Pet Peeves @ Gym l v



  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    Treadmill manufacturers should probably stop putting rails on the treadmills, since they serve no purpose but to annoy people and they can apparently cause injury if used.
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    There is a guy at my gym who works out in a full suit, Shirt, tie, trousers, shoes etc. I think he only has limited time on his lunch break before he has to get back to the office. Either that or he just likes to keep it smart and professional 24/7. I love that guy.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    There is a guy at my gym who works out in a full suit, Shirt, tie, trousers, shoes etc. I think he only has limited time on his lunch break before he has to get back to the office. Either that or he just likes to keep it smart and professional 24/7. I love that guy.

    That is so awesome!

  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    There is a guy at my gym who works out in a full suit, Shirt, tie, trousers, shoes etc. I think he only has limited time on his lunch break before he has to get back to the office. Either that or he just likes to keep it smart and professional 24/7. I love that guy.

    Is it this guy?


  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    There is a guy at my gym who works out in a full suit, Shirt, tie, trousers, shoes etc. I think he only has limited time on his lunch break before he has to get back to the office. Either that or he just likes to keep it smart and professional 24/7. I love that guy.

    Is it this guy?


    That's the fella. He walks in, smashes out a few reps, a splash of cologne and he's back in the boardroom. What a legend!
  • booksandchocolate12
    booksandchocolate12 Posts: 1,741 Member
    One might even say....

  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    No but that's because I worry about myself and my workout, not a complete strangers. I can also assume there may be a reason they hold on, a reason that's .............none of my business.
    WHERE is that like button?!! :smile:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't particularly care what people do when they are on a specific machine….what I do mind is when people do not mind other peoples space….like, if i am pulling a 315 pound deadlift please don't stand directly behind me talking to someone else, or walk directly behind me…or if I am squatting, at least wait until I finish the set before grabbing weights off of the rack ….or if I am doing DB lat raises don't walk directly in line with here the dumbbell is going on the raise…etc…

    but OP - why do you care what someone else is doing on a treadmill that they are on????
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member

    what's wrong with holding the handles of a treadmill? Maybe the person has balance issues.

    I'm irritated that a pool is given all the lanes to swimmers when it has one person per lane for hours. There are tons of other activities that can be done in a pool besides swimming.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    My pet peeves at the gym are people who ask me if I'm using a bench or spot I stopped using like 5-10 minutes ago even though they clearly saw me move to a new spot (though they probably might be thinking I'm doing interval training), people who try to talk to me when I'm on the treadmill, people who try to talk to me for unnecessary long periods of time (unless they're a friend or someone I find interesting, that's rare though), people who get in my way of me looking at the mirror to see if I'm doing a particular exercise right and people who try to take my spot even when there is my bottle AND a towel on the machine or bench to indicate to people that I'm still using it.

    Other than that, I don't really give a damn what other people do in the gym or what they wear....I'm more worried about myself. And no I'm not really antisocial, an introvert or shy; I'm actually an ambivert, I'm just really concentrated in my workout and don't have time to worry about petty things.

    You shouldn't be saving the spot to begin with. If you aren't using it, it is not yours.

    LOL people do it all the time and I don't you're telling me if I gotta use the bathroom and I'll be back in two minutes and I'm still not done with my exercise, I should relinquish my spot over to someone?.....LOL gtfo. That would be fine if I was just texting and someone wanted to get in on a workout with me but if I gotta use the bathroom and I'm not done with my exercise....nope.

    So you can't tell if you have a need to use the bathroom before you start what is most likely no more that a 10 minute session on a bench, machine, etc or wait 10 minutes till you finish with it?
  • slideaway1
    slideaway1 Posts: 1,006 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    My pet peeves at the gym are people who ask me if I'm using a bench or spot I stopped using like 5-10 minutes ago even though they clearly saw me move to a new spot (though they probably might be thinking I'm doing interval training), people who try to talk to me when I'm on the treadmill, people who try to talk to me for unnecessary long periods of time (unless they're a friend or someone I find interesting, that's rare though), people who get in my way of me looking at the mirror to see if I'm doing a particular exercise right and people who try to take my spot even when there is my bottle AND a towel on the machine or bench to indicate to people that I'm still using it.

    Other than that, I don't really give a damn what other people do in the gym or what they wear....I'm more worried about myself. And no I'm not really antisocial, an introvert or shy; I'm actually an ambivert, I'm just really concentrated in my workout and don't have time to worry about petty things.

    You shouldn't be saving the spot to begin with. If you aren't using it, it is not yours.

    LOL people do it all the time and I don't you're telling me if I gotta use the bathroom and I'll be back in two minutes and I'm still not done with my exercise, I should relinquish my spot over to someone?.....LOL gtfo. That would be fine if I was just texting and someone wanted to get in on a workout with me but if I gotta use the bathroom and I'm not done with my exercise....nope.

    So you can't tell if you have a need to use the bathroom before you start what is most likely no more that a 10 minute session on a bench, machine, etc or wait 10 minutes till you finish with it?
    Those pre workouts can go straight through you :#
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Tzinn1992 wrote: »
    I understand you are at the gym to work out and sweat but some people it wouldn't kill them to apply deodorant, and I also hate when Im sprinting 6 miles killing myself and someone tries to have a conversation with me!

    People should not be trying to talk to you if you don't want to listen. Just FYI, nobody sprints for 6 miles. The 400 meter dash is considered the longest "sprint' in the track world.
  • Sbivens2383
    Sbivens2383 Posts: 199 Member
    I will never judge what other people do because I would not want someone judging me. However, I love to people watch while I am running or walking on the treadmill and I am always highly amused at some of the things people do. Sometimes I feel like people treat the gym as a meat market, but it provides great entertainment for me!
  • Amanda4change
    Amanda4change Posts: 620 Member
    Health problems? Doing that is actually bad for your health as it causes you to lean forward unnaturally. What are you holding onto while you are walking somewhere other than on a treadmill?

