Steak or Salmon?



  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fleurk126 wrote: »
    Have whichever you want the most because you'll only regret it otherwise. If you're going to go over your calories then at least get the maximum enjoyment you can from it.
    That said, an additional tip is that if you have steak rare, it is harder for your body to digest and you will therefore absorb less calories (or so I heard?!) Enjoy your night out!

    you heard wrong...

    it may slightly increase TEF which would increase calories burned off..but you are injesting the same amount of calories whether rare, medium rare, or overdone...

    I love that the next choice after medium rare is over done! Lol

    LOL anything over medium rate is over done in my book when it comes to steak ..

    I had dinner with clients one night and they were saying how they loved filet mignon and then they ordered it well done!!!! I wanted to be like, you want a saw to cut that with ....but I guess we are all different ..

    Filet is "ok" if covered in butter and cooked rare (ok med rare is acceptable). But past that it might as well be a piece of thick leather. No thanks. My issue with filet is that it needs all kinds of flavorings to taste like anything where as a cut like a rib-eye can stand on its own with just a little salt and pepper.

  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fleurk126 wrote: »
    Have whichever you want the most because you'll only regret it otherwise. If you're going to go over your calories then at least get the maximum enjoyment you can from it.
    That said, an additional tip is that if you have steak rare, it is harder for your body to digest and you will therefore absorb less calories (or so I heard?!) Enjoy your night out!

    you heard wrong...

    it may slightly increase TEF which would increase calories burned off..but you are injesting the same amount of calories whether rare, medium rare, or overdone...

    I love that the next choice after medium rare is over done! Lol

    LOL anything over medium rate is over done in my book when it comes to steak ..

    I had dinner with clients one night and they were saying how they loved filet mignon and then they ordered it well done!!!! I wanted to be like, you want a saw to cut that with ....but I guess we are all different ..

    There are some cuts that can go over mid-rare, but Filet is most definitely not one of them. Honestly, anything over rare for a Filet completely ruins it.
  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    fleurk126 wrote: »
    Have whichever you want the most because you'll only regret it otherwise. If you're going to go over your calories then at least get the maximum enjoyment you can from it.
    That said, an additional tip is that if you have steak rare, it is harder for your body to digest and you will therefore absorb less calories (or so I heard?!) Enjoy your night out!

    you heard wrong...

    it may slightly increase TEF which would increase calories burned off..but you are injesting the same amount of calories whether rare, medium rare, or overdone...

    I love that the next choice after medium rare is over done! Lol

    Because #truth

    I agree, unfortunately there aren't many steak houses that can actually cook a good med rare! :disappointed:
  • jpaulie
    jpaulie Posts: 917 Member
    wild sockeye salmon I go for it, Atlantic, not so much. then I would choose steak
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    I have to say though, I have a beef (pun intended) with "steak houses". I don't understand the prices. I can cook a steak, potatoes and veg dinner like you would pay $30+ for at a "steak house" and do it better for less than a third the cost.

    When I go out to eat I like to get things I can't do myself easily with my home equipment.
  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    I have to say though, I have a beef (pun intended) with "steak houses". I don't understand the prices. I can cook a steak, potatoes and veg dinner like you would pay $30+ for at a "steak house" and do it better for less than a third the cost.

    When I go out to eat I like to get things I can't do myself easily with my home equipment.

    Prime rib is the only steak house steak that I can't do. Not for lack of ability, I just can't find a prime grade rib roast anywhere!!!!!
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

    The trick to a good rib roast steak is to sear and cook to rare. Let rest 30min at least. Cut thick and sear on high with butter 2min each side max to crust.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

    next time you have a family gathering or something get a standing rib roast from your butcher and cook that, it is the cuts off like prime rib but definitely not the "mass produce" feeling...

    get a little horseradish sauce with it and some roasted freaking good!!!
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    I'd go for the steak
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

    next time you have a family gathering or something get a standing rib roast from your butcher and cook that, it is the cuts off like prime rib but definitely not the "mass produce" feeling...

    get a little horseradish sauce with it and some roasted freaking good!!!

    Are you from the Northeast, specifically the Buffalo area?

