

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Vicki, sorry you are having a stressful visit. I love my son and his family, but, sometimes it is hard to be around them. Tension!

    Like a fool, I tried to do jumping jacks to an exercise program on You Tube this morning. I did a very few but then felt like I would probably fall down if I didn't stop. I have often wondered what I would do in a dangerous situation where I needed to run away. I wouldn't be able to.

    Heather, your dinner sounds delicious.

    Finding out that I love being able to get to App Apps on the television. It has a radio station that you can access the "oldies" on and I am loving being able to listen to favorites from the 60's and 70's.

    Jan, have a safe trip! The rain has been pretty awful today. I feel so sorry for the folks who have been in the tornadoes last night.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,974 Member
    Stress -Stress -Stress! Seems like we all have it from many of the same things. Work, money, family, exercising, and weight loss. It is a part of life. Well yesterday I said I would post the names of a couple of other books that are helping me with my 'adult' children so here they are and I hope some of you find them informative and useful. I listed one most of us has heard of or read just for the newbies:

    Walking on Eggshells by Jane Isay

    Setting Boundaries with Your Adult Children by Allison Bottke

    The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

    And this last one was recommended for me so I can understand what my son is going through. I was told it would help even if I wasn't an alcoholic:

    Alcoholics Anonymous (no author) also goes by the Little Book of Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Easier day today at work but a very long day.... Have to go now.

    Have a good weekend if I don't get a chance to get back on here.
    Rita in CT

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation

    April Goals:

    Finalize TN house sale (have to pay in at closing)
    Exercise at least 12 times this month
    Eat 4 veggies a day, and 2 fruits a day
    Record what I eat.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi Everyone,
    Katla49I noticed that sometimes when I binge I am not hungry at all. Most of the time I'm tired. Other times I'm not paying attention to my emotions. After that aha moment I realized how important sleep really is.

    Lillymay2The only perennials I have in my yard are a few crocus. Some neighbors have planted tulips. Seeing the color makes me smile.

    Jmkmommsounds like your husband can tell a good story. I grew up w/ older family that were great storytellers. I think it is a lost art in many families. I bet your husband makes any gathering entertaining.

    Grandmalliemy husband is working on regrouting the bathroom shower. It does make a mess but it still better than what was there. It was hard to keep mold from growing in the spaces between tiles. I tried to keep up w/it but DH needed to take over that job after I had trouble breathing due to mold exposure while doing a local mission project. By the time he would have needed to do a 2nd cleaning he decided to move the grouting project to #1 priority. Hopes it will be done this weekend.

    Bkrimpetsmall goals are the way to keep going
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Looks like 1/2 of my post got lost in cyber space. No time to retune now.

    Naiomi2015. From 48F and foggy Massachusetts
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Rita (and whomever is in need of it) - alanon was helpful for me when my ex and I were still married and I gave him the "me or alcohol" ultimatum. I think there are multiple forms of the book, and there are live support groups and online support groups.

    40's through 70's are my favorite music to listen to, especially at work or while playing on the computer, or just crochet like on an airplane or something. My Dad listens to iHeartRadio. I guess you can pick and choose your favorites.

    Time to finish my bookwork and close the clinic for the weekend. I will try to log on this weekend, but I still haven't finished my sister's taxes, so I may be AWOL with that and all the athletics for my DS (baseball practice Saturday afternoon, and a double-header of baseball games on Sunday).

    Hugs for Everyone (especially those who need an extra long hug right now).

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I'll catch up later but had to share a song my daughters and I wrote fro Charlie who is having his 1st colonoscopy Monday.

