

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,373 Member
    Viviana - why are you on gluten free? Do you have coeliac disease? For most people without a medical issue the only restriction necessary or desirable is a calorie one. Feeling deprived is a recipe for disaster. :flowerforyou: Any diet that you cannot follow for the rest of your life is not going to work longterm. Increasing exercise to "earn" calories has worked very well for me, even if I moan sometimes to DH about "this poor little old lady who is being tortured" ! ! ! ! ! :laugh:

    Still struggling with my formatting, especially the outer margins. Will try again tomorrow. Very frustrating.

    Yesterday DH's daughter brought out her first self published children's book on Amazon. It's called PIG DOG TAILS by Becky Ward. Picture book. Well produced. A third of the profits are going to Battersea Dogs Home, a famous rescue centre, as the book is about a rescue dog and her friends.

    Tonight we have turkey burgers. I add spinach to them. Delicious. I make six and keep a couple for lunch the next day. Having it with stir fried cabbage and tomatoes. Big yum! :D

    My Pernod has arrived! Bigger yum! :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! Well, we had a nice big slow moving thunderstorm around 3 a.m. so I am seriously lacking sleep today. For whatever reason, it took me a long, long time to go to sleep then the storm hit! :angry: Also, Spot was running in and out of the house last night and ended up spending the night outside--and she wasn't there this morning. I'm a little worried, but not really anything I can do except see if she's there when I get home.

    Cynthia - My comment about communion bread was that I didn't log it. I was gently teasing because some folks log every bite, lick, swallow, etc. As for my differences with Gretchen Rubin, one of them deals with her ideas about weight loss. She is of the opinion that exercise has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss. I firmly disagree. She seems to be a very rigid person and I find that irritating. This particular book is about habit forming and I think she is a bit too simplistic about a lot of it. However, I am still learning from the book. I tend to try to glean what I can use from the things I read and listen to and discard the rest. Definitely worth the read!

    I am trying hard to get excited about my trip to Dallas next month. I've been doing some research on things I can do by myself that won't make me feel incredibly awkward. I've come up with a few things including a trolley tour, a trip to the Sixth Floor Museum/Texas School Depository, and potentially a foodie tour. The foodie tour looks awesome (it's a walking tour) but it is a bit expensive for me. I'm waiting on that one since it is non-refundable if I change my mind or can't go.

    Well, I'm off to get a little more work done here before I head off to job #2. Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Carol in NC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Lillian, good for you on taxes and even better on seeing the sun. Doesn’t it just make life better when the sun is shining?

    Naiomi, thanks for the giggle on your thoughts on a spin class. I love it! I’m a hard stick too and usually warn them that they only get two sticks and NO digging! If nothing else, it scares the bad ones into calling in the expert.

    Pattilou, welcome. Congrats on your retirement. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do. Come here often and you will get great support and information.

    Jane, glad you heard from DS#1 and all is as okay as it can be. I hope your visit is good for you both.

    Joyce, the doc that delivered Michelle sounds like a real jewel. My doc had a partner that would do the delivery if mine was not available. His name was Dr. Popp and DH thought that was so funny. I’m glad my doc was there cause I had a 9 lb 2 oz breach. I liked that she was so big so I wouldn’t be afraid she would break. I think you are wise to have a stash of meds that you can just grab and go in case of an emergency. When I go on a cruise I always take two a week supply, “just in case”.

    Sharon, love the “all my marbles” question. Good that counseling brought up things you didn’t want to deal with, because that means you need to. Glad to hear it’s working. Hang in there.

    Viviana, I eat pretty low carbs, but nothing like the low carb diet. I did it years and years ago and don’t think it is the best. I did hear recently that you can do low carb for two days then back to healthy eating, to get over a plateau in weight loss.

    Jackie, Love your post. Isn’t that the truth!! Who needs a guy when you have food?

    Allison, that is interesting about your surgery. I do think it was great that you and the Hyster Sisters could support each other.

    Peachstategal, I’m with you on Kale and Cilantro. It’s ashamed that so many Mexican restaurants now use Cilantro in everything. Not that I need chips and salsa but I’m just saying. I grew up on the border of Mexico and when I was a kid no one used cilantro. Well nor did they use sour cream, come to think of it.

    Sylvia, it sounds like you need to get in high gear to “throw” all that clay in time for your show. But it’s not like you have been sitting on your rear and doing nothing for the past two months. I know you will get it done and the pieces will look great.

