

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Sorry about the size. I don't know if it can be reduced.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    stats for the day:
    jog- 25.39min, 8.16minute mile, 6.8-9.0speed, 5k = 269c
    rowing machine- 30min, 79aw, 5479meters/ 3.4miles = 262c
    rope pull- 15.17min, 96ftpmin, lvl7, midset, 1615ft = 118c
    total cal 649
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    today he had to work and the keys were not at his job. he's lucky that he has more than one bike. but he almost left (he always kisses me in the morning before he leaves when it's my day off and while i'm sleeping cuz i can feel him). i shot out of bed and called out his name to see if he had left yet, i asked him to let me take him to work so he wouldn't have to deal with 2 bikes in case he found his keys. well i took him and by the time i was done with my workout and went to tan then went to starbucks he called and said his keys weren't at work. so i asked him, do you want me to pick up up (because he would have had to walk again) and again, he said no, you don't have to, it's not raining, i could walk. i said, lets not start this *kitten* again, he said ok... he called me when he got close to the bus station and it was raining. he knows he pissed me off when i picked him up, he thanked me and now everything is back to normal. we may have a spat but we get over it real quick, he knows not to piss a mexican off lololol...
  • naiomi2015
    naiomi2015 Posts: 95 Member

    Hi Everyone,
    Just about to get ready for tonight's evening of dinner and dancing. I'm feeling pretty good today. Kitty boy's diabetites is un changed . Next step to check kidney values. Here's his pic.lfutc87kwsvz.jpg

    Naiomi2015 from 54F and Sunny Massachusetts
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Happy Saturday ladies.

    Just finished up work for the day and have a long drive home (1.5 hours one way). Sometimes I hate that drive! Thank goodness I do not have to go to the office everday (only when I schedule appointments). I am so ready for the weekend.

    Looks like you have been very chatty again. I will try to catch up with the post.

    Anyway just wanted to say hello to everyone.

    Beth in Maine

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Lesley … you have inspired me to set up spread sheets for my goals … I think this might help me … not like your sheets obviously, but on the things that MFP doesn’t track for me.

    Kim ... I read an article from Good Housekeeping via Facebook today entitled “My Mom Made Me Hate My Body.” Some of it rang true with me … thought of you. http://www.goodhousekeeping.com/health/wellness/a32071/my-mom-made-me-hate-my-body/?src=spr_FBPAGE&spr_id=1443_166988605

    Heather … procrastination … now there’s something I know a lot about …

    Katla … I recently read … from several sources and Dr. Perlmutter (I think the gal from Italy mentioned him) talks about our brains needing good fats to function correctly and ward off dementia related illnesses. I don’t think that body/visceral fat is necessary, but good fats that the body can utilize. One study of residents in a nursing home found that those with higher cholesterol numbers scored better on memory/brain tests! The American public bought into the low fat and high carb food pyramid a while back. We’ve seen a great increase in diabetes and Alzheimer’s. Definitely makes you think. My grandmother refused to give up her butter in the margarine craze days … she was as sharp as a tack until her death at age 94. Seems she knew what she was talking about.

    Peachstategal … lovely photo of your Mom! I hope I look that good at 89 too!

    Pip … hot blooded, huh? I get accused of that with my Irish blood … Lol!

    Today we went a funeral for a dear friend’s son. He was 35. Led an extremely hard life … alcohol, drugs … spent years in juvenile detention and repeated bouts in jail. He was considered one of society’s unsavory people. Today’s service was one of the most powerful I have been to in years. While this man had accepted Jesus … he lived a tortured life … he’s at peace now. Praying those I saw today will not wait to find peace on this side.

    It was a rough week here. Stressful. Expensive. Overwhelming at times. My health was not a priority. It needs to be.

    Beth in WNY

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    beth - it takes a lot for me to get really upset and kirby and i rarely have any issues, right now it's as if nothing happened, but dammit sometimes, i'm like REALLY????? yeah, mexicans are probably kinda close to the irish i guess, lololol
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    the elimination diet:
    "Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry.
    Then watch your health, and life, improve."

    Dr. Charles, CoachMD

    smiley-happy110.gif Heather, thank you for the book recommendation. I went looking for it and found that it's a Kindle book. Jake has a Kindle so I thought about getting it and using his Kindle when he was reading another book, and then I read a lengthy summary of the book and realized that there is so much in it that is already part of how I live my life including some of the books that were referenced that I already read and found useful. I am a very scheduled person. I first became more aware of having a good schedule when I had a child with autism in my class and the specialist told me that it was important to the child for me to keep to a schedule. I didn't like the idea but found that it changed my teaching for the better. Shortly before I retired I met some retired people at a class who said that the best thing they did for their retirement was to a create a weekly schedule so they didn't end up wasting one day after another. The reason I go to bed so early and get up so early is that I found that I am my most productive in the morning and by late afternoon, I begin to fritter my time and accomplish nothing. "Suffer for 15 minutes a day" came from "The Happiness Project" and that's how I've finished many projects that I never thought I'd ever finish. I am always looking for ways to make better use of my time and do the things I want to do. Thank you for all the ways you've inspired me.