    One the 1st day of Christmas my doctor gave to me script for a colonoscopy.
    One the second day of Christmas my doctor gave to me 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonoscopy.
    On the 3rd day of Christmas my doctor gave to me a gallon of Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonocopy.
    On the 4th day of Christmas my doctor gave to me 5 hours of raw butt, a gallon of Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and script for a colonoscopy.
    On the 5th day of Christmas my doctor said to me NO POOPING IN THE SHOWER, 5 hours of raw butt, a gallon of Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonoscopy.
    On the 6th day of Christmas my doctor gave to me a gold medal for running to the bathroom in time, NO POOPING IN THE SHOWER, 5 hours of raw butt, a gallon of Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonoscopy
    On the 7th day of Christmas my doctor gave to me 7 rolls of Quilted Northern, a gold medal for running to the bathroom in time, NO POOPING IN THE SHOWER, 5 hours of raw butt, Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonoscopy.
    On the 8th day of Christmas my doctor gave to me a gown with no back, 7 rolls of Quilted Northern, a gold medal for getting to the bathroom in time, no pooping in the shower, 5 hours of raw butt, a gallon of Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonoscopy
    On the 9th day of Christmas my doctor gave to me Michael Jackson milk, a gown with no back, 7 rolls of Quilted Northern, a gold medal for running to the bathroom in time, NO POOPING IN THE SHOWER, 5 hours of raw butt, a gallon of Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonoscopy.
    On the 10th day of Christmas my doctor gave to me 3 tubes of lube, Michael Jackson milk, a gown with no back, 7 rolls of Quilted Norther, a gold medal for running to the bathroom in time, NO POOPING IN THE SHOWER, 5 hours of raw butt, a gallon of Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonocopy.
    On the 11th day of Christmas my doctor gave to me 6 feet of tubing, 3 tubes of lube, Michael Jackson milk, a gown with no back, 7 rolls of Quilted Northern, a gold medal for running to the bathroom in time, NO POOPING IN THE SHOWER, 5 hours of raw butt, a gallon of Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonoscopy.
    On the 12th day of Christmas my doctor gave to me a bill for $260, 6 feet of tubing, 3 tubes of lube, Michael Jackson milk, a gown with no back, 7 rolls of Quilted Northern, a gold medal for running to the bathroom in time, NO POOPING IN THE SHOWER, 5 hours of raw butt, a gallon of Gatorade with salty icky stuff, 10 cups of jello and a script for a colonoscopy.

    The story about number 5 is that when we went to our first daughters college orientation day, the orientation team which is made up of upper classmen sang The 12 days of Georgetown. this long haired guitar playing skinny raunt of a guy was number 5 and sang NO SINGING IN THE SHOWER. If you know the song, the phrase 5 golden rings is emphasized and by the 12 verse is really held out so this guy really hammed it up. This guy is now our son in law. When we were each adding a verse, it was kind of out of order so I fixed it.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    to funny Joyce,,,,
    2600.00 later the bathroom will sort of be done.. we have to paint, and my Tom will eventually tile over the shower surround. working until noon and then home
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    terri_mom - I had tried alanon too, it didn't work for me AT ALL. i'm glad it worked for you though. I had ended up leaving the group (was a live group I was going to) hopefully it's improved since I was there.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Weight is a strange thing. Christmas Eve with Sports Nutritionist I was 100 Kg and 52% body fat, This week I was 99.8 Kg and 42% Body fat. Ordinary scales DO lie and I have BF scales and go for official weigh/BF% with Sports Nutritionist. My Visceral fat has gone from 18 to 13 and he wants to see 10 by end of Tom's BIG challenge

    Training today is Jeannette's Blast belly and Jeannette's Bikini boot-camp II. Need to do and log later

    Food is 1755 and all OK

    I use Jeannette Jenkins', Jillian Michaels', BodyTrim and Jamie Oliver recipe books to keep me on track
    Was told to cut out sugar and honey in drinks and go back to Natvia and given a brand of chocolate drink to buy. less wasted calories for more healthy food
  • CecidoToo
    CecidoToo Posts: 2 Member
    Ceci from Long Island :) first day here, 50 pounds to go
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Just marking my spot..
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Pip, well said. I always though counting calories was a drag and way too much trouble. MFP just makes it easy and I have even trained DH to look at the calories of food when shopping.

    Heather, way to go on your progress with the book. I do the same to DH on occasion if there is something on TV I want to hear, because he is always talking over it. Thanks for the kind words. I agree about the age thing. Just like I never felt as fat as I got, I’ve never felt as old as I've gotten. I remember when I thought 67 was over the hill and now I think I’m just beginning the best part of my life.

    Carol, I’m happy for you that Spot decided to come home. Wouldn’t it be great to know where they go and what they do? You asked about weight fluctuations. I weigh every morning when I first get up. I can weigh an hour later and weigh up to 1 ½ pounds more. I can go up or down 2 to 3 pounds from day to day. That is why I never list a weight loss on MFP until I have had it for 2 or 3 days. Your new veggie delivery sounds intriguing. Be sure to keep us posted on what you get.

