Discouraged by MFP



  • CorvusCorax77
    CorvusCorax77 Posts: 2,536 Member
    If you're letting an automatic message from a machine discourage you to the point of giving up then you're not ready.

    You'll encounter multiple challenges and set backs during your weight loss. If you give up at each one, well...


    After I had lost 30 lbs, someone asked me if i was pregnant. You think the automated message is bad!!!!!

    ...I went on to lose 20 more lbs and gain 20 back with lifting, and lose another 5. I am wearing a size 4 pencil skirt. If you want this, you gotta learn the first step is loving yourself enough to not let stupid ish discourage you.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    beckajo82 wrote: »
    OP, I know exactly how you feel. I'm usually over, so the days when I have managed to be below and I get yelled at sadden me. My weekly calories are usually good, so I wish that the warning came at the end of a week instead of daily! It's a suggestion to maybe make to MFP directly.

    It's all good. Just process through your feelings, pick yourself up tomorrow, and keep going!

    (also, ignore all the jerks here who are acting so superior and holier-than-thou. There's a hive mind here sometimes, and you unfortunately encountered it.)

    I don't think it's mean to tell someone that they have to want it bad enough that they don't quit because of an automated message. Losing as much weight as the OP (and many others) needs to is not an easy journey, it is going to take a lot of determination and inner fortitude to do it. I think most of us are just saying, 'Want it bad enough'. Bad enough to stick to it. Bad enough to weather the bad days without quitting. Have the attitude, 'Failure is not an option'.

    If I were the OP, I would read all of the posts with an open mind, and realize that most here want to help, be it tough love, or hugs and kisses.

  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    emily_stew wrote: »
    OP if you are still reading this, and I seriously doubt it after reading some of the thread, I get it. You just started and you were excited. You exercised some willpower and self control and instead of encouragement, you got "you are still doing it wrong". Then you made a post to just vent a little and its turned into a six page "suck it up buttercup". I will say, most of the people here are well intentioned, some have just forgotten how they felt when they just started, some don't realize how the written word doesn't translate well sometimes and some really are just crabby people, but that's life, right? You will be fine, you will figure it out and you will be successful as long as you don't let it get you down and quit. Good luck OP!!

    Oh look, a White Knight.

    How do you like me now?

    What? I don't even know what you mean.

    Sorry, that went over your head. It was just a smart a$& comment and in reply to your white night post. What I should have said was, you have an opinion of me and have put a name to it, how nice.
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    Wow, there are lots of people on here who are extremely insensitive. I think some people just can't grasp the fact that health/weightloss is a different journey for everyone. For me, it is an extremely emotional one, and for someone to just tell me to "suck it up" and to "stop making excuses" for myself would only hurt my process and trigger me into unhealthy eating habits again. This is so much more than just a "you get what you put in" situation. This misconception that people have is the reason why society has such little tolerance for people of different/extreme body shapes. I'm honestly ashamed to see such negativity, and this only adds to the list of reasons of why I don't frequent the forums here.

    Anyhow, dearest OP, I am so proud of you! I know those numbers can be discouraging, but it's amazing that you were able to get yourself to feel that way. Health is so amazing, and I'm glad you found a moment of that. Just keep on trying the best that you can. I know there will be days when you want to cry and give up, but just trust me on this - this is not something worth giving up that amazing feeling for. I definitely believe in you, so you go on doing your own thing, and don't let anyone or anything ever get you down, because your process is your own - nothing can or should take that away from you! <3

    So because some of us don't necessarily like to coddle the OPs, and because we don't surround what we say with hugs, cuddles, and "YOU CAN DO IT!*&%(&%*@(&amp;%*(@# FOLLOW YOUR DREAMZZZZZZ" replies, we're 'triggering' you to unhealthy habits?

    Because some people prefer to be straight forward and honest with their replies, it's a TRIGGER?!?!


    If that's the case, I hope you're never confronted with a big ole birthday cake. Your whole world might collapse on you.

    I'm not even going to get into your line about society having such little tolerance for people of different/extreme body shapes. I have NO idea where the correlation between THAT and what OP is saying comes in.

