1200 is really difficult



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    MelRC117 wrote: »
    It is really hard to start with only 1200 but I actually ate less than 1000 calories today and exercised for atleast an hour. it is my fourth day on my diet. I know this is harsh but I am actually doing fairly well and am happy about myself. Some foods you should consider to eat below 1200 calories are: celery (if youre not fond of it and only eat it with peanut butter try eating it with laughing cow's light swiss which is only 35 calories per wedge), almonds (dont eat too much! Try limiting to a handful or two a day), graprfruits, blueberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, yams!, tofu!, chicken breast!!!
    Idk if this is helping at all but I know what you're going through TT.TT

    You worked out for an hour and only ate 1000 calories today? Yeah, please DO NOT encourage others to do that.

    ^^This. What are you netting?
  • ladybarometer
    ladybarometer Posts: 205 Member
    1200 calories will seem fine once you figure out what to eat. I started out, and I was eating a regular dinner, microwave meal for lunch, and a protein bar for breakfast - I was STARVING. I'm not a big fan of meal replacements either - I like to chew!

    I kept my protein bar, but now I eat a big salad for lunch, greek yogurt for a snack with granola if I have any, and a lean high protein dinner with green veggies. I keep single serve popcorn, popsicles, fruit, veggies, hummus, salsa, and other stuff around for snacks. I don't pass up occasional treats either. If I go over my calorie range one time in a week, I just shrug and move on. Seems to be working okay for me.

  • TiffanyR71
    TiffanyR71 Posts: 217 Member
    I'm on 1200 & feel satisfied. I'm 44, 5'4" and am ~ 40 lbs over my goal of 145. My diet consists of lots of veggies and healthy fats & protein. Eggs w/veggies and low fat cheese holds me over until lunch, when I usually have some low fat Greek yogurt & a banana- dinner is a nice big fresh salad w/ low fat dressing (love newman's), an additional vegetable, and some fish or chicken. Sometimes I'm even under 1200! I do around 30 minutes of exercise daily & generally don't eat back the calories unless I'm hungry. I'd be hungry w/ shakes... need solid food!
    Good luck finding your way to great health!!! :)