

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,827 Member
    morning all
    feeling great today thank goodness..
    rainy and yucky here today...will go see my DFIL and then come home and see what I can get done here..
    I had the DaVinci Hysterectomy so big machine, and and they tilt you down head first to use it.. I was out of it ,but that us how it works.. so guess I had to get everything out of everywhere.. and they had a heck of a time trying to get an IV into me too. a nurse with quite a bit of experience and smarts went and got a warm wet washcloth and put it on my had, plumped it up enough to get IV in..was very dehydrated... also was nauseous.. so they gave me something for that too..
    before my hysterectomy I went online and found a webpage called Hyster Sisters, what a wealth of information I found, also there was a page like this for all us ladies that were getting it done on the same week.. was sooo nice to have others going through the same thing..
    one thing I did learn is when they put the breathing tube in. ask for a larger one so that you dont have a cough and scratchy throat afterwards...
    well off to check on DFIL
    Rita so great to see you xoxoxo
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    I'm so glad to hear so many of you do not like Kale. I hate it and Cilantro.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! We had another round of storms come through early this morning, so I didn't get to walk to school with the kids, but did go to the Y and do the weight machines after I dropped them off. Hubby met me there. We don't exercise together, but I like being able to look across the big room and see him. Makes my heart happy for some reason.

    When I got up this morning I put on my glasses and the left lens fell out. The screw was still there, but apparently had come loose. The lens clattered to the floor and I had a devil of a time finding it. I cannot see anything without my glasses. So, hubby got up and put the screw back in while I took my shower. He said there is something wrong with the screw though, so I need to go to the eye doctor's office and have them put in a new screw. They don't open till 1:00 on Thursdays, so I just have to be really careful till then. I have a spare pair of glasses somewhere. Wish I knew where.

    Just a few small things to take care of this morning and then I plan to spend the day throwing pots. I have a show coming up May 1st and haven't made ANY new work for it. Nothing like waiting till the last minute. I'll be in production mode for the next two weeks. Except for all the doctors appointments I have coming up.

    Alison, I found HysterSisters web site years ago when I had really bad fibroids and found a ton of good info there. It helped me decide between a hysterectomy and a myomectomy (to just remove the fibroids). Glad to hear they are still around.

    PeachStateGal, I too hate cilantro. A tiny bit, chopped up in salsa is OK, but I can't eat the stuff otherwise. Some people love the stuff. I don't get it.

    Well, gotta get busy. Have a fantastic day everyone!

  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    Only have time for a quickie today ladies... Alex is coming home! :) You know he goes away for work every month from any where between 3-7 days. Yet it still feels like Christmas Eve to me each and every time he comes home again!

    Anyhoo I just wanted to share that I lost 25 pounds total now! Booo-Yahhhhhhhhhhhh! Next week sassy pants will dancing her way back into ONEDERLAND!! :)

    "If you do not consciously form good habits, you will unconsciously form bad ones."
    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • bren722
    bren722 Posts: 8 Member
    Hello all.... I'm 51. Did great my first two weeks... now nothing the past two, so I'm feeling a little frustrated! I have a LOT to lose, but I'm setting small goals and meeting those rather than saying I have ____ (insert a large number) to lose. It just seems more attainable for me that way. I'm eating just at or less than 1500 calories per day and exercising, (vigorous cycling), about 4x per week for minimum of 30 minutes, but usually 40-45 minutes each time. :s - if anyone has any tips or tricks for me to try, I'd greatly appreciate it!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Naiomi: A spin class is a bike exercise class using stationary bicycles. They haven’t got wheels. They do have a knob that will increase or decrease pressure on the pedals to simulate uphill climbs, or easy flat roads. This is done to music under the direction of a teacher. It burns loads of calories.

    Pattilou2: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Where are you from?

    Heather: I’m happy that you heard from your son. I can understand why he doesn’t want children if he struggles with depression. He probably worries that they might inherit the depression gene. I think it is a reasonable pov. It would be so nice if he found the right person to share his life with. My son was in his thirties before he found the right woman. As to aspergers--he is in some very elite company in the computer world.

