Runners Who Never Thought They'd Run



  • AlciaMode
    AlciaMode Posts: 421 Member
    Back in middle school I was on the track and field team, but I was a thrower so I would consitently bs my way through the running exercises. I have always hated running. One of the last times that I tried I thought I was going to die after one block.

    In March I downloaded the c25k app and am now on week 5 (i am obviously not consitant) and able to run for at least ten minutes straight. It is pretty damn amazing. Now, I am not saying I love it yet but I am definitely getting closer to loving it.
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    edited May 2015
    It all started back in November 2012. I weighed 260 at the time (at a height of 5 foot 9.5"), mostly due to 9 years of a crazy 60 hour/week job with too much travel that I was working towards transitioning away from. It took about 2.5 years to finally get to a normal BMI, but I took it one step/training plan/race at a time.


    Challenge #1: 5k in February 2013 (Gasparilla). Starting weight: 260 (Nov 2012), Race Weight: 250, Plan: Fitness Magazine's 6 weeks to a 5k (spread over 8). Completion time: 39 minutes (12:40/mile pace)

    Challenge #2: 10 mile race (Broad Street Run), May 2013. Starting weight: 250, Race Weight: 235, Plan: Hal Higdon's 15k Novice plan. Completion time: 1:59 (11:50/mile pace)

    Challenge #3: Half Marathon (Gasparilla) - February 2014. Starting weight: 230, Race Weight: 220, Plan: Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Half Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 2:28 (11:20/mile pace)

    Challenge #4: Full Marathon (Pittsburgh) - May 2014. Starting Weight 220, Race Weight: 208. Plan: Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 4:47 (10:50/mile pace)

    Challenge #5: Half Marathon (Chicago Rock 'n Roll) - July 2014. Starting Weight: 208, Race Weight: 199. Plan: Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Half Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 2:09 (9:54/mile pace)

    Challenge #6A: Olympic Triathlon (Trirock Clearwater) - November 2014. Starting weight: 199, Race Weight: 180. Plan: Garmin HR Olympic Plan 1. Completion Time: 2:41 - (20mph bike, 8:30/mile pace for 10km, 31min 1500m open water swim)

    Challenge #6B: Half Marathon (Las Vegas Rock 'n Roll) - November 2014. Starting weight: 199, Race Weight: 178. Plan: Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 1:46 (8:08/mile pace)

    Challenge #7: Marathon (Clearwater) - January 2015. Starting Weight: 180, Race Weight: 177. Plan: Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 3:52 (8:48/mile pace)

    Challenge #8: Marathon (Pittsburgh) - May 2015. Starting Weight: 177. Race Weight: 168. Plan: Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 3:44 (8:33/mile pace)

    Long term goals: Disney Marathon January 2016 (hoping for a 3:30 at 158lb). Ironman Florida November 2016. Boston Qualifying Time by Late 2017 or early 2018 (3:13 at my age at 145lb).

    In short, to get there, just find a race (you can adequately prepare for), snag a plan (both diet & training), make them a priority, log everything you eat & run, and as you work through it, you'll get lighter, faster, and closer to your goal (literally) step by step.

  • jessicalvn
    jessicalvn Posts: 2 Member
    I never thought I would run either. I was also 90 pounds overweight. I started losing weight and eating right but still thought I would never run. Like you, I wanted to be a runner. So I got the couch to 5k app this January and started to do the program. I spent a full month on the first week of the program because I was so out of shape and another month on week two. I added yoga to my routine, and that along with physical therapy has gotten me increasing weekly like the program suggests. I'm not fast by any means, I run a twelve minute mile but I've signed up for my first 5k on June 6. A full six months after starting the program. It's the best 5bucks I've ever spent. The free one doesn't gps or track your speed or mileage. If I can do it anyone can do it. I have about 8 more pounds to lose until goal but I finally have a normal bmi. I still can't believe it.
  • jharris1378
    jharris1378 Posts: 88 Member
    Options I lost 100 lbs by running and exercise. It can be done. I'm now training for a 10k.
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    As a kid I could never do the mile run. Never. I could run/walk but it never got better. I had undiagnosed exercise induced asthma. After going through a period in my life which resulted in me getting very heavy, I got into fitness. I learned to love aerobics classes and lifting. Today I ran for over 8 KM. I'm going to cut back though as I'm exhausted now. I'm hoping for a half-marathon in December. It can be done. I will add that I didn't follow any traditional learn to run plan or anything like that. Just increased my fitness, built up a cardio base and got myself on good asthma meds to control said asthma.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited May 2015
    Stenobun wrote: »
    A couple of years ago, I even got up to a slow jog for five minutes straight.

