My husband cheated on me...



  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    edited March 2015

    What wasn't aimed at her? The "you probably saw it coming a mile away?" It was in your very first post. [/quote]

    ah yes i see it now. I was wondering where the OP was getting that from. Is it wrong for me to say that? Maybe she did maybe she didn't. I am not the type to get upset at people if they're being honest with me and sharing their opinion. Even if I don't agree with it. How many have insulted me and tried to belittle me through this entire topic? I don't' care i don't hold it against them.

    Many have said through the post they been in similar situations and they saw red flags all over the person. I have seen red flags over some people, Often people in these situations see red flags from a mile away. I am not putting the blame on the op, that's what my first post was about. I also said, many men bs women(which is true). I also said, that there will be a guy that would appreciate her. Yet everyone wants to focus on the negative and not the positive.

    1. assuming that ALL girls want 'a knight in shining armour', or a guy with money and a six-pack

    2. ; I also love guys who are skinny and nerdy.

    3. Assuming that because you are nice to a girl you are entitled to something.

    4. Saying that there is no physical attraction there, yet you still want to be with her and tried very hard to be.

    5. You thinking that you know EXACTLY what she wants and what she is thinking, better than she does, and therefore thinking that you know what is best for her....

    6. Women want a man who will make them feel confident and like they can take on the world, not a man who will molly-coddle them into insecurity or uselessness.

    7. treating women with the respect that they deserve; as strong, independent creatures who know their own minds and hearts far better than you ever will.

    1. YOu're taking me too seriously.

    2. Have you/would you date a guy whom is obese?

    3. Most of my friend's are women, i am nice to them, if i wasn't they wouldn't be around me.

    4. I am not sure if we're understanding eachother. This girl is cute, the "unattractive" thing i said earlier was an example I said, "i would date someone who i am not physically attracted to if they made me happy." And yes I have. I can think of a few girls.

    5. Countless times I have guided her or tried to(when she didn't listen). When she didn't listen it always bit her in the rear end. Then after what she wanted didn't work out, then she listens and becomes successful.

    6. That's what i do, her mother was extremely abusive. SHe has very low self esteem and self worth. I always tell her positive things about herself to build her confidence. So no, that's not what women want.

    7. Honestly... of course everyone should be treated with respect. There are things women "say they want" and things they "respond to" it's very common to know, they don't know what they want most of the time, they're indecisive and confused. They are not logical thinkers, they're more emotional. They might want something one minute, then a change of mood hits them and then they want something else. A good example is they constantly say, What is funny I just looked up "What women want" I had my own ideas. I just clicked on the first page that came up here is the list...

    Respect- I GIVE
    sex - OF CORUSE
    romance - I AM
    time - I GIVE
    dinner - Brought food to her on a few occasions as a surprise.
    consistency - I am consistant
    engagement - To soon
    humor and humility - Humor yes(we always make eachother laugh) humility, probably not.
    challenge - Yes.

    i got 9.5 out of 10. So what's the problem??? The answer is in my reply to this question.



    1. I am taking you seriously, because the behaviours and attitude you are exhibiting are very serious

    2. Yes, I have actually, and he was one of the nicest guys I have ever known, and we only broke it off because he moved away up North to run the family business. I have also dated a blind guy too, if that has any relevance.

    3. Yes, and that is good, but my point still stands when it comes to women you are attracted to. Your attitude and statements in your previous posts have already been addressed by others.

    4. There is nothing wrong with dating someone you are not physically attracted to, as a lot of the time that attraction can build as you get to know someone. However, to have known someone for as long as you have known that girl, to not be physically attracted to them yet still exhibiting the almost obsessive and dominant behaviours you are, is worrying behaviour.

    5.....I have NO WORDS. Do you honestly believe that because she took a bit of your advice and it turned out to be a positive thing, that entitles you to run her life and dictate her every move? We learn and become the people who we are through are mistakes as well as our triumphs, and that is because they are OUR mistakes and triumphs. No woman should EVER be a man's puppet.

    6. Wait....what don't women want? Well, I'm a woman, and I want a man who will make me feel confident and like I can take on the world myself. So you're telling me now that you also know me better than I know myself, me, a WOMAN? I would LOVE to hear you tell my boyfriend, (and a lot of my male friends) that actually what I don't need is a man who will make me feel confident. I can imagine them laughing in your face as I type!

    7. Your whole comment there about how women don't know what they want, are emotional and illogical thinkers, just took the biscuit. You can't respect women if your view is so low of them, and don't you DARE tell me it is 'sociology', because trust me I am very well studied in that area as well as psychology, and can tell you right now that is just not how the human psyche works.

    Also, where did you get the list of ten from? Are those ten things you think are the basis of a decent relationship?

    Pu, I have come across people with your mind-set before, and I also know that there is absolutely nothing I can say that will make you realize what a misogynistic, victimising, manipulative, emotionally dependent and socially concerning individual you are, (I was refraining from being harsh or personal, but I don't hold much hope of getting through to you anyway so I'm just going to be blunt and honest). Until you accept that your attitude is completely out of whack and try and do something about it, you will never find the true happiness with a partner which you obviously crave.
  • Mafuezee
    Mafuezee Posts: 38 Member
    edited March 2015
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    I just wanted to use that gif but this whole 'nice guys finish last' and 'girls only want bad guys' is really annoying
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Every single "nice guy" out there has faked or is faking a friendship with a female when all he wants from her is sex. Yet she is always the bad person for not being sufficiently grateful for the fake friendship to give up the sex. Could it be possible that she actually sees right through you and knows you're only buzzing around her in the hopes that one of these days she'll be hurt enough to let you in her pants?
    Congratulations on your psychic powers, but don't you think you should be using them for something more productive?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited March 2015
    This is what happens - we buy into monogamish culture and next think you know everybody thinks they "deserve" a mate.

  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    Too personal for me...Not to be blunt (really...)

    But why come to strangers in cyber space to spill your personal drama? Don't get it... must be my age

    You are implying that it is not productive to seek the opinion of objective third parties or people that could offer a diverse range of thoughts/suggestion/etc...

    With all due respect, your logic is fundamentally flawed and and I hope that you will reconsider your position or at least offer better alternatives.

    Additionally, people were initially suspect of the telephone, so I imagine that someone once held your position on "spilling drama via technology":

    "Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. He made his first call in March to Thomas A. Watson, saying, "Mr. Watson, come here; I want you." Few people considered Bell's invention more than a toy, but it did not take long for people to install telephones in their homes, businesses, or towns." [1]

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    She doesn't like you and doesn't have to. Not even because she's different and you don't think anyone else will love her.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    From your pictures, your weight looks perfectly normal. It sounds like you've lost all the weight you really needed to.... 200 pounds of ugly, unsightly husband.
  • rawstrongchick
    rawstrongchick Posts: 66 Member
    edited March 2015
    So sorry OP that you are having to go through this.

    I had a similar situation with an ex fiance, he got caught out 3 weeks before our intended wedding, so I had a slightly luckier escape. My main advice in the short term is to protect yourself. Both emotionally and financially. My ex attempted to palm off half a massive amount of debt, that he'd taken out in his name that I genuinely had no idea about, off onto me. It took some very swift action, which it sounds like you've taken with your international lawyer, to protect myself from that.

    Best wishes for your sister too btw, I hope that she's on the mend very soon x
  • 215in2015
    215in2015 Posts: 5 Member
    Pretty common in Italy unfortunately
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    edited March 2015

    Derpes wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    She doesn't like you and doesn't have to. Not even because she's different and you don't think anyone else will love her.
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.
    Derpes wrote: »
    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    You position yourself as a knight in shining armor "I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her" and then you slam what she could be looking for because you don't quite match up with what she wants in a romantic relationship.

    All I see is the potential for an inexplicably toxic relationship based on a discreet, unwritten contract.

    "Nobody will put up with you, but I will".

    Imagining how she might feel if that mentality is projected upon her is borderline terrifying.

    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    She doesn't like you and doesn't have to. Not even because she's different and you don't think anyone else will love her.

    You position yourself as a knight in shining armor "I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her" and then you slam what she could be looking for because you don't quite match up with what she wants in a romantic relationship.

    All I see is the potential for an inexplicably toxic relationship based on a discreet, unwritten contract.

    "Nobody will put up with you, but I will".

    Imagining how she might feel if that mentality is projected upon her is borderline terrifying.
  • Pupslice
    Pupslice Posts: 213 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    She doesn't like you and doesn't have to. Not even because she's different and you don't think anyone else will love her.
    I am not saying that. I am saying, women say they want one thing, and you give to them and they don't want it. That's what i am really saying. As i said, there are things women say they want, there are things women "think" they want and there are things they respond to.


  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    She doesn't like you and doesn't have to. Not even because she's different and you don't think anyone else will love her.
    I am not saying that. I am saying, women say they want one thing, and you give to them and they don't want it. That's what i am really saying. As i said, there are things women say they want, there are things women "think" they want and there are things they respond to.

    Straight from the Red Pill subreddit, people.
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    She doesn't like you and doesn't have to. Not even because she's different and you don't think anyone else will love her.
    I am not saying that. I am saying, women say they want one thing, and you give to them and they don't want it. That's what i am really saying. As i said, there are things women say they want, there are things women "think" they want and there are things they respond to.


    That is vile.

    There are no blurred lines.

    No, for whatever reason, means no. It doesn't matter if you believe it's serious or not. It means no.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    Every single "nice guy" out there has faked or is faking a friendship with a female when all he wants from her is sex. Yet she is always the bad person for not being sufficiently grateful for the fake friendship to give up the sex. Could it be possible that she actually sees right through you and knows you're only buzzing around her in the hopes that one of these days she'll be hurt enough to let you in her pants?
    Congratulations on your psychic powers, but don't you think you should be using them for something more productive?
    Playing the "long game" can be exhausting, but sometimes rewarding. ;)
  • caldrama
    caldrama Posts: 8 Member
    Hey guys. I haven't been on in a week and my fitness goals have come to a temporary stop. I was doing the stronglifts 5x5 program and trying to lose weight and tone my body. I have lost 4 pounds this past week just by not eating.

    I was living in Rome with my husband of 4 years and my little sister had a stroke on October of 2014 so I hopped on a plane and came home to Miami immediately to help her recuperate. My husband came to see me for Christmas in December. He stayed until mid-January and the plan was that he would come back over the summer with his green card and start working here while I got a car and a job in order. Well we started having problems a week after he got back to Italy because he is working on a music project (he's a singer and has never worked a day in his life because his parents are old money and he can afford to sit around and work on becoming "famous"). He told me he was in the process of signing a contract with someone very important in the field. Long story short, his friend who is currently in an argument with him told me he was a liar and sent me a video and photos of an orgy they had in the apartment we shared together. They paid 4 prostitutes and tag teamed on them. Apparently, it's not the first time my husband has been seeking services from prostitutes. Who knows how many times he cheated on me while I was at work. I am in the processes of getting full on STD tests.

    I feel deceived. I didn't know the man I was married to. I feel stupid for investing time and energy into marriage with a pig. Not only did he do this to a wife who adored him and would have given anything for him, but he did it to me during a time where I was at risk of losing my sister. Now I have a long and complicated international divorce in the works and I'm feeling really scared and anxious. The only bright side that is coming out of this is that I feel liberated. I was able to purchase my car a few days ago, I'm in the process of looking for work, and I intend to go to law school (I'm only 24) to study family law and hopefully help people in similar situations. I don't know how I will ever trust a man again or even have a happy marriage or form some kind of a family.

    Sorry for the rant, but I know how people on these forums are very supportive. Has anyone gone through anything similar, and how did you put it behind you to continue losing weight and being the best you could be?

    Thank you.

  • caldrama
    caldrama Posts: 8 Member
    Hi. I'm so sorry about your Asssshole and the pain he caused. This is time to take care of you and do the things you most enjoy. You're very young and have a life ahead. Believe this too shall pass and something better is coming
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Holy cow, this thread has been overtaken by Neckbeard and Trilby.

    dude. Go back to 8chan and cry about girls in video games or something. OP doesn't need your brand of *kitten*.
  • acorsaut89
    acorsaut89 Posts: 1,147 Member
    edited March 2015
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »
    Sad thing is... you probably saw this coming from a mile away and did nothing about it. I bet you felt something wasn't right before you guys even got married.

    You can't just close up and say "how can i trust any man again?" truth is for me... there was this girl i liked a lot, i treated her well, her ex cheated on her coutnless times, treated her bad, verbally and mentally abusive. This girl and i got along great, i looked for more than a friendship. She would give me excuses, "I am not ready, idk what i want" then a month later she got with some other guy. Really upset me. Guess what? they got in to a fight and they broke up, she was upset about it. She's different, she has ADHD and not many people understand her. I honestly can't see any other guy putting up with her and being able to handle her. I tried again, things, but she still wasn't interested, she lead me on a bit this time.

    She tells me things like what you said, "how can i trust guys now?" I told her many times, you have to open up and trust, if you don't you're just going to shrivel up and die alone. Sure maybe a guy might come, may not work out, then another may not work out. But if you trust, there will be a guy who appreciates it and gives you what you want.

    I also told her many times, "a guy has a tendency to bs, and make himself greater than what he really is at first." It's kind of understandable, you're trying to win someone over. But the guys who are real, who are genuine. Don't do that, then they don't fit the womens ideal, "the knight in shining armor" and she fells for someone who is lying and bsing her.

    She doesn't like you and doesn't have to. Not even because she's different and you don't think anyone else will love her.
    I am not saying that. I am saying, women say they want one thing, and you give to them and they don't want it. That's what i am really saying. As i said, there are things women say they want, there are things women "think" they want and there are things they respond to.


    That is vile.

    There are no blurred lines.

    No, for whatever reason, means no. It doesn't matter if you believe it's serious or not. It means no.
    I am not saying, "no doesn't means no" ha even in the video i posted earlier of the gold digger. She said, "no" but quickly changed her mind when she saw money. I understand if no women wants to be called a gold digger. You think the girl in the video wants to be called a gold digger? If you ask her, "are you a gold digger" she's not going to say "yes"

    Based on her actions of rejecting him, she has an idea of what she wants, and she thinks that's what she wants. Yet the first sign of money, she responds to that.
    In case you missed it.

    and incase someone says, "that's just one example" here is many more.

    And there is many more beyond that.

    ETA: and honestly I don't blame them(the women in the video). That's not the issue, the issue is people denying it's true. That's the problem.

    So you're mad because some women are apparently gold diggers and you don't have the money to make women say yes to you?

    Here's something from a woman who makes twice as much as her partner of almost 6 years did: it's not about the money you make, it's about what you do with the money you make that matters.

    For some people money matters, for women who have it together and are independent it's not such a big deal. I don't need someone to take care of me, I want someone who enriches my life by making me a better person and contributing to my life in non-monetary/financial ways, before you even go there.

    There's always jerks out there, like you said, women "go for the jerks and don't appreciate the nice guys" and there's always going to be women who are after some guys money and he has enough of it to throw a little her way. If that is what makes them both happy in life, they aren't hurting anyone. And, shocker, most men who are in this situation are fully aware of what's going on.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    edited March 2015
    Pu_239 wrote: »

    ETA: and honestly I don't blame them(the women in the video). That's not the issue, the issue is people denying it's true. That's the problem.

    Let me guess...the only bigger problem is all the false rape accusations...
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member

    Straight from the Red Pill subreddit, people.

    Yeah. Or every other MRA blog out there. They all read the exact same thing. Guys who have bad luck with women then blame women for their own shortcomings.

    I'm bored with this thread. Boo hoo. She doesn't like you. Get over it.

    And here's an idea: quit with the entitlement BS. And quit chasing women with emotional problems.

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