    Sharon in Lethbridge: I thought I abhorred kale. As a child my German neighbors cooked kale regularly and it STANK. I never could get past the smell to have a taste. DH cooks kale in stir-fries and it doesn’t stink. I actually like the taste when it is in the mix of veggies. It is a nutrition powerhouse. I still don’t’ plan to cook and eat it plain. Perhaps you can find another crucifer to use instead. I love broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and many people use cauliflower as a mashed potato substitute.

    Viviana: Sorry to hear about your sleep troubles. I have a generally high protein diet, but not specifically a low carb diet, and I don’t even know what ketogenic means. I did have a learning curve as I went along and made changes in my eating. I found that eating the things I like and using portion control was my best choice. Good luck. You will figure out what works for you but it takes some time.

    Peachstategal: I’m with you and Sylvia on cilantro.

    Sylvia: I hope you’re able to do okay until you can get a new screw for your glasses. I am in awe of your pottery talent. I’m sure that you’ll produce lovely things for the upcoming pottery show.

    Today I’ll be going to the gym with my neighbor. She’ll take zumba and I’ll spin. We both get a good workout and enjoy ourselves.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good Morning Ladies...

    I've been keeping up with the posts but haven't been able to post myself. There are times when life just gets in the way.This is a busy group!

    I think I made the decision to close my business and look for a job. This business has been my life for over 20 years and in a way it's like a member of the family. My income has dropped 2/3 in the last few years due to the economy and I am just tired of the daily struggles and worries. To say I am nervous that I won't be able to get a job is an understatement, but I am trying to keep my worries at bay. I have reached out to some contacts and have posted my resume on a couple of job search websites. Please say a prayer and wish me luck.

    On a lighter note, I am going to a chocolate and wine event this evening with a large group of friends. I have been in training for it all week, eating well and burning as many calories as possible prior. There is a local chocolitier who partners with a local wine shop to host these gatherings. Two of my favorites!!

    I was thinking this morning that so many of my social activities revolve around food and when one is trying so hard to lose weight this causes me to shy away from socializing. This is not good. I have to come up with other ways to see my friends without food. Walking the mall is 1 thing that I do and I'll have to come up with others. Any suggestions?

    For those of you who want to track sleep on the fitbit...the easiest way I have found that if you have the app on your smart phone is to tap onto the sleep bar and on the next screen tap the + sign and it will give you the option to "begin sleep". In the morning just hit "I'm awake" and it will log your sleep. You can also double tap the device itself before you go to sleep, it will give a vibration signal, and douple tap again when you wake up. I find using the app easier. I have noticed that I sleep much, much better since I have increased my exercise, even through these days of turmoil.

    The weather here is supposed to be nice this weekend...60F and sunny so I am hoping to get some of the yard debris taken care of. It will be nice to do some work outside after this horrendous winter.

    (((HUGS))) to all.
    Chris in dreary, rainy 36F MA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    edited April 2015
    naiomi - spin class is a stationary bike usually with great music and a great instructor. bike has gears that make you pump the pedals harder like going up a hill or fast when you lower the gear, you can stand on it or sit down. they do have one wheel, not two, usually in the back.

    peachstategal - i LOVE Kale AND cilantro.

    whippet - i on the other hand don't get people to DON'T love the stuff... what's up with that. maybe you guys have had it made right, I dunno

    sweetnsassy - you gave me a big thank you and your welcome, but what were you thanking me for.. :0/ you lost 25 big ones???? YEAH BABYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!, JUST MAKE SURE THEY DON'T FIND U AGAIN!!

