Feeling sick after eating eggs?



  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »




    This makes me sad. I thought I was finally going to find out why eggs don't like me!
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    It sounds like you have a psychological issue with them, because, um... you wouldn't have thrown up eggs you ate on a Friday on a Monday. You digest things more quickly than that. AND were it an allergy thing, eggs in baked goods would bother you too.

    Just stop trying to eat eggs.

    Not true... food poisoning takes about 48hours to have an effect on your system...

    Food poisoning, because it is bacteria or a virus. Allergies are much quicker.
  • laurainottawa
    laurainottawa Posts: 64 Member
    I had a similar experience. As a kid, eating fried eggs used to leave me with an upset stomach, so I stopped eating them. Could always eat them baked into things.

    I don't have an allergy, but the thought of eating fried eggs still turns my stomach. No thanks
  • amberfitzy
    amberfitzy Posts: 1 Member
    I have an egg allergy, but mine is within 45 minutes of eating them, I get severe stomach cramps and it comes out of me at all angles (gross I know) but I'm okay with cake ect apparently that's pretty common with an egg allergy, ive tried just the white and was ill and just the yolk and I was ill so I gave up on them, tried them again today and I'm ill haha, finding it hard on what to eat for breakfast now though, I'm not keen on sausages, ive gone off of bacon I cant handle fruit first thing in the morning so I'm scouting the internet for ideas
  • CherokeeEssence
    CherokeeEssence Posts: 1 Member
    edited April 2016
    I hope this can help a few people out there.(I know this is an old thread, but someone will read it eventually)
    I had a car wreck 2.5 yrs ago, in this wreck the battery spewed onto the motor, and I inhaled all matter of "god only knows".... Since then I have had numerous stomach problems. The toxins damaged my stomach, and intestines, it even had some effect on my mouth, all of which are a part of the digestion process. My good flora was basically dead, as well as most of the villi in my digestive tract. You cant digest a lot like this, and eggs are one thing I formerly had no problem with that now seemed to hate me. My gut flora was so out of balance that I had candida growing out of control in my digestive tract.
    Dr.s weren't helping with the toxins still in my system, nor my stomach. They just gave me tagamet...... which didn't help.
    I finally called an herbalist i use to go to, when we got off the phone I felt like my life might actually normalize again one day. And I was right.
    My herbalist explained that I probably had a lot of damage to my digestive tract and the first order was to get on some PB8 (a high quality pro-biotics ) and Proactazyme (for the enzymes I needed to replenish.) I also purchased some Aloe juice per his advice, (to coat and sooth my stomach) and between the three began healing.
    It is a long road and takes a lot of time to get healed if this is your problem (the gut flora imbalance can happen on the normal American diet these days) Maybe even a year or more of treatment, but it is worth it, and it is the only way you can get the flora back right again.
    BUT, I can eat eggs again.
    If you live to far out to drive into an herbalist, or don't know where to find one, I will leave mines info at the bottom of the page. No, I don't get anything from it, except that I know I might have helped someone else. And maybe saved them a lot of pain. Here's to your health, and eggs!!

    [edited by MFP Moderator]
  • hollygalligan
    hollygalligan Posts: 2 Member
    This happens to me as well and it has been that way since I was pregnant in 1996. I ate an egg bake casserole this morning. (I rarely eat eggs and have also considered the fact that it was psychological), but alas, that same ol' nausea is back. It's not worth it for me, just need to find an alternate breakfast food. Best wishes!
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    A lot of people have problems eating eggs, especially the yolk. You could try eating just the white (you can buy cartons of frozen egg whites if you don't want to waste the yolk) or just eat something else and skip eggs.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    ana3067 wrote: »
    You would not eat something on Friday and then throw it up 3 days later. You'd have already pooped it out. If you are allergic to eggs, then stop eating them. I used to be mildly allergic to eggs and stopped eating them because they upset my stomach. Then my allergy went away on its own and they stopped bothering my stomach. So now I eat them.

    Neither decision required others to help me decide what was best for my digestive health....

    You can either stop eating something that makes you sick or you can keep eating something that makes you sick and continue getting sick. Whether it's the sulfur or the egg in its entirety doesn't matter because you can't change its properties to avoid getting sick. So, like, your call. Choosing sickness over feeling good just because you own chickens though is kind of a silly as frak choice, but to each his/her own.

    Again...really? stop giving false information. Food poisoning or allergies take 48 hours to have an impact on your system. Source: years of training on this as hospitality manager where I have dealt with many complaints for food poisoning...