    Bkrimpet, sounds like a good set of goals. Good luck.

    Vicki, sending good thoughts for a pleasant visit with DS. Boy do they all know how to push our buttons! Sometimes I try to realize it is not so much what they do as much as how I process it. We can’t change them so I try and try and try to not let some of the things bother me so much. Good luck until they leave. (((Hugs)))

    Joyce, love the song. Too funny. And I loved the story about your SIL and the 5th day. Thanks for sharing.

    Lesley, congrats on your numbers. Has your body changed so that clothes fit differently? You know that all some of us know is weight, so I don’t know how the BF affects your size?

    Ceci, welcome. Please tell us a bit about yourself to help us get to know you. This is a very supportive and informative group. Come often and I’m sure it will help you with your journey.

    I’ve been craving and talking about fried catfish for a few weeks. DH and I decided to go to Ryan’s Steakhouse buffet tonight since they had catfish. I saved up a bunch of calories for the meal and looked up their nutritional information online before we went. Boy was I ready! Well, it was the worst meal I have ever had there. Whaaaaah The catfish was overcooked and dry, until the last batch which was smelly like sour milk and a bit underdone. I didn’t eat it. The green beans were tasteless but greasy, the okra and tomatoes were okay but lots of the okra was very stringy, and the broccoli rice casserole was all rice and cheese so I only had two bites of it. What a disappointment. I normally wouldn’t have, but after little to eat I got a small bread pudding and savored every bite. I’m finding that there is a reason I don’t think about food nearly as often as I used to. After all, I’m not a dog so need to stop rewarding myself with food. Right?

    I hope you all have a great weekend. My your stresses be few and your victories be great. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    smiley-cool05.gif Katla and Carol, I don't know if you have to be terribly coordinated to do some simple dancing. There are many women in my beginner line dance class who don't dance well but they love the music. Dancing at home to music you love and paying attention to the beat and trying to do some simple repetition of steps would certainly keep your brain working.

    smiley-happy020.gifJanet, the last time I went to a restaurant for a food that I thought I'd craved for a long time, I was disappointed....you are so right about not rewarding myself with food.

    smiley-greet024.gif Heather, I am in awe of the hard work you are doing to complete your book.

    smiley-sleep012.gif The best solution I found for late night snacking was to go to bed earlier. I read in bed and it relaxes me to go to sleep. I got to my very early bedtime by going to bed a few minutes earlier each night.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif The poodles were gone most of the day to be groomed....Bernie, the cat, wandered around meowing because he missed them.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I had a super NSV today! I went over to the hospital in Joplin for an xray of my guts. It turned out to be a barium swallow test so it took several hours. I probably glow in the dark now, after all those X-rays. Anyway, the X-ray tech and I were getting along well. She was really nice and really funny. At one point I said it was cold in the waiting room and she said, "well, that's because you are so skinny! You need a hamburger, girl!" I had not even told her that I had lost weight. I laughed hysterically and pulled up my before picture and showed it to her. She was suitably amazed. That was fun.

    Then I took DGD#1 to get her hair cut, then took DGS to soccer practice. Hubby and DGD #2 and went along to watch. Busy day.

    I hope you are all having a good evening.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    A wife went to the police station with her next-door neighbor to report that her husband was missing.

    The policeman asked for a description. She said, "He's 35 years old, 6 foot 4, has dark eyes, dark wavy hair, an athletic build, weighs 185 pounds, is soft-spoken, and is good to the children."

    The next-door neighbor protested, "Your husband is 5 foot 4, chubby, bald, has a big mouth, and is mean to your children."

    The wife replied, "Yes, but who wants HIM back?"

