

  • EatMoreJustBetter
    Daiako wrote: »
    BTW, according to various calculations your TDEE is around

    2270 Mifflin-St Jeor
    2300 Harris Benedict

    if you are truly sedentary. That would be your maintenance level - eating 2100 is a small cut.

    Do you plan to carry out any exercise or just sit on the couch?
    If you change your routine, you'll certainly lose weight. So please, don't change your routine.

    I keep asking how she arrived at her TDEE but pft at me.

    Also don't you get too smart and knowledgeable in here mister. Don't ruin this with your brains.

    I was not ignoring you, I just trying to anwser everyone ... ok fine lets go with 2300...lord thats a lot of salad lol

    Cool, good luck - how long are you doing this?

    Ok used yours, the higher one said 2309

    For at least a month, hopefully more.... if I am wrong I will quit clearly, but if not I will keep going.... but quick question, how often do I have to check my TDEE
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    In order for it to be useful, OP (as I suggested earlier) needs to establish her true TDEE then eat regular food at maintenance then replace regular food with her consideration of what is clean food

    And each stage should last a minimum of 8 weeks

    THAT would be interesting

    Clean eating means no junk food, processed foods, and what not... that is normal food...

    Define processed

    Define junk

    Would a burger be junk..ya know organic, home-reared fresh ground beef, onions, spices, a fresh-laid egg. Would it become unclean if I topped it with cheese, what about lettuce, tomato? Is it the bread? What if I made it at home it the fact that the wheat is ground that makes a process or the yeast is a leavening process

    This is why "clean" has no definition

    MMMMM got ya... ok... I will not be eating any fast food, nothing with processed/added sugars... mostly veggies for carbs and beans for proteins, original grains, and so fourth....

    What are original grains?

    And now I have this stuck in my head:

  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    Daiako wrote: »
    Daiako wrote: »
    BTW, according to various calculations your TDEE is around

    2270 Mifflin-St Jeor
    2300 Harris Benedict

    if you are truly sedentary. That would be your maintenance level - eating 2100 is a small cut.

    Do you plan to carry out any exercise or just sit on the couch?
    If you change your routine, you'll certainly lose weight. So please, don't change your routine.

    I keep asking how she arrived at her TDEE but pft at me.

    Also don't you get too smart and knowledgeable in here mister. Don't ruin this with your brains.

    I won't - I'd just like her to eat at her TDEE.
    I think it's a glorious experiment.

    That's fair.

    Now to help the OP run her experiment properly we must first arrive at her actual TDEE and not what some calculator spat back at her. Clearly the usual method of trial and error over a long period of time is out which leaves...uh.


    That's ok. We can always claim she didn't actually know her TDEE. (Am I ruining it?)
    I'm not going to post on how I'd design this, I'm sure that WOULD ruin it.



  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Blimey what a bunch of haters, lol....

    People are resistant to changes in paradigm. Every single scientific breakthrough of any worth has seen detractors. The more challenging an idea is the greater the resistance. Carry out your work, document it well, this could be a huge paradigm shift for these IIFYM people. It could be a new way of losing weight.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Daiako wrote: »
    BTW, according to various calculations your TDEE is around

    2270 Mifflin-St Jeor
    2300 Harris Benedict

    if you are truly sedentary. That would be your maintenance level - eating 2100 is a small cut.

    Do you plan to carry out any exercise or just sit on the couch?
    If you change your routine, you'll certainly lose weight. So please, don't change your routine.

    I keep asking how she arrived at her TDEE but pft at me.

    Also don't you get too smart and knowledgeable in here mister. Don't ruin this with your brains.

    I was not ignoring you, I just trying to anwser everyone ... ok fine lets go with 2300...lord thats a lot of salad lol

    Cool, good luck - how long are you doing this?

    Ok used yours, the higher one said 2309

    For at least a month, hopefully more.... if I am wrong I will quit clearly, but if not I will keep going.... but quick question, how often do I have to check my TDEE

    Checking about every 5/10lbs lost should be fine.
  • EatMoreJustBetter
    Does anyone know how I change the original post to reflect my new goal of 2309 or do I have to start over??? Original grains = non GMO's like spelt
  • EatMoreJustBetter
    Daiako wrote: »
    Daiako wrote: »
    BTW, according to various calculations your TDEE is around

    2270 Mifflin-St Jeor
    2300 Harris Benedict

    if you are truly sedentary. That would be your maintenance level - eating 2100 is a small cut.

    Do you plan to carry out any exercise or just sit on the couch?
    If you change your routine, you'll certainly lose weight. So please, don't change your routine.

    I keep asking how she arrived at her TDEE but pft at me.

    Also don't you get too smart and knowledgeable in here mister. Don't ruin this with your brains.

    I won't - I'd just like her to eat at her TDEE.
    I think it's a glorious experiment.

    That's fair.

    Now to help the OP run her experiment properly we must first arrive at her actual TDEE and not what some calculator spat back at her. Clearly the usual method of trial and error over a long period of time is out which leaves...uh.


    That's ok. We can always claim she didn't actually know her TDEE. (Am I ruining it?)
    I'm not going to post on how I'd design this, I'm sure that WOULD ruin it.