    What?? No. Food allergies can be immediate and life threatening.
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    Eggs have never agreed with me so I just quit eating them. I threw them up once as a child and didn't eat them again for years...then noticed they upset my stomach so I just quit completely. Don't need them anyway.
  • Nikion901
    Nikion901 Posts: 2,467 Member
    Back when I was a grade-schooler and my ma habitually overcooked my eggs into hard cooked sunny-side up, I started getting sick just smelling the eggs cook and avoided them for many years. Fast forward to getting married and cooking for a man who liked to eat eggs over-easy with a side of bacon and home fried potatoes ... and I didn't get sick when I had some.

    It had something to do with the eggs being over cooked. Maybe you cooked yours too long also?
  • monicagc2014
    monicagc2014 Posts: 1 Member
    I want to share my story I hope it'll help somebody understand what's going on- i am from Costa Rica and move to Florida 2 years ago, I have been working out for 6 years and learnt i must eat protein in order to build muscle so of course I started eating more eggs, more chicken and less carbs; this is 6 years ago, but never ever had a problem with CHICKEN or EGGS until I moved into this country and within 2 weeks my stomach got bloated every single night, I had no idea what was happening to me until I realized every time I eat chicken I get sick, in fact tonight I had eggs for dinner and I have so much pain I had to google why eggs make me so sick!!!! I am to a point where I know I have to move out of this country because this bloating and pain issue just won't go away, not matter what kinda eggs I eat it's a hit or miss, one day I am ok when I eat them other days I am pretty sick. I went back home 2 months ago and ate chicken and eggs like crazy because I know, there r just not gonna make me sick. By the way I stopped eating chicken a year ago, just can't eat it, now eggs is getting to be same. The only thing I know for a fact my country DOES NOT use hormones, antibiotics and overload grains with pesticides which r given to chickens. Just to compare the size of a chicken breast in Costa Rica to a chicken breast here it's too obvious! Chicken here is triple the size, it's sickening. So for those who think they have some kind allergy, I can tell u I am not allergic to eggs because I can eat them back home and never ever feel sick. NEVER.
  • cmtigger
    cmtigger Posts: 1,450 Member
    I want to share my story I hope it'll help somebody understand what's going on- i am from Costa Rica and move to Florida 2 years ago, I have been working out for 6 years and learnt i must eat protein in order to build muscle so of course I started eating more eggs, more chicken and less carbs; this is 6 years ago, but never ever had a problem with CHICKEN or EGGS until I moved into this country and within 2 weeks my stomach got bloated every single night, I had no idea what was happening to me until I realized every time I eat chicken I get sick, in fact tonight I had eggs for dinner and I have so much pain I had to google why eggs make me so sick!!!! I am to a point where I know I have to move out of this country because this bloating and pain issue just won't go away, not matter what kinda eggs I eat it's a hit or miss, one day I am ok when I eat them other days I am pretty sick. I went back home 2 months ago and ate chicken and eggs like crazy because I know, there r just not gonna make me sick. By the way I stopped eating chicken a year ago, just can't eat it, now eggs is getting to be same. The only thing I know for a fact my country DOES NOT use hormones, antibiotics and overload grains with pesticides which r given to chickens. Just to compare the size of a chicken breast in Costa Rica to a chicken breast here it's too obvious! Chicken here is triple the size, it's sickening. So for those who think they have some kind allergy, I can tell u I am not allergic to eggs because I can eat them back home and never ever feel sick. NEVER.

    You do realize that if residue of the so called "hormones," "antibiotics," and pesticides were to be found in eggs or chicken meat the producers would be fined a lot, and forced to recall the food, which is more money.

    I think either you are developing an allergy to chicken products, or are sensitive to something you usually eat with them.
  • SeptemberFeyre
    SeptemberFeyre Posts: 178 Member
    edited June 2017
    I have this problem too, though I've only developed it in the last few years. It's called egg intolerance and apparently my body has stopped making enough enzyme to digest the protien found in the egg. I can eat baked goods with egg in them a good amount of the time, but if I try to eat egg by itself I get nauseous, cramps, and have a seriously bad stomachache for 8 awful hours. Apparently I do okay with the small amount of egg in a cake or cookie, or whatever. Does any of this sound familiar or is yours not this bad?

    Edited to add: I just realized how old this thread is but maybe my experience will help someone figure out their own problem