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.41min, 15.1amph 2.9mi = 112c
    stairclimber - 20min, 89stepspmin, 5.4floorspmin, 198aw, 110floors = 168c
    jog- , 9.02min, 6.7-8.0speed, 9.02ap, 1mi = 109c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.17min, 13.7amph, 1.4mi = 79c
    Ride dome 2 hm up Mst - 15.13min, 10amph, 2.5mi = 150c
    other - 30min, clean up kitchen floor/mop, feed kids = 85c
    total cal 703
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    right now i am so pissed! you give me a rope, i'll hang myself and i'll tell you what i mean by that.
    there was an accident on the freeway and my husband works in seattle and takes the bus and has a bike locker and the rides home when he gets to tacoma. i work in puyallup and today is the week that i get off later (5pm). i figured since there was an accident on the freeway, it was going to be backed up and i would probably end up getting home b4 he did to let the kids out and feed them. we both knew they would probably end up peeing and pooping cuz they were inside longer than usual.. no big, we would expect that, they can only hold it for so long. i called and he said that he was still on the bus. i told him instead of going to tan first, i was going to come home, deal with the kids and then go tan, he said ok., well as i was riding home, i could tell someone was calling, but i didn't pickup, i'm on the bike. i get home, let them out and as i thought, there was pee and poop to pickup (only in the kitchen). i returned his call and he said that he lost his keys or fell off of his pannier and he was walking home. told him i was going to clean up the floor as quick as i could and go pick him up. i had seriously mop the floor, bleach it, well you get the idea. i still have my bike gear on, i'm sweating like a pig and i notice in the living room yogi (black pup) got a hold of one of the channel checks and demolished it. i started picking up those pieces., by the time i was done, time had gone by, so i thought he would be closer. i called him and apologized that they made a serious mess and ASKED HIM MULTIPLE TIMES do u want me to pick u up? ARE YOU SURE? are you sure????? he says, no it's okay, i don't mind walking in the rain, i'm ok, really, just leave the door open and go tan. AGAIN are you sure???? yeah... so i go. i come back and i can feel the attitude. i see that he has his other bike out to ride to work tomorrow morning. i have off on the weekends. I tell him, i'll just take you to work tomorrow so you don't have to deal with 2 bikes (in case he finds that he left his keys at work)., he says, no thanks i can take care of myself. i'm like what? HE SAYS, it's raining, i'm walking home and you go tan. I SAID, SO YOU ARE BLAMING ME FOR NOT PICKING YOU UP WHEN I OFFERED MULTIPLE TIMES TO PICK UP UP???!!!!!!!!!.

    We RARELY and i do mean rarely fight or argue. but, if you tell me its ok to do something and i do it, THEN YOU COME BACK TO ME CUZ I DID IT????? oh no, i don't play that game. i haven't even eaten dinner and he BETTER not ask me if i want anything because if he does? i'll say, no thanks i can take care of myself!

    ok, i'm done.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of the deep water class. The plan for tomorrow is to do Tony Little's Total Body DVD twice for a total of an hour.

    This morning I took my aluminum to the Humane Society, went to Bi-Lo to get items on sale, went to exercise, then got my hair colored, went to CVS to get a prescription for Vince and one for Loki, then to a jewelry show. I wanted to look for earrings and really didn't want real expensive ones. On the way home stopped at Lowe's Foods to get items on sale and some more tofu along with items that I need for these turkey meatballs for a friend. See, she fell, I didn't realize until we went to the Newcomer lunch that she'd hurt her right hand so cooking is probably tough for her. I'll make the meatballs, take her a box of spaghetti, and make some lemon squares to take to them.

    Had 2 samples of pineapple at Lowe's Food. I was so hungry I admit that I did cave in and get these Slimfast bars just so I could have something in the car (plus, they were marked down). But at least I didn't choose something real high in calories.

    - what a great diet! How I wish we were closer! I love to cook and especially trying out new, healthy, recipes. Wouldn't bother me at all to share, as a matter of fact, I'd really like the feedback. But, alas, guess it's not to be....:(

    - if I'm exercising at home, I usually have some piece of fruit, then exercise. I don't know what it is, but I drink so much when I exercise. Anyway, I'm usually pretty full so it really isn't a problem for me to do some things before I have breakfast.

    katla - sounds like we're alike, I, too, am proud of Jess but sometimes worry about her choices.

    We need to clean out the filters for the pool, but according to weather.com we were supposed to get thunderstorms. Note I said "supposed" Never came. Well, Vince said we could do the filters tomorrow.