    smiley-happy020.gif Naiomi, I don't like eating out, but when I do, I order carefully and get something that fits my eating plan (grilled chicken breast, sliced tomatoes, steamed veggie with no butter or sauce). I don't limit myself by what's on the menu. If they have the food in the kitchen, they can make it my way.

    smiley-happy020.gifEm, welcome. I lost weight using MFP, slowly, and have been able to keep it off. Come back every day and join in the conversation.

    smiley-happy020.gif Lillian, I stay away from bread because I can't be moderate with it. When I see a good bread in the store I think about eating the whole loaf, not just one slice, so I don't buy it.

    smiley-greet024.gif Katla, I am 69 and don't think or feel that age.....the only time I notice my age is when I look at my profile on MFP.

    smiley-greet024.gif Jake is gone for the day. He left about 9:30 and won't be back until evening. This is a rare occurrence and I am enjoying the time alone. The first thing on my schedule was weight training, then I used the rest of the day for little chores that have been neglected all week. I fixed something for lunch that Jake wouldn't eat and have spent a lot of time riding the exercise bike and watching stuff on TV that Jake wouldn't watch with me. I'm taking a break now to catch up with all of you. I got started with my springtime yard work (15 minutes a day to start) and after 18 minutes it started to rain, so it was perfect.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif17,000 steps today--three hours of dog walking, two hours on the exercise bike, and a little bit of dancing.194904olsgis3xqe.gif

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Pip - Alanon only got me over the initial hump (strength to get out), but the online alanon worked for a friend. So sorry for your argument. I maintain that almost all men are stupid. Mine expects me to read his mind, too.

    Peachstategal - thanks for sharing the picture of your mom. She looks so happy.

    I forgot to take an extra bra to the concert last night, and Frankie even said "I miss having young ladies throw bras and panties at me" then a long pause, then "none? How about Hotel room keys?" Long pause "no? Okay, I guess I'll start singing again." Of course he saved "Oh What a Night" for close to the end, so I got up to dance, and a bunch of people did, too. So I walked up to the stage (we were seventh row), and he bent down to kiss my hand, then a bunch of other women ran to the stage, and he shook hands with everyone possible. Dinner before the concert was good, too. I had a gift certificate for a Vietnamese restaurant, so we all ate and drank stuff we had never tried before, and left happy and full. I think that is the end of my concerts until June when I spend a week with my sister at Country USA in Oshkosh Wisconsin. I think I have won from every radio station around here that has contests, so I'm not even qualified to enter for awhile.

    DS said baseball practice went well today. I don't fully understand why he is always the dirtiest, but I think I was at his age, too, so I just accept it. He said the coach has him play primarily second base, so that makes him happy, too.

    DH is working 12 hours again today, so we will probably either eat out, or get delivery (that's his preference, not mine).

    I finally finished my middle sister's taxes. It feels like a real rip-off that they require me to file her taxes on paper because she is deceased, then they charge me $20 to file on paper when online is free. Well, since she passed Jan 29, 2014 this is the final time to file for her.

    I have what my parents always called a "German temper". It's better now thanks to low-dose Prozac, but DH, DS, and DD are usually smart enough to not push me "too far". I'd never hurt anyone, but slammed doors are common. But the next breath I sure know how to have a great time, and rarely care what anyone thinks about it (yet never anything close to illegal, just crazy-fun).

    I envy all of you with good weather today. I hope it's nice tomorrow, since DS has a double-header starting at 9:00am. All the vitamin D and melatonin sure makes me sleep better, though. I wish I enjoyed the outdoors more than I do. I really like my recliner. This has gotten long, and my wrists and fingers are stiff from my RA, so I'm going to copy/paste and get going soon.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    evening ladies~
    well I worked this morning, and my Tom bless him painted the bathroom,, then we went to see DFIL ,Then to Lowes (again) then came home changed cars and went to have pizza with friends of ours, and stopped at another Lowes, and then just got home fed the dogs and I am sitting...having a cup of tea...
    Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful so will go for a nice long walk..
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    I have only had 296 calories and 81 calories of it is a drink. Lolol. This is not good , oh and 100 calories was a GU shot. Not to smart nutrition wise, I know
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Sunday here and my birthday. I am 67 years YOUNG today.
    Have NOT fed Blaize this morning and he says he is starving NOT. We are going out in car and walk him

    My food today is 1762, perfect even with roast dinner and rice pudding for dinner.

    Blaize blotted his copy book by peeing in the laundry last night, first time ever and just been out. Shakes head. Asked him "what is that" and he literally crawled on his belly. He is so boisterous.