    Sassy, congrats on keeping that scale moving in the right direction. Keep up the great work!! And enjoy your Christmas.

    Bren, welcome to this group of wonderful ladies. If you come here often you will find that you pick up all kinds of tips and useable information. The main thing is to keep going and never give up. It works, just not always at the pace we’d like. Is 1500 calories what MFP recommended when you put in all your information? Good luck on your journey.

    Chris, congrats on making your decision about your business. I’m sure it was not done easily. I hope you will find the perfect job and just think of a steady paycheck and so much less stress. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for sure as well as say a prayer for you. I hope you do get the nice weather.

    Pip, great streaking!!! Did you start here when you were 15? :p

    Vicki, I think it’s nice that you are willing to write your DSDs ex to let him know about the children. I can’t even believe he asked you for money. I guess some people don’t get it? Have a wonderful weekend with the family. If you do get a late charge on your bill, depending on what it is, many will waive it if you have a good payment history. It never hurts to call and ask.

    Mary, safe travels. Ya gotta love those Texans.

    Terri, have fun at your concerts. I know you will.

    Mugwomp, welcome. You are smart to try to lose weight and exercise before you end up with diabetes like many of us. This is a very supportive group. I hope you come often.

    Heather, your dinner sounds yummy.

    Carol, will there be others in your group that may want to do some things while you’re in Dallas? Some things I don’t mind doing alone and others I’m just not too crazy about. I hope you have a good time.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My computer keeps losing the internet connection. I guess I might have to get it checked out. I got a call from one of our credit cards early this morning. We had a fraudulent charge for almost $800. I’m glad they catch them but this is about the 5th one in a year. It’s a pain to have to get a new number and change anyone that has the number. This one we only use for online purchases but can’t figure out where the fraud is coming from. I spent about an hour this morning trying on clothes in my closet and weeding out the things that are just too big. I can’t believe how many clothes I had in there. But making room for new ones is fun. I’m keeping some that I could wear if I had too but hopefully they will be way too big in another month. I might get rid of them the next time I go through there.

    Have a wonderful day, ladies.

    words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    damnit - I started when I was an embryo :wink:
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Janet - I don't know a soul who is going to this Dallas gig. There will be a thousand or so people at the event, and there is usually a sign up for those who'd like to have dinner with others so that they don't have to eat alone, but, unless I meet someone at a meal, I won't know if anyone is interested. The event begins Tuesday evening and ends at noon on Friday. I am flying down on Monday and coming back on Saturday. That means that I have Monday afternoon/evening and most of the day Tuesday on my own plus Friday afternoon and evening. Most of the JFK stuff is within a half mile of the hotel so I can walk to that and will be fine by myself. I think that I will do either the foodie tour or something else that is morning/mid-day timed on Tuesday and a trolley tour on Friday afternoon. I will also plan my meals so that I am within easy walking distance for wherever I eat dinner Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. I'm a stresser and compulsive pre-planner when I'm traveling by myself! :blush:
  • FitReally
    FitReally Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. Hoping I can start mid-month....

    For April my goals are to:
    Track my food intake daily using myfitness pal
    use my Total gym for an upper body workout 2 to 3 times each week
    do 10 sets of 10 squats 3 times a week
    Walk 1 mile daily with the dogs
    Read this thread regularly for motivation
    Finally I would like to lose 6 to 8 pounds by the end of the month

    Spokane, WA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Thank you all for the welcome back messages! I really appreciate that. Especially today when I have had a very stressful rough day which is not done yet! Those of you dealing with adult children who continue to depend on your support, I have found several books to help me with the same situation with my son. One I have on my phone as an audio book (also comes as a 'normal' book) is "Overcoming Codependency" by Frank James. I have other printed books that I am reading and will get those names and post them in another post, perhaps tomorrow. They have helped me and I hope you all may find something useful out of them as well.

    Have to get back to it!

    Rita in CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation

    April Goals:
    Finalize TN house sale (have to pay in at closing)
    Exercise at least 12 times this month
    Eat 4 veggies a day, and 2 fruits a day
    Record what I eat.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Katla - Congrats on enjoying the “medium” and making a good decision to go to a large for all the comfort issues (wearing, and washing)

    Salads - I like spinach, iceberg, romaine --- and some of the others in small amounts But like many of you I like “stuff” in mine, carrot, cucumber, tomato, onion, broccoli, …..

    Alison – so glad you are feeling better.

    Sassy – EXCELLENT!!!!!!