    If you could do that, you can run and will run if you put your mind to it.

    My story: At my heaviest I weight in at just over 255 pounds. When I started running last fall (2014) I couldn't make even 1km without stopping, usually more than once. I'd had a bout with pneumonia earlier in the spring and my lungs screamed when I tried to take in more air. I remembered a once fit me that could do all these things and felt like I'd never, ever, get back there. But... I had support (like here) and kept it up. By the time winter rains hit I was doing better and was determined to keep going all winter. I made myself run in the worst weather we have here (cold rain, rarely snow) because I felt if I could do that, when Jan/Feb/March came and weather improved again I'd be hooked. That proved true.

    802km (as of today) and now on my third pair of shoes later I've dropped more than 25kg (56 pounds) and am well on my way to reaching my goal by this September, which will let me meet the promise I made myself on my last birthday.

    I'm 53. I did not (and don't) have any joint problems or specific health issues other than low back pain which is *much* improved when I'm active. Running doesn't bother it at all. My BP is now like a healthy 30 year old. Resting heart rate: 50. I can leap tall buildings now. (ok, not yet) Seriously... I now feel like a fit person even though I'm not yet at my goal. Why? Because I am!

    • Be sure your doctor is ok with starting such a program.
    • If at all possible find yourself a friend that is somewhat fitter than you that already runs. A patient friend who will wait for your every stop, but an insistent friend that will push you to go out for your regular scheduled runs. Mine was my wife - we had two running dates a week; that was enough to get me over the hump and then my own interested took over. She might wish I run less now and renovate more. :smile:
    • Consider following a gentle program like Couch To 5K (C25K).
    • Do not worry about speed. Do not worry about speed. Do not worry about speed. Your first objective is simply to start building a base on which to build. Running slow will give you tons of exercise benefits while not over taxing your body's ability. You'll minimize injury and maximize the possibility you'll stick with it. Speed will come, and speed is easier after the weight is halved. And halved again. Etc.
    • Check your local area for beginner running groups. Speciality running shops and community centres are good sources of info. There are usually groups for ALL abilities. Believe it.
    • Don't forget stretching, rest days, etc. Ask for advice, there are lots of runners on MFP. Your local running group will also be a great source of advice.
    • Have fun. You don't have to run marathons or half marathons or even 10kms to make running a very useful part of your cardio exercise program. But if you get bit by the bug, great!
    • Mix it up. Include some strength training at the gym, or swimming, or body weight work at home - don't get lopsided doing only one thing. Mixing it up is fun!
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    On May 1 of this year I will have been running for 4 years... I ran 1,800 miles last year, ran a couple of ultras and a couple of weeks ago crossed the 5,000 mile mark. Because I never thought I would run, I love every single one of my runs.

    I LOVE your story, thanks for sharing!

    I see too many dismissive posts on MFP about running ("oh it's too hard on your ^insert joint/limb excuse here^") or ("walking won't destroy you like running") ... mostly made by people who don't know what they are talking about - non-runners venturing their uninformed opinions.

    Sure, there are some that for medical reasons may not be able to.

    And then there's you, a person who had a prime excuse for not trying, who did, and loves it. Very inspiring!

  • 89Madeline
    89Madeline Posts: 205 Member
    Just cut/pasting a post from my blog, it covers it all:

    I hate working out… I don’t do sports… I am the laziest person alive…I’ve said it all, and oh boy, I meant it. I was convinced working out was never for me, and that I’d never to it. Most of all because I wasn’t really good at any sport at all, and I just didn’t like to get hot and sweaty.