    Tom's spreadsheet for challenge: Weight and body fat, then calculate weight, fat and lean change each week and from day 1.Measures: neck, waist, belly button, hips, chest, l/r thigh, l/r bicep, l/r calf. My spreadsheet a little different.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    Happyyyyyyyyy bdayyyyyyyyyy lestannnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: I shared the article and I’ll remember it, but I don’t know how much I believe it. I talked to my doctor about weight and she seems to think that I’m doing fine. I do know that excessive thinness is correlated with osteoporosis. It seems to go father than that, according to the articles. When I was in college there were lots weight studies with mice and the thin ones lived longest. They weren’t judging their memory skills, though.

    Peachstategal: Your mom is lovely.

    Pip: You chose your name well. :bigsmile: Not eating enough makes me grumpy and gives me a headache. You need to take good care of yourself.

    Beth in WNY: I’ve read some of the same cholesterol studies that you have. In my case, butter is out due to lactose intolerance, but olive oil is in, and so is margarine. Our MPF diary has a nutrition box at the bottom. When I click on it, I get a pie chart with carbohydrates, fat, and protein. Today it is a little fat heavy because I had ice-cream, but I try to keep the three pie pieces roughly similar. Right now it is too high in fat and okay otherwise. It is a moving target. Last check up my cholesterol was slightly high but doctor wasn’t worried. It sounds like your grandma was a sharp lady.

    Lesley: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    It has been a day of weather changes alternating between sunshine and showers. I took the dog for a walk and most of the walk was in the sunshine. It started to be iffy on the way home, but we got in the door before the downpour began. Yay!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Happy Birthday Lesley!
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Happy birthday, Lesley!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Happy Birthday Lesley! I hope you have a fun day celebrating!

    We just got home. Now to do all the laundry and put everything away and then hopefully relax for the evening. It feels nice to be home and back to normal!

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Spot just brought me a gift. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck! I'm pretty sure it was a bird but I had the lighting low. I tried scooping up her WITH her prey, but she dropped it so I got it on the dustpan and put it outside. As you can imagine, Spot was not very happy with me.

    Sorry--just needed to share/vent!

    Carol in NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of Tony Little's Body Sculpting DVD today. The plan for tomorrow is to ride the recumbant bike downstairs.

    So far today (and it's only 1:00) I made these lemon bars to take to my friend, chocolate chip cookies to take to another friend who plays mahjongg on Mondays with us and had rotator cuff surgery, a tofu pie to take to another gal who plays mahjongg and it's her birthday. I know she likes things that are diet friendly (this has 140 calories per slice and there are 8 slices), Lynette asked me to make something for her to take to the family of someone Ken works with who had a death in the family so I made some pumpkin spice muffins, then I made brownies for Vince to have. I forgot to put the timer on, so I'm not sure they're done fully. Well, I've done most of the sweets baking for the week. That's always my downfall because I can't seem to resist tasting some of the raw dough. Not sure yet if I'll put a star of icing on the muffins, maybe I will just so Lynette can see that that's something that can be done. The good news is that I didn't "taste" the brownie, etc as much as I would have previously

    Working on the latch hook Christmas tree skirt. I'm so close to the end that I'm sure I'll get it finished this weekend. Then on to figuring how to turn it under, I think I may have that figured out. Update: It's DONE

    - consider youself kicked!

    - when I had my colonoscopy, I think I just had to start adjusting my diet the day before. Well, all of them are different.

    Maryann and Em and Libby
    - welcome to a wonderful place!

    - safe travels

    Went to church and then to Food Lion to see about getting icing for the cupcakes I made for Lynette. $5!!!! I almost fainted. Yes, I probably overbought, but then I decided to buy some cream cheese and make my own frosting. The cream cheese was about $2, the butter .25, the sugar probably at most $1 and the vanilla is so little its really inconsequential. They're taking up so much room in my refrig that I just might take them to her tomorrow.

    Count me in the group of people who can't believe they're 60! Yup, that's me. I just find that sometimes I'm slower than a much younger person, like when we moved Jessica it took me longer to go up and down the stairs. But I still did it.

    - your mom doesn't look 87 at all.

    naiomi - I didn't know you had a kitty that was diabetic. Do you have to give the insulin? One of ours was and one of Jessica's was so we're familiar with the routine.

    Cleaned the filters for the pool today then I vacuumed out the spa. Tomorrow I'll probably clean the tile wall and then later in the day put the Wet & Forget on. That stuff is FANTASTIC. I thank the person on here who turned me on to it, I don't even remember who it was

    terri - the concert sounds wonderful. So glad you had such a good time. Thanks for sharing all about it with us.

    Lesley - happy birthday!!!

    Michele in NC
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Happy Birthday Lesley. Enjoyed reading all your posts. We did more yard work and I planted more annuals in my garden. I think I'm about done except for the weeding which is never ending. My vegetable garden is coming up, beans, cucumbers, peppers, squash and okra. So much fun to see the seeds sprout.
    Sue in TX