Heyyy what do the . Mean on the scale like for example 125.6 or like 125.2



  • Michaelxo444
    Michaelxo444 Posts: 225 Member
    Has anyone looked at their profile?

    125.6 & wants to lose 17 more pounds & they're a 22 year old male?

    Lol girllll I was using 125 as a example weight that's not my weight lol
  • Michaelxo444
    Michaelxo444 Posts: 225 Member
    Has anyone looked at their profile?

    125.6 & wants to lose 17 more pounds & they're a 22 year old male?

    Let's not leap to the conclusion that OP isn't actually trying to gain 17 pounds and didn't find the goal set-up confusing

    Everyone needs to chill it was just a example weight I typed that's not my weight lol
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    edited March 2015
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000 That's how I've always written figures. Didn't realise there was another way.
    As for the dumb and dumber references.... I often wonder how I come across on forums such as this one. I'm hopeless at explaining my thoughts or what I mean when I have to write it down. I'm so much better at face to face communication.
    Plus Americans spell words differently than the rest of us, so it probably looks like I have plenty of spelling errors.

    Me- Socialise== socialize
    Humour== Humor
  • Michaelxo444
    Michaelxo444 Posts: 225 Member
    Hey everyone I don't have eating disorder or anything like that I typed 125 and all that as a example weight I'm 139.8 and wanna get down to to like 124 or 125 when I quit smoking cold turkey like last year I gained a ton of weight and this is MY body and I know what 125 looks on me and it's the perfect weight the last thing that needs fixing in my life is my weight everything else is beautiful and and I'm happy but I'm not attacking anyone or throwing shade at all but I find when I tell anyone or post stuff about my goal weight EVERYONE and their mother has something to say this is my journey in the future if I wanna tone up or work at a different goal and gain muscle I will but this is MY weight loss journey And it's nobodyssss placeeeeee to say anything At all.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Hey everyone I don't have eating disorder or anything like that I typed 125 and all that as a example weight I'm 139.8 and wanna get down to to like 124 or 125 when I quit smoking cold turkey like last year I gained a ton of weight and this is MY body and I know what 125 looks on me and it's the perfect weight the last thing that needs fixing in my life is my weight everything else is beautiful and and I'm happy but I'm not attacking anyone or throwing shade at all but I find when I tell anyone or post stuff about my goal weight EVERYONE and their mother has something to say this is my journey in the future if I wanna tone up or work at a different goal and gain muscle I will but this is MY weight loss journey And it's nobodyssss placeeeeee to say anything At all.

    Unless you're shorter than the average American male, that goal might be in the underweight range.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Hey everyone I don't have eating disorder or anything like that I typed 125 and all that as a example weight I'm 139.8 and wanna get down to to like 124 or 125 when I quit smoking cold turkey like last year I gained a ton of weight and this is MY body and I know what 125 looks on me and it's the perfect weight the last thing that needs fixing in my life is my weight everything else is beautiful and and I'm happy but I'm not attacking anyone or throwing shade at all but I find when I tell anyone or post stuff about my goal weight EVERYONE and their mother has something to say this is my journey in the future if I wanna tone up or work at a different goal and gain muscle I will but this is MY weight loss journey And it's nobodyssss placeeeeee to say anything At all.

    Unless you're shorter than the average American male, that goal might be in the underweight range.

    yeah I was thinking the same. I'm 5"8 and my goal weight is 132lbs

  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    G8rRay wrote: »
    In the world, excluding the North American Continent, the comma (,) is used to separate integers from the decimal fraction part of numbers and the period (.) is used to separate the integer portion of the numbers into multiples of 10^3 (1000); so, the question, if from one raised outside North America (NA), isn't strange or represent an uneducated person. [Also, those same people (raised outside NA) use grams, kilograms, etc., rather than pounds and ounces--except, it appears, in Great Britain, where they use Stones, pounds, etc.]

    On the other hand, how can so many folks, who have been raised in North America, think the numerals to the right of the period represents ounces rather than decimal pounds? Has the NA education system deteriorated that far?

    The UK does it the proper way too - it's not called a decimal comma after all! :p
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    aimeerace wrote: »
    Has anyone looked at their profile?

    125.6 & wants to lose 17 more pounds & they're a 22 year old male?

    Are you seeing double? There is only one of him.

    If you are referring to Kelly using they're in that sentence... She is grammatically correct. Well to a degree in third person. I knew what she meant. :expressionless:

    It is never correct to use the third person plural to talk about one single individual.

    It is also strange and confusing.

    <---English teacher
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000

    It is in the English-speaking world, but not everywhere.

    I hope that most people realize that there are small spelling differences between different varieties of English. I can easily tell that you are Australian by the way that you write.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000

    It is in the English-speaking world, but not everywhere.

    I hope that most people realize that there are small spelling differences between different varieties of English. I can easily tell that you are Australian by the way that you write.

    Wouldn't that be "among," not "between"? Doesn't "between" indicate only two choices, while "among" means more than two?

    I suppose I could be wrong but that's the way I always learned it. :)

    Interesting discussion.

    And yes, I would say pretty much anyone you ask will tell you that there are variations in spelling among various English speakers depending upon the country (generally).

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000

    It is in the English-speaking world, but not everywhere.

    ]I hope that most people realize that there are small spelling differences between different varieties of English. I can easily tell that you are Australian by the way that you write.

    phew! :smiley:
    The annoying thing is that spell check corrects things to the American spelling... Our English/grammar teachers are fighting a losing battle trying to "unamericanise" our kids.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000

    It is in the English-speaking world, but not everywhere.

    I hope that most people realize that there are small spelling differences between different varieties of English. I can easily tell that you are Australian by the way that you write.

    Wouldn't that be "among," not "between"? Doesn't "between" indicate only two choices, while "among" means more than two?

    I suppose I could be wrong but that's the way I always learned it. :)

    Interesting discussion.

    And yes, I would say pretty much anyone you ask will tell you that there are variations in spelling among various English speakers depending upon the country (generally).

    lol stop it you! :bigsmile: we're not in English class now :wink:

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000

    It is in the English-speaking world, but not everywhere.

    ]I hope that most people realize that there are small spelling differences between different varieties of English. I can easily tell that you are Australian by the way that you write.

    phew! :smiley:
    The annoying thing is that spell check corrects things to the American spelling... Our English/grammar teachers are fighting a losing battle trying to "unamericanise" our kids.

    Well, yes, for American-based or primarily American-populated sites, I'm guessing, correct?

    My Canadian boss always tells me it's fine that I'm not able to write proper English since I'm writing to an American audience, so he's willing to give me a pass, LOL.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member

    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000

    It is in the English-speaking world, but not everywhere.

    ]I hope that most people realize that there are small spelling differences between different varieties of English. I can easily tell that you are Australian by the way that you write.

    phew! :smiley:
    The annoying thing is that spell check corrects things to the American spelling... Our English/grammar teachers are fighting a losing battle trying to "unamericanise" our kids.

    Well, yes, for American-based or primarily American-populated sites, I'm guessing, correct?

    My Canadian boss always tells me it's fine that I'm not able to write proper English since I'm writing to an American audience, so he's willing to give me a pass, LOL.

    Nope. It doesn't matter. My phone speaks American all the time lol

    jeez is your boss arrogant much! :open_mouth::stuck_out_tongue:

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000

    It is in the English-speaking world, but not everywhere.

    ]I hope that most people realize that there are small spelling differences between different varieties of English. I can easily tell that you are Australian by the way that you write.

    phew! :smiley:
    The annoying thing is that spell check corrects things to the American spelling... Our English/grammar teachers are fighting a losing battle trying to "unamericanise" our kids.

    Well, yes, for American-based or primarily American-populated sites, I'm guessing, correct?

    My Canadian boss always tells me it's fine that I'm not able to write proper English since I'm writing to an American audience, so he's willing to give me a pass, LOL.

    Nope. It doesn't matter. My phone speaks American all the time lol

    jeez is your boss arrogant much! :open_mouth::stuck_out_tongue:

    Oh no, he's just needling me; he loves me, LOL. He'd better for what I'm accepting in pay!

    Re: "phone speaks American," LOL!!!!!! My Spellcheck barely speaks English (and corrects me incorrectly half the time) so your phone is ahead of my electronics, anyway. ;)

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Hehe Touche' :+1:
  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000

    It is in the English-speaking world, but not everywhere.

    I hope that most people realize that there are small spelling differences between different varieties of English. I can easily tell that you are Australian by the way that you write.

    India is fun! And despite using English (in addition to Hindi and dozens of additional languages) the number "100,000" (one hundred thousand in American / English) is written as 1,00,000

    (deliberately left off the period ending my sentence to avoid confusion, for your grammarians ;) )
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Cortelli wrote: »
    So writing like this isn't the norm everywhere?

    100,000 or 20,000,000

    It is in the English-speaking world, but not everywhere.

    I hope that most people realize that there are small spelling differences between different varieties of English. I can easily tell that you are Australian by the way that you write.

    India is fun! And despite using English (in addition to Hindi and dozens of additional languages) the number "100,000" (one hundred thousand in American / English) is written as 1,00,000

    (deliberately left off the period ending my sentence to avoid confusion, for your grammarians ;) )

    oh my. That would be confusing. If you hadn't explained I would have assumed the author put the commas in the wrong spots...

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Cortelli wrote: »

    (deliberately left off the period ending my sentence to avoid confusion, for your grammarians ;) )

    Why does "grammarians" always sound like some futuristic underground race that has grown gills? Attack of the Grammarians! And then after they've lost the battle: Revenge of the Grammarians!

  • Cortelli
    Cortelli Posts: 1,369 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Cortelli wrote: »

    (deliberately left off the period ending my sentence to avoid confusion, for your grammarians ;) )

    Why does "grammarians" always sound like some futuristic underground race that has grown gills? Attack of the Grammarians! And then after they've lost the battle: Revenge of the Grammarians!

    Shhh! They don't like it when you expose their true selves. God help us all, now!