    I had tried running before, two times to be exact:

    The first time, I was at my heaviest and I thought that running would help me lose weight. I went shopping for workout gear and shoes (… who recognizes this… lol!) and I started a couch to 5k program. I wasn’t any good at all. I never got further than 4k, and that still included walking intervals. I got frustrated. No immediate results except for a red-hot face, sweat and muscle ache. My knees hurt, my calves burnt, I got gassy… I hated it. Soon enough I found plenty of excuses to not go, and within a few weeks my running shoes and clothes disappeared to the back of my closet.

    10 kilos down (well done me) I started again. I was definitely in better shape. I barely needed training to get back to my max of last time. But again, I didn’t get much further. I just didn’t persevered. At that time, I had also figured out how to lose weight quite successfully and running wasn’t a necessity. I could lose without. Note: I did buy new work out clothes, since I had lost a size. And again, these disappeared in the lowest drawer of my closet…

    So, three times a charm right?

    I must admit, that third time wasn’t just me. I met my boyfriend, who happens to be extremely active (like, completing an Ironman active). He didn’t push me, and I didn’t feel intimidated but seeing him run that marathon after swimming and biking for hours, I thought: it’s embarrassing that I’m unable to run 5k. I should be able to do that. At that moment in time, I had lost about 18 kilos. It wasn’t about losing weight anymore, but it was about taking care of my health. I figured, if I’m able to lose that much weight and it makes me feel so good, it should be amazing to be able to run as well.

    It also helped to see him workout 5-6 times a week. He’d leave, I’d sit on the couch watching youtube videos, and he’d be back within the hour. It made me see that working out isn’t a massive day breaker or something that needs to be planned ahead.

    So yeah, I started running. Again. I got new work out clothing. Again, I did another couch to 5K program, and this time I was surprised by how easy those first few runs were. The difference with two years back was amazing. 20 kilo’s lighter meant it was a lot less tougher on my joints. I managed to build up my endurance quite quickly and before I knew it, I ran a 5k in 32 minutes. A month later, I ran it in 29.

    I’m not saying it was easy, because it wasn’t. My legs were so sore in the beginning, I suffered from a twitched muscle in my groin/hip every time I passed 5k, my left foot got inflamed, et cetera. But I pushed through because I knew I should be able to do it, being that much lighter and healthier than two years ago.

    I’m currently training to run a 10k within 60 minutes. I’m not planning to do a (half) marathon anytime soon, although I’m starting to see the fun in that (say what now?). This week I ran 12k for the first time. It took me an hour and twenty minutes, but I did it without stopping. not once! I feel lighter, fitter and stronger.

    At this point, a 7-10k is a good distance for me to run 1-2 times a week. It burns calories (700 in 12k) keeps me fit and it soothes my mind. It’s nice to be in control of your body and realize you’ve been running for 45-60 minutes straight. It’s unbelievable to me.

    When I bike to work, I’m no longer sweaty or out of breath. When I need to catch a tram, it’s no longer an effort to sprint 20 meters. I always joked to friends who ran races that I would never do such a thing, but I’m starting to change my mind.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Running for me is a head game. A slow, painful head game. I'm an ungainly runner, and slow. I hunch forward and swear. I stare at the ground too much. I hate the treadmill with a passion and count the seconds until I can get off it. So, not a chipper runner.

    But I started at 262 pounds and still remember the triumph of running for one mile on a treadmill. And running my first 5k. Then a 12k. Today I'm at 195 and in (eep!) three hours I'll be running my second half marathon. It can be done. Just believe. :)
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    edited May 2015
    Right here!

    I, too, had always wanted to be a runner. I started and stopped the C25K app numerous times.

    In December, I decided enough was enough. I needed to do it and stick to it.

    It wasn't easy... But it certainly wasn't impossible. I used the C25K group here in MFP to get some tips. Halfway through, I signed up for The Color Run 5K to motivate me to really do this.

