Forgive me, MFP for i have sinned



  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    laurielima wrote: »
    "For some people, it would almost be comparable to telling an alcoholic it's all right to have one drink"

    My gosh keep it in your pants its an analogy that makes sense to people WHO CANNOT EAT ANY CHOCOLATE...BECAUSE THEY HAVE A CHOCOLATE OR SUGAR ADDICTION.

    Addiction is addiction.

    yep, not sure why people have such a problem with this analogy. seems fine to me.

    i don't have a food addiction and can easily moderate, but i feel for people who struggle with it.

    so equating chocolate with alcoholism is a legit comparison in your world?

    I don't have anything close to an addiction to either, so no idea. It doesn't bother me though when people say it.

    well since there is no such thing as a chocolate addiction that would be why you don't "have it"…

    when someone ruins their life over chocolate then maybe we can talk ..

    for now I suggest staying off the forums with the nonsensical claims you continuously make...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    SLLRunner wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    laurielima wrote: »
    "For some people, it would almost be comparable to telling an alcoholic it's all right to have one drink"

    My gosh keep it in your pants its an analogy that makes sense to people WHO CANNOT EAT ANY CHOCOLATE...BECAUSE THEY HAVE A CHOCOLATE OR SUGAR ADDICTION.

    Addiction is addiction.

    yep, not sure why people have such a problem with this analogy. seems fine to me.

    i don't have a food addiction and can easily moderate, but i feel for people who struggle with it.

    But, it's not an actual addiction to the food itself. Maybe it's the need for a certain feeling certain food provides, or the fulfillment of some emotional need, but it's not a true blue addiction.

    maybe not, but i think the word is used because they don't have a better one. not a reason for people to get offended. it's not as though it's a competition for who has it harder, a person with food issues vs an alcoholic.

    Uh, oh, you're throwing in a sweeping generalization that makes no sense (see bold part). That statement is odd.

    Alcoholism is a true addiction and disease, I've had family and friend die from it. Never saw anyone diet from a sugar and/or chocolate addiction, or go through withdrawals and have to go into a treatment center.

    In communication, we must use the correct words for the affliction we are talking about. Addiction is not the correct one here.

    what word would you suggest replace it?

    Off the top of my head, I would say, "I have challenges in moderating XYZ foods", not "I am addicted to XYZ food or the components of said XYZ food". I agree that using the word addiction is not physiologically correct or psychologically appropriate.

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Aviva92 wrote: »
    laurielima wrote: »
    "For some people, it would almost be comparable to telling an alcoholic it's all right to have one drink"

    My gosh keep it in your pants its an analogy that makes sense to people WHO CANNOT EAT ANY CHOCOLATE...BECAUSE THEY HAVE A CHOCOLATE OR SUGAR ADDICTION.

    Addiction is addiction.

    yep, not sure why people have such a problem with this analogy. seems fine to me.

    i don't have a food addiction and can easily moderate, but i feel for people who struggle with it.

    so equating chocolate with alcoholism is a legit comparison in your world?

    I don't have anything close to an addiction to either, so no idea. It doesn't bother me though when people say it.
    But, it seems to bother you when people say sugar/chocolate addiction does not exist and is in no way comparable to alcohol addiction. With all due respect, it's almost like you are arguing for the sake of arguing.
  • vchan000
    vchan000 Posts: 38 Member
    If you take a peek into my food log, you'll note a crazy spike in mid February, close to when I started logging on MFP. That was the day my willpower took a hike, and I ate an entire bag of cheese flavored popcorn. Worse yet, it wasn't even for supper, it was AFTER supper, so it was on top of all the healthy foods.

    Did I mean to eat an entire bag? At the time, certainly. I didn't feel guilty for it when I was done either. Sick to my stomach yes, but not guilty. I logged it, bemoaned poor choices while not sleeping due to a belly ache, and moved on. I continue to lose weight, and have had cheese flavored popcorn since then as well, I'm just a bit more careful on portion control now.

    Call the chocolate a lesson in planning, make room for small indulgences in your food schedule, and move on. :)
  • ryanhorn
    ryanhorn Posts: 355 Member
    I think the most important thing to realize is that food (for almost everyone) is not just a source of fuel. It's a source of celebration, enjoyment, and love as well, so enjoy your chocolate in moderation. Sure you might have overdone it this time by eating two bars, but you can't take that back so there's no reason to feel guilty about it. You can easily make it up and reach your goals by cutting down on calories over the next several days.

    I often feel like so many people have a sense of good and evil, good and bad, and right and wrong when it comes to food, when food isn't inherently a moral issue. Nobody is ever one bite away from death. Enjoy your food and love your food!
  • sdado1013
    sdado1013 Posts: 209 Member
    next time buy the chocolate bar, plan it into your daily calories budget, log and eat in moderation.