    Chris – my recommendation to find a job is the same thing you would have done with a small business, use every _EVERY – opportunity to network and share what you are looking for. The wine and chocolate is a great place to start looking.

    Terri – in this part of California we can not grow either hostas or rhubarb, it is too hot, dry and the clay soil just will not support them.

    Viviana – I think you are thinking of a one piece or tank swimsuit

    Beth – Spokane – welcome

    Rita - Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!

    April goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – went to Hakone gardens it is a beautiful Japanese garden established in 1917 and just amazing.
    Week 2 – easter (?)
    Kim from N. California
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday here
    Saw doctor and she is pleased the new meds are working and that I have a new dog. Do not have to see her unless I need to and for scripts.
    Saw Brian and in 3 months I have LOST 10% body fat, 5% visceral fat and GAINED 5% muscle. He wants me down to 10% visceral fat by end of Tom's BIG challenge starting in May. He told me to cut out the hot chocolate and use Cadbury's cocoa with Stevia.
    Poor Blaize threw up in car again.
    Stan has gone fishing at Pet Dam
    Training today: before breakfast = Wii Gold's boxing, 1 hour after breakfast = JJ Cross training and Abs blast, afternoon = walk dog
    Have to check new HRM for JJ's work-outs and post later
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good evening everyone.

    Sorry I have been MIA the last few days. Work has completely overtaken me. Still not feeling 100% yet. Dr told me this flu could take 6 weeks to work itself out but I have lost my patience!

    I will try to read all of the posts I have missed to catch up. Boy this is one chatty group.

    Beth in maine
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1-1/4 hr Jillian Michaels Extreme Shed and Shred DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to go to the deep water class. First I'll take my aluminum to the Humane Society, then maybe stop at Bi-Lo, after the deep water class I need to go get my hair dyed (I have to renew my passport so I want to look decent), then stop at CVS to get a prescription for Vince and one for Loki

    After exercising took the mats that we have in front of the litter boxes, shook them out, then ran the hose over them. I wanted them to dry as much as possible. Then put a load of laundry in so that it would get started before we left for the lunch. Then I had my breakfast

    - I remember when I first started getting tricep definition, I couldn't stand to have something on my arms. Same way now. So that might be what's happening to you. I remember taking a spinning class and I would usualy wear short-sleeved t-shirts. Suddenly I couldn't stand to have something on my arms.

    - from a 44 to a 38! Wow! That's something. Glad you got a good measurement.

    naiomi - a spin class is using a stationary bike. You can adjust the resistance.

    pattilou - welcome and congrats on the retirement. Now you'll wonder where you had the time to work! Trust me, retirement is BUSY

    - so sorry to hear about your brother. That's the pits

    - how true, how true. Thanks for posting that

    Went to lunch with the Newcomers. Had a grilled chicken breast, asked them to steam the broccoli (I think it might have been grilled, but at least it didn't have all kinds of sauce or butter on it) and just water to drink. There was A BIT of lettuce and one slice of tomato, I'm not even going to bother to log that, it was so little. The lettuce was a bit wilted which I was surprised at.

    Came home and then went to Aldi since Vince needed cereal and milk.

    Sylvia - it is so frustrating when things like that happen to your glasses. I've had my share. Lenscrafters (they're usually in all the malls) will usually fix them

    - awesome loss. Have fun with Alex

    - welcome. Sounds like you have a great plan. It makes us feel so much better to set mini-goals, so I think you're doing the absolute best thing

    Chris - wine and chocolate --- does it get any better?? A lot of the Newcomer events are centered around food. I'd guess that the Monday mahjongg that I go to is about the only one that isn't -- and that's not a technical Newcomer activity.

    - I like kale if it's in something like a soup or whatever. Don't really care for it plain.

    - it must have been Carol with the communion question.

    I have big veins, so am easy to get an IV into. If the person has problems getting one into me, they have REAL problems

    - have fun at the concerts. Sounds like you have a good plan for your meals. yannijannie is right, we all seem to have some problems with our children. Me? I haven't seen my son in three years, I'm betting that his wedding was the last time I'd ever see him. He calls, but very very seldom. I send him emails and he doesn't bother to respon even with a simple "got it". I just keep telling myself "karma is a b****" "what goes around comes around". To me, the mother of the guy my one daughter is living with "enables" them. Vince hates when I say that, but to me that's what she does. she co-signed for an apartment for them, they skipped out and left her owing thousands of dollars. So what does she do? She cosigns for ANOTHER apartment. Her son has an accident in one of Denise's vehicles and what does her husband do? He buys the son a new truck. Admitted, it was used, but still....