  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    beckajo82 wrote: »
    OP, I know exactly how you feel. I'm usually over, so the days when I have managed to be below and I get yelled at sadden me. My weekly calories are usually good, so I wish that the warning came at the end of a week instead of daily! It's a suggestion to maybe make to MFP directly.

    It's all good. Just process through your feelings, pick yourself up tomorrow, and keep going!

    (also, ignore all the jerks here who are acting so superior and holier-than-thou. There's a hive mind here sometimes, and you unfortunately encountered it.)

    I don't think it's mean to tell someone that they have to want it bad enough that they don't quit because of an automated message. Losing as much weight as the OP (and many others) needs to is not an easy journey, it is going to take a lot of determination and inner fortitude to do it. I think most of us are just saying, 'Want it bad enough'. Bad enough to stick to it. Bad enough to weather the bad days without quitting. Have the attitude, 'Failure is not an option'.

    If I were the OP, I would read all of the posts with an open mind, and realize that most here want to help, be it tough love, or hugs and kisses.


    Fantastic graphic. I've seen this before and it applies 100% here.
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    edited March 2015
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    To the OP and any new MFP'ers just starting on their journey, keep in mind when you see that message, that most people are eating more than they think, and burning less. For example, the poster who complained that it keeps telling her what she will weigh in 5 weeks, but hasn't hit that weight after 8 weeks, if you're not losing at the rate you think you should be, based on your daily deficits, you need to analyze your logging.

    Either you want this enough to deal with things like getting an automated message, or you don't. Take control of your journey, and seize the opportunity to learn.

    I like you

    you and your little dog too


    (oh dear I seem to have come over all Wizard of Oz for a moment there :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: )

    Oh, and I like you to, @rabbitjb, and your little dog too :) Honest and helpful :)

  • laura3977
    laura3977 Posts: 191 Member
    Clearly I'm not the only one baffled by why she's so upset. Before this thread I never really thought much of the warnings. It's an app. I mean, I don't get upset when I click delete on something and a message pops up that says "Are you sure you want to delete it?" - I don't feel like it is judging my decision to delete.

    OP - If you set your goal to be 1,200 and you don't eat 1,200 calories, the app is not judging you, it's just letting you know that you did not reach your goal to eat 1,200. I don't ever have an issue hitting my calorie goal (mainly because I like to eat :smile: ) but I do get the message at the end saying "If you eat this much you'll weigh this in 5 weeks" but it's just a message, it doesn't mean anything really because there are so many variables when it comes to weight loss. Also, keep in mind that 1,200 is the MINIMUM you should be eating so for MFP to have a message telling you you are under is them doing their due diligence - can you imagine if it didn't and someone kept eating under that and she/he had some health issues as a result? They can come back and say "well, no one ever told me I should be eating ALL of my calories!!!" ... Anyway, you're probably not reading the replies but those are my two cents on the matter :smile:
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    Wow, there are lots of people on here who are extremely insensitive. I think some people just can't grasp the fact that health/weightloss is a different journey for everyone. For me, it is an extremely emotional one, and for someone to just tell me to "suck it up" and to "stop making excuses" for myself would only hurt my process and trigger me into unhealthy eating habits again. This is so much more than just a "you get what you put in" situation. This misconception that people have is the reason why society has such little tolerance for people of different/extreme body shapes. I'm honestly ashamed to see such negativity, and this only adds to the list of reasons of why I don't frequent the forums here.

    Anyhow, dearest OP, I am so proud of you! I know those numbers can be discouraging, but it's amazing that you were able to get yourself to feel that way. Health is so amazing, and I'm glad you found a moment of that. Just keep on trying the best that you can. I know there will be days when you want to cry and give up, but just trust me on this - this is not something worth giving up that amazing feeling for. I definitely believe in you, so you go on doing your own thing, and don't let anyone or anything ever get you down, because your process is your own - nothing can or should take that away from you! <3

    So because some of us don't necessarily like to coddle the OPs, and because we don't surround what we say with hugs, cuddles, and "YOU CAN DO IT!*&%(&%*@(&amp;%*(@# FOLLOW YOUR DREAMZZZZZZ" replies, we're 'triggering' you to unhealthy habits?