    I didn't think anyone outside of that region knew about horseradish, much less ate the stuff.
  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    Hi all! I'm going out to dinner at steakhouse with family. I was checking the menu in advance, and there are two options I was considering - a 7oz filet mignon, likely with a side of roasted mushrooms or salmon (no specifics on how it's cooked or the portion size) with dill butter and horseradish spaetzle. This is going to be an over my usual calories meal regardless, and I really enjoy both salmon and steak. I eat salmon more often because I find it easier to fit into my calories and more readily available (love sashimi) than steak, but neither is a huge difference preference wise. That being said, do you think one option is likely significantly more low calorie than the other? Since I like the two dishes relatively equally, I'd rather make the healthier choice if there's a significant difference. Interested in any insight.
    Personally, I avoid conventional meats. Wild salmon would be best (less mercury). The option at the restaurant would doubtless be farm-raised salmon.
    With either dish, I'd suggest including as many veggies as possible with the meal....opt for salad and the seasonal vegetables.

  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

    next time you have a family gathering or something get a standing rib roast from your butcher and cook that, it is the cuts off like prime rib but definitely not the "mass produce" feeling...

    get a little horseradish sauce with it and some roasted freaking good!!!

    Oh yes! No argument at all! I was more referring to the sad banquet plate thing. A real standing rib roast is a thing of beauty...
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    edited April 2015
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

    next time you have a family gathering or something get a standing rib roast from your butcher and cook that, it is the cuts off like prime rib but definitely not the "mass produce" feeling...

    get a little horseradish sauce with it and some roasted freaking good!!!

    Are you from the Northeast, specifically the Buffalo area?

    I didn't think anyone outside of that region knew about horseradish, much less ate the stuff.

    I am from PA and it is fairly common here to do horseradish on roast beef
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

    next time you have a family gathering or something get a standing rib roast from your butcher and cook that, it is the cuts off like prime rib but definitely not the "mass produce" feeling...

    get a little horseradish sauce with it and some roasted freaking good!!!

    Are you from the Northeast, specifically the Buffalo area?

    I didn't think anyone outside of that region knew about horseradish, much less ate the stuff.

    I am from PA and it is fairly common here to do horseradish on roast beef

    PA is still the Northeast. Horseradish on beef, specifically roast beef w/ a kimmelwick roll, is a hometown Buffalo thing, so that's why I was wondering.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

    next time you have a family gathering or something get a standing rib roast from your butcher and cook that, it is the cuts off like prime rib but definitely not the "mass produce" feeling...

    get a little horseradish sauce with it and some roasted freaking good!!!

    Are you from the Northeast, specifically the Buffalo area?

    I didn't think anyone outside of that region knew about horseradish, much less ate the stuff.

    ha, yea, originally from Boston but live in the south. Oh no, people down here eat horse radish usually in combination with cocktail sauce on oysters...

  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

    next time you have a family gathering or something get a standing rib roast from your butcher and cook that, it is the cuts off like prime rib but definitely not the "mass produce" feeling...

    get a little horseradish sauce with it and some roasted freaking good!!!

    Are you from the Northeast, specifically the Buffalo area?

    I didn't think anyone outside of that region knew about horseradish, much less ate the stuff.

    I am from PA and it is fairly common here to do horseradish on roast beef

    PA is still the Northeast. Horseradish on beef, specifically roast beef w/ a kimmelwick roll, is a hometown Buffalo thing, so that's why I was wondering.

    Interesting. "Beef on Weck" is a common thing here too, but I mostly attribute that to Western PA. But I guess Western PA and Buffalo really aren't that far apart.
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    glevinso wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    So-called "prime rib", to me, always feels like banquet food. You know the type - kinda bland, mass produced for 100+ people, but not egregiously bad.

    next time you have a family gathering or something get a standing rib roast from your butcher and cook that, it is the cuts off like prime rib but definitely not the "mass produce" feeling...

    get a little horseradish sauce with it and some roasted freaking good!!!

    Are you from the Northeast, specifically the Buffalo area?

    I didn't think anyone outside of that region knew about horseradish, much less ate the stuff.

    I am from PA and it is fairly common here to do horseradish on roast beef

    PA is still the Northeast. Horseradish on beef, specifically roast beef w/ a kimmelwick roll, is a hometown Buffalo thing, so that's why I was wondering.

    Interesting. "Beef on Weck" is a common thing here too, but I mostly attribute that to Western PA. But I guess Western PA and Buffalo really aren't that far apart.

    Nope, anywhere from Pittsburgh, to Saint Mary's to Erie are all within 1 - 3 hours driving time.

    Beef on Weck originated in Buffalo though. ;)