    If I felt like giving out, I knew to adjust my pace. I focused on my breathing and my form. I made sure my running shoes were fit and caused me little to no damage (I was bigger, so it caused more pressure to my knees at times). It felt less and less like dying and more like an accomplishment. I ran outside instead of the treadmill because I wanted to learn how to balance and the treadmill was always scary for me because of that. My endurance built up dramatically.

    I will admit that my consistency wavered a bit in the middle. There was a week that I didn't run at all. But I got back out there as the 5K got closer. I was impatient and started trying to run the full 35 minutes. I didn't make it the first couple of tries and bounced back to the app again.

    The night before the race, I really attempted to go for it at the treadmill at the gym. I did it and nearly burst into tears. I graduated the C25K! ME! The girl who huffed and puffed every 1 minute run I broke into that first day.

    Race day was one of the most exciting days of my life. Though it's supposed to be all for fun and not timed, I ran the whole thing. I ran slowly and there were times I wanted to give up, but I kept going. When I saw the finish line, I don't know what came over me... But I had a burst of new energy and ran as fast as my legs would take me. I collapsed after I collected my medal with the biggest, goofiest grin.

    My goal was to do it in 35 minutes. I did it in 39 minutes and 45 seconds.

    I run 2-3 times a week now. If it's 2, I'll do some other kind of cardio to make up for it and to challenge My endurance in new ways.

    You can run as slow as you want, just keep going!




    That last one is about the most embarrassing picture ever taken of me, but I'm willing to share it cuz of that look of consternation and determination. Sorry for the faces I make when I'm running!
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Way to go Furious, way to go!

    All the stories here are incredibly inspiring. Who could not want to follow in your footsteps?!!!
  • flabassmcgee
    flabassmcgee Posts: 659 Member
    mwyvr wrote: »
    Way to go Furious, way to go!

    All the stories here are incredibly inspiring. Who could not want to follow in your footsteps?!!!

    Thank you!! :)
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited May 2015
    Wow, do you have the inspiration to keep at it now? So many touching stories.

    I suppose its easy to think that all these people that run were just genetically blessed and one day decided to show off that awesomeness. Maybe a few fall into that catgorie. But so many of us don't.

    You've got the fight in you. The fight to be a runner. Yes, every step is a victory. Say dialed in, you'll get there. For me, I just kept trying. I hate being told "no", by my body, by my docs. After months, years of trying- it just became easier, my breathing seemed to be catching up with my desire to run. I use to hate running. Pains let up, I gained some ground and the pay off actually being able to run (sort of), being able to build.

    Consistency is key. Stay at it as often as you can 3+ days a week. I quit watching distance and focused on time. Soon I was making it farther faster and could increase time.

    I'm a gadget person. I can look back when I'm discouraged, feeling set back and quantify my gain. I can't argue with the data. That helps me focus, as did a running challenge here on mfp. Join us if you'd like.

    Runners world features individuals that have lost substantial weight through running. I love their stories.

    Hello fellow runner!
  • gabbo34
    gabbo34 Posts: 289 Member
    Ohhim wrote: »
    It all started back in November 2012. I weighed 260 at the time (at a height of 5 foot 9.5"), mostly due to 9 years of a crazy 60 hour/week job with too much travel that I was working towards transitioning away from. It took about 2.5 years to finally get to a normal BMI, but I took it one step/training plan/race at a time.


    Challenge #1: 5k in February 2013 (Gasparilla). Starting weight: 260 (Nov 2012), Race Weight: 250, Plan: Fitness Magazine's 6 weeks to a 5k (spread over 8). Completion time: 39 minutes (12:40/mile pace)

    Challenge #2: 10 mile race (Broad Street Run), May 2013. Starting weight: 250, Race Weight: 235, Plan: Hal Higdon's 15k Novice plan. Completion time: 1:59 (11:50/mile pace)

    Challenge #3: Half Marathon (Gasparilla) - February 2014. Starting weight: 230, Race Weight: 220, Plan: Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Half Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 2:28 (11:20/mile pace)

    Challenge #4: Full Marathon (Pittsburgh) - May 2014. Starting Weight 220, Race Weight: 208. Plan: Hal Higdon's Novice 1 Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 4:47 (10:50/mile pace)