    - I'd never heard of the daVinci hysterectomy, either. What's different about that one versus a regular hysterectomy?

    - welcome!

    - we didn't have a thunderstorm last night. I know there are foodie tours in Charlotte -- have you ever taken one?

    Janet - wonder why things have changed now and Mexican food contains cilantro and sour cream? Woohoo on those too big clothes. Sure feels good, huh?

    Beth - Feel better fast

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    Stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 10.27min, 16.9amph 2.9mi = 121c
    jog - 36.07min, 9.02ap, 6.6-7.1speed, 4mi = 350c
    ride gym 2 dome - 6.17min, 13.6amph, 1.4mi = 74c
    ride dome 2 hm - 15.54min, 10.2amph, 2.7mi = 174c
    Total cal 719
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Just reading and trying to keep up. Have a great evening.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    the elimination diet:
    "Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry.
    Then watch your health, and life, improve
    Dr. Charles, CoachMD

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif This has been a beautiful day---perfect for walking the dogs.

    smiley-happy110.gif Today was the first official meeting of the group that will line dance at the county fair in August. Only three of the four of us were able to be there but we had a friendly but honest discussion about what dances to do. In the spirit of "you can't please all the people all the time" we'll do some dances I love and some that I don't like so much, but we won't be doing any that I really can't stand.

    smiley-cool05.gif Jake and I continue to have conversations about changing the way we eat to accommodate his need to have more taste and variety and less sodium and less meat and my desire to do as little cooking or restaurant eating as possible and continue to eat the way I've been eating for a long time. He is willing to do some cooking and is OK with the idea that at even more meals we'll be eating foods that are different from each other.

    smiley-happy110.gif Carol, I love Gretchen Rubin but I don't agree with everything she says. What I know is that she has said some things in her books that have changed my life. I've learned to take what I like and leave the rest behind. She is doing podcasts now, and I've downloaded them to my phone to listen to while I walk the dogs.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Just wanted to comment that when you talk about problems with adult children it helps me to not feel so alone. So thank you from the bottom of my heart! Also still not losing weight lately but not gaining either. Hope I can manage to not gain while on vacation next week...any pointers for me? Trying to stick to 1200 and that sounds impossible. Planning on doing lots of walking.
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Hello Friends,
    Typing here keeps my mind and hands busy so I don’t head back into the kitchen to nibble. Watching every little calorie because I did NO exercise today. For some reason my left hamstring is screaming. Just woke up with this condition and have no idea what caused it. Massage therapy was already scheduled for tomorrow, so I hope that with that and a couple days of rest, I’ll be good to go to Saturday Zumba with Zoe.

    Tonight’s dinner is a robust spinach salad with assorted toppings. I love all salad greens however not if they are very wet. If I ever meet the inventor of the salad spinner, I will fall to my knees in gratitude. It’s the one kitchen gadget I can’t live without. Kale rocks, and I grow cilantro…yum.

    Vicki: Glad you are making progress with developing schedules under a new boss. Can see you are under great stress, so you are in my prayers.

    Yannie: Hope getting out around other people helps you chill out.

    Rita: Selling your house and moving closer to financial stability are remarkable goals. Bravo to you for writing it down and making progress.

    Carol in GA: So glad you and Comcast worked out the issue. I have a home office and have had to learn to be my own IT help desk. No fun.

    Sylvia: How horrible that your nerve was poked by a nurse. I would have fainted dead away. Hope they find out the cause SOON!

    Lesley: Blaize sounds like a great companion. We have a four-legged alarm clock, too.

    Cory: Imagine us in your head as you look at all the conference food. Deep breaths, you’ll get through it.

    Kim: I wish I lived close enough to go to your Garden Club sale. Sounds like a fabulous place to stock up.

    Katla: I agree with you that comfort trumps label size when it comes to clothes. Good choice.

    Janet: I WISH I could lose inches on top! I just had four pair of size 12 suit trousers nipped in at the waist and hips, but can’t do same with the matching blazers because the girls haven’t gone down a bit.

    Naiomi: I used to have funny images about ‘spin’ class too. But eventually I tried one and really liked it.

    Pattilou: Welcome. Congrats on retirement and turning your focus on health.

    Heather: Wonderful that your heard from you DS and have more peace of mind. Sounds like you have a nice visit to look forward to.

    Joyce: You’re a model of the Girl Scout motto: Be Prepared. May you never need to rely on your emergency meds.