    BREN - welcome. you're body will get used to the same thing and won't work as well, if you only do cycling (i'm a big bike rider and do indoor spin classes too) you might need to change it up.

    the weather was really nice when I got out of the gym, it was like out and for a minute I thought to myself, maybe I should just ride in to work today.. then the minute passed and I said NAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!

    oh and i'm on a 985 day streak!!!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,818 Member
    Good morning ladies. I have really been in a fog lately. Last evening about 9pm it dawned on me that I forgot to pay a bill that was due. DH was able to go on line and make the payment and now waiting to see if I will be charged a fee. I used to be so on top on things and it is getting more and more where I just forget. I make notes and put them all over my desk, but this just went out of my mind. Then of course in the evenings I have been eating again. Just like I don't realize what I am doing. I have to get back on track and not feel sorry for myself. I know it is because I have let myself get stressed out about things. One Day at a Time.
    DS and family are coming tonight for the weekend. They live in Iowa so only see them acouple times a year. We are going to meet them in LIncoln this evening so DD and family that live down that way can see them. Going to meet at Golden Corral for supper. I work tomorrow and then off the weekend. Am looking forward to the time with the DGC.
    I also need to write a letter to my DSD's ex. He got himself in trouble with drugs and stealing and is in jail. DSD has a protection order against him so he writes me to know how his children are. I don't mind writing once in awhile, but have been so busy last couple weeks I have not done it. So yesterday I get a letter telling me how I am letting him down and how depressed he is not hearing from me. Also would like me to send him some money so he can buy stamps and personal items. No way it is not my fault he is there and they have jobs he can do to earn money for things. Also want to tell him to stop trying to call my house collect. I will not take those calls. This is the DSD that just moved from here to Iowa so do not see her everyday or talk to her only about once a week. Thanks for listening.
    Rita--Congrates on selling the house!! Great news about DS and your colonoscopy and DH's being found in time to save his life. God is Good! Glad you are back, missed you.

    yanniejannie--HUGS! I know it is hard to know what is helping and what is enabling our children. Being a parent is an hard never ending job.

    Sylvia--So gald they did not find anything serious, but sorry they did not find out the problem. Love the joke.

    Lesley--Sounds like Blaize\Rascal is fitting right in and just what you needed. He sounds like our Oscar, when the arlam goes off if DH doesn't get right up he will come up and sit on his chest and look him in the face, like what are you waiting for.

    Kim--WOW! that must be some plant sale. I can understand why you would be so tried.

    Katla--I admire you for taking them back and getting the bigger size. You are doing what works for you. I know I can not wear things to tight around my arm, makes sores I do not want to have to deal with.

    Joyce--To put my fitbit into sleep I just tap it until the two dots show up. Sometimes it is easier then others, I like the way you take care of your meds. It never hurts to think of things like that..

    Sharon--Sending HUGS as I know it is not easy to deal with the past, but you are doing what is right for you and I admire that.

    Sassy--Congrates on the loss and that you so enjoy when DH comes home. I get the same way and mine is home everynight.

    Chris--Sending prayers and hugs for your job hunting. It is not easy to put yourself out there, but sending positive thoughts.
    Take care ladies and know that most important thing is not to give up. Love and pray for each of you everyday.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Vicki - with regards to your making an online payment, depending on the bill, when the due date is, when the grace period ends (if you have one) you may still get a fee. if your online payment is doing it from your bank, all that is telling your bank to write a check and send it to the addr that u r telling it to go to. in other words, it's still going thru the postal system, so still has to get there. I deal with this every day cuz of my job. people think doing an online billpay is something like an automatic debit withdrawal from your bank, it's not. anyway, thought I would let you know
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! Just checking in. We are on our way to Amarillo Texas. So far we love the weather and people here.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hello everyone!

    Jeez, 60 posts!

    Jane: hope you can get a good night’s sleep.

    Carol: can you say more about your “difference of opinion” with Gretchen Rubin?

    Rita: good to see you!

    Yanniejannie: so frustrating…hope you feel better today.