    Because some people prefer to be straight forward and honest with their replies, it's a TRIGGER?!?!


    If that's the case, I hope you're never confronted with a big ole birthday cake. Your whole world might collapse on you.

    I'm not even going to get into your line about society having such little tolerance for people of different/extreme body shapes. I have NO idea where the correlation between THAT and what OP is saying comes in.

    Looks like your post just triggered at least one person to flag you.

  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    edited March 2015
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    SconnieCat wrote: »
    Wow, there are lots of people on here who are extremely insensitive. I think some people just can't grasp the fact that health/weightloss is a different journey for everyone. For me, it is an extremely emotional one, and for someone to just tell me to "suck it up" and to "stop making excuses" for myself would only hurt my process and trigger me into unhealthy eating habits again. This is so much more than just a "you get what you put in" situation. This misconception that people have is the reason why society has such little tolerance for people of different/extreme body shapes. I'm honestly ashamed to see such negativity, and this only adds to the list of reasons of why I don't frequent the forums here.

    Anyhow, dearest OP, I am so proud of you! I know those numbers can be discouraging, but it's amazing that you were able to get yourself to feel that way. Health is so amazing, and I'm glad you found a moment of that. Just keep on trying the best that you can. I know there will be days when you want to cry and give up, but just trust me on this - this is not something worth giving up that amazing feeling for. I definitely believe in you, so you go on doing your own thing, and don't let anyone or anything ever get you down, because your process is your own - nothing can or should take that away from you! <3

    So because some of us don't necessarily like to coddle the OPs, and because we don't surround what we say with hugs, cuddles, and "YOU CAN DO IT!*&%(&%*@(&amp;%*(@# FOLLOW YOUR DREAMZZZZZZ" replies, we're 'triggering' you to unhealthy habits?

    Because some people prefer to be straight forward and honest with their replies, it's a TRIGGER?!?!


    If that's the case, I hope you're never confronted with a big ole birthday cake. Your whole world might collapse on you.

    I'm not even going to get into your line about society having such little tolerance for people of different/extreme body shapes. I have NO idea where the correlation between THAT and what OP is saying comes in.

    Looks like your post just triggered at least one person to flag you.


    It's not a day on the forums unless I get flagged. *shrug*

    ETA: Also, I'm incredibly slow today. +1 for Trigger, the horse.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Lol@ the person who flagged me. I guess automated messages are the end of the world.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I think we should change the name from "My Fitness pal"to "You all have been judged Pal" YAHBJP

    I feel like "Yah BJ Pal" would have a different connotation...
  • Lasmartchika
    Lasmartchika Posts: 3,440 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    To the OP and any new MFP'ers just starting on their journey, keep in mind when you see that message, that most people are eating more than they think, and burning less. For example, the poster who complained that it keeps telling her what she will weigh in 5 weeks, but hasn't hit that weight after 8 weeks, if you're not losing at the rate you think you should be, based on your daily deficits, you need to analyze your logging.

    Either you want this enough to deal with things like getting an automated message, or you don't. Take control of your journey, and seize the opportunity to learn.

    My "in 5 weeks" number has been off for the 3+ years I've been logging...because MFP doesn't accurately estimate my activity level. However, my own analysis of the data with an adjusted "without exercise TDEE" supports the accuracy of my logging, so it doesn't bother me at all.

    TL;DR - a bad "in 5 weeks" number doesn't necessarily indicate an error in logging.
    I never close my diary, so I decided to last night just to see, and it told me I'd gain two pounds...

    And then 9000 people liked it and I got emails, and then I remembered why I never completed my diary.

    Lol!! I close mine and maybe 2 people like it... nobody ever says anything. :laugh:

    That's it, I'm going back and liking every single entry of yours :)

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    auddii wrote: »
    jofjltncb6 wrote: »
    To the OP and any new MFP'ers just starting on their journey, keep in mind when you see that message, that most people are eating more than they think, and burning less. For example, the poster who complained that it keeps telling her what she will weigh in 5 weeks, but hasn't hit that weight after 8 weeks, if you're not losing at the rate you think you should be, based on your daily deficits, you need to analyze your logging.

