when did boycotting cardio become the cool thing to do?



  • VorJoshigan
    VorJoshigan Posts: 1,106 Member
    When I realized I freakin' hated it. I still do cardio, but it's very brief, or very relaxed. No more jogging. Unless it's specifically being done to hang out with hot chicks. I am weak. I always make an exception for hot chicks.
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Everything in moderation...and that includes cardio. People are not bashing cardio per se, but they do bash the notion that one needs 1.5 - 2 hrs a day of cardio to achieve a certain "look" or level of physical fitness. The point many are trying to make is that resistance training is also important and just as important as cardio. Neither should be done in excess, nor should one exist without the other, IMO.

    Every athlete thinks they play the greatest sport. Marathoners think running is the best sport, quarterbacks think football is the greatest sport, and power lifters think weightlifting is the greatest sport. Don't let a few skewed opinions get you down. If you ENJOY doing what you do and you know it works for your body, then DO IT and don't change a thing.

    Then "they" should actually find someone who is advocating "1.5 - 2 hrs a day" of cardio and address that directly with them.

    The whole "weights vs cardio" argument has more strawmen than a Wizard of Oz costume party.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    id really like serious discussion about this because literally everyday i see these anti cardio messages on instagram, twitter, facebook from men and women alike.
    If you'd like to have a serious discussion, don't hang out on instagram, twitter, or facebook.
  • GenF32
    GenF32 Posts: 184 Member
    When I realized I freakin' hated it. I still do cardio, but it's very brief, or very relaxed. No more jogging. Unless it's specifically being done to hang out with hot chicks. I am weak. I always make an exception for hot chicks.

    Lol, atta boy! :laugh:
  • h9dlb
    h9dlb Posts: 243 Member
    I lost LOTS of muscle doing cardio - I stick to 20 mins HIITS now
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Well to me...

    None of you can run likely as fast as me nor as long distance as me, I can surf 8-12ft waves without issue, do as many pullups and chin ups as feel same with pushups and situps...

    Do I really need weights? Not for what I do I do not...

    You guys do the heavy stuff, let us surfers and ultra distance runners take on the actual challenges in life ;)

    Wow. Assuming much are we? Who knew we had some sort of athletic legend in our midst.

    Considering that I use this site to maintain between two weights between on and off season mostly...

    Yep, not really assuming much considering the general population of this site.... I see daily posts about people struggling or extremely proud of 5km runs... And I'm like sure.. Be proud when thats basically a warm up for god sakes :/

    I'm not assuming much, not at all! I'm just being honest from what I see posted daily... Why the hell must I lie? To make you feel better? Why? What benefit does that have for me?

    I come top usually in my age groups, must I not be proud? I win races also depending distance, can I not be proud about that? Just because some people can't does that mean I can't be happy of what I can do?

    It's the same as fat people and fit/skinny people. It is perfectly acceptable for the fat people to say bad things about the one group, but DARE they say anything back and all horror breaks loose usually! Seems the same reaction here.

    I'm good, and to be honest, why must I hide it? Because you do not like it? Sorry... I'm not playing this stupid game anymore, I'm sick of watching what I say but others can insult me constantly and what I do and I apparently have to accept it.

    You must be a very unhappy person to feel the need to be so cocky and believe you are superior to others.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    The reason is because cardio is an extremely ineffective means of exercise. Also, it has no benefit that resistance training cannot offer.

    Most people don't exercise because they love to exercise, they do it because they want to look/feel good. Why spend an hour lifting weights with 3 minute rest periods, then spend another hour on the treadmill in your "fat burning zone", when you can combine them and be out of the gym in 30 minutes?

    If you love to run, continue running, but the the truth is many people spend hours a week doing cardio in hopes of getting that "tone" or "lean" look when it will never happen without adding in resistance training.

    Wait so cardio is now a bad form of exercise? Ok tell my body that, I lost 80lbs in 7 months doing nothing but cardio.... every day. I still do it every day. I went from walking 3km to running 10km a day in a month. Yep hardly fit..... forget it...it's like trying to explain why egg yolks wont kill you to someone who is scared to death of chickens.

    Cardio ineffective hahaha...yep my ELITE fitness state right now at the age of 38 despite being unfit for 36 of those years is no reason to LOVE cardio right?

    Yeah I LOVE exercise...I do. It's why I get up in the morning & do it ALL day.
  • TriFinders
    TriFinders Posts: 53
    Well to me...

    None of you can run likely as fast as me nor as long distance as me, I can surf 8-12ft waves without issue, do as many pullups and chin ups as feel same with pushups and situps...

    Do I really need weights? Not for what I do I do not...

    You guys do the heavy stuff, let us surfers and ultra distance runners take on the actual challenges in life ;)

    Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    People who think Cardio doesn't do anything are idiots, you need your cardiovascular system to live.

    Cardio increases the ability to get everything flowing around the body.

    My weight loss has been primarily Cardio and diet. Sure i probably lost muscle but so what, you don't need big arms and legs to live
    i do more intense cardio including jogging, cross training, rowing and cycling so not just walking on a treadmill for days on end.

    and add in

    Weights and more importantly for me, Core resistance.

