Do you eat your own birthday cake?!

It's my birthday today, and my isster's tomorrow, so my whole family is getting together at a restaurant for dinner. It's authentic indian food, so fatty, creamy deliciousness is inevitable. My only plan for tracking that is to "not eat after I'm not hungry"... on that same level, should i have my cake and eat it too?

It's one day / year, i almost always turn down cake or eat 1/2 a piece. (I'm a mini blizzard kind of person - portion control)
But it's my birthday. If there is cake to be had, i should have it, no|?

What about other monumental days like your wedding, anniversary, etc.


  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    Celebrate your birthday. But if you are full and don't want it, don't eat it. I would save room for it though cuz I love cake! lol :)

    ETA for my super supportive friend :flowerforyou: -
  • ParrosFan
    ParrosFan Posts: 77 Member
    I absolutely eat my b-day cake. That being said, I have found for me (and its taken YEARS) that the 6th, 7th, 8th bite of whatever doesn't taste as good as the first 3 or so. So I tend to have a few bites and totally enjoy it then stop as opposed to just wolfing down the rest (of whatever I'm eating).

    Enjoy! Happy Birthday!
  • Iron_Lotus
    Iron_Lotus Posts: 2,295 Member
    Of course! Happy Birthday! Enjoy!
  • osiris04
    osiris04 Posts: 3 Member
    Have a piece of cake tonight. Don't have any tomorrow!! :-):laugh:
  • 5ftnFun
    5ftnFun Posts: 948 Member
    Eat it. Life is hard enough sometimes so when you get a chance to enjoy yourself, do so.

    Happy Birthday! :drinker:
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Last year I didn't as I was trying so hard to be good and I think I needed to break from typical things I would do. But this year, I know myself better and I will have a piece of my cake, in fact I had two pieces (not on the same day) of my husbands birthday cake last weekend, and it was wonderful! One or two splurges is not going to derail your progress. Life is about living and having fun, so it is ok to treat yourself. Enjoy!
  • Raspberry_Owl
    Raspberry_Owl Posts: 8 Member
    My birthday was last Friday and my daughter's was Tuesday. The big celebration was Sunday right in the middle.

    The way I handled it, I ate a very meager breakfast and dinner. Lunch was the celebration and we had lemon chicken piccata and then an ice cream cake. I ate the chicken breast and salad, ignored the salad dressing, and only picked at the white pasta. When cake time rolled around, I asked for a small piece and only ate half of that. I didn't feel deprived and I woke up the next morning without having regrets or feeling like I totally blew it.

    Happy birthday! Go to the park, take a walk, throw a ball to the kids or the dog, enjoy the new you you're becoming!!!
  • ihammen
    ihammen Posts: 55 Member
    I would eat a small piece. It is after all a special occasion. I don't allow myself treats every day, but when we go out occasionally I will have a drink or bite of dessert. I was on WW years ago, and someone said that it's really only the first bite and the last bite that you remember, so I always figure a few bites will satisfy me.
  • tonyrocks922
    tonyrocks922 Posts: 172 Member
    not eating cake every time it's offered is something healthy people do
    not eating cake on your birthday is something people with eating disorders do
  • dltaylorii
    dltaylorii Posts: 132
    Not a big fan of cake. The wifey used to make me (the best damn) pecan pie (ever) for my birthday. Pretty sure I'll have one small slice this year, and just take the rest to work, where it will be gone in about 0.20s flat.
  • ForABetterMe89
    Hell yeah I'd eat my birthday cake. Either I would eat until I'm almost full, that way I'm full after my cake, or I would wait a good 20-30 minutes b/t dinner and cake so I have a little room.
  • BenchPressingCats
    BenchPressingCats Posts: 1,826 Member
    I eat cake when it's not even my birthday. I live on the edge.
  • footiechick82
    footiechick82 Posts: 1,203 Member
    Happy Birthday!

    Yes I do... but only from ONE cake and not from the 2 or 3 that are presented to me :noway:
  • Hi_Im_Jess
    Hi_Im_Jess Posts: 347 Member
    I don't even remember the last time anyone got me a birthday cake. You should most definitely save some room for it.. Does the wish even come true if you dont eat the cake? I dont know.. I wouldnt chance it. I heard that calories dont count on your birthday. Im not saying go overboard and go crazy but enjoy yourself. Its your day, well your sisters too but thats ok. Sharing is cool. If you deprive yourself of birthday cake, you'll probably end up thinking about cake the next few days.. I know I would lol
  • toaster6
    toaster6 Posts: 703 Member
    If it's cake I like, I save room. If it's cake I'm not so crazy about, not so much. If they get you a mini blizzard instead, have at it.
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    If you like the look of the cake and want it then eat the cake! One day can't make you fat! Happy Birthday!
  • canadianvampyregurl
    canadianvampyregurl Posts: 231 Member
    ABSO-FREAKING-LUTELY i do !!!!! it's MY special day :)
  • Becksga
    Becksga Posts: 70 Member
    Have cake :D Happy Birthday!!!!!
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I always get cheesecake instead of cake and heck yeah I'll be eating it :)
  • Pixi_Rex
    Pixi_Rex Posts: 1,676 Member
    I eat cake whenever there is cake. Its called moderation.