    - I'm sorry but doing a 2 minute plank the first time...I don't even think that's possible. I know I didn't go for 2 minutes the first time I did a plank. Well, if you have incorrect form, it is easier.

    bkrimpet - I wish you the best staying away from breads. I used to be totally addicted to them. Whenever we went out to eat, put the breadbasket in front of me and it would disappear. Then one year I gave up white flour (and so breads) for Lent. Yes, it was really really hard at first. But by the end of Lent, I didn't have any desire for breads. To this day bread just doesn't excite me at all. when we go out to eat, I may get a grilled chicken sandwich but I always get it without the bun. This may sound silly (I know it does to Vince) but desserts don't quite do it for me. that is....unless the dessert is a piece of fruit. then it disappears. I remember going to buffets and my dessert is many times more veges.

    - when we go to see Jess, even tho I know they have cereal at the hotel, I usually take those small boxes of Special K. They're something like 81 calories. then I usually have some milk, egg whites, 1/2 an english muffin,some salsa.

    terri - so glad you had such a good time at the concert. Have fun at the Franke Valle concert. lol...throwing that "bra". What a hoot

    viv - is there such a thing as light Italian food????

    Janet - I always have to get a padded bra, I'm so small. Well, I guess there are worse things in life. I can't stand those ones with the wire in them, so I always have to get the ones without it. I even found a padded strapless bra that doesn't have the wire. The wire just digs into my chest and it hurts. When I take spinning, I have to wear my heartrate monitor. that's the only time when I have to wear it. It's just so easy for me to get above or even below my heartrate. WTG on that mini-goal. Loved your quote

    Carol in NC
    - I don't get the veggie baskets since I know that I'm the only one who would eat it. Vince will only eat carrots, corn, white potatoes (never sweet), french fries, romaine lettuce, tomatoes as long as they aren't cooked. Now me? I don't know of a veggie that I don't like. So happy kitty is home safe and sound

    - what a cute song!

    - welcome!

    Janet - so sorry you had such a bad experience at ryan's. I thought they were out of business. I know the one in FL closed and then the one right by us closed.

    Sylvia - what a wonderful NSV!!!!

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Lesley – so glad you are doing so well!!! And sorry about Blaize, as I know taking the dog for a drive is important to you too.

    Beth- hang in there!!!

    YannieJannie – interesting to compare what things we needed to make choices about and what choices we made and the things the next generation faces

    Terri – “I'm not too happy about being awake” So I read just that much and thought it beats the alternative of not ever waking up…. Then I read on and realized you were tired from the late night…

    Viviana – real Italian recipes would be LOVED by me…

    Heather – I think you mentioned that you like a British Detective series called Vera…
    well I turned the TV on last night (something I only do 2-3 times a month) and it was on, so I stayed and watched it…. Great fun, Vera is a character!

    Carol – I have done the farmer’s market food delivery – here they call it CSA (community supported agriculture) but find that it is too pricy and too much food for me. As much as I would love to go organic, I just cannot afford it, and so do pick and choose what I do organic, instead of completely and the boxes are all organic so out of my range…

    I am not sure about your climate but the tomato will do fine in a large pot, as would a small citrus (lemon, lime, kumquat) or there is a “new” plant called a sweet pea bush that has these great purple flowers on it for a long part of the year (here if protected, it flowers all year long)

    Vicki – sending thoughts of peace, just keep venting here!!!

    Joyce - Great song, did Charlie get how funny it is?

    Sylvia – EXCELLENT NSV!!!

    Pip – oh dear…… what a drag… breathe!!!

    Busy day, lots of embroidery, and tomorrow is the garden sale then clients and more embroidery… but that’s what happens when I take time off to play. Am hoping to go to a friends to have the quilt top quilted, but trying to find a dog sitter for Levi… having him not get along with others is really hard. All the dog sitters here are $80-$100 a night… grrrr.

    April goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – went to Hakone gardens it is a beautiful Japanese garden established in 1917 and just amazing.
    Week 2 – easter (?)
    Kim from N. California
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    "Lesley, congrats on your numbers. Has your body changed so that clothes fit differently? You know that all some of us know is weight, so I don’t know how the BF affects your size?"
    Body Fat takes up more room than same weight of muscle, so I am MUCH smaller. I go to see Brian again before tom's Summer Challenge starting in May. Need to set up a spreadsheet.
    Got the spreadsheets from Tom's site: Weekly progress Chart and 98 day countdown sheets. Ready to go now.
    Training Cals = 418
    Will feed Blaize tonight and then nothing before drive, he will think he is starving NOT! See how he goes