    It's a total workout, Cardio alone is probably not a good thing unless you are purely after endurance and being a marathon runner.
    but Cardio should certainly be atleast 50% of your workout.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    ive noticed in social media outlets more and more people are bragging about not doing cardio

    example: http://statigr.am/p/426009128144813040_144762381

    what kind of message does this send?

    where is the humble explanation for this? its always some guy or girl posing with a "cardio is for wussies" message attached
    you couldnt pay me to look like that guy and that is no offense to him. im sure he works hard and i could be inspired by that.
    i dont understand the narrow minded view that we should all lift and get big muscles and skip cardio because weak people do it and you dont want to look weak do you? if youre a girl, you should be ripped and have a six pack. if youre a guy, you should look like an NFL linebacker. when did this become the standard? so i am wasting my time doing cardio even though i really enjoy it and ive experienced benefits from it? i am a hamster in a wheel now? im not a spartan of the gym? personally i would get more satisfaction completing the tour de france than deadlifting 1,001 lbs. but why is social media holding that against me now? im not athletic? im not alpha male?

    id really like serious discussion about this because literally everyday i see these anti cardio messages on instagram, twitter, facebook from men and women alike.

    just bothers me :frown: that really amazing looking, hard working people (because thats how i see them) would want the general public to fall into THEIR mold

    When the OP posts pictures of himself rather than:

    a) criticising powerlifters for being too fat in comparison to bodybuilders
    b) criticising girls who are not flat-footed when they take pics (seriously)
    c) whining about what other people want to do (or don't want to do) when they work out

    then I'll play the game.

    At the end of the day, people should do what they want and look however they want to. And the OP should probably stop posting these ridiculous threads........
  • jamielynas
    jamielynas Posts: 366 Member
    I DESTROYED my body with long periods of steady state cardio and now have to get monthly testosterone shots, short blasts of HIIT, along with a solid lifting program, is the way to go
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    I don't think people are bashing cardio itself. It's the lack of weight training that's an issue. If you just run marathons all the time without any sort of weight/resistance training, then you slowly lose your lean mass. Muscles are important.

    I agree with the above. I'm not a huge fan of lots of "full on cardio", but I do walk every day and do a bit of HIIT if I feel like it (once or twice) during the week and sometimes do a Spin class, because I like it. But I do think that weight training (which I love and do 4 x a week) is really important for everyone, for muscles, bones and for those wanting to lose fat and look terrific when they reach goal.

    Plus let me tell you, when I am weight training - my heart is pumping and I am sweating - it's doing wonders for my heart and my muscles! Weight training can be cardio work too.
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    I DESTROYED my body with long periods of steady state cardio and now have to get monthly testosterone shots, short blasts of HIIT, along with a solid lifting program, is the way to go
    Not sure if serious.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I don't care what other people do.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    This is one of those topics where I normally can't be bothered to reply any more - I certainly didn't read the entire thread because its entirely predictable - everyone thinks what they are doing is right and nothing written here is going to change that!

    My advice:

    - Do the exercises you enjoy and which help you reach your personal goals.

    Oh, and some time ago I started a post which cut through the excrement and asked women whether they think Lifters or Cardio guys would be better in bed. The consensus was 'a bit of both - but lifters would be able pull off some more interesting manoeuvres'.
    I'm a runner. This hasn't stopped me.
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I dont necessarily think people are bashing cardio in its entirety, I think it is more of bashing a steady pace cardio that your body gets use to. I see more promotion of 20-30 minutes of High Intensity cardio and calling it a day and trying to rid the mindset "i need to run for hours long"
  • AntWrig
    AntWrig Posts: 2,273 Member
    This is one of those topics where I normally can't be bothered to reply any more - I certainly didn't read the entire thread because its entirely predictable - everyone thinks what they are doing is right and nothing written here is going to change that!

    My advice:

    - Do the exercises you enjoy and which help you reach your personal goals.

    Oh, and some time ago I started a post which cut through the excrement and asked women whether they think Lifters or Cardio guys would be better in bed. The consensus was 'a bit of both - but lifters would be able pull off some more interesting manoeuvres'.
    I'm a runner. This hasn't stopped me.
    Yeah, cause we really lift for women.... I don't at least.
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    People who think Cardio doesn't do anything are idiots, you need your cardiovascular system to live.

    Cardio increases the ability to get everything flowing around the body.

    My weight loss has been primarily Cardio and diet. Sure i probably lost muscle but so what, you don't need big arms and legs to live
    i do more intense cardio including jogging, cross training, rowing and cycling so not just walking on a treadmill for days on end.

    and add in

    Weights and more importantly for me, Core resistance.

    It's a total workout, Cardio alone is probably not a good thing unless you are purely after endurance and being a marathon runner.
    but Cardio should certainly be atleast 50% of your workout.

    thanks for the lulz. like, every word of this....lulz
  • teshiburu
    teshiburu Posts: 262 Member
    I'm 100% FOR cardio. If it wasn't for cardio I'd still be fat. I lost ALL my weight doing nothing but cardio & I have great fitness because of it. Even the PT I saw once was impressed. It took me 7 months to lose all my weight, become so damn fit I can do it all on 4 hours sleep & still be great every single day.

    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS ALL THE WAY ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    I don't do any lifting at all, I do a lot of cycling, and my thighs and calves are twice if not 3 times the size of some of the guys who spend hours in the gym pressing and lifting on their legs, I am a total cardio advocate whilst I understand the benefits of both cardio and lifting, it is my choice currently not to lift, if it gets to the point where I am not shifting my weight using the methods that I am currently using then I will consider changing my program