How much have you lost, and how (an informal poll)?



  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    I've lost about 7 lbs since January by eating in a calorie deficit. Trying to do IIFYM, but not quite hitting my protein goals every day yet (although I'm getting better!).

    I would like to lose about 50-55 more lbs in the next year.
  • librarysteg
    librarysteg Posts: 29 Member
    Weight loss: 84 pounds (from very highest which was about 20 pounds more than my starting weight on MFP)

    Method: Counting calories and almost never going over. If I go over one day, I make sure to go under by the same or more the next day. No foods are off limits for me. I started running, and that's my main form of exercise. Over the winter months I've been running 9-12 miles a week on an indoor track. When it gets nice enough for me to go back outside that will go up to 13-18+. I've also started adding some strength training.
  • BeTheChange352
    BeTheChange352 Posts: 253 Member
    almost 39 pounds since mid Aug of last year, been kinda doing my own version of IIFYM but I have had lots of success in previous years with the WW point system and just watching calorie intake but not worrying too much about anything else. I have a stationary bike I use at home every day for my exercise.
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    58 lbs

    I guess you could call it flexible eating? I really only pay attention to calories and protein. My dietary makeup has changed over time, but its been a very slow process. I have added in more vegetables than I ever previously consumed, but my sugar and sodium are still pretty high.

    Exercise is also evolving. I started with pure cardio. I now log roughly equal minutes of cardio and strength training.

  • dexlyn813
    dexlyn813 Posts: 84 Member
    Weight loss: 50 pounds
    Method: No soda ( Of course I could still lose drinking it but just decided health wise to cut it out. Portion control. Plenty water. Exercise 3x a week every week :)
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Total since January 2011: 65lbs - 45, then regained 12, then lost 8, then regained 20, then lost 12. I'm 4.6lbs from my UG of 150 (AGAIN).

    All the times, just calorie reduction. Prelogged the day before. Stuck with it. First time, increasing exercise, but the 2 times after that, just diet.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    I've lost about 8-10 lbs, I think. I haven't weighed in a while, but I've been measuring. I've lost 15.4 inches, as of last Monday. The method was to eat a little less and move more.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    I've lost 128 lbs so far. For the most part I eat low carb, as clean as possible, and I've learned to eat when I'm hungry - not because it's lunch time. With all that, it still comes down to CICO.
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    70 pounds

    My pancreas killed itself (to put it simply -it was an autoimmune destruction of my beta cells that caused the weight loss).
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Weight lost: 51lbs
    Method: Low carb for the first 40'ish lbs. Needed a break after prolonged dieting, then lost the remainder through general deficit dieting and a bit of bloodymindedness. I have about 5- 10 lbs left to go, but my body seems to have reached a point where sustaining a deficit is proving nigh on impossible, so really looking for what's next right now. I am maintaining my weight, and losing small amounts of fat while building a little muscle, but the remaining excess fat lbs are not going anywhere quickly right now. Fitness-wise, walking was my main form of exercise for the first 35 lbs or so, averaging about 4 miles a day. These days I compliment my walking with 3/ 4 weekly bodyweight strength sessions.
  • KathleenCora
    KathleenCora Posts: 160 Member
    edited March 2015
    Lost 46lbs
    Method: Calorie counting, started running(c25k), started running more, lifting 2x weekly and cross training 2x weekly. Workout 5 days a week for at least 1hrs. Started in Sept 2014 and only 26lbs to go. Yay!
  • njitaliana
    njitaliana Posts: 814 Member
    63 lbs lost so far by counting calories. I exercise most days.
  • gaurdgoose
    gaurdgoose Posts: 106 Member
    lost 22 lbs from November -Feb by cutting out some carbs and eating better
    Lost 23 Lbs in February Started a Prescription Weight loss drug and I am restricting my intake especially carbs.
  • kjerome101
    kjerome101 Posts: 61 Member
    Just starting out, but in one week I lost 5.5 lbs! i still have about 10 more to go to get to my goal :)
  • WranglerMichelle
    WranglerMichelle Posts: 529 Member
    Weight Lost: 53.5 pounds
    Method: TDEE -20% with a little bit of IIFYM (so I guess flexible eating/portion control?) and lifting 4 or 5 days a week and cardio 3 days a week.
  • craigs64
    craigs64 Posts: 5 Member
    Lost 55#
    Paleo / low carb hybrid diet.

    Lost 75# in a little over a year. (2012-13) Started walking our dog about three miles a day and changed my diet to something between South Beach and Paleo. Wasn't militant about sticking to either. backslid about 20 # and have been trying to rededicate to losing the 20 plus 10 more.
  • Canuckgirl77
    Canuckgirl77 Posts: 123 Member
    Weight lost: 53 pounds

    Method: First 15 pounds was low calorie diet and increase in my water intake. The rest is from cutting junk food, choosing healthier recipes, eating a TON more veggies and fruits, and using MFP to watch the calorie intake. Exercise only started a few months ago.
  • saggyandbaggy
    saggyandbaggy Posts: 138 Member
    98 lbs lost since July 2014 - basically sticking to the calories allowed and making sure I come under the total every day. I have done this mostly by reducing portions and I admit to buying lots of low calorie ready meals as the calories are already worked out! I have a light lunch and then a ready meal with LOADS of vegetables for dinner. I allow myself a sweet or two for pudding and that is all factored into the daily total. I haven't bothered too much with the details of what I am eating, just the total calories.
  • zirr_
    zirr_ Posts: 9 Member
    Lost 31lbs from last summer
    sw: 193
    cw: 163

    I lost about 10lbs over the summer then none really in the winter, then lost the rest in this new year. My diet didnt really change, i suppose i just ate the same meals as always but took smaller portions and changed some of my snack habits.

    Most of it came off from increased activity when i started a new more physical job in december. Things i changed were no fizzy drinks with sugar, no more sugar in my tea and switched to frozen yoghurt over ice cream.
  • cristi5953
    cristi5953 Posts: 1 Member
    Diligently tracking calorie intake, 20 minutes of daily cardio. Cut WAY back on alcohol, pasta, and sugar intake.