    How would you conduct it?
  • EatMoreJustBetter
    A grilled whopper is 649 calories... I would have to eat almost 93 cups of spinach to get to that many calories.... that is what I meant about having a hard time reaching this goal with good eating... lol
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Daiako wrote: »
    Daiako wrote: »
    BTW, according to various calculations your TDEE is around

    2270 Mifflin-St Jeor
    2300 Harris Benedict

    if you are truly sedentary. That would be your maintenance level - eating 2100 is a small cut.

    Do you plan to carry out any exercise or just sit on the couch?
    If you change your routine, you'll certainly lose weight. So please, don't change your routine.

    I keep asking how she arrived at her TDEE but pft at me.

    Also don't you get too smart and knowledgeable in here mister. Don't ruin this with your brains.

    I won't - I'd just like her to eat at her TDEE.
    I think it's a glorious experiment.

    That's fair.

    Now to help the OP run her experiment properly we must first arrive at her actual TDEE and not what some calculator spat back at her. Clearly the usual method of trial and error over a long period of time is out which leaves...uh.


    That's ok. We can always claim she didn't actually know her TDEE. (Am I ruining it?)
    I'm not going to post on how I'd design this, I'm sure that WOULD ruin it.

    How would you conduct it?

    I'd do a few weeks at that TDEE without changing diet before moving to 'clean eating' at the same TDEE. But you might not want that frustration time. Go ahead and try it as you designed it for 6-8 weeks. You can then compare to loss with a mixed diet and a 20% cut in TDEE.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    100g of avocado is 160 calories. A tablespoon of olive oil is 119 calories. 200g of atlantic salmon is 368. You don't have to live on spinach.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Good luck with this. Personally, I don't think you will lose weight, but you might feel better for getting rid of junk food from your diet. Interested to see how you get on!
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Does anyone know how I change the original post to reflect my new goal of 2309 or do I have to start over??? Original grains = non GMO's like spelt

    Welllll, I'm gonna get nitpicky here, and point out that any domesticated crop is a GMO (genetically modified organism) by definition, and spelt is a hybrid of domesticated wheat and wild goat-grass (or of domesticated emmer and domesticated bread wheat). The earliest archaeological evidence of its existence is from around the 5th millennium BCE. In the grand scheme of things that's not very original. But okay.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    100g of avocado is 160 calories. A tablespoon of olive oil is 119 calories. 200g of atlantic salmon is 368. You don't have to live on spinach.

    Oh my sounds like lunch *drool*
  • EatMoreJustBetter
    100g of avocado is 160 calories. A tablespoon of olive oil is 119 calories. 200g of atlantic salmon is 368. You don't have to live on spinach.

    No clearly I won't live on spinach but it will take more eating than a burger, a couple pieces of pizza, and a shake.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Does anyone know how I change the original post to reflect my new goal of 2309 or do I have to start over??? Original grains = non GMO's like spelt

    You can edit a post for an hour. Mouse rollover the post and click on the right corner gear icon.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    But wouldn't you prefer being able to eat your burger or pizza when you want to within your calories

    Cos that works too

    And the lack of deprivation can be extremely motivating
  • EatMoreJustBetter
    Good luck with this. Personally, I don't think you will lose weight, but you might feel better for getting rid of junk food from your diet. Interested to see how you get on!

    Thank you... well this whole thread started somewhere else where people are claiming that you lose the same amount of weight whether you eat pizza or salad because its totally calorie based. I said you will lose more weight eating the same amount of calories of spinach than you would pizza and they all acted like I was insane. SO then I said you could lose more fat eating more salad and less pizza, despite calorie difference. Which I stand behind. Then I decided to just jump off a cliff and try this because no one will do a comparative with me, people hate to be wrong but IDK why, to error is human... I think in reality they know when you eat food like baked fish you will lose more weight then eating the same calories in a junior burger but don't want to admit it for some odd reason...
  • EatMoreJustBetter
    Does anyone know how I change the original post to reflect my new goal of 2309 or do I have to start over??? Original grains = non GMO's like spelt

    You can edit a post for an hour. Mouse rollover the post and click on the right corner gear icon.

    Well that time is gone... thank you for letting me know....
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Good luck with this. Personally, I don't think you will lose weight, but you might feel better for getting rid of junk food from your diet. Interested to see how you get on!

    Thank you... well this whole thread started somewhere else where people are claiming that you lose the same amount of weight whether you eat pizza or salad because its totally calorie based. I said you will lose more weight eating the same amount of calories of spinach than you would pizza and they all acted like I was insane. SO then I said you could lose more fat eating more salad and less pizza, despite calorie difference. Which I stand behind. Then I decided to just jump off a cliff and try this because no one will do a comparative with me, people hate to be wrong but IDK why, to error is human... I think in reality they know when you eat food like baked fish you will lose more weight then eating the same calories in a junior burger but don't want to admit it for some odd reason...

    I'm looking forward to reading about your experiment.

    I'd volunteer as a comparison but I'm active, male, not the same weight and eat about what you might call 60% clean, 40% whatever.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Does anyone know how I change the original post to reflect my new goal of 2309 or do I have to start over??? Original grains = non GMO's like spelt

    You can edit a post for an hour. Mouse rollover the post and click on the right corner gear icon.

    Well that time is gone... thank you for letting me know....

    We understand your update, just reflect it in your diary and start it up. Good luck!