    Challenge #5: Half Marathon (Chicago Rock 'n Roll) - July 2014. Starting Weight: 208, Race Weight: 199. Plan: Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Half Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 2:09 (9:54/mile pace)

    Challenge #6A: Olympic Triathlon (Trirock Clearwater) - November 2014. Starting weight: 199, Race Weight: 180. Plan: Garmin HR Olympic Plan 1. Completion Time: 2:41 - (20mph bike, 8:30/mile pace for 10km, 31min 1500m open water swim)

    Challenge #6B: Half Marathon (Las Vegas Rock 'n Roll) - November 2014. Starting weight: 199, Race Weight: 178. Plan: Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 1:46 (8:08/mile pace)

    Challenge #7: Marathon (Clearwater) - January 2015. Starting Weight: 180, Race Weight: 177. Plan: Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 3:52 (8:48/mile pace)

    Challenge #8: Marathon (Pittsburgh) - May 2015. Starting Weight: 177. Race Weight: 168. Plan: Hal Higdon's Intermediate 1 Marathon Plan. Completion Time: 3:44 (8:33/mile pace)

    Long term goals: Disney Marathon January 2016 (hoping for a 3:30 at 158lb). Ironman Florida November 2016. Boston Qualifying Time by Late 2017 or early 2018 (3:13 at my age at 145lb).

    In short, to get there, just find a race (you can adequately prepare for), snag a plan (both diet & training), make them a priority, log everything you eat & run, and as you work through it, you'll get lighter, faster, and closer to your goal (literally) step by step.

    That's some amazing progress and speed gains. I just finished my first HM after I started running last fall. (Hal Higdon) I'm looking to cut down my time going into the fall. Everyone says the key is really logging lots of miles. Is that what you found?
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    Time, not speed, is the key. Bonus, if you stop worrying about speed you get injured less or not at all, and over time your speed will in fact increase seemingly all of its own accord!
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    gabbo34 wrote: »
    That's some amazing progress and speed gains. I just finished my first HM after I started running last fall. (Hal Higdon) I'm looking to cut down my time going into the fall. Everyone says the key is really logging lots of miles. Is that what you found?

    Over the past 12 months, I lost 40lb, increased my weekly mileage (maybe 20% between my first marathon and my latest to a peak of 50 miles), did a bit of speed work last fall, and started running more of my training runs 2-3 minutes slower than my race pace (vs. 1-2 minutes last year). I kept my level of effort/heart rates similar within races (165 for full, 170 for Half), but I can't really differentiate the causes of the improvement.

    Still, if I was forced go guess, I'd attribute more of the improvement to losing about 40# between races (went from a 4:47 last year at 208lb to a 3:52 at 178# and 3:44 at 168# for my most recent 2). Just hoping the trend continues as I'd love to get down under 1:38 for my next HM in November, and a 3:30 for Disney next January, and have about 35# of extra weight I could shed before I'm in the "underweight" BMI range. Suspect making it to Boston will require the 35#, and a bit of a step up in mileage, but I'll see how things progress over the next year.

    Adding a bit more to the picture-story:
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    I never thought I'd be a runner, either. Not even last year when I was working out and only jogging around a mile or so once or twice a week. But now I've run five races, came in first in my age group for my first 5k, WON my first 10k, and this past weekend ran a 5k and 10k on Saturday, and then Sunday completed a half marathon. I have two more halfs this month.


    This is incredibly impressive and inspiring. Way to go!

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    I never thought I'd be a runner, either. Not even last year when I was working out and only jogging around a mile or so once or twice a week. But now I've run five races, came in first in my age group for my first 5k, WON my first 10k, and this past weekend ran a 5k and 10k on Saturday, and then Sunday completed a half marathon. I have two more halfs this month.


    Like so many stories here, yours is an amazing transformation! So incredibly inspiring!

    I'm already more than halfway done dropping my 100 pounds and already feel like a runner again but still from time to time find it hard to believe I'll get to my goal even though I'm progressing very steadily. Stories like those in this thread help me set the expectation that my hard work will pay off and I will get to that goal weight and fitness level.

    Thanks again everyone for sharing.