    Either you want this enough to deal with things like getting an automated message, or you don't. Take control of your journey, and seize the opportunity to learn.

    My "in 5 weeks" number has been off for the 3+ years I've been logging...because MFP doesn't accurately estimate my activity level. However, my own analysis of the data with an adjusted "without exercise TDEE" supports the accuracy of my logging, so it doesn't bother me at all.

    TL;DR - a bad "in 5 weeks" number doesn't necessarily indicate an error in logging.
    I never close my diary, so I decided to last night just to see, and it told me I'd gain two pounds...

    And then 9000 people liked it and I got emails, and then I remembered why I never completed my diary.[/quotol !! I close mine and maybe 2 people like it... nobody ever says anything. :laugh:

    That's it, I'm going back and liking every single entry of yours :)


    I actually had a guy defriend me once because of the contents of my diary. He fancied himself some kind of 'coach' and started offering all kinds of unsolicited criticism before he decided we needed to part ways. *tear* Another person defriended me because I'm an IFer (intermission fasting) and YOU NEED FRUITS AND VEGGIES EVERY DAY. She just couldn't handle it for some reason.
  • timeisfiction
    timeisfiction Posts: 25 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I would advise you to get a strong grip and stop making excuses

    My thoughts exactly
  • cruciia
    cruciia Posts: 94 Member
    When I get those red letters and I'm full to the point where I couldn't eat any more, I'm actually happy. Think of it more as if the website is concerned for your wellbeing, it doesn't want you to starve yourself, as some do to lose weight fast. But if you've eaten until you're satisfied that day, and have exercised, the website doesn't know that. Be happy, you're on the right track! MFP is just there to say, "you know you can eat more than you have done today".
  • razisready
    razisready Posts: 41 Member
    Well done for doing so well...the red letters are nothing to get worried about l see that sometimes on mine MFP works keep it up x
  • beccam83
    beccam83 Posts: 51 Member
    Hey, I understand it's probably a little patronising and irritating for you, but like people have said it's just a formula.

    Having been there with an eating disorder, seeing that little red 'you're not eating enough' flash up three days in to MFP actually made me seriously stop and consider what I had eaten in the day. It was just because I'd miscalculated my exercise, but I for one need that check and guidance still.

    Since it's just a computer algorithm MFP can't distinguish between people that don't want it and people that need it or do want it. Just a thought!
  • 2015igotya
    Please read this with the mindset that I only have good intentions in posting this. I am afraid you will be offended, but I feel it is worth the risk for potentially helping you greatly.

    As a nurse, I'm a little worried for you. If that's enough to throw you into this much upset, I might consider going to your primary care physician to talking to them about options for regulating your emotions/anxiety, because this isn't a proportional reaction. If you find yourself having trouble dealing with normal every day stressors fairly often, getting some help could literally change your life in a positive way. And to be completely open, I am speaking from experience. I take an anti depressant daily and my husband takes anti anxiety medications... In both cases they have helped immensely! Getting help for anxiety and/or mood disorders is life changing.

    Good luck, friend!
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    emily_stew wrote: »
    emily_stew wrote: »
    emily_stew wrote: »
    OP if you are still reading this, and I seriously doubt it after reading some of the thread, I get it. You just started and you were excited. You exercised some willpower and self control and instead of encouragement, you got "you are still doing it wrong". Then you made a post to just vent a little and its turned into a six page "suck it up buttercup". I will say, most of the people here are well intentioned, some have just forgotten how they felt when they just started, some don't realize how the written word doesn't translate well sometimes and some really are just crabby people, but that's life, right? You will be fine, you will figure it out and you will be successful as long as you don't let it get you down and quit. Good luck OP!!

    Oh look, a White Knight.

    How do you like me now?

    What? I don't even know what you mean.

    Sorry, that went over your head. It was just a smart a$& comment and in reply to your white night post. What I should have said was, you have an opinion of me and have put a name to it, how nice.

    cool story bro

    Two very mature posts in a row. I am impressed.