    For me personally first I held onto a walker, then I held onto a cane.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    Wow. As much flak as the treadmill gets (compared to running outside, etc), I never realized how amazing of a tool it could be. Just reading this thread, the treadmill has clearly been instrumental in helping people get their lives back
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Biggest pet peeve is when people put their stuff in gym lockers but dont lock it, and theres no other available lockers. I dumped that *kitten* stuff on the side and used it myself.

    They are using the locker for what it is meant for. Shouldn't make any difference if there is a lock on it or not. If all the lockers have locks on them do you bust a random one off with a weight plate and dump their stuff on the floor. Sorry that is being a ****.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    slideaway1 wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    My pet peeves at the gym are people who ask me if I'm using a bench or spot I stopped using like 5-10 minutes ago even though they clearly saw me move to a new spot (though they probably might be thinking I'm doing interval training), people who try to talk to me when I'm on the treadmill, people who try to talk to me for unnecessary long periods of time (unless they're a friend or someone I find interesting, that's rare though), people who get in my way of me looking at the mirror to see if I'm doing a particular exercise right and people who try to take my spot even when there is my bottle AND a towel on the machine or bench to indicate to people that I'm still using it.

    Other than that, I don't really give a damn what other people do in the gym or what they wear....I'm more worried about myself. And no I'm not really antisocial, an introvert or shy; I'm actually an ambivert, I'm just really concentrated in my workout and don't have time to worry about petty things.

    You shouldn't be saving the spot to begin with. If you aren't using it, it is not yours.

    LOL people do it all the time and I don't you're telling me if I gotta use the bathroom and I'll be back in two minutes and I'm still not done with my exercise, I should relinquish my spot over to someone?.....LOL gtfo. That would be fine if I was just texting and someone wanted to get in on a workout with me but if I gotta use the bathroom and I'm not done with my exercise....nope.

    So you can't tell if you have a need to use the bathroom before you start what is most likely no more that a 10 minute session on a bench, machine, etc or wait 10 minutes till you finish with it?
    Those pre workouts can go straight through you :#

    There were some recreational level bros at my old gym that wore adult diapers just in case there was an issue caused by their legally questionable supplementation.
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »
    Biggest pet peeve is when people put their stuff in gym lockers but dont lock it, and theres no other available lockers. I dumped that *kitten* stuff on the side and used it myself. Also when people dont put stuff back and when people stand around chatting on machines or in the pool.

    how people work out doesnt bother me. I just think its great that theyre there and good for them for trying to better themselves

    WHAT! Like 90% of the lockers at my gym aren't locked, we just don't leave any valuables in our gym bag while we exercise. Are you people for real?

    Almost everyone at my gym locks the lockers, just a few leave their stuff in there. and i had my designer bag, bvlgari sunglasses, car keys and purse so i wasnt gonne leave it unattended, ever. dont hate the player hate the game

    @britishbeau‌ Aren't you special...

    That sure as hell doesn't give you the right to remove someone's belongings from a locker. Whether the locker was locked or not is irrelevant. What you did is straight up rude and inconsiderate. I hope someone catches you in the act and files a complaint against you :)
  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    Many treadmills have the HRM sensors on the rails.

    Some of us have squiffy tummies and get motion sick on the treadmill. Carousels also make me ill. I am a colossal wimp. DO NOT JUDGE MY DAINTINESS.

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Health problems? Doing that is actually bad for your health as it causes you to lean forward unnaturally. What are you holding onto while you are walking somewhere other than on a treadmill?

    I'm not using a treadmill now just because for whatever reason, it hurts me more. I sold the really nice one I owned a few months ago. I held on at times, but didn't lean forward. That will be different for each person that does have to hold on.

    As far as my regular walking/hiking outside, I use a large stick and am looking to get some hiking poles. I figure it looks better than the cane and walker my doctors want me to use. I was first prescribed an old lady walker in my 30s and refused and I still don't want to use one in my 40s.

    I have nerve damage at L4, L5 that makes one or both legs sometimes just suddenly no longer work. There is no warning. It sucks to fall. Sucks bad. So, I hold on.

    eta: I use the stick for long walks and not walking around doing normal things - yes I still fall occasionally.

    So therefore, you don't use a treadmill. I wasn't talking about people who have health issues who can't use a treadmill. I was talking about people who can walk perfectly fine by themselves who still, on a treadmill, hold onto it instead of walking as they normally do.

    You don't know if the motion of it causes them balance issues either. It's really not your business.

    You are absolutely right. It's not my business. It annoys me, but I don't go up to people who do so, shake my finger in their face, and tell them that if they have to hold onto the treadmill, that they need to get off of it. Sheesh!

    I don't know why you allow other people to have the power to annoy you that way, especially since you have no way of knowing WHY they are holding on.

    Sorry I'm not perfect like you. I'm quite sure that nobody ever annoys you :smile:

    Oh, honey, I'm far from perfect, but I started out at the gym holding on (I don't any more), because I started out exercising with a cane, and this is a sore subject with me. People join a gym during all different points on their paths to fitness and not a single one of us can tell where they are just from looking at them.

    Even if you had some magical power to tell what was going on with someone physically, so what? So the person holding on is getting less calorie burn than if they weren't. This is annoying to you because... has no effect on you; their workout, their deal. What they put in at the gym only affects them.

    And it's like a theoretical 10% lower calorie burn. FROM WALKING, which is already a low calorie burn, so we're talking about 40-50 less calories per hour. People are going nutballs because some stranger is wasting a bread crust worth of calorie burning.