    Sharon: Best to you with the counseling, even the recalling of rotten stuff. Stay strong.

    Sassy: Dance, sistah, dance. Proud of you hitting 25 pound loss.

    Cynthia: oooooh, sorry to hear about your knee. Go easy.

    Terri: How many tomatoes can you get from one topsy turvey? I have a sunny deck and have always wondered if those would work there. This may be my year to try.

    I’ve to bring this to a close and give Mars the cat his evening exercise chasing the laser light.

    Stay well. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    April 2015 Goals:
    *meditate for 20 minutes every day
    * cardio 5 times, burning 1600 calories/week
    * 90 minutes of strength training per week
    * eat 1200 calories, but not the full amount of exercise calories daily
    * more water!
    My word for 2014 is mindfulness.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    bkrimpet wrote: »
    Just wanted to comment that when you talk about problems with adult children it helps me to not feel so alone. So thank you from the bottom of my heart! Also still not losing weight lately but not gaining either. Hope I can manage to not gain while on vacation next week...any pointers for me? Trying to stick to 1200 and that sounds impossible. Planning on doing lots of walking.

    :D Staying at 1200 calories is challenging.....your diary isn't open so I don't know what you're eating to reach those calories so it's hard to offer pointers, but here are a few...study your diary every day to see what the biggest calorie items are and see what you can substitute at lower calories....get rid of the obvious high calorie/low nutrition items (butter, salad dressing, sauces, condiments, bread, pasta, sweets, cream and sugar in coffee, etc)....exercise more....I see from your profile that you don't have much weight to lose, so it will go slower than for people with lots of excess weight.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington

  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Exermomyou shire do a lot before breakfast! Good for you.

    Barbiecatare you performing for the fair? Or taking lessons to get prepared for the Fair Season? Dancing is one of my favorite things to do. When summer arrives we'll go to the Portuguese Feasts. The dancing there is always fun.

    BkrimpetI always find vacations difficult times to keep loosing weight. When I've had success, I did it by staying away from bread, potatoes, rice etc... An expection was I would have bread if I was having a sandwich. The only desert I would eat was fruit. We were in Europe and the food was not industrial food so the calorie count was not huge.

    Poerava14 if I keep myself occupied often the food craving will pass. Glad you decided to post instead of snack.

    Got home from bringing my friend to the airport. We had dinner at a Brazilian Resturant. When we walked in past ethnic deserts I was all eyes. Thankfully the roasted meat and vegis buffett was all you can eat. The meats are all rotisary roasted over a fire w/wonderful seasonings. We were so full there was no room for desert. We also needed to get to the airport so I escaped w/out the sugared calories.

    Time to call it a night.

    Naiomi2015 from 37F Massachusetts
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Vicki: Stress has always been my biggest cause of weight gain. Since I started this adventure, I’ve had some stressful times and have not resorted to food. Last summer was hideous for me because DH was having serious health issues and I was freaking out. I drank too much and didn’t sleep enough. It took time for me to understand what was going on, but when I focused on averaging at least 7 hours of good sleep and quit alcohol things started to improve. I wonder if you are getting adequate sleep.

    Terri in Milwaukee: Have a great time at the concert.

    Yanniejannie: I hope you have a good trip with your DD. As to daughters thinking of things from a practical POV, mine is 35, married, well educated, and a mom of two, yet she makes decisions that baffle me and lack what I consider common sense. I’m proud of her, but frequently worry about her choices.

    Mugwump in ME & Beth in Spokane: Welcome!

    Beth: I hope the flu goes away and you feel better and more energetic soon.

    Michele: You may be right that my improving fitness is making me more sensitive to the feel of shirtsleeves on my arms. I appreciate the insight.

    Today I went to the health club with my neighbor. I went to the spin room and rode a spin bike while she took the Zumba class. About half way through her class, an actual spin class joined me. It was so much fun. The teacher is someone I see often at the gym and is very nice. I like her very much. The other women were about my age, and the only thing moving faster than our spinning feet and legs was the conversation.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Oh it is so nice, the days are getting longer. So when I get home from work I can still go for a walk.

    Resisted the temptation to uncover some perennials. I have done that before and then we get a late April snowstorm and they get set back or don't make it.

    Off to the city tomorrow - DMIL has a doctors appointment. Drop off papers at accountant. and then will pick up some more paint and run around to a lot of stores...lol.

    Best get off to bed. ((((Hugs and prayers)))) to all.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan