when did boycotting cardio become the cool thing to do?



  • BeachGingerOnTheRocks
    BeachGingerOnTheRocks Posts: 3,927 Member
    Everyone should lift or otherwise do some sort of resistance training as well as cardio...most people I know who are at all into fitness do both because they understand that having an all around good level of fitness requires both.

    Also, I highly doubt you'd look like that in a million years...so I wouldn't worry about lifting heavy things and putting them down. Even with decent genetics and being a dude, that would take you a loooonnnnnggggg time and some serious dedication to the weight room.

    Just go get your fitness on...lift heavy things and put them down and do some cardio for your heart.


    But to clarify, OP probably isn't going to pick things up and put them down because weightlifters are bulky.

  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Everyone should lift or otherwise do some sort of resistance training as well as cardio...most people I know who are at all into fitness do both because they understand that having an all around good level of fitness requires both.

    Also, I highly doubt you'd look like that in a million years...so I wouldn't worry about lifting heavy things and putting them down. Even with decent genetics and being a dude, that would take you a loooonnnnnggggg time and some serious dedication to the weight room.

    Just go get your fitness on...lift heavy things and put them down and do some cardio for your heart.


    But to clarify, OP probably isn't going to pick things up and put them down because weightlifters are bulky.


    Ah, yes. The it's okay for me to bash your goals but it's not okay for you to bash mine types.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    Everyone should lift or otherwise do some sort of resistance training as well as cardio...most people I know who are at all into fitness do both because they understand that having an all around good level of fitness requires both.

    Also, I highly doubt you'd look like that in a million years...so I wouldn't worry about lifting heavy things and putting them down. Even with decent genetics and being a dude, that would take you a loooonnnnnggggg time and some serious dedication to the weight room.

    Just go get your fitness on...lift heavy things and put them down and do some cardio for your heart.


    But to clarify, OP probably isn't going to pick things up and put them down because weightlifters are bulky.

    OP will not respond at all.
  • lauraleighsm
    lauraleighsm Posts: 167
    I find it all a bit confusing. The allure of being svelte and buff without having to do some crazy cardio is attractive to me. However, I've spent the past year greatly increasing my stamina and endurance through running. If I stop my running and focus solely on weight training then I feel like I'll have to look of being strong, but without that awesome feeling of completing a run.

    I think there's a happy medium. I haven't found it, but I think it's there.
  • djkronyx
    djkronyx Posts: 77 Member
    Everything in moderation...and that includes cardio. People are not bashing cardio per se, but they do bash the notion that one needs 1.5 - 2 hrs a day of cardio to achieve a certain "look" or level of physical fitness. The point many are trying to make is that resistance training is also important and just as important as cardio. Neither should be done in excess, nor should one exist without the other, IMO.

    Every athlete thinks they play the greatest sport. Marathoners think running is the best sport, quarterbacks think football is the greatest sport, and power lifters think weightlifting is the greatest sport. Don't let a few skewed opinions get you down. If you ENJOY doing what you do and you know it works for your body, then DO IT and don't change a thing.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    I honestly don't care what anybody else thinks about what I'm doing with my time or my body. Post whatever article you like, put up whatever poster you want, say whatever comment you wish. Don't bother me none.


    As a die-hard Gone With The Wind fan, I must point out that Rhett Butler actually said, "Frankly, i don't give a damn". People have added in the "my dear" over time for dramatic effect.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Well to me...

    None of you can run likely as fast as me nor as long distance as me, I can surf 8-12ft waves without issue, do as many pullups and chin ups as feel same with pushups and situps...

    Do I really need weights? Not for what I do I do not...

    You guys do the heavy stuff, let us surfers and ultra distance runners take on the actual challenges in life ;)
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Well to me...

    None of you can run likely as fast as me nor as long distance as me, I can surf 8-12ft waves without issue, do as many pullups and chin ups as feel same with pushups and situps...

    Do I really need weights? Not for what I do I do not...

    You guys do the heavy stuff, let us surfers and ultra distance runners take on the actual challenges in life ;)

    Wow. Assuming much are we? Who knew we had some sort of athletic legend in our midst.

    ETA: There are pro surfers that lift btw. Your welcome :)
  • strawberrytoast
    strawberrytoast Posts: 711 Member
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    My opinion on the subject is that it's best to have both. I'm focused more on lifting then cardio, but that's because I like it more.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Everyone should lift or otherwise do some sort of resistance training as well as cardio...most people I know who are at all into fitness do both because they understand that having an all around good level of fitness requires both.

    Also, I highly doubt you'd look like that in a million years...so I wouldn't worry about lifting heavy things and putting them down. Even with decent genetics and being a dude, that would take you a loooonnnnnggggg time and some serious dedication to the weight room.

    Just go get your fitness on...lift heavy things and put them down and do some cardio for your heart.


    But to clarify, OP probably isn't going to pick things up and put them down because weightlifters are bulky.

    OP will not respond at all.

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I suspect it's an inevitable reaction to the "the secret to effective weight loss is cardio and lots of it" mantra.

    But yeah, as was pointed out previously, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1009044-why-are-there-so-many-bulky-weightlifters provides plenty of insight into OP's views on the topic.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    bumping to read for later
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member

    As a die-hard Gone With The Wind fan, I must point out that Rhett Butler actually said, "Frankly, i don't give a damn". People have added in the "my dear" over time for dramatic effect.
    At the risk of being obnoxiously pedantic, it was the "frankly" that was later added. Rhett says "My dear, I don't give a damn" in the book and "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn" in the movie.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    Cardio is good for your heart and weight lifting is great as well i like a combo of both
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Well to me...

    None of you can run likely as fast as me nor as long distance as me, I can surf 8-12ft waves without issue, do as many pullups and chin ups as feel same with pushups and situps...

    Do I really need weights? Not for what I do I do not...

    You guys do the heavy stuff, let us surfers and ultra distance runners take on the actual challenges in life ;)

    Lol......Who do you think could rescue a large person from a burning building better? The weight lifter or the surfer dude or dudette? But I do suppose a good runner could get away from a poisonous snake better. Guess it depends on what challenges you are talking about as to which is better. They both have their strengths, no need to trash either IMO.
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    I think that some people have taken the no cardio thing a little too far. In terms of fitness a balanced approach between resistance and cardio is always going to be best. Assessing your goals will help determine which end of the spectrum you fall. Stop training purely for aesthetics and make your training fitness and goal oriented and you'll get much better results.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I do not think cardio is for wusses at all. I truly admire the people who are able to mentally punish themselves like that, and I am completely jealous of the people who actually enjoy it. It's just not my thing, and I realized, after a year of nothing but cardio, that there was a more efficient (and, for me, far more enjoyable) way to lose fat. I chose that way.

    I'm not going to hate on anyone who has a goal and is trying hard to achieve it or who pursues what makes them feel good. Being a great runner is just not my goal. And being really freaking strong is what makes me feel good.
  • Zangpakto
    Zangpakto Posts: 336 Member
    Well to me...

    None of you can run likely as fast as me nor as long distance as me, I can surf 8-12ft waves without issue, do as many pullups and chin ups as feel same with pushups and situps...

    Do I really need weights? Not for what I do I do not...

    You guys do the heavy stuff, let us surfers and ultra distance runners take on the actual challenges in life ;)

    Wow. Assuming much are we? Who knew we had some sort of athletic legend in our midst.

    Considering that I use this site to maintain between two weights between on and off season mostly...

    Yep, not really assuming much considering the general population of this site.... I see daily posts about people struggling or extremely proud of 5km runs... And I'm like sure.. Be proud when thats basically a warm up for god sakes :/

    I'm not assuming much, not at all! I'm just being honest from what I see posted daily... Why the hell must I lie? To make you feel better? Why? What benefit does that have for me?

    I come top usually in my age groups, must I not be proud? I win races also depending distance, can I not be proud about that? Just because some people can't does that mean I can't be happy of what I can do?

    It's the same as fat people and fit/skinny people. It is perfectly acceptable for the fat people to say bad things about the one group, but DARE they say anything back and all horror breaks loose usually! Seems the same reaction here.

    I'm good, and to be honest, why must I hide it? Because you do not like it? Sorry... I'm not playing this stupid game anymore, I'm sick of watching what I say but others can insult me constantly and what I do and I apparently have to accept it.
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Well to me...

    None of you can run likely as fast as me nor as long distance as me, I can surf 8-12ft waves without issue, do as many pullups and chin ups as feel same with pushups and situps...

    Do I really need weights? Not for what I do I do not...

    You guys do the heavy stuff, let us surfers and ultra distance runners take on the actual challenges in life ;)

    Wow. Assuming much are we? Who knew we had some sort of athletic legend in our midst.

    Considering that I use this site to maintain between two weights between on and off season mostly...

    Yep, not really assuming much considering the general population of this site.... I see daily posts about people struggling or extremely proud of 5km runs... And I'm like sure.. Be proud when thats basically a warm up for god sakes :/

    I'm not assuming much, not at all! I'm just being honest from what I see posted daily... Why the hell must I lie? To make you feel better? Why? What benefit does that have for me?

    I come top usually in my age groups, must I not be proud? I win races also depending distance, can I not be proud about that? Just because some people can't does that mean I can't be happy of what I can do?

    It's the same as fat people and fit/skinny people. It is perfectly acceptable for the fat people to say bad things about the one group, but DARE they say anything back and all horror breaks loose usually! Seems the same reaction here.

    I'm good, and to be honest, why must I hide it? Because you do not like it? Sorry... I'm not playing this stupid game anymore, I'm sick of watching what I say but others can insult me constantly and what I do and I apparently have to accept it.

    What a piece of work :laugh: