Pet Peeves @ Gym l v



  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    People who don't wipe down the equipment after use. Anyone who's inconsiderate of others, e.g. not putting away weights, overdoing body spray, saving equipment they aren't actually using, etc.

    Otherwise I don't judge. I don't know someone's story and as long as they aren't doing something that puts others in danger then they can work out as they please.
  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    I use to hold on too, so I don't know why I bugs me now?

    Because it makes you feel superior to them that you don't have to anymore?
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    edited March 2015
    lngrunert wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »
    lngrunert wrote: »
    Wow , some people should just read the post and move along. OP was just asking a simple question, you have no answer that pertains, move along. We all judge, observe, criticize and just plain have thoughts of others that may not be the most positive so don't pretend you don't.

    At the gym I am way too focused on myself and my goals to even notice what other people are doing. The only time I ever watch other people is when I want to use something that they're using, like the squat rack, and I'm just keeping an eye out as to when they're done.

    Okay, there was that one time when a guy failed with a heavily loaded bar while doing bench presses, but that's because he made this terrible man-scream and like four other guys came running yelling YOU OKAY BRO I GOT YOU BRO and helped him out. It was kind of hard not to notice.

    I feel like a bad person because that made me snort with laughter.

    When I was working with my personal trainer, she told me that everyone in the free weights area was really awesome, and if I ever needed a spotter or got in trouble on a lift they would all come running. So it was kind of cool to actually see that happen! And after, the guy who failed said he was embarrassed and wanted to leave, and the other guys (mostly really ripped dudes in their 20's that I see there all the time) were like, "No way man! It's no big deal, we've all been there." and "Come on, deload a little and I'll spot you. You got this." It was really kind of sweet, so I may have gawked a little that time.

    Really, when people on here tell you that some of the nicest and most helpful folks in the gym are the big dudes in the free weights area, they're not kidding. I've had a couple of them help me get a bar down from the squat rack when the last person left it way over my head (I'm only 5'2") or raising or lowering a bench with a stuck pin. Even if they do call me "ma'am" when they do it, I still appreciate it. :)

    Now that i think about it, when i first started squatting there was a time when i failed on a squat. I was in the squat rack which had the safety feature to catch the bar luckily.

    I squatted down and couldn't get back up. It was on my last set, last rep, and my legs were like, NOPE.

    Literally like 5 guys came running over so fast to grab the bar off my shoulders. It was the most embarrasing moment of my gym life but they also had the exact same reaction like "it's all good, we've been there, don't worry about it". Faith in humanity restored!
  • midnightsky1
    midnightsky1 Posts: 24 Member
    I hold on only because it makes me feel safer as time goes by and i get more confident im sure i wont. But i really couldnt care less if what im doing on the treadmill is bothering anyone else im there for me not them.. so to bad really
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    lngrunert wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »
    lngrunert wrote: »
    Wow , some people should just read the post and move along. OP was just asking a simple question, you have no answer that pertains, move along. We all judge, observe, criticize and just plain have thoughts of others that may not be the most positive so don't pretend you don't.

    At the gym I am way too focused on myself and my goals to even notice what other people are doing. The only time I ever watch other people is when I want to use something that they're using, like the squat rack, and I'm just keeping an eye out as to when they're done.

    Okay, there was that one time when a guy failed with a heavily loaded bar while doing bench presses, but that's because he made this terrible man-scream and like four other guys came running yelling YOU OKAY BRO I GOT YOU BRO and helped him out. It was kind of hard not to notice.

    I feel like a bad person because that made me snort with laughter.

    It made me giggle in retrospect later too, especially since the guy didn't get injured or anything. When I was working with my personal trainer, she told me that everyone in the free weights area was really awesome, and if I ever needed a spotter or got in trouble on a lift they would all come running. So it was kind of cool to actually see that happen! And after, the guy who failed said he was embarrassed and wanted to leave, and the other guys (mostly really ripped dudes in their 20's that I see there all the time) were like, "No way man! It's no big deal, we've all been there." and "Come on, deload a little and I'll spot you. You got this." It was really kind of sweet, so I may have gawked a little that time.

    Really, when people on here tell you that some of the nicest and most helpful folks in the gym are the big dudes in the free weights area, they're not kidding. I've had a couple of them help me get a bar down from the squat rack when the last person left it way over my head (I'm only 5'2") or raising or lowering a bench with a stuck pin. Even if they do call me "ma'am" when they do it, I still appreciate it. :)

    All true.

    I got a lil teary eyed just reading this
  • MizzMaamI1
    MizzMaamI1 Posts: 73 Member

    [/quote]Because it makes you feel superior to them that you don't have to anymore?[/quote]

    Not at all, I don't think I'm better than anyone else.
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    lngrunert wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »
    lngrunert wrote: »
    Wow , some people should just read the post and move along. OP was just asking a simple question, you have no answer that pertains, move along. We all judge, observe, criticize and just plain have thoughts of others that may not be the most positive so don't pretend you don't.

    At the gym I am way too focused on myself and my goals to even notice what other people are doing. The only time I ever watch other people is when I want to use something that they're using, like the squat rack, and I'm just keeping an eye out as to when they're done.

    Okay, there was that one time when a guy failed with a heavily loaded bar while doing bench presses, but that's because he made this terrible man-scream and like four other guys came running yelling YOU OKAY BRO I GOT YOU BRO and helped him out. It was kind of hard not to notice.

    I feel like a bad person because that made me snort with laughter.

    Really, when people on here tell you that some of the nicest and most helpful folks in the gym are the big dudes in the free weights area, they're not kidding. I've had a couple of them help me get a bar down from the squat rack when the last person left it way over my head (I'm only 5'2") or raising or lowering a bench with a stuck pin. Even if they do call me "ma'am" when they do it, I still appreciate it. :)

    Agreed. The kettlebells and the floor mats etc. are in the same area of my gym as the squat rack and free weights, and more than once I've managed to entirely tip myself backwards squatting too low with a kettlebell which was too heavy for me, like a tipped-up tortoise. Every time at least one man will come over and ask if I'm alright, and crack a joke so I stop feeling so silly. I think because the potential to hurt yourself doing certain lifts with heavy weights makes people a bit more aware of one another and supportive if it goes a bit skew-iff. Very easy to keep yourself to yourself entirely during cardio, but nobody wants to see anyone get hurt or to feel it's likely to be ignored if they need help.
  • LittleJem01
    LittleJem01 Posts: 51 Member
    Yep, the body spray thing - I have allergy-induced asthma so this one really gets me. There's a girl in my gym who wafts around in a cloud of deodorant so thick that I can tell where she is even if I can't see her! I am totally with the not-wanting-to-smell thing but seriously, she must stand in the changing rooms and apply like a whole tin - she was four treadmills down from me last week it was so strong that I had to leave before my lungs seized up. Grrrrrrr.
  • lalawaterlala
    lalawaterlala Posts: 56 Member
    I don't really mind it, but then again I don't really watch anyone else because I'm so focused on working out and so tired haha. Sometimes I hold on if I need a few seconds to hold myself up with my arms because I'm getting so tired or if I'm taking my heart rate but that's about it. :smiley:
  • tracie_minus100
    tracie_minus100 Posts: 465 Member
    I sometimes hold the treadmill because I have shin issues and I hold on every now and then to give my shins a bit of a break. If that makes someone cringe, so be it.
    My gym is small, and at my work and the only thing that bothers me is there is one guy who drops the weights very loudly, all the time and it's annoying and disruptive.
    Other than that, I pay attention to my own workout.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    Anybody else cringe when people hold the treadmill while walking/jogging and or on incline?

    It doesn't make me cringe, I just wonder why they don't want to burn the extra calories from not holding anything (which is 20% or so, from what my trainer told me).

    My pet peeve is just people chatting loudly next to me when I'm trying to workout and listen to my music in peace.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I have a new one.

    A guy was listening to music through his phone without head phones the other day. I was lifting heavy next to him. So I had the music pumping through the system at the gym and his music, combined. It was throwing me off and making me anxious. I know I'm a bit overly sensitive to that though.
  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    MizzMaamI1 wrote: »
    Anybody else cringe when people hold the treadmill while walking/jogging and or on incline?

    It doesn't make me cringe, I just wonder why they don't want to burn the extra calories from not holding anything (which is 20% or so, from what my trainer told me).

    Because sometimes they have physical limitations that require them to hold onto the rails, as I and several others in this thread have already attested to.

  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    People that come up to me all like "Excuse me sir, how many sets do you have left?", while I'm in the middle of texting or playing online. So rude. I usually respond with something like "Not now chief, I'm in the zone".

    Yep, very obnoxious!
  • Smallc10
    Smallc10 Posts: 554 Member
    When people hog the squat racks but don't use them. There is one guy at our gym that just stands in it for 15+ minutes at a time texting regardless of what is going on around him. I've had to kick him out before.
  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    I hold on to the elliptical stationary handles instead of the moving handles. I had a severe frozen shoulder in the past that limits motion in that joint and causes pain. I'd hate to think someone would judge me for that. It can also be an issue walking, if I am swinging my arms.

    i hold those handles too. i find when i hold the moving handles i grab so tightly to push and pull that my fingers and hands are sore the next day. do your own thing and who cares what everyone else does...
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    yesimpson wrote: »
    lngrunert wrote: »
    yesimpson wrote: »
    lngrunert wrote: »
    Wow , some people should just read the post and move along. OP was just asking a simple question, you have no answer that pertains, move along. We all judge, observe, criticize and just plain have thoughts of others that may not be the most positive so don't pretend you don't.

    At the gym I am way too focused on myself and my goals to even notice what other people are doing. The only time I ever watch other people is when I want to use something that they're using, like the squat rack, and I'm just keeping an eye out as to when they're done.

    Okay, there was that one time when a guy failed with a heavily loaded bar while doing bench presses, but that's because he made this terrible man-scream and like four other guys came running yelling YOU OKAY BRO I GOT YOU BRO and helped him out. It was kind of hard not to notice.

    I feel like a bad person because that made me snort with laughter.

    Really, when people on here tell you that some of the nicest and most helpful folks in the gym are the big dudes in the free weights area, they're not kidding. I've had a couple of them help me get a bar down from the squat rack when the last person left it way over my head (I'm only 5'2") or raising or lowering a bench with a stuck pin. Even if they do call me "ma'am" when they do it, I still appreciate it. :)

    Agreed. The kettlebells and the floor mats etc. are in the same area of my gym as the squat rack and free weights, and more than once I've managed to entirely tip myself backwards squatting too low with a kettlebell which was too heavy for me, like a tipped-up tortoise. Every time at least one man will come over and ask if I'm alright, and crack a joke so I stop feeling so silly. I think because the potential to hurt yourself doing certain lifts with heavy weights makes people a bit more aware of one another and supportive if it goes a bit skew-iff. Very easy to keep yourself to yourself entirely during cardio, but nobody wants to see anyone get hurt or to feel it's likely to be ignored if they need help.

    Ummm, I gotta know how heavy that kettlebell was and how you were squatting it to tip over.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    My only peeves are not wiping down the equipment, and the perfume/scent thing. Scents cause migraines for me, so if I'm working out next to a man or woman with perfume/cologne, i'll either have to move to another spot, or have to leave 5 minutes later with a migraine set in.