    Sylvia: argh, good and bad news…hope they’ll figure it out soon! I’m with you on the iv sticks (or just drawing blood). I always tell them I have “rolling veins” (a lab tech told me that once) and they usually get it in one. Joke: the dog was definitely a Border Collie! B)

    Michele, Carol: I missed the communion question. LOG communion? There can’t be more than a few calories in there, or somebody’s giving you huge pieces of bread! :o

    Sharon: good luck with the counseling. Hard, but hopefully worth it.

    Alison: so glad to read you’re feeling great! What the heck is a DaVinci hysterectomy?? Do they draw while they’re operating? ;)

    Sassy: congrats!

    Vicki: sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed.

    I've done some more genealogy the last few days, which is nice. Someone is now suggesting that my father had ANOTHER half-sister; haven't heard this before. Looking into it.

    Thanks for the good wishes. I have one of those beginning colds that doesn’t go anywhere, just leaves you feeling hot and cranky and clearing your throat all the time.

    Worked in the city today and was shocked to notice a sharp pain my OTHER knee when going up or down stairs or…even sitting down on or getting up from the toilet. Last thing I need. :s Yet another reason to lose weight!

    Just got home and I’m pooped. Gotta rustle up some dinner.

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Thursday ! ! !

    Allison - so glad to hear you are feeling better already. About 50% of the people who walk up to my desk are asked to wear a mask. I can't believe flu season is still so bad. I don't understand the breathing tube theory. I would guess that a person's throat would be worse if the tube were bigger? Thanks for the teaching. I love learning at least 1 new thing every day.

    When I use kale for my salad, it is more veggies than kale. The flavor is okay, but the texture took awhile to get used to. I've tried baked kale chips, and they are tolerable, but not my favorite. I can tolerate cilantro, but it is not my favorite. DH hates it - he thinks it tastes like soap. I'm that way with basil; it smells and tastes like soap to me. I wish I had the guts to try more of the other leafy greens, to add more variety, but when they look like weeds I get nervous.

    I am a super-easy IV stick. I donate blood every 8-9 weeks, and the Blood Center tries to start their new trainees on the Saturday that I'm there, because they almost always succeed the first time.

    Sylvia - sorry about your broken glasses. It must be tough to go without, and to try to be so careful so the lens doesn't fall out again. I hope you make it until the Optometry Office is open.

    Sassy - Congrats on the 25 pounds ! ! !

    Chris - good luck in the job search. It's a big life change, so give yourself time to grieve. I'm envious of the chocolate/wine tasting. I wish I had friends around here interested in that kind of thing. I guess I could suck up my pride and go alone; might even make new friends that way. Anyway, enjoy ! ! !

    Vicki - I understand the forgetfulness. If it weren't for Outlook Calendar and the alerts from the calendar on my phone, I would never get where and when I need to be, and none of my bills would be paid (let alone on time).

    Tonight is the Neil Diamond concert. I guess I misunderstood when I won, because I thought I was getting Second Row, and I ended up with 16th row, but that should still be close, and I know my Dad and I will both have a great time. But the restaurant he chose does NOT have a menu on their Website, so I will stick to salad, and not eat any of the carbs or use their dressing. Then tomorrow is Frankie Valle with my Dad and my Sister. We are going out for Japanese tomorrow night. I will look over that menu soon. I decided to keep the skort that is slightly too big, because I want to be comfortable. I can't stand the look or the feel of clothes that is too tight. How much fun can a person have while constantly tugging on their clothes?

    Kim - for next year's plant sale, feel free to take about 1/2 of my hastas. They grow like crazy in my garden, and I want room for veggies again this year. I like tomato or pepper in the topsey-turvey planters because I can't afford to have the huge tree in my garden trimmed, so I'll probably only put beans or cucumbers in the garden this year. Last summer I took all my grandma's rhubarb before she sold her house, and that grows great anywhere. Has anyone tried anything besides pepper or tomato in the topsey-turvey?

    The rain keeps switching between drizzle and pouring, so the grass should be green soon. I hope everyone is able to make wise choices today.

