaaaad ha ha ha ha ha. Or 1000 calories gooooooood he he he he he.

    OP - go see a dr. None of the people here seem concerned at all with your problem, just pushing their own BS on to you as if a cookie cutter generic calculation somehow applies to the entire population at large.

    The only thing I can tell you that may be helpful is to go see a PROFESSIONAL and have them run tests to determine what the problem is. All of this low calorie bad/high calorie good stuff is all speculation in your case. For all we know this is a psychological/emotional response.

    THIS because I feel like everyone whose actually trying to help OP is getting lost in this battle of the calories stuff so THIS THIS THIS!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    You people are hilarious.

    Do some of you get paid based on the amount of posters you sway to your way of thinking? 1200 calories baaaaaad ha ha ha ha ha. Or 1000 calories gooooooood he he he he he.

    OP - go see a dr. None of the people here seem concerned at all with your problem, just pushing their own BS on to you as if a cookie cutter generic calculation somehow applies to the entire population at large.

    The only thing I can tell you that may be helpful is to go see a PROFESSIONAL and have them run tests to determine what the problem is. All of this low calorie bad/high calorie good stuff is all speculation in your case. For all we know this is a psychological/emotional response.

    THIS because I feel like everyone whose actually trying to help OP is getting lost in this battle of the calories stuff so THIS THIS THIS!

    Because the OP made the correlation between diet and hair loss. People have given their opinions. The OP didn't go to her doctor for an opinion, she came to an internet message board for an opinion. Believe it or not, people have differing opinions. I believe the OP did get help, she may have gotten different opinions, but she certainly got advice and things to look into.