    Hugs to Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    LOL, Spring.........dark, dreary, cloudy; 48 here now and my forecast says........high today 59 and low 56????????
    So, the weather is as out of kilter as I still am. I did go to the meeting last night, good to get out.........but it was as contentious as the last few for this group. Every now and then we get what I call a "badge bunny" (use your imagination) and we have a whopper of one now. Usually these types kiss up to all the officers they can find, get nowhere and leave eventually.......but things are all stirred up until they do and this one is super obnoxious and this is a "return engagement" for her.

    Terri........Thanks for the hugs. I follow your reasoning and agree with how you think. I believe we all (or most) have some type of "kid" issues. That's life, but sometimes they all just get worrying and frustrating. If my DD put one third the thought into the practical aspects of her future that I do, she'd be OK. I just got hit with a weekend trip for her incoming class to attend events at the college. I did know about it; she had it planned and sleeping arrangements etc. fell through so now I'm needed to go. I really wanted to say no. Leaving at 3pm. .........with dog in tow.......should be interesting. Was not my plan for the weekend, but maybe this is what I need to get out of my funk. Guess I'm off the official goofy post op plan and on my own version. (((Hugs))) back to you and anyone else who needs them.


    Chris......What a difficult thing to do to give up your business; may the future be brighter and a job that is just right come your way.

    Have more to say but need to go pack.


  • Vivi6530
    Vivi6530 Posts: 5 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »

    Viviana: Sorry to hear about your sleep troubles. I have a generally high protein diet, but not specifically a low carb diet, and I don’t even know what ketogenic means. I did have a learning curve as I went along and made changes in my eating. I found that eating the things I like and using portion control was my best choice. Good luck. You will figure out what works for you but it takes some time.

    Ciao. Ketogenic diet means you need have your net carbs (carbs minus fibers) in the 20gr a day, mostly from vegetables, and no sugar at all. In this way the cells are obliged to burn fat instead of sugar stored. Issue are carb and sugar craving. You should eat more fat (for instance coconut oil). I tried twice and I couldn't stick to this plan. I need some more carbs to go and a free meal once a week otherwise I cheat. So I am on high protein, lots of vegetables, minimum fruit (I am very sensible to fructose, I discovered), no gluten/gluten free products (max a couple of rice crackers a day). I add a banana the days I workout (otherwise I faint....). But I am just starting AGAIN....it is so tough....especially when I sniff fresh bread smell...I could die.
    But I need to lose at least 5 Kgs by this summer, as I wear bikini swimming suite (I cannot resist with the more covering ones (what's the name in English)...I would sweat like hell).

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Exermom and Grandmalle, I had never heard of a da Vinci hysterectomy, but the reason I had to do a complete colon cleanse before mine is that the doctor suspected some type of cancer. I had serious, serious, fibroid issues and some blood count was out the wazoo suggesting cancer. He said he wanted to be prepared in case the tumor had attached itself to my intestines. Also because he was expecting to have to do extensive abdominal surgery, he cut me vertically from belly button down. It all turned out to be precautionary, but it could have been bad.

    I have also had issues with the wrong nurse not being able to locate a vein. My veins and my mouth appear to be the only skinny parts of me.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Vicki.........YES.......you got it perfectly!!!! Helping vs. enabling........
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Pipcd34 and Katla49 Thanks for setting me strait re:spinning class. I bet it burns a lot of calories.

    Hope everyone gets to experience something that helps them smile today.

    Naiomi2015 from 39F and overcast Massachusetts

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Pipcd34 and Katla49 Thanks for setting me strait re:spinning class. I bet it burns a lot of calories.

    Hope everyone gets to experience something that helps them smile today.

    Naiomi2015 from 39F and overcast Massachusetts

  • Mugwump100
    Mugwump100 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm new to this…it's a very busy group. April goals were to join this site, get and give some support and lose 2 pounds. I have a really great exercise class twice a week and I can go swimming and soon I can go out walking….lots of snow still here in Maine. Very hopeful. Trying not to get Diabetes, and to feel good about myself for once.
    Thanks for all the posts